(c) 2. No pedestrian or, bicyclist, or rider of an electric personal assistive mobility device facing such signal shall enter the roadway unless he or she can do so safely and without interfering with any vehicular traffic.
3. Vehicular traffic facing a red signal at an intersection may, after stopping as required under subd. 1., cautiously enter the intersection to make a right turn into the nearest lawfully available lane for traffic moving to the right or to turn left from a one-way highway into the nearest lawfully available lane of a one-way highway on which vehicular traffic travels to the left. No turn may be made on a red signal if lanes of moving traffic are crossed or if a sign at the intersection prohibits a turn. In making a turn on a red signal vehicular traffic shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and, bicyclists, and riders of electric personal assistive mobility devices lawfully within a crosswalk and to other traffic lawfully using the intersection.
(d) Green arrow. 1. Vehicular traffic facing a green arrow signal may enter the intersection only to make the movement indicated by the arrow but shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and, bicyclists, and riders of electric personal assistive mobility devices lawfully within a crosswalk and to other traffic lawfully using the intersection. When the green arrow signal indicates a right or left turn traffic shall cautiously enter the intersection.
2. No pedestrian or, bicyclist, or rider of an electric personal assistive mobility device facing such signal shall enter the roadway unless he or she can do so safely and without interfering with any vehicular traffic.
90,32 Section 32. 346.38 (1) and (2) of the statutes are amended to read:
346.38 (1) Walk. A pedestrian, or a person riding a bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device in a manner which is consistent with the safe use of the crossing by pedestrians, facing a "Walk" signal may proceed across the roadway or other vehicular crossing in the direction of the signal and the operators of all vehicles shall yield the right-of-way to the pedestrian or, bicyclist, or electric personal assistive mobility device rider.
(2) Don't walk. No pedestrian or, bicyclist, or rider of an electric personal assistive mobility device may start to cross the roadway or other vehicular crossing in the direction of a "Don't Walk" signal, but any pedestrian or, bicyclist, or rider of an electric personal assistive mobility device who has partially completed crossing on the "Walk" signal may proceed to a sidewalk or safety zone while a "Don't Walk" signal is showing.
90,33 Section 33. 346.43 (1) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
346.43 (1) (b) 2. Any operator of a bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device violating s. 346.37, 346.38 or 346.39 may be required to forfeit not more than $20.
90,34 Section 34. 346.47 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
346.47 (1) The operator of a vehicle emerging from an alley or about to cross or enter a highway from any point of access other than another highway shall stop such vehicle immediately prior to moving on to the sidewalk or on to the sidewalk area extending across the path of such vehicle and shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian or, bicyclist, or rider of an electric personal assistive mobility device, and upon crossing or entering the roadway shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on such roadway.
90,35 Section 35. 346.49 (1) (b), (1g) (b) and (2m) (b) of the statutes are amended to read:
346.49 (1) (b) Any operator of a bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device violating s. 346.46 (1), (2m) or (4) may be required to forfeit not more than $20.
(1g) (b) Any operator of a bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device violating s. 346.46 (3) shall forfeit not more than $40.
(2m) (b) Any operator of a bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device violating s. 346.44 may be required to forfeit not more than $40.
90,36 Section 36. 346.54 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
346.54 (1) (e) For the purpose of parking, mopeds as defined in s. 340.01 (29m) and electric personal assistive mobility devices shall be considered bicycles. Where possible without impeding the flow of pedestrian traffic, a bicycle or, moped, or electric personal assistive mobility device may be parked on a sidewalk. A bicycle or , moped, or electric personal assistive mobility device may be parked in a bike rack or other similar area designated for bicycle parking.
90,37 Section 37. 346.60 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
346.60 (5) (a) Any operator of a bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device who violates s. 346.57 may be required to forfeit not more than $20.
(b) Any operator of a bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device who violates s. 346.59 may be required to forfeit not more than $10.
