Food service center project at Southern Wisconsin center for the developmentally disabled; to include proposed plans re transfer from DHFS to DVA [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9101 (19t)]  - AB133
Health care aid: amount DVA may expend per fiscal year limited [Sec. 978; original bill only] - AB133
Health care aid: amount DVA may expend per fiscal year limited [Sec. 978] -  SB45
Health care aid grant program: DVA to review and examine modifications re restraining expenditure growth [A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 9155 (2e)] -  AB133
Military honors and veteran funeral: DVA may provide using members of national guard and certain local organizations; adjutant general authorized to activate guard members  - AB582
Military honors and veteran funeral: DVA may provide using members of national guard and certain local organizations; adjutant general authorized to activate guard members  - SB288
Personal loan program revisions [Sec. 981, 982] -  AB133
Personal loan program revisions [Sec. 981, 982] -  SB45
Retraining grant program: expenditure per fiscal year limited [Sec. 989; A.Sub.Amdt.1: limit removed, 989g, deletes 989] - AB133
Retraining grant program: expenditure per fiscal year limited [Sec. 989] -  SB45
Veteran retraining grant revision; funding for certain veterans residential facility, museum and cemetery; state resource allocation program not applicable to certain nursing home and developmentally disabled centers [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, state resource allocation program provisions removed] - AB820
Veteran services revisions re southeastern Wisconsin facility, DVA authority, training courses, housing loan and trust fund money re World War I veterans -  AB674
Veteran services revisions re southeastern Wisconsin facility, DVA authority, training courses, housing loan and trust fund money re World War I veterans -  SB291
Veterans affairs American Indian services coordinator and grants: funding from Indian gaming compact moneys [Sec. 500, 501, 572, 574, 976; A.Sub.Amdt.1: grants for tribal veterans service officers] -  AB133
Veterans affairs American Indian services coordinator and grants: funding from Indian gaming compact moneys [Sec. 500, 501, 572, 574, 976] -  SB45
Wisconsin veterans museum: mission established [Sec. 966; original bill only] -  AB133
Wisconsin veterans museum: mission established [Sec. 966] - SB45
World War II memorial in Washington, D.C.: DVA may accept contributions for; state to match moneys  - AB65
World War II memorial in Washington, D.C.: DVA may accept contributions for; state to match moneys  - SB70
World War II memorial in Washington, D.C.: 1999 WisAct 2 deadline extended -  AB720
veteran_s dayVeteran's day, see Holidays
veterans of foreign wars _vfw_Veterans of foreign wars (VFW), see Veteran — Organization
veterans trust fundVeterans trust fund
Veteran services revisions re southeastern Wisconsin facility, DVA authority, training courses, housing loan and trust fund money re World War I veterans -  AB674
Veteran services revisions re southeastern Wisconsin facility, DVA authority, training courses, housing loan and trust fund money re World War I veterans -  SB291
veterinary medicineVeterinary medicine
Animal health laboratories transferred from DATCP to U.W. system; Veterinary diagnostic laboratory board created  - SB358
vfw _veterans of foreign wars_VFW (Veterans of foreign wars), see Veteran — Organization
victim of crimeVictim of crime, see Crime victim
video games of chanceVideo games of chance, see Gambling
vietnam veteranVietnam veteran, see Veteran
villageVillage, see also name of specific village
American Indian or tribe trust request re land: notification to and public meeting by political subdivision required  - AB251
Annexation of town land: limits and conditions on city or village authority; creation of town islands prohibited; PSC provision - AB450
Annexation of town land: limits and conditions on city or village authority; creation of town islands prohibited; PSC provision - SB228
County and municipal best practices reviews [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 6g] -  AB133
Excise tax on gasoline and diesel fuel: cities, villages, towns, counties and school districts exempted  - AB405
Highways in need of repair and accumulation of snow or ice: liability of cities, villages, towns and counties for damages repealed -  AB580
Highways in need of repair: liability of cities, villages, towns and counties for damages repealed -  AB325
