Sick leave conversion program for public employees: JSCRS study re conversion of accumulated unused leave for certain retired employees not eligible for immediate WRS annuity; report and proposed legislation requirement [Sec. 9132 (3xx)] -  Act 16
bioterrorismBioterrorism, see Public safety
Wild crane crop damage study extended [Sec. 588r, 887m, 4046m, 9137 (6f)] [9137 (6f) — partial veto]  -  Act 16
Wild crane crop damage study re 2001 WisAct 16: funding revised [Sec. 36b, 1160m, 9237 (36c)]  -  Act 109
birth certificateBirth certificate, see Vital statistics
birth out of wedlockBirth out of wedlock, see Nonmarital child
black point estateBlack Point Estate, see Walworth county
black river falls, city ofBlack River Falls, City of, see Jackson county
blue bookBlue Book
State ballad and waltz designated; to be included in Wisconsin Blue Book [Sec. 1d-x] -  Act 16
boatBoat, see also Harbor
Aquatic plant management program created; controls re Eurasian water milfoil, curly leaf pondweed, and purple loosestrife; restrictions re placement of boats and equipment in navigable waters [Sec. 1040-1042, 1203, 1253-1255, 1307-1317, 1330, 1331, 3161, 9337 (1)] -  Act 16
Boathouse or houseboat with historic or cultural value: repair of [Sec. 1252m] -  Act 16
Harbor assistance program eligibility: DOT to amend rules re ferry service or cruise ship [Sec. 9152 (7d)]  -  Act 16
Janesville riverfront parkway development project; matching funds not required [Sec. 9137 (8c)]  -  Act 16
Manitowoc river dredging project: recreational boating aids to city of Manitowoc, matching funds not required; sunset provided [Sec. 9137 (8d)] -  Act 16
Menominee River boat launching facilities improvement: funding to city of Marinette; sunset provided [Sec. 9137 (8k)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Portage canal: recreational boating aids to city of Portage [Sec. 1344g] -  Act 16
Recreational boating aids for dredging of Root and Oconto Rivers [Sec. 9137 (6g), (7f)] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
Recreational boating aids for Fish, Mud, and Crystal lakes in Dane and Columbia counties [Sec. 9137 (2x)]  -  Act 109
Recreational boating aids for Great Lakes dredging: requirements revised [Sec. 1329] -  Act 16
Wausau Whitewater Course on the Wisconsin River in the city of Wausau: funding to Wausau Kayak/Canoe Corporation for upgrade [Sec. 605, 605b, 9137 (5e)] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
boat _ taxation or registrationBoat — Taxation or registration
Vehicle registration expedited service system revised re computerized and noncomputerized systems; fee provisions [Sec. 591, 596, 606, 609, 624, 1046, 1047-1066, 1262, 1263, 1264-1266, 1267-1304, 1305, 1306, 3457, 3458, 3459, 3461, 3463-3479, 3486-3491] -  Act 16
boathouseBoathouse, see Boat
bodyworker or massage therapistBodyworker or massage therapist, see Trades and occupations
bondsBonds, see also Debt, Public; specific agency or department
General obligation bonds for refunding tax-supported and self-amortizing debt [Sec. 973ar] -  Act 16
book festivalBook festival, see Fair
boxingBoxing, see Athletics
boys and girls clubBoys and girls club, see Youth
brain injuryBrain injury, see Handicapped
breast cancerBreast cancer, see Disease
Hanson Road bridge project and Portage Road reconfiguration in town of Burke: DOT to construct [Sec. 9152 (3h)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Highway and local bridge improvement assistance [Sec. 646c] -  Act 16
I 43 bridge across the Fox river in Green Bay designated the ``Leo Frigo Memorial Bridge" -  Act 101
I 43 bridge across the Fox river in Green Bay designated the ``Leo Frigo Memorial Bridge" [Sec. 2307k] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
Perrot State Park bridge study [Sec. 9137 (8m)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Sparta trail overpass [Sec. 607q, s, 9137 (4p), 9152 (4k), 9437 (6k)] -  Act 16
Stillwater Bridge between Houlton in St.Croix county and Still- water, Minnesota: mitigation funding [Sec. 2296p] [vetoed] -  SB-55
USH 45 bridge across part of Embarrass River in village of Tigerton designated and marked ``Gateway to the North" [Sec. 2307r] [vetoed] -  SB-55
brighter futuresBrighter futures, see Youth
brookfield, city ofBrookfield, City of
Mosquito larvae suppression in cities of Brookfield and La Crosse [Sec. 369L] -  Act 109
brown countyBrown county
CTH ``VK"/Lombardi Avenue project in the City of Green Bay: grants provided [Sec. 9152 (4v)] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