90,38 Section 38. 346.71 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
346.71 (2) In cases of death involving a motor vehicle in which the decedent was the operator of a motor vehicle, a pedestrian 14 years of age or older or a bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device operator 14 years of age or older and who died within 6 hours of the time of the accident, the coroner or medical examiner of the county where the death occurred shall require that a blood specimen of at least 10 cc. be withdrawn from the body of the decedent within 12 hours after his or her death, by the coroner or medical examiner or by a physician so designated by the coroner or medical examiner or by a qualified person at the direction of the physician. All funeral directors shall obtain a release from the coroner or medical examiner of the county where the accident occurred as provided in s. 979.01 (4) prior to proceeding with embalming any body coming under the scope of this section. The blood so drawn shall be forwarded to a laboratory approved by the department of health and family services for analysis of the alcoholic content of the blood specimen. The coroner or medical examiner causing the blood to be withdrawn shall be notified of the results of each analysis made and shall forward the results of each such analysis to the department of health and family services. If the death involved a motor vehicle, the department shall keep a record of all such examinations to be used for statistical purposes only and the department shall disseminate and make public the cumulative results of the examinations without identifying the individuals involved. If the death involved an all-terrain vehicle, the department of natural resources shall keep a record of all such examinations to be used for statistical purposes only and the department of natural resources shall disseminate and make public the cumulative results of the examinations without identifying the individuals involved.
90,39 Section 39. The unnumbered subchapter title preceding 346.77 of the statutes is amended to read:
bicycles, electric personal
90,40 Section 40. 346.80 (title) and (1) of the statutes are amended to read:
346.80 (title) Riding bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device on roadway. (1) In this section, "substandard width lane" means a lane that is too narrow for a bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device and a motor vehicle to travel safely side by side within the lane.
90,41 Section 41. 346.80 (2) (a) (intro.), (b) and (c) of the statutes are amended to read:
346.80 (2) (a) (intro.) Any person operating a bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall ride as close as practicable to the right-hand edge or curb of the unobstructed traveled roadway, including operators who are riding 2 or more abreast where permitted under sub. (3), except:
(b) Notwithstanding par. (a), any person operating a bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device upon a one-way highway having 2 or more lanes available for traffic may ride as near the left-hand edge or curb of the roadway as practicable.
(c) Any person operating a bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device upon a roadway shall exercise due care when passing a standing or parked vehicle or a vehicle proceeding in the same direction, allowing a minimum of 3 feet between the bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device and the vehicle, and shall give an audible signal when passing a bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device rider proceeding in the same direction.
90,42 Section 42. 346.80 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
346.80 (3) (a) Persons riding bicycles or electric personal assistive mobility devices upon a roadway may ride 2 abreast if such operation does not impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic. Bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device operators riding 2 abreast on a 2-lane or more roadway shall ride within a single lane.
(b) Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway may not ride more than 2 abreast except upon any path, trail, lane or other way set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles and electric personal assistive mobility devices.
90,43 Section 43. 346.80 (4) and (5) of the statutes are amended to read:
346.80 (4) No person may operate a bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, or moped upon a roadway where a sign is erected indicating that bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, or moped riding is prohibited.
(5) Except as provided in ss. 346.23, 346.24, 346.37 , and 346.38, every rider of a bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device shall, upon entering on a highway, yield the right-of-way to motor vehicles.
90,44 Section 44. 346.803 (title), (1) (intro.) and (a), (2) and (3) of the statutes are amended to read:
346.803 (title) Riding bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device on bicycle way. (1) (intro.) Every person operating a bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device upon a bicycle way shall:
(a) Exercise due care and give an audible signal when passing a bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device rider or a pedestrian proceeding in the same direction.
(2) Every person operating a bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device upon a bicycle way open to 2-way traffic shall ride on the right side of the bicycle way.
(3) Every operator of a bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device entering a bicycle way shall yield the right-of-way to all bicycles and pedestrians in the bicycle way.
90,44m Section 44m. 346.803 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
346.803 (4) Except as provided in s. 349.236 (1) (bm), a person may operate an electric personal assistive mobility device upon any bicycle path.
90,45 Section 45. 346.804 of the statutes is amended to read:
346.804 Riding bicycle on sidewalk. When local authorities under s. 346.94 (1) permit bicycles on the sidewalk, every person operating a bicycle upon a sidewalk shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian and shall exercise due care and give an audible signal when passing a bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device rider or a pedestrian proceeding in the same direction.
