2001 - 2002 LEGISLATURE
February 26, 2002 - Offered by Representatives Travis, Pocan, Cullen, Carpenter,
Berceau, Turner, Bock, Sherman, Black, Meyerhofer, Schooff, Krug, J.
Lehman, Plouff, Lassa, Gronemus, Hebl, Miller, Riley, Balow, Ryba,
Morris-Tatum, Coggs, Wasserman
and Colon.
AB843-ASA1,2,19 1An Act to repeal 11.01 (12s), 11.05 (3) (o), 11.26 (9) (c), 11.265, 11.31 (2m), 11.50
2(2) (h), 11.50 (2) (i) and 11.50 (3); to renumber 11.05 (2r) (title), 11.24 (2), 11.50
3(1) (a) 1. and 11.50 (1) (a) 2.; to renumber and amend 11.05 (1), 11.05 (2), 11.05
4(2r), 11.12 (6), 11.26 (9) (a), 11.26 (9) (b), 11.50 (9), 19.49 (5) and 19.59 (7); to
5.02 (13), 7.08 (2) (c) and (cm), 8.10 (3) (intro.), 8.15 (6) (intro.), 8.20 (4),
68.30 (2), 8.35 (4) (a) 1. a. and b., 8.35 (4) (c) and (d), 11.05 (3) (c), 11.05 (5), 11.05
7(12) (b), 11.05 (13), 11.06 (1) (intro.), 11.06 (1) (e), 11.06 (2), 11.06 (4) (b), 11.06
8(5), 11.06 (7m) (a), 11.06 (7m) (c), 11.06 (11) (c), 11.07 (1), 11.07 (5), 11.09 (3),
911.10 (1), 11.12 (2), 11.12 (4), 11.12 (5), 11.14 (3), 11.16 (2), 11.16 (5), 11.19 (title),
1011.19 (1), 11.20 (1), 11.20 (7), 11.20 (9), 11.20 (10) (a), 11.20 (12), 11.21 (2), 11.21
11(15), 11.21 (16), 11.22 (3), 11.23 (1), 11.23 (2), 11.25 (2) (b), 11.26 (1) (intro.), 11.26
12(2) (intro.), 11.26 (2) (a), 11.26 (4), 11.26 (8), 11.26 (10), 11.26 (12m), 11.31 (1)
13(intro.), 11.31 (1) (a) to (d), 11.31 (1) (e) and (f), 11.31 (2), 11.31 (3), 11.38 (1) (a)

12., 11.38 (6), 11.38 (8) (b), 11.50 (2) (a), 11.50 (2) (b) 5., 11.50 (2) (c), 11.50 (2) (g),
211.50 (5), 11.50 (6), 11.50 (9) (title), 11.50 (11) (a), 11.50 (11) (e), 11.60 (4), 11.61
3(1) (a), 19.53 (6), 19.59 (8) (c), 20.510 (1) (q), 25.42, 71.10 (3) (a) and 71.10 (3) (b);
4to repeal and recreate 11.05 (9) (title) and 11.50 (4); and to create 7.08 (2)
5(cs), 11.001 (2m), 11.01 (16) (a) 3., 11.05 (1) (b), 11.05 (2) (b), 11.05 (3) (m), 11.05
6(3) (r), 11.06 (2m) (b) to (d), 11.12 (2m), 11.12 (6) (c) and (d), 11.12 (8) and (9),
711.20 (2s), 11.20 (2t), 11.24 (1w), 11.24 (4), 11.26 (2) (ad) to (au), 11.26 (8m), 11.26
8(9) (a) 1. to 7., 11.26 (9) (b) 1. to 7., 11.31 (1) (de), 11.31 (1m), 11.31 (3p), 11.31
9(9), 11.50 (1) (a) 1. (intro.), 11.50 (1) (a) 2m., 11.50 (1) (am), 11.50 (1) (bm) and
10(cm), 11.50 (2) (j), 11.50 (2m), 11.50 (2s), 11.50 (2w), 11.50 (4m), 11.50 (9) (b), (ba)
11and (bb), 11.50 (14), 11.60 (3s) and (3t), 13.625 (3m), 19.42 (3m), (4g) and (4r),
1219.45 (13), 19.49 (1m), 19.49 (5) (b), 19.535, 19.59 (1) (br), 19.59 (7) (b), 19.59 (8)
13(cm) and (cn), 20.855 (4) (ba) and 806.04 (11m) of the statutes; relating to:
14campaign financing, official action in return for providing or withholding
15political contributions, services, or other things of value, lobbying regulation,
16designations for the Wisconsin election campaign fund by individuals filing
17state income tax returns, staffing of the elections board, providing exemptions
18from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, making
19appropriations, and providing penalties.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB843-ASA1, s. 1 20Section 1. 5.02 (13) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB843-ASA1,3,321 5.02 (13) "Political party" or "party" means a state committee registered under
22s. 11.05 and organized exclusively for political purposes under whose name
23candidates appear on a ballot at any election, and all county, congressional,

1legislative, local and other affiliated committees authorized to operate under the
2same name. For purposes of ch. 11, the term does not include a legislative campaign
3committee or
a committee filing an oath under s. 11.06 (7).
