1c. Any roll of tobacco wrapped in any substance containing tobacco which,
2because of its appearance, the type of tobacco used in the filler, or its packaging and
3labeling, is likely to be offered to, or purchased by, consumers as a cigarette described
4in subd. 1. a.
SB357,168,75 2. The term "cigarette" includes "roll-your-own" tobacco, which is tobacco that,
6because of its appearance, type, packaging or labeling, is suitable for use and likely
7to be offered to, or purchased by, consumers as tobacco for making cigarettes.
SB357,168,98 3. For purposes of this definition of "cigarette", 0.09 ounces of "roll-your-own"
9tobacco constitutes one individual "cigarette".
SB357,168,1210 (e) "Master settlement agreement" means the settlement agreement and
11related documents entered into on November 23, 1998, by this state and the leading
12U.S. tobacco product manufacturers.
SB357,168,1913 (f) "Qualified escrow fund" means an escrow arrangement with a federally or
14state chartered financial institution having no affiliation with any tobacco product
15manufacturer and having assets of at least $1,000,000,000, which arrangement
16requires that the financial institution hold the escrowed funds' principal for the
17benefit of releasing parties and prohibits the tobacco product manufacturer placing
18the funds into escrow from using, accessing or directing the use of the funds' principal
19except as is consistent with sub. (2) (b) 2.
SB357,168,2120 (g) "Released claims" means released claims as that term is defined in the
21master settlement agreement.
SB357,168,2322 (h) "Releasing parties" means releasing parties as that term is defined in the
23master settlement agreement.
1(i) 1. "Tobacco product manufacturer" means an entity that after the effective
2date of this subdivision .... [revisor inserts date], directly, and not exclusively through
3any affiliate:
SB357,169,154 a. Manufactures cigarettes anywhere, which the manufacturer intends to be
5sold in the United States, including cigarettes intended to be sold in the United
6States through an importer, except that "tobacco product manufacturer does not
7include an entity that manufactures cigarettes that it intends to be sold in the United
8States if those cigarettes are sold in the United States exclusively through an
9importer that is an original participating manufacturer, as defined in the master
10settlement agreement, that will be responsible for the payments under the master
11settlement agreement with respect to those cigarettes as a result of the provisions
12of subsection II (mm) of the master settlement agreement and that pays the taxes
13specified in subsection II (z) of the master settlement agreement, and the
14manufacturer of those cigarettes does not market or advertise those cigarettes in the
15United States;
SB357,169,1816 b. Is the first purchaser anywhere for resale in the United States, of cigarettes
17manufactured anywhere that the manufacturer did not intend to be sold in the
18United States; or
SB357,169,1919 c. Becomes a successor of an entity described in subd. 1. a. or b.
SB357,169,2120 2. "Tobacco product manufacturer" does not include an affiliate of a tobacco
21product manufacturer unless the affiliate itself falls within subd. 1. a., b. or c.
SB357,170,222 (j) "Units sold" means the number of individual cigarettes sold in this state by
23the applicable tobacco product manufacturer, whether directly or through a
24distributor, retailer or similar intermediary, during the year in question, as

1measured by the excise taxes collected by this state on containers of "roll-your-own"
2tobacco and on packs of cigarettes bearing the excise tax stamp of this state.
SB357,170,6 3(2) Requirements. Any tobacco product manufacturer selling cigarettes to
4consumers within this state, whether directly or through a distributor, retailer or
5similar intermediary, after the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts
6date], shall do one of the following:
SB357,170,97 (a) Become a participating manufacturer, as that term is defined in section II
8(jj) of the master settlement agreement, and generally perform its financial
9obligations under the master settlement agreement; or
SB357,170,1110 (b) 1. Place into a qualified escrow fund by April 15 of the year following the
11listed year the following amounts, as those amounts are adjusted for inflation:
SB357,170,1312 a. For 1999: $.0094241 per unit sold after the effective date of this subdivision
13paragraph .... [revisor inserts date].
SB357,170,1414 b. For 2000: $.0104712 per unit sold.
SB357,170,1515 c. For each of 2001 and 2002: $.0136125 per unit sold.
SB357,170,1616 d. For each of 2003 to 2006: $.0167539 per unit sold.
SB357,170,1717 e. For each year after 2006: $.0188482 per unit sold.
SB357,170,2118 2. A tobacco product manufacturer that places money into escrow under subd.
191. shall receive the interest or other appreciation on that money as earned. The
20money placed into escrow shall be released from escrow only under the following
SB357,171,222 a. To pay a judgment or settlement on any released claim brought against that
23tobacco product manufacturer by this state or any releasing party located or residing
24in this state. Moneys shall be released from escrow under this paragraph in the order

