Anhydrous ammonia: storage and handling regulations created; penalty and civil liability provisions  - AB703
Anhydrous ammonia: storage and handling regulations created; penalty and civil liability provisions  - SB351
Antidiscrimination housing ordinance revision re removal of action to circuit court -  AB874
CASA program: recognition authority revised, memorandum of understanding; juvenile court, reporting child abuse or neglect and civil liability immunity provisions  - AB532
CASA program: recognition authority revised, memorandum of understanding; juvenile court, reporting child abuse or neglect and civil liability immunity provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, juveniles in need of protection provisions removed; S.Amdt.1: confidentiality provision revised]  - SB106
Cigarettes intended for sale outside the U.S.: affixing a tax stamp prohibited; suit for damages or injunctive relief allowed - AB898
Cigarettes intended for sale outside the U.S.: affixing a tax stamp prohibited; suit for damages or injunctive relief allowed - SB413
Confidentiality law violations re health care and mental health records, HIV test results and insurer personal medical information: penalties and damages revised [A.Amdt.2: felony crime provisions] -  AB428
Controlled substance use: recovery of damages for injury or costs permitted -  AB204
Electronic mail solicitation restrictions and liability provisions created -  AB403
Emergency vehicle: town not liable for failure to respond if private road or driveway does not meet standards  - AB220
Epinephrine auto-injector use on pupils re life-threatening allergic reaction: civil liability immunity for school bus operator, employe or volunteer created [A.Amdt.1: civil liability immunity limited to school bus operators]  - AB714
Family and medical leave law revisions re filing complaint, appealing denial of leave and civil action to recover damages - AB475
Felon's right to recover personal damages limited -  SB78
Injury caused by incest: civil action to recover damages expanded to include sexual assault of a child and time limit increased -  SB304
Lead hazard: dwelling requirements and inspections, liability immunity for property owners, admissibility of dust tests, residential lead liability fund, oil overchange fund, WHEDA loan programs, DHFS duties and grant provisions  - SB232
Lead poisoning or exposure prevention and treatment program revisions re inspections, certificates and Milwaukee; civil and criminal liability immunity; state residential lead liability fund created; registry of properties certified lead-free or lead-safe [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, state residential lead liability fund and Milwaukee provision removed, OCI report required; S.Amdt.1 to Engr. AB-806: DHFS report required]  - AB806
Loss of society and companionship in medical malpractice cases re adult children and parents -  AB771
Managed care plan revisions re appealing decision of internal grievance panel, referral to specialist provider and damages for denial of benefits -  AB520
Managed care plan revisions re appealing decision of internal grievance panel, referral to specialist provider and damages for denial of benefits -  SB258
Motor vehicle accident: recovery of noneconomic damages revised re lack of insurance, revoked license, OWI conviction or BAC test refusal -  AB436
Personal injury action: court authority to allow inspection of relevant medical and other records revised  - AB401
Personal injury action: court authority to allow inspection of relevant medical and other records revised  - SB201
Private action for injuries re failure of private person to comply with governmental unit contract - AB945
Private campground: civil liability immunity to owner, operator, employes and agents -  AB698
Safety inspections and advisory services: civil liability immunity expanded; bringing of action revised  - AB180
Self-mutilation by a child: felony crime created for inducing or causing -  SB213
Semiautomatic defibrillator use by certain persons: civil liability immunity created; DHFS duty specified  - AB239
Semiautomatic defibrillator use by certain persons: civil liability immunity created; DHFS duty specified  - SB90
Structured settlement payment right: conditions for transfer created -  SB298
Threat to cause death, bodily harm or property damage aimed at certain public structures: felony crime created  - SB239
Threat to cause death, bodily harm or property damage aimed at certain structures: felony crime created  - SB191
Threat to cause property damage or bodily harm or death in certain cases re educational institutions: prohibitions created - SB383
Unfair trade practice: separate private right of action for damages created -  SB426
Wrongful birth or wrongful life action: immunity from liability created -  AB535
Cemetery and religiously significant property: maximum imprisonment for criminal damage to increased  - AB121
Endangered resources program and damage claims funding from additional contributions by corporations on tax returns and use of special plate fees [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 306m, 594k, 1748b, 9343 (2g)] -  AB133
Flags of the U.S. and Wisconsin: penalties created re damage to or destruction of; penalty enhancer for hate violations  - AB79
Flags of the U.S. and Wisconsin: penalties created re damage to or destruction of; penalty enhancer for hate violations  - SB16
Forest product harvesting laws revised re landowner recovering damages, notifying local units of government and forfeiture on seized property -  AB504
Highways in need of repair and accumulation of snow or ice: liability of cities, villages, towns and counties for damages repealed -  AB580
Highways in need of repair: liability of cities, villages, towns and counties for damages repealed -  AB325
OWI offense created re damage to property -  SB508
OWI offense created re prohibited BAC within two hours of certain motor vehicle accidents -  AB238
OWI offense created re prohibited BAC within two hours of certain motor vehicle accidents -  SB94
Private campground: civil liability immunity to owner, operator, employes and agents -  AB698
