GPR expenditure limits; limitation exemption for certain agencies [Sec. 103, 9301 (1)] [103 — partial veto]
Act 16
Lapse to general fund of moneys from state operations appropriations made to state agencies from PR or segregated revenue totaling certain amount [Sec. 9101 (23r)]
Act 16
PR appropriation lapses and segregated revenue appropriation transfers [Sec. 9259 (1)] [partial veto]
Act 109
Sum sufficient appropriation expenditure estimate: DOA to adjust for 2001-03 fiscal biennium re publication in Wisconsin Statutes [Sec. 9259 (8)] -
Act 109
Arts board appropriations decreased re general program operations, state aid for the arts, challenge grant program, and Wisconsin regranting program [Sec. 9205 (1)-(4)]
Act 109
Milwaukee art museum funding for specific art exhibitions [Sec. 26, 30d, 9105 (1c)] [vetoed] -
Jr2 AB-1
Social worker, marriage and family therapists, professional counselor, and art, music, and dance therapist: regulations revised -
Act 80
Wisconsin Artistic Endowment Foundation created; tax credit provision [Sec. 465r, 467m, 1102m, 1104m, 1143m, 1414m, 2148m, 2150d, t, 2175, 2179d, h, 2193d, h, 2205n, 3128m, 9105 (1h)] [2148m, 2150d, t, 2175, 2179d, h, 2193d, h, 2205n — vetoed] -
Act 16
Arts board appropriations decreased re general program operations, state aid for the arts, challenge grant program, and Wisconsin regranting program [Sec. 9205 (1)-(4)]
Act 109
General program operations appropriation reduced [Sec. 9205 (5f)] -
Act 109
Indian gaming receipts transferred to certain state agencies [Sec. 9201 (5mk), 9205 (1mk), 9210 (3mk), 9223 (5mk), 9224 (1mk), 9225 (1mk), 9231 (1mk), 9237 (4mk), 9240 (1mk), 9251 (1mk), 9256 (1mk), 9257 (2mk), 9258 (2mk)]
Act 16
Milwaukee art museum funding for specific art exhibitions [Sec. 26, 30d, 9105 (1c)] [vetoed] -
Jr2 AB-1
Victorious Charge Civil War monument restoration: grant to Milwaukee Arts Board [Sec. 785g, 9157 (7v)]
Act 16
Wisconsin Artistic Endowment Foundation created; tax credit provision [Sec. 465r, 467m, 1102m, 1104m, 1143m, 1414m, 2148m, 2150d, t, 2175, 2179d, h, 2193d, h, 2205n, 3128m, 9105 (1h)] [2148m, 2150d, t, 2175, 2179d, h, 2193d, h, 2205n — vetoed] -
Act 16
Ashland railroad depot restoration [Sec. 9152 (5e)] -
Act 16
DA position reallocations re Ashland and Rock counties [Sec. 9113 (1q)] [vetoed] -
CTH ``VK"/Lombardi Avenue project in the City of Green Bay: grants provided [Sec. 9152 (4v)] [vetoed]
Al McGuire day recognized February 22, 2001 [SJR-20] - JR-8
Badger state games: financial assistance removed [Sec. 226c, 802c] -
Act 16
Badger state games grants [Sec. 36kd, 100iz, 9451 (1v)] [vetoed]
Jr2 AB-1
Boxing contests (amateur and professional): DORL authority revised [Sec. 464bb, bd, bf-cv] [vetoed]
Jr2 AB-1
License or right to purchase admission re professional football game: sales tax exemption revised [Sec. 2246m]
Act 16
Local professional baseball park district: individal income tax checkoff for [Sec. 917r, 2153g, 3037m, n, 9344 (8x)] [vetoed] -
Professional baseball stadium districts: county population threshold raised [Sec. 3036e, g] -
Act 16
Uecker, Bob: congratulations on induction into the Radio Hall of Fame [SJR-54] - JR-31
AG authority re civil rights actions and inquests [Sec. 1996m, 2854m, 4033g-n, 4034b-y] [vetoed] -
Campaign finance law revisions; tax credit provision; attorney general directed to seek declaratory judgment re treatment of chap.11, Wis.Stats, is constitutional [Sec. 1bc, bf, psb, psc, sb-sw, tu-ude, udh-ugL, 2d, 23p, 25c-x, 52gj, 79t, 170mj-t, 519m, 9115 (2v)-(2y), 9132 (4v), 9215 (3v), 9244 (6v), 9315 (2v), (2w), 9344 (2v), 9415 (1zx)]
Act 109
Emergency detention and involuntary civil commitment of persons with mental illness: fifth standard of dangerousness revision; AG authority to approve petitions; counsel access to certain records [Sec. 1966d-n, t-x, 1993p, 2853r-u, 4034zb-zm, 4041d-g, 9123 (15e)] -
Act 16
Faith-based approaches to crime prevention and corrections; restorative justice program in Milwaukee county and a second county selected by AG; evaluation of DHFS and Corr.Dept AODA programs; inmate rehabilitation; LAB audit; legislative purpose and sunset provided [Sec. 1483j, 2002j, 3327r, 3333j, 3334j, 3354j, 4031j-r, 9113 (2m), 9132 (4m)] [3333j, 4031p — partial veto; 1483j, 3327r — vetoed]
Act 16
Interstate fire fighting and EMS agreements: attorney general's review revised [Sec. 151n, nb] -
Act 109
Air carrier hub facility property tax exemption; Airport financing committee created, report required; ad valorem tax determination [Sec. 937m, 1123m, 2110, 2231, 2236m, 2255, 9152 (3), 9344 (12)] -
Act 16
Aviation career education program for certain youth expanded re city of Green Bay [Sec. 2615x] [vetoed]
Chronic wasting disease re cervids: funding, hunting, shooting from certain vehicles, and DNR authority provisions; JCRAR may extend certain emergency rules
Act 108
State aircraft fleet liquidation [Sec. 9101 (7q)] -
Act 109
State-owned aircraft: DOA to select 2 for sale, proceeds deposited in general fund; JLAC to request performance evaluation of usage; study provided if audit not initiated [Sec. 9101 (20j), 9132 (3y), 9159 (3y)] [9159 (3y) — partial veto; 9132 (3y) — vetoed] -
Act 16
Rental-purchase company and rent-to-own agreement: regulations created; Division of banking duties set [Sec. 3020p, 3020v-3021w, 3492f, r, 9120 (1d), 9320 (1d), 9420 (1d)] [vetoed] -
Life and accomplishments honored [AJR-31] - JR-41
Great Lakes Forestry Museum in city of Rice Lake [Sec. 451, 603q, r, 629do, dom, 9110 (10p), 9137 (5mk), 9437 (3mk), (3mkx)] [vetoed] -
Rural health dental clinics created in cities of Ladysmith and Menomonie to serve certain counties [Sec. 720k, 2850bc]
Act 16
Rural health dental health clinics: funding for [Sec. 9123 (1z), 9223 (18z)] -
Act 109
Bayfield, City of, allowed to become a premier resort area [Sec. 153s, t] -
Act 109