1in which they were placed into escrow and only to the extent and at the time
2necessary to make payments required under the judgment or settlement.
SB357,171,113 b. To the extent that a tobacco product manufacturer establishes that the
4amount it was required to place into escrow in a particular year was greater than the
5state's allocable share of the total payments that the manufacturer would have been
6required to make in that year under the master settlement agreement had it been
7a participating manufacturer, as those payments are determined under section IX
8(i) (2) of the master settlement agreement and before any of the adjustments or
9offsets described in section IX (i) (3) of that agreement other than the inflation
10adjustment, the excess shall be released from escrow and revert to that tobacco
11product manufacturer.
SB357,171,1412 c. To the extent not released from escrow under subd. 2. a. or b., money shall
13be released from escrow and revert to the tobacco product manufacturer twenty-five
14years after the date on which the money was placed into escrow.
SB357,171,2115 3. Each tobacco product manufacturer that elects to place money into escrow
16under subd. 1. shall annually certify to the attorney general by each April 15 that the
17tobacco product manufacturer is in compliance with subds. 1. and 2. The attorney
18general may bring a civil action on behalf of the state against any tobacco product
19manufacturer that fails to place into escrow the moneys required under this
20subsection. Any tobacco product manufacturer that fails in any year to place into
21escrow the money required under subd. 1. shall:
SB357,172,222 a. Be required within 15 days to place money into escrow as shall bring the
23tobacco product manufacturer into compliance with this subsection. The court, upon
24a finding of violation of this paragraph, may impose a civil penalty in an amount not
25to exceed 5% of the amount improperly withheld from escrow per day of the violation

1and in a total amount not to exceed 100% of the original amount improperly withheld
2from escrow.
SB357,172,83 b. In the case of a knowing violation, be required within 15 days to place such
4funds into escrow as shall bring it into compliance with this subsection. The court,
5upon a finding of a knowing violation of this paragraph, may impose a civil penalty
6in an amount not to exceed 15% of the amount improperly withheld from escrow per
7day of the violation and in a total amount not to exceed 300% of the original amount
8improperly withheld from escrow.
SB357,172,119 c. In the case of a second or subsequent knowing violation, be prohibited from
10selling cigarettes to consumers within this state directly or through a distributor,
11retailer or similar intermediary for a period not to exceed 2 years.
SB357,172,1312 4. Each failure to make an annual deposit required under this subsection shall
13constitute a separate violation.
SB357,172,16 14(3) Awards of costs and attorney fees. If the attorney general is the prevailing
15party in an action under this section, the court shall award the attorney general costs
16and, notwithstanding s. 814.04 (1), reasonable attorney fees.
SB357,172,19 17(4) Promulgation of rules. The department of revenue shall promulgate the
18rules necessary to ascertain the amount of Wisconsin excise tax paid on the cigarettes
19of each tobacco product manufacturer for each year.
SB357, s. 392 20Section 392. 911.01 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB357,173,221 911.01 (4) (c) Miscellaneous proceedings. Proceedings for extradition or
22rendition; sentencing, or granting or revoking probation, modification of a bifurcated
23sentence under s. 302.113 (9g),
issuance of arrest warrants, criminal summonses and
24search warrants; proceedings under s. 971.14 (1) (c); proceedings with respect to

1pretrial release under ch. 969 except where habeas corpus is utilized with respect to
2release on bail or as otherwise provided in ch. 969.
SB357, s. 393 3Section 393. 938.208 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB357,173,84 938.208 (1) (a) Probable cause exists to believe that the juvenile has committed
5a delinquent act that would be a felony under s. 940.01, 940.02, 940.03, 940.05,
6940.19 (2) to (6), 940.21, 940.225 (1), 940.31, 941.20 (3), 943.02 (1), 943.23 (1g), (1m)
7or (1r), 943.32 (2), 947.013 (1t), (1v) or (1x), 948.02 (1) or (2), 948.025 or 948.03 if
8committed by an adult.
SB357, s. 394 9Section 394. 938.34 (4h) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB357,173,1610 938.34 (4h) (a) The juvenile is 14 years of age or over and has been adjudicated
11delinquent for committing a violation of s. 939.31, 939.32 (1) (a), 940.03, 940.21,
12940.225 (1), 940.305, 940.31, 941.327 (2) (b) 4., 943.02, 943.10 (2), 943.23 (1g), (1m)
13or (1r), 943.32 (2), 948.02 (1), 948.025, (1) or 948.30 (2), 948.35 (1) (b) or 948.36 or the
14juvenile is 10 years of age or over and has been adjudicated delinquent for attempting
15or committing a violation of s. 940.01 or for committing a violation of 940.02 or
SB357, s. 395 17Section 395. 938.34 (4m) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB357,173,2118 938.34 (4m) (b) 1. The juvenile has committed a delinquent act that would be
19a felony under s. 940.01, 940.02, 940.03, 940.05, 940.19 (2) to (6), 940.21, 940.225 (1),
20940.31, 941.20 (3), 943.02 (1), 943.23 (1g), (1m) or (1r), 943.32 (2), 947.013 (1t), (1v)
21or (1x), 948.02 (1) or (2), 948.025 or 948.03 if committed by an adult.
SB357, s. 396 22Section 396. 938.355 (2d) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB357,174,523 938.355 (2d) (b) 3. That the parent has committed a violation of s. 940.19 (3),
241997 stats., or
s. 940.19 (2), (3), (4) or (5), 940.225 (1) or (2), 948.02 (1) or (2), 948.025
25or 948.03 (2) (a) or (3) (a) or a violation of the law of any other state or federal law,