90,46 Section 46. 346.805 of the statutes is created to read:
346.805 Riding electric personal assistive mobility device on sidewalk. Except as provided in ss. 346.94 (18) (a) 2. and 349.236 (1) (b), a person may operate an electric personal assistive mobility device upon any sidewalk. Every person operating an electric personal assistive mobility device upon a sidewalk shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian or bicyclist and shall exercise due care and give an audible signal when passing a bicycle or other electric personal assistive mobility device or a pedestrian proceeding in the same direction.
90,47 Section 47. 346.82 (title) and (1) of the statutes are amended to read:
346.82 (title) Penalty for violating sections 346.77 to 346.804 346.805. (1) Any person violating ss. 346.77, 346.79 (1) to (3), or 346.80 to 346.804 346.805 may be required to forfeit not more than $20.
90,48 Section 48. 346.94 (12) of the statutes is amended to read:
346.94 (12) Driving on bicycle lane or bicycle way. No operator of a motor vehicle may drive upon a bicycle lane or bicycle way except to enter a driveway, to merge into a bicycle lane before turning at an intersection, or to enter or leave a parking space located adjacent to the bicycle lane or bicycle way. Persons operating a motor vehicle upon a bicycle lane or bicycle way shall yield the right-of-way to all bicycles and electric personal assistive mobility devices within the bicycle lane or bicycle way.
90,49 Section 49. 346.94 (18) of the statutes is created to read:
346.94 (18) Electric personal assistive mobility devices on roadways and sidewalks. (a) 1. Except as otherwise prohibited in this chapter, a person may operate an electric personal assistive mobility device upon any roadway or sidewalk that is under the jurisdiction of the department.
2. Except as provided in s. 349.236 (1) (c), the department may by rule prohibit electric personal assistive mobility devices upon any roadway under its jurisdiction for which the speed limit is more than 25 miles per hour, and may by rule prohibit such devices upon any sidewalk under its jurisdiction. This subdivision does not apply upon any sidewalk at a permanent or temporarily established driveway.
(b) A person may operate an electric personal assistive mobility device upon any roadway under the jurisdiction of a local authority, subject to any prohibitions specified by municipal ordinance enacted under s. 349.236.
90,50 Section 50. 346.95 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
346.95 (6) Any person violating s. 346.94 (17) or (18) may be required to forfeit not less than $10 nor more than $20 for the first offense and not less than $25 nor more than $50 for the 2nd or subsequent conviction within a year.
90,51 Section 51. 347.02 (1) (i) of the statutes is created to read:
347.02 (1) (i) Electric personal assistive mobility devices.
90,52 Section 52. 347.245 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
347.245 (1) After January 1, 1970, no person may operate on a highway, day or night, any vehicle or equipment, any animal-drawn vehicle, or any other machinery, including all road machinery, that usually travel travels at speeds of less than 25 miles per hour or any vehicle operated under a special restricted operator's license issued under s. 343.135, unless there is displayed on the most practicable visible rear area of the vehicle or combination of vehicles, a slow moving vehicle (SMV) emblem as described in and displayed as provided in sub. (2). Any towed vehicle or machine is exempt from this provision if the towing vehicle is visible from the rear and is in compliance with this section. All road machinery is excluded when it is engaged in actual construction or maintenance work either guarded by a flagman or clearly visible warning signs. Except as provided in s. 347.21 (1), the requirement of the emblem shall be in addition to any lighting devices required or permitted by law. Mopeds and motor bicycles are excluded from the provisions of this section unless they are operated under a special restricted operator's license issued under s. 343.135. Electric personal assistive mobility devices are excluded from the provisions of this section. The SMV emblem need not be displayed on vehicles moving directly across the highway.