AB843-ASA1, s. 2 4Section 2. 7.08 (2) (c) and (cm) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB843-ASA1,3,155 7.08 (2) (c) As soon as possible after the canvass of the spring and September
6primary votes, but no later than the first Tuesday in March and the 4th Tuesday in
7September, transmit to the state treasurer a certified list of all eligible candidates
8for state office who have filed applications under s. 11.50 (2) and whom who the board
9determines to be are eligible to receive payments from the Wisconsin election
10campaign fund. The board shall also electronically transmit a similar list of
11candidates who the board determines are eligible to receive a grant under s. 11.50
12(9) (b), (ba), or (bb) within 24 hours after any candidate qualifies to receive such a
13grant. Each
list shall contain each candidate's name, the mailing address indicated
14upon the candidate's registration form, the office for which the individual is a
15candidate and the party or principle which he or she represents, if any.
AB843-ASA1,4,316 (cm) As soon as possible after the canvass of a special primary, or the date that
17the primary would be held, if required, transmit to the state treasurer a certified list
18of all eligible candidates for state office who have filed applications under s. 11.50 (2)
19and whom who the board determines to be are eligible to receive a grant from the
20Wisconsin election campaign fund prior to the election. The board shall also transmit
21a similar list of candidates, if any, who have filed applications under s. 11.50 (2) and
22whom who the board determines to be are eligible to receive a grant under s. 11.50
23(1) (a) 2. after the special election. The board shall electronically transmit a similar
24list of candidates who the board determines are eligible to receive a grant under s.
2511.50 (9) (b), (ba), or (bb) within 24 hours after any candidate qualifies to receive such

1a grant. Each
list shall contain each candidate's name, the mailing address indicated
2upon the candidate's registration form, the office for which the individual is a
3candidate and the party or principle which he or she represents, if any.
AB843-ASA1, s. 3 4Section 3. 7.08 (2) (cs) of the statutes is created to read:
AB843-ASA1,4,75 7.08 (2) (cs) In each even-numbered year, certify to the state treasurer for the
6period beginning with the month following certification and ending with the month
7in which the next certification is made by the board:
AB843-ASA1,4,118 1. No later than July 1, the name of each political party that qualifies under
9s. 11.50 (1) (am) 1. as an eligible political party as of the preceding June 1 and whose
10state chairperson has filed a request to establish an account for the party under s.
1111.50 (2s) (a).
AB843-ASA1,4,1512 2. No later than December 15, the name of each political party that qualifies
13under s. 11.50 (1) (am) 2. as an eligible political party as of the date of the preceding
14general election and whose state chairperson has filed a written request to establish
15an account for the party under s. 11.50 (2s) (a).
AB843-ASA1, s. 4 16Section 4. 8.10 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB843-ASA1,4,2117 8.10 (3) (intro.) The certification of a qualified elector under s. 8.15 (4) (a) shall
18be appended to each nomination paper. The Except as otherwise required under s.
1911.50 (4m) for a candidate who seeks a grant from the Wisconsin election campaign
20fund, the
number of required signatures on nomination papers filed under this
21section is:
AB843-ASA1, s. 5 22Section 5. 8.15 (6) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB843-ASA1,4,2523 8.15 (6) (intro.) The Except as otherwise required under s. 11.50 (4m) for a
24candidate who seeks a grant from the Wisconsin election campaign fund, the
25of required signatures on nomination papers shall be as follows:
AB843-ASA1, s. 6
1Section 6. 8.20 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB843-ASA1,5,82 8.20 (4) The Except as otherwise required under s. 11.50 (4m) for a candidate
3who seeks a grant from the Wisconsin election campaign fund, the
number of
4required signatures on nomination papers for independent candidates shall be the
5same as the number specified in s. 8.15 (6). For independent presidential electors
6intending to vote for the same candidates for president and vice president, the
7number of required signatures shall be not less than 2,000 nor more than 4,000
AB843-ASA1, s. 7 9Section 7. 8.30 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB843-ASA1,5,1610 8.30 (2) If no registration statement has been filed by or on behalf of a candidate
11for state or local office in accordance with s. 11.05 (2g) or (2r) by the applicable
12deadline for filing nomination papers by such the candidate, or the deadline for filing
13a declaration of candidacy for an office for which nomination papers are not filed, the
14name of the candidate may not appear on the ballot. This subsection may not be
15construed to exempt a candidate from applicable penalties if he or she files a
16registration statement later than the time prescribed in ss. 11.01 (1) and 11.05 (2g).