Legal notices for 4th class city, village or town published in certain newspapers: compensation criteria created  - AB788
Legal notices for 4th class city, village or town published in certain newspapers: compensation criteria created  - SB441
Public construction contracts of certain amounts: local unit of government notice requirement revised  - AB931
Receivership for residential property declared public nuisance in cities, towns and villages -  AB396
Receivership for residential property declared public nuisance in cities, towns and villages -  SB162
TEACH financial assistance to public library boards modified; educational agency with data line access may share with local or county government but business entity access prohibited - AB646
Telecommunications utility, alternate utility or carrier and Internet access service: governmental subdivisions may not provide - AB747
Telecommunications utility, alternate utility or carrier and Internet access service: governmental subdivisions may not provide - SB385
TIF for village in certain county with less than 25,000 population [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1630ed-eh, he, hh, k, q] - AB133
TIF limited to areas blighted or in need of rehabilitation; TID and agricultural and forest land provisions  - SB464
TIF use limited re areas blighted or in need of rehabilitation -  AB559
village _ financeVillage — Finance
Incarceration costs: city, village or town may seek reimbursement from prisoner -  AB171
village _ health, board ofVillage — Health, Board of, see Public health
village _ officersVillage — Officers
Bonding requirements of certain city, village, town and county officers eliminated -  AB383
Compatible offices and positions law: exception created re certain recreation department employes  - SB174
Petition for recall of city, village, town or school district officer: statement of the grounds that constitute the cause required; circuit court duty specified -  SB514
village _ ordinanceVillage — Ordinance
Antidiscrimination housing ordinance revision re removal of action to circuit court -  AB874
Campaign finance for county, city, town or village office: local ordinance authorized, Elections board must certify; local elections boards permitted -  AB413
Convenience store, service station and restaurant security: local ordinance permitted; DWD grant provision  - AB6
Drug paraphernalia possession, manufacture or delivery by certain persons: city, village or town ordinance prohibiting allowed -  AB155
Firearm regulation by ordinance in a city, town, village or county modified -  AB376
Firearm regulation by ordinance in a city, town, village or county modified -  SB184
Land use revisions re comprehensive plans, traditional neighborhood and conservation subdivision ordinances and transportation planning grants appropriation; state agency provision - AB872
Land use revisions re comprehensive plans, traditional neighborhood and conservation subdivision ordinances and transportation planning grants appropriation; state agency provision - SB468
Living-wage ordinances must conform to state minimum wage law -  AB950
Municipal fire, EMT and first responder volunteer funds: municipal ordinance permitted re control of funds by certain officials other than treasurer -  AB599
Musical recordings with explicit lyric warnings: sale or distribution to or purchase by person under age 18 prohibited; forfeiture, defense to prosecution and ordinance provisions  - SB167
Zoning ordinances that limit alterations or repairs to nonconforming structures allowed re Lower St. Croix river  - AB803
Zoning ordinances that limit alterations or repairs to nonconforming structures allowed re Lower St. Croix river  - SB415
village _ taxationVillage — Taxation
Sales and use taxes and individual income taxes authorized and property tax levy limited for cities, villages, towns and counties: constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR109
vista _volunteers in service to america_VISTA (Volunteers in service to America), see Organization, Miscellaneous
visually handicappedVisually handicapped, see Blind
vital statisticsVital statistics
Motor vehicle registration application: birth date of owner required [A.Amdt.2: further revisions, forfeiture of vehicle involved in certain drug crimes] - AB327
Name change of a minor: procedure revised -  AB62
Name change of a minor: procedure revised -  SB15
Surrogate parent and egg or sperm donation: presumption of paternity and maternity revised; birth certificate provision - SB221
volunteers in service to america _vista_Volunteers in service to America (VISTA), see Organization, Miscellaneous