90,53 Section 53. 347.489 of the statutes is amended to read:
347.489 Lamps and other equipment on bicycles and, motor bicycles, and electric personal assistive mobility devices. (1) No person may operate a bicycle or, motor bicycle, or electric personal assistive mobility device upon a highway, sidewalk, bicycle lane, or bicycle way during hours of darkness unless the bicycle or, motor bicycle, or electric personal assistive mobility device is equipped with or, with respect to a bicycle or motor bicycle, the operator is wearing, a lamp emitting a white light visible from a distance of at least 500 feet to the front of the bicycle or, motor bicycle, or electric personal assistive mobility device. A bicycle or, motor bicycle, or electric personal assistive mobility device shall also be equipped with a red reflector that has a diameter of at least 2 inches of surface area or, with respect to an electric personal assistive mobility device, that is a strip of reflective tape that has at least 2 square inches of surface area, on the rear so mounted and maintained as to be visible from all distances from 50 to 500 feet to the rear when directly in front of lawful upper beams of headlamps on a motor vehicle. A lamp emitting a red or flashing amber light visible from a distance of 500 feet to the rear may be used in addition to but not in lieu of the red reflector.
(2) No person may operate a bicycle or , motor bicycle, or electric personal assistive mobility device upon a highway, bicycle lane, or bicycle way unless it is equipped with a brake in good working condition, adequate to control the movement of and to stop the bicycle or, motor bicycle, or electric personal assistive mobility device whenever necessary.
(3) No bicycle or, motor bicycle, or electric personal assistive mobility device may be equipped with nor may any person riding upon a bicycle or, motor bicycle, or electric personal assistive mobility device use any siren or compression whistle.
90,54 Section 54. 349.015 of the statutes is created to read:
349.015 Applicability of chapter to electric personal assistive mobility devices. An electric personal assistive mobility device shall be considered a vehicle for purposes of this chapter, except those provisions which by their express terms apply only to motor vehicles or which by their very nature would have no application to electric personal assistive mobility devices.
90,55 Section 55. 349.236 of the statutes is created to read:
349.236 Authority to regulate operation of electric personal assistive mobility devices. (1) The governing body of any municipality or county may, by ordinance, do any of the following:
(a) Prohibit the operation of electric personal assistive mobility devices on all roadways under its jurisdiction having a speed limit of more than 25 miles per hour or only on certain roadways, or portions of such roadways, under its jurisdiction having a speed limit of more than 25 miles per hour that are designated in the ordinance.
(b) Prohibit the operation of electric personal assistive mobility devices on all sidewalks under its jurisdiction or only on certain sidewalks, or portions of such sidewalks, under its jurisdiction that are designated in the ordinance. This paragraph does not apply to the operation of such devices on any sidewalk at a permanent or temporarily established driveway.
(bm) Prohibit the operation of electric personal assistive mobility devices on all bicycle paths under its jurisdiction or only on certain bicycle paths, or portions of such bicycle paths, under its jurisdiction that are designated in the ordinance. This paragraph does not apply to the operation of such devices on any bicycle paths at a permanent or temporarily established driveway.
(c) Designate and mark locations for electric personal assistive mobility devices to cross a state trunk highway or connecting highway that is not a controlled-access highway and on which the department has prohibited the operation of electric personal assistive mobility devices under s. 346.94 (18) (a) 2. A municipality or county may erect official signs or otherwise mark a crossing designated under this paragraph only as directed by the department.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, ch. 346, and s. 59.84 (2) (j), the governing body of any municipality or county may not restrict the operation of electric personal assistive mobility devices on any roadway or sidewalk under its jurisdiction.
90,56 Section 56. 779.41 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
779.41 (2) Every keeper of a garage or repair shop who alters, repairs, or does any work on any detached accessory, fitting, or part of an automobile, a truck, a motorcycle, a moped, a motor bicycle or similar motor vehicle or, a bicycle, or an electric personal assistive mobility device, at the request of the owner or legal possessor thereof, shall have a lien upon and may retain possession of any such accessory, fitting, or part until the charges for such alteration, repairing, or other work have been paid. If the detached article becomes attached to such motor vehicle or, bicycle, or electric personal assistive mobility device while in the possession of the keeper, the keeper has a lien on the motor vehicle or, bicycle, or electric personal assistive mobility device under sub. (1).
90,57 Section 57. Initial applicability.
(1) This act first applies to violations committed on the effective date of this subsection, but does not preclude the counting of other convictions as prior convictions for purposes of administrative action by the department of transportation, sentencing by a court, or revocation or suspension of motor vehicle operating privileges.