Raw forest product cutting or removing: failure to pay re contract prohibited; civil action provision  - AB669
Sentence and penalty revisions re new felony classes, property offenses, murder, carjacking, certain misdemeanor and minimum penalty provisions, mandatory consecutive sentences, penalty enhancers, bifurcated sentences, extended supervision and life imprisonment; Sentencing commission recreated [Criminal penalties study committee recommended legislation] - AB465
Sentence and penalty revisions re new felony classes, property offenses, murder, carjacking, certain misdemeanor and minimum penalty provisions, mandatory consecutive sentences, penalty enhancers, bifurcated sentences, extended supervision and life imprisonment; Sentencing commission recreated [Criminal penalties study committee recommended legislation] - SB237
Sentence and penalty revisions re new felony classes, property offenses, murder, carjacking, certain misdemeanor and minimum penalty provisions, mandatory consecutive sentences, penalty enhancers, bifurcated sentences, extended supervision and life imprisonment; court-ordered drug treatment option; sentencing decision provisions; Sentencing commission recreated [includes Criminal penalties study committee recommended legislation] [for section numbers, see entry under ``Sentences and penalties"] -  SB357
Threat to cause death, bodily harm or property damage aimed at certain public structures: felony crime created  - SB239
Threat to cause death, bodily harm or property damage aimed at certain structures: felony crime created  - SB191
Threat to cause property damage or bodily harm or death in certain cases re educational institutions: prohibitions created - SB383
Unauthorized release of animals: criminal and civil law revisions -  AB92
Unauthorized release of animals: criminal and civil law revisions -  SB21
Vehicles transporting bulk material on highway: liability for spilling waste or foreign matter; load cover requirements, exception provided; mudguards on vehicles with dump bodies - SB265
Wild cranes: U.W. and International crane foundation to study crop damage [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 308k, L, 565m, 9136 (10m), 9436 (8m)] -  AB133
Wildlife damage abatement and claim programs: coverage extended to raccoons -  AB861
Wildlife damage claims: gray wolf considered endangered or threatened [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1720m]  - AB133
dane countyDane county
Assistant DA position to develop and operate restorative justice programs in certain counties; Corr.Dept and LAB duties; report required; sunset provision -  AB533
Assistant DA positions for certain counties -  AB615
Assistant DA positions for certain counties [Sec. 9101, 9201 (1), 9401] -  SB357
Conservation reserve enhancement program [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 183t, 1933g; Conf.Amdt.1: funding and program expanded, grassland habitat provision, prohibition re use of land for game bird, deer, animal or fur farm, 183tm, 637e, 1933gm, deletes 183t, 1933g] -  AB133
Dane county lakes and watershed commission membership [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 877m-r]  - AB133
Dane county regional planning commission changes; Governor to appoint task force to study and make recommendations; sunset provided [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9121 (1w), 9158 (8w)] -  AB133
Dane county regional planning commission membership revised, dissolution date set; new multi-county commission created; single county commissions prohibited [Sec. 1641-1643, 9158 (1); original bill only]  - AB133
Dane county regional planning commission membership revised, dissolution date set; new multi-county commission created; single county commissions prohibited [Sec. 1641-1643, 9158 (1)] -  SB45
Drug prosecutions in Dane and Milwaukee counties: funding for [Sec. 9101 (2), (3)] -  AB133
Drug prosecutions in Dane and Milwaukee counties: funding for [Sec. 9101 (2), (3)] -  SB45
Light rail service contracting limited; expenditures prohibited; exception re USH 12 memorandum of agreement; sunset provided [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1642m, 1849gm, 9150 (3bm)] -  AB133
Medical condition and history of prisoners in jail or house of correction: Corr.Dept to develop standardized form, required for transfer of prisoners in certain counties [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, requirements established, specific counties provision removed] -  AB795
Parole, probation and extended supervision effectiveness: Corr.Dept required to improve in certain counties [Sec. 268, 269, 9111] -  SB357
Stewardship 2000: funding of Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson stewardship program; land acquisition and protection; local grants; signage; JCF review; report on land prices [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Natural resource"] -  AB133
d.a.r.e. wisconsin, ltdD.A.R.E. Wisconsin, Ltd.
Special distinguishing registration plates re Green Bay Packers supporters; additional annual fee made a tax deductible contribution to specific children's organizations  - AB140
Special distinguishing registration plates re Green Bay Packers supporters; additional annual fee made a tax deductible contribution to specific children's organizations  - SB36
data processingData processing, see also Telecommunications; Year 2000; specific agency
Air emission posting on the Internet [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2554f, 9436 (9c)] -  AB133
Computer crime penalties increased - AB214
Computer personal property tax exemption does not apply to ATMs [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1653b]  - AB133
Computer personal property tax exemption does not apply to ATMs -  AB645
Computer property exempt from taxation: penalty for not reporting revised [Sec. 1656, 9343 (11); original bill only]  - AB133
Computer property exempt from taxation: penalty for not reporting revised [Sec. 1656, 9343 (11)]  - SB45
Computer recycling by Corr.Dept: appropriation created [Sec. 363; original bill only; Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: provisions restored, 362z, 9111 (6e)] - AB133
Computer recycling by Corr.Dept: appropriation created [Sec. 363] -  SB45