AB843-ASA1, s. 8 17Section 8. 8.35 (4) (a) 1. a. and b. of the statutes are amended to read:
AB843-ASA1,5,2518 8.35 (4) (a) 1. a. Donated to the former candidate's local or state political party
If the former candidate was a partisan candidate or, donated to the former
20candidate's local or state political party,
donated to the a charitable organization of
21the former candidate's choice or the charitable organization chosen
or transferred to
22the board for deposit in the Wisconsin election campaign fund, as instructed by the
23former candidate or, if the candidate left no instruction,
by the former candidate's
24next of kin if the former candidate is deceased, or if no choice is made returned to the
25donors on a proportional basis
; or
1b. If the former candidate was a nonpartisan candidate, donated to the a
2charitable organization of the former candidate's choice or the charitable
3organization chosen
or transferred to the board for deposit in the Wisconsin election
4campaign fund, as instructed by the former candidate or, if the candidate left no
by the former candidate's next of kin if the former candidate is deceased;
AB843-ASA1, s. 9 7Section 9. 8.35 (4) (c) and (d) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB843-ASA1,6,188 8.35 (4) (c) The transfer to the replacement candidate under par. (b) shall be
9made and reported to the appropriate filing officer in a special report submitted by
10the former candidate's campaign treasurer. If the former candidate is deceased and
11was serving as his or her own campaign treasurer, the former candidate's petitioner
12or personal representative shall file the report and make the transfer required by
13par. (b), if any
and file the report. The report shall be made in the manner provided
14under s. 11.21 (16), if applicable, or otherwise at the appropriate interval under s.
1511.20 (2) or (4) and shall
include a complete statement of all contributions,
16disbursements and incurred obligations pursuant to s. 11.06 (1) covering the period
17from the day after the last date covered on the former candidate's most recent report
18to the date of disposition.
AB843-ASA1,6,2219 (d) The newly appointed candidate shall file his or her report in the manner
20provided under s. 11.21 (16), if applicable, or otherwise
at the next appropriate
21interval under s. 11.20 (2) or (4) after his or her appointment. The appointed
22candidate shall include any transferred funds moneys in his or her first report.
AB843-ASA1, s. 10 23Section 10. 11.001 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB843-ASA1,7,524 11.001 (2m) The legislature finds a compelling justification for minimal
25disclosure of all communications made near the time of an election that include a

1reference to a candidate at that election, an office to be filled at that election, or a
2political party in order to permit increased funding for candidates who are affected
3by those communications. This minimal disclosure burden is outweighed by the need
4to establish an effective funding mechanism for affected candidates to effectively
5respond to communications that may impact an election.
AB843-ASA1, s. 11 6Section 11. 11.01 (12s) of the statutes is repealed.
AB843-ASA1, s. 12 7Section 12. 11.01 (16) (a) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
AB843-ASA1,7,148 11.01 (16) (a) 3. A communication that is made by means of one or more
9communications media, other than a communication that is exempt from reporting
10under s. 11.29, that is made during the period beginning on the 60th day preceding
11an election and ending on the date of that election and that includes a reference to
12a candidate whose name is certified under s. 7.08 (2) (a) or 8.50 (1) (d) to appear on
13the ballot at that election, a reference to an office to be filled at that election, or a
14reference to a political party.
AB843-ASA1, s. 13 15Section 13. 11.05 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 11.05 (1) (a) and amended
16to read:
AB843-ASA1,7,2417 11.05 (1) (a) Except as provided in s. 9.10 (2) (d), every committee, other than
18a personal campaign committee, and every political group subject to registration
19under s. 11.23 which
that makes or accepts contributions, incurs obligations or
20makes disbursements in a calendar year in an aggregate amount in excess of $25
21shall file a statement with the appropriate filing officer giving the information
22required by sub. (3). In the case of any committee other than a personal campaign
23committee, the statement shall be filed by the treasurer. A personal campaign
24committee shall register under sub. (2g) or (2r).
AB843-ASA1, s. 14 25Section 14. 11.05 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
111.05 (1) (b) Every political group subject to registration under s. 11.23 which
2makes or accepts contributions, incurs obligations, or makes disbursements in a
3calendar year in an aggregate amount in excess of $100 shall file a statement with
4the appropriate filing officer giving the information required by sub. (3).