1if that violation would be a violation of s. 940.19 (2), (3), (4) or (5), 940.225 (1) or (2),
2948.02 (1) or (2), 948.025 or 948.03 (2) (a) or (3) (a) if committed in this state, and that
3the violation resulted in great bodily harm, as defined in s. 938.22 939.22 (14), or in
4substantial bodily harm, as defined in s. 938.22 939.22 (38), to the juvenile or another
5child of the parent.
SB357, s. 397 6Section 397. 938.355 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB357,174,157 938.355 (4) (b) An order under s. 938.34 (4d), (4h) or (4m) for which a juvenile
8has been adjudicated delinquent is subject to par. (a), except that the judge may make
9an order under s. 938.34 (4d) or (4m) apply for up to 2 years or until the juvenile's 18th
10birthdate, whichever is earlier and the judge shall make an order under s. 938.34 (4h)
11apply for 5 years, if the juvenile is adjudicated delinquent for committing a violation
12of s. 943.10 (2) or
for committing an act that would be punishable as a Class B or C
13felony if committed by an adult, or until the juvenile reaches 25 years of age, if the
14juvenile is adjudicated delinquent for committing an act that would be punishable
15as a Class A felony if committed by an adult.
SB357, s. 398 16Section 398. 938.78 (3) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9,
17is amended to read:
SB357,175,1218 938.78 (3) If a juvenile adjudged delinquent under s. 48.12, 1993 stats., or s.
19938.12 or found to be in need of protection or services under s. 48.13 (12), 1993 stats.,
20or s. 48.13 (14), 1993 stats., or s. 938.13 (12) or (14) on the basis of a violation of s.
21943.23 (1m) or (1r), 1997 stats., or s. 941.10, 941.11, 941.20, 941.21, 941.23, 941.235,
22941.237, 941.24, 941.26, 941.28, 941.295, 941.298, 941.30, 941.31, 941.32, 941.325,
23943.02, 943.03, 943.04, 943.10 (2) (a), 943.23 (1g), (1m) or (1r), 943.32 (2), 948.02,
24948.025, 948.03, 948.05, 948.055, 948.60, 948.605 or 948.61 or any crime specified in
25ch. 940 has escaped from a secured correctional facility, child caring institution,

