Presidential preference primary: date changed and procedure for holding primary concurrently with other Midwestern states created -  AB893
Prisoner confinement in another state: Corr.Dept authority eliminated; withdrawal from interstate corrections compact  - AB295
Prisoner confinement in another state: Corr.Dept authority eliminated; withdrawal from interstate corrections compact  - SB138
Prisoner confinement in another state: report on out-of-state transfers required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9111 (3z); deleted by Conf.Amdt.1] -  AB133
Prisoner identification re making telephone solicitations or answering toll-free calls: regulations created [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2165rx, rz, 2313m-y]  - AB133
Private prisons constructed and operated in this state to confine inmates from another state: conditions established  - AB519
Sales tax rebate for individuals on onetime basis provisions re nonresident with resident spouse, consideration of state or federal monetary assistance and medical assistance; referred to as onetime rebate of nonbusiness consumer sales tax  - OC9 AB3
Sales tax rebate for individuals on onetime basis; school property tax rent credit and school levy tax credit revised [for further revisions, see entry under ``Special session, 1999 — October"] - OC9 AB1
Serious sex offender fleeing to this state to avoid prosecution in another jurisdiction: penalty and penalty enhancer created - SB29
Sex offender registry re parole, probation or extended supervision: information requirements revised; residence change prohibition -  AB99
Solid waste disposal or hazardous waste facility proposal: area outside this state excluded when determining service area - SB457
Solid waste shipped between states: requesting Congress to allow states to limit -  AJR34
Solid waste shipped between states: requesting Congress to allow states to limit -  SJR12
South Carolina asked to stop flying the confederate flag in an official capacity -  AR26
State and national organizations: lapses from certain appropriations for payment of state agency membership dues [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9158 (10g)]  - AB133
Telephone solicitation by prisoners regulated -  AB24
Tourism marketing and economic development: Indian gaming compact moneys for; Tour.Dept appropriation revision [Sec. 342, 343, 554; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, joint effort marketing provision, 343d, 945am-c]  - AB133
Trapping license for nonresidents created -  AB889
Veteran's administration's medical center at Iron Mountain, MI: reduction of certain beds opposed (memorial to Congress) - AJR45
intoxicating liquorIntoxicating liquor, see Alcohol beverage
intrastate relationsIntrastate relations
Firearm or firearm ammunition dealers or firearm trade associations: certain actions brought by governmental units prohibited; civil liability immunity granted - AB246
Governor assistance from state agencies: cooperative arrangements permitted [Sec. 11, 593; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, ``state agencies" changed to ``executive branch agencies", 11ac, 474ac, 593ac, 9421 (1x); Conf.Amdt.1: ``executive branch agencies" changed to ``department of workforce development", TANF provision] -  AB133
Governor assistance from state agencies: cooperative arrangements permitted [Sec. 11, 593] - SB45
Local tax creation or charge against another unit of government: local unit of government approval required. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR121
Metallic mining local agreements [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2652j-L; deleted by Conf.Amdt.1] - AB133
Multiple municipal local health department: municipalities in certain counties may establish [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2400em, qc-qm] -  AB133
PCB-contaminated sediments and leachate: indemnification agreements [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 311a, 2648c] - AB133
Plant protection activities: DATCP cooperative agreements [Sec. 1930] -  AB133
Plant protection activities: DATCP cooperative agreements [Sec. 1930] -  SB45
Prisoner identification re making telephone solicitations or answering toll-free calls: regulations created [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2165rx, rz, 2313m-y]  - AB133
Public safety radio system services contracts [Sec. 357, 704, 1832] -  AB133
Public safety radio system services contracts [Sec. 357, 704, 1832] -  SB45
TEACH program: educational institution sharing of data lines with local units of government [Sec. 964, 965, 2331; original bill only] -  AB133
TEACH program: educational institution sharing of data lines with local units of government [Sec. 964, 965, 2331]  - SB45
investment and local impact fund _ilif_Investment and local impact fund (ILIF), see Mine and mining
investment, government fundInvestment, Government fund