Hobart, Town of, changed into a village; provision re boundary agreement with city of Green Bay [Sec. 9159 (3f)]  -  Act 16
STH 57 and CTH ``P" intersection in Brown county: interchange included [Sec. 2302e] [vetoed] -  SB-55
brownfields _contaminated property_Brownfields (contaminated property), see Environmental protection
budget bills and processBudget bills and process, see also Appropriation
Biennial budget report and GAAP requirements; DOA and LFB duties [Sec. 115, 231, 232] -  Act 16
Budget adjustment bill [partial veto] -  Act 109
Budget adjustment bill: effective dates [Sec. 9400] -  Act 109
Budget bill [partial veto] -  Act 16
General fund structural balance requirement created; bills adopted by legislature may not exceed expenditure of certain sum [Sec. 25y] [partial veto] -  Act 109
Air management and general construction permits [Sec. 3221] -  Act 16
Boathouse or houseboat with historic or cultural value: repair of [Sec. 1252m] -  Act 16
building codeBuilding code, see Public building
building commission, stateBuilding commission, State
Aquaculture demonstration facility of U.W.: bonding authority increased [Sec. 962g, 9107 (3f)] -  Act 16
Biomedical research and technology incubator at Medical College of Wisconsin, Inc.: debt increase provided; public policy of the state cited [Sec. 108f, 541m, 973y, 9107 (11)]  -  Act 16
Building acquisition, lease, or construction re correctional facilities restricted [Sec. 108b, c, e, 994d, 3337m]  -  Act 16
Building projects proposed for enumeration: DOA to provide anticipated operating costs and other information [Sec. 104m, 227m] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Digital television conversion project, funding provisions, and reports [Sec. 9107 (5), 9156 (2x), 9159 (2y)]  -  Act 16
Discovery Place museum in city of Racine: grant provisions [Sec. 108h, 605, 605c, 974r, 978t, 1036yt, 9107 (13r), 9437 (2q)] [605, 605c, 1036yt, 9437 (2q) — vetoed]  -  Act 16
Distributed generation unit: DOA to investigate use in certain state building projects; report to Building commission [Sec. 319s] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Distributed generation unit: DOA to investigate use in certain state building projects; report to Building commission [Sec. 20v] [vetoed] -  Jr2 AB-1
DVA space needs re offices and veterans museum: DOA to review and report to Building commission [Sec. 9159 (2z)] -  Act 16
General obligation bonds for refunding tax-supported and self-amortizing debt [Sec. 973ar] -  Act 16
HR Academy, Inc., Youth and Family Center: bonding for [Sec. 108m, 973t, 978s, 9107 (6q)] -  Act 16
Justice Center building: state building program appropriation increased for purchase of -  Act 12
Kickapoo valley reserve appropriation for payments in lieu of taxes; new GPR funding for information technology; Indian gaming revenues use to provide law enforcement services; report re generating revenues and resubmitting building plans [Sec. 631r-632g, 881r, 1263h, 1404f] [632g, 1263h, 1404f — vetoed] -  Act 16
Lease-purchase agreements re state building construction [Sec. 108b, c, e, 994e, 9307 (1x)] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
Marquette interchange reconstruction and bonding; Southeast Wisconsin freeway rehabilitation; intelligent transportation systems; expenditure authority for state highway rehabilitation, maintenance, and traffic operations [Sec. 656k-659b, 2294pe, 2298, 2303b, 2307g, gg, 2309, 2310, 9152 (5w), (5s), (7q)] [656k, 2303b — partial veto; 657k, 658t, 2309, 9152 (5x) — vetoed] -  Act 16
Residual state property: sale of [Sec. 107m-pm, 983m, mn, 2307jn, jp, 9459 (5s)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
State building program: DOA to provide JCF with Building commission's recommendations re revision of enumerated projects [Sec. 9101 (20z)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
State fair park construction projects [Sec. 105m, 978h, p, 1034pm, 1039p, 1405m] -  Act 16
State office buildings: disposition of net proceeds derived from sale of certain buildings; sunset provided [Sec. 9107 (1)] -  Act 109
2001-03 authorized building program; redemption fund and project contingency funding reserve; contractual services; debt authority [Sec. 267m, 319m, 322e-i, 382b-u, 392p, 580m, 962e, g, 967m, 969e, 971n, r, 973c-L, 977n, 978b, 1034h, p, 1066b, 1102e-k, 9107 (1)-(3), (4), 9301 (2x)] [1034h, 9107 (1) — partial veto; 392p — vetoed]  -  Act 16