1secured group home, inpatient facility, as defined in s. 51.01 (10), secure detention
2facility or juvenile portion of a county jail, or from the custody of a peace officer or
3a guard of such a facility, institution or jail, or has been allowed to leave a secured
4correctional facility, child caring institution, secured group home, inpatient facility,
5secure detention facility or juvenile portion of a county jail for a specified time period
6and is absent from the facility, institution, home or jail for more than 12 hours after
7the expiration of the specified period, the department or county department having
8supervision over the juvenile may release the juvenile's name and any information
9about the juvenile that is necessary for the protection of the public or to secure the
10juvenile's return to the facility, institution, home or jail. The department of
11corrections shall promulgate rules establishing guidelines for the release of the
12juvenile's name or information about the juvenile to the public.
SB357, s. 399 13Section 399. 939.22 (21) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB357,175,1514 939.22 (21) (d) Battery, substantial battery or aggravated battery, as
15prohibited in s. 940.19 or 940.195.
SB357, s. 400 16Section 400. 939.30 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB357,175,2017 939.30 (1) Except as provided in sub. (2) and ss. 948.35 and s. 961.455, whoever,
18with intent that a felony be committed, advises another to commit that crime under
19circumstances that indicate unequivocally that he or she has the intent is guilty of
20a Class D H felony.
SB357, s. 401 21Section 401. 939.30 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB357,175,2422 939.30 (2) For a solicitation to commit a crime for which the penalty is life
23imprisonment, the actor is guilty of a Class C F felony. For a solicitation to commit
24a Class E I felony, the actor is guilty of a Class E I felony.
SB357, s. 402 25Section 402. 939.32 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
1939.32 (1) Generally. (intro.) Whoever attempts to commit a felony or a crime
2specified in s. 940.19, 940.195 or 943.20 may be fined or imprisoned or both not to
3exceed one-half the maximum penalty for the completed crime;
as provided under
4sub. (1g),
SB357, s. 403 5Section 403. 939.32 (1) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
SB357, s. 404 6Section 404. 939.32 (1) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB357,176,97 939.32 (1) (bm) Whoever attempts to commit a Class I felony, other than one
8to which a penalty enhancement statute listed in s. 973.01 (2) (c) 2. a. or b. is being
9applied, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
SB357, s. 405 10Section 405. 939.32 (1g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB357,176,1211 939.32 (1g) Maximum penalty. The maximum penalty for an attempt to commit
12a crime that is punishable under sub. (1) (intro.) is as follows:
SB357,176,1313 (a) The maximum fine is one-half of the maximum fine for the completed crime.
SB357,176,1614 (b) 1. If s. 939.62 is not being applied, the maximum term of imprisonment is
15one-half of the maximum term of imprisonment, as increased by any penalty
16enhancement statute listed in s. 973.01 (2) (c) 2. a. and b., for the completed crime.
SB357,176,1817 2. If s. 939.62 is being applied, the maximum term of imprisonment is
18determined by the following method:
SB357,176,2119 a. Multiplying by one-half the maximum term of imprisonment, as increased
20by any penalty enhancement statute listed in s. 973.01 (2) (c) 2. a. and b., for the
21completed crime.
SB357,176,2222 b. Applying s. 939.62 to the product under subd. 2. a.
SB357, s. 406 23Section 406. 939.32 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
1939.32 (1m) Bifurcated sentences. If the court imposes a bifurcated sentence
2under s. 973.01 (1) for an attempt to commit a crime that is punishable under sub.
3(1) (intro.), the following requirements apply:
SB357,177,94 (a) Maximum term of confinement for attempt to commit classified felony. 1.
5Subject to the minimum term of extended supervision required under s. 973.01 (2)
6(d), if the crime is a classified felony and s. 939.62 is not being applied, the maximum
7term of confinement in prison is one-half of the maximum term of confinement in
8prison specified in s. 973.01 (2) (b), as increased by any penalty enhancement statute
9listed in s. 973.01 (2) (c) 2. a. and b., for the classified felony.
SB357,177,1310 2. Subject to the minimum term of extended supervision required under s.
11973.01 (2) (d), if the crime is a classified felony and s. 939.62 is being applied, the
12court shall determine the maximum term of confinement in prison by the following
SB357,177,1614 a. Multiplying by one-half the maximum term of confinement in prison
15specified in s. 973.01 (2) (b), as increased by any penalty enhancement statutes listed
16in s. 973.01 (2) (c) 2. a. and b., for the classified felony.
SB357,177,1717 b. Applying s. 939.62 to the product under subd. 2. a.
SB357,177,2118 (b) Maximum term of extended supervision for attempt to commit classified
The maximum term of extended supervision for an attempt to commit a
20classified felony is one-half of the maximum term of extended supervision for the
21completed crime under s. 973.01 (2) (d).
SB357,178,222 (c) Maximum term of confinement for attempt to commit unclassified felony or
The court shall determine the maximum term of confinement in
24prison for an attempt to commit a crime other than a classified felony by applying

1s. 973.01 (2) (b) 10. to the maximum term of imprisonment calculated under sub. (1g)
SB357, s. 407 3Section 407. 939.32 (2) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
SB357,178,44 939.32 (2) (title) Misdemeanors.
SB357, s. 408 5Section 408. 939.32 (3) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
SB357,178,66 939.32 (3) (title) Requirements.
SB357, s. 409 7Section 409. 939.50 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB357,178,98 939.50 (1) (intro.) Except as provided in ss. 946.83 and 946.85, felonies Felonies
9in chs. 939 to 951 the statutes are classified as follows:
SB357, s. 410 10Section 410. 939.50 (1) (bc) of the statutes is repealed.
SB357, s. 411 11Section 411. 939.50 (1) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
SB357,178,1212 939.50 (1) (f) Class F felony.
SB357, s. 412 13Section 412. 939.50 (1) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB357,178,1414 939.50 (1) (g) Class G felony.
SB357, s. 413 15Section 413. 939.50 (1) (h) of the statutes is created to read:
SB357,178,1616 939.50 (1) (h) Class H felony.
SB357, s. 414 17Section 414. 939.50 (1) (i) of the statutes is created to read:
SB357,178,1818 939.50 (1) (i) Class I felony.
SB357, s. 415 19Section 415. 939.50 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB357,178,2120 939.50 (2) A felony is a Class A, B, BC, C, D or, E, F, G, H or I felony when it
21is so specified in chs. 939 to 951 the statutes.