Funds controlled by BCPL: investment of [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 689b-L, 694s, 695b, m, 698c, 699g, s] - AB133
investment boardInvestment board
Comm.Dept statutory reports: certain requirements eliminated and transferred to other agencies [Sec. 70, 71, 699, 700, 890, 1631, 1799, 2378, 2379, 2929, 2934-2936; original bill only] - AB133
Comm.Dept statutory reports: certain requirements eliminated and transferred to other agencies [Sec. 70, 71, 699, 700, 890, 1631, 1799, 2378, 2379, 2929, 2934-2936]  - SB45
Employe bonus compensation plans [Sec. 695-697, 9127 (1); original bill only] -  AB133
Employe bonus compensation plans [Sec. 695-697, 9127 (1)] - SB45
Employe bonus compensation program abolished [A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 694c-r, w, 944m, 9127 (1g), 9427 (1g)]  - AB133
Information technology purchases by the Investment board [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 82m, p, 85m-89m]  - AB133
Investment board prohibited from investing in certain private prisons -  SB379
Investment board purchase of materials and supplies [Sec. 76, 82, 83, 85-89, 92, 103, 104; original bill only]  - AB133
Investment board purchase of materials and supplies [Sec. 76, 82, 83, 85-89, 92, 103, 104] -  SB45
Operating expenditures provision [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 593e, 701p, 9127 (2g)]  - AB133
Outside investment advisors contracting: authorized percent of assets increased [Sec. 701; A.Sub.Amdt.1: percentage revised, use of broker-dealers located in this state, 701m; Conf.Amdt.1: removes percentage of assets provision, deletes 701]  - AB133
Outside investment advisors contracting: authorized percent of assets increased [Sec. 701] -  SB45
Professional football stadium district created; sales and use tax, revenue bonds, transportation aids and LAB audit provisions [for further revisions, see entry under ``Green Bay Packers"] - AB892
iowa countyIowa county
Conservation reserve enhancement program [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 183t, 1933g; Conf.Amdt.1: funding and program expanded, grassland habitat provision, prohibition re use of land for game bird, deer, animal or fur farm, 183tm, 637e, 1933gm, deletes 183t, 1933g] -  AB133
Fish farm or aquaculture use of water from natural body of water [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 783m, 802m; deleted by Conf.Amdt.1]  - AB133
irwin, jimIrwin, Jim
Retirement as Green Bay Packers broadcaster commended -  AR5
Retirement as Green Bay Packers broadcaster commended -  SR3
iverson, donald lIverson, Donald L.
Life and public service - AJR41
j - J -
jackson countyJackson county
Boundaries of Jackson and Monroe counties changed -  AB227
Confinement in jail: county may recoup booking costs -  AB603
Confinement in jail: county may recoup booking costs -  SB292
County jail prisoners moved in an emergency: provisions revised -  AB265
County jailers classified as protective occupation participants under WRS -  AB48
County jailers classified as protective occupation participants under WRS -  SB142
County jailers classified as protective occupation participants under WRS; collective bargaining provisions  - AB921
Home detention program escapes and failure to report to jail: penalties revised -  SB84
Incarceration costs: city, village or town may seek reimbursement from prisoner -  AB171
Medical condition and history of prisoners in jail or house of correction: Corr.Dept to develop standardized form, required for transfer of prisoners in certain counties [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, requirements established, specific counties provision removed] -  AB795
OWI laws revised re seizure of vehicles, ignition interlock device, BAC, increased penalties and operating privilege suspension for underage drinking; Safe-ride grant program created [for revisions, see entry under ``Drunken driving"] - SB125
Pilot literacy program in jails and houses of correction: grants provided; county to pay part of costs [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9101 (11d)] - AB133
Prisoner classification system or segregation option for county jails re housing, supervising, and services and programs - AB568
Sexual assault law expanded re correctional institution employes and persons confined in institutions where they work - AB355
janesville, city ofJanesville, City of
Riverfront parkway development project funding for city of Janesville; sunset provided [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9136 (9f)] -  AB133
Stewardship 2000: funding of Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson stewardship program; land acquisition and protection; local grants; signage; JCF review; report on land prices [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Natural resource"] -  AB133
jefferson countyJefferson county