AB843-ASA1, s. 15 5Section 15. 11.05 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 11.05 (2) (a) and amended
6to read:
AB843-ASA1,8,147 11.05 (2) (a) Except as provided in s. 9.10 (2) (d), every individual, other than
8a candidate or agent of a candidate, who accepts contributions, incurs obligations,
9or makes disbursements with respect to one or more elections for state or local office
10in a calendar year in an aggregate amount in excess of $25 shall file a statement with
11the appropriate filing officer giving the information required by sub. (3). An
12individual who guarantees a loan on which an individual, committee or group subject
13to a registration requirement defaults is not subject to registration under this
14subsection solely as a result of such default.
AB843-ASA1, s. 16 15Section 16. 11.05 (2) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB843-ASA1,8,1916 11.05 (2) (b) Every individual who accepts contributions, incurs obligations, or
17makes disbursements with respect to one or more referenda in a calendar year in an
18aggregate amount in excess of $100 shall file a statement with the appropriate filing
19officer giving the information required by sub. (3).
AB843-ASA1, s. 17 20Section 17. 11.05 (2r) (title) of the statutes is renumbered 11.06 (2m) (title).
AB843-ASA1, s. 18 21Section 18. 11.05 (2r) of the statutes is renumbered 11.06 (2m) (a) and
22amended to read:
AB843-ASA1,9,1823 11.06 (2m) (a) Any person, committee or group, other than a committee or an
24individual or committee required to file an oath under s. 11.06 (7), who or which does
25not anticipate accepting contributions, making disbursements or incurring

1obligations in an aggregate amount in excess of $1,000 in a calendar year and does
2not anticipate accepting any contribution or contributions from a single source, other
3than contributions made by a candidate to his or her own campaign, exceeding $100
4in that year may indicate on its registration statement that the person, committee
5or group will not accept contributions, incur obligations or make disbursements in
6the aggregate in excess of $1,000 in any calendar year and will not accept any
7contribution or contributions from a single source, other than contributions made by
8a candidate to his or her own campaign, exceeding $100 in such any calendar year.
9Any registrant making such an indication is not subject to any filing requirement if
10the statement is true. The registrant need not file a termination report. A registrant
11not making such an indication on a registration statement is subject to a filing
12requirement. The indication may be revoked and the registrant is then subject to a
13filing requirement as of the date of revocation, or the date that aggregate
14contributions, disbursements or obligations for the calendar year exceed $1,000, or
15the date on which the registrant accepts any contribution or contributions exceeding
16$100 from a single source, other than contributions made by a candidate to his or her
17own campaign, during that any calendar year, whichever is earlier. If the revocation
18is not timely, the registrant violates s. 11.27 (1).
AB843-ASA1, s. 19 19Section 19. 11.05 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB843-ASA1,9,2320 11.05 (3) (c) In the case of a committee, a statement as to whether the
21committee is a personal campaign committee, a political party committee, a
22legislative campaign committee,
a support committee or a special interest
AB843-ASA1, s. 20 24Section 20. 11.05 (3) (m) of the statutes is created to read:
111.05 (3) (m) In the case of a personal campaign committee, the name of the
2candidate on whose behalf the committee was formed or intends to operate and the
3office or offices that the candidate seeks.
AB843-ASA1, s. 21 4Section 21. 11.05 (3) (o) of the statutes is repealed.
AB843-ASA1, s. 22 5Section 22. 11.05 (3) (r) of the statutes is created to read:
AB843-ASA1,10,86 11.05 (3) (r) In the case of a candidate or personal campaign committee of a
7candidate, the telephone number or numbers and a facsimile transmission number
8or electronic mail address, if any, at which the candidate may be contacted.
AB843-ASA1, s. 23 9Section 23. 11.05 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB843-ASA1,10,2410 11.05 (5) Change of information. Any change in information previously
11submitted in a statement of registration shall be reported by the registrant to the
12appropriate filing officer within 10 days following the change. This period does not
13apply in case of change of an indication made under sub. (2r) s. 11.06 (2m), which
14shall be reported no later than the date that a registrant is subject to a filing
15requirement under sub. (2r) s. 11.06 (2m). Any such change may be reported only by
16the individual or by the officer who has succeeded to the position of an individual who
17signed the original statement; but in the case of a personal campaign committee, a
18candidate or campaign treasurer may report a change in the statement except as
19provided in s. 11.10 (2), and in the case of any other committee or group, the chief
20executive officer or treasurer indicated on the statement may report a change. If a
21preexisting support committee is adopted by a candidate as his or her personal
22campaign committee, the candidate shall file an amendment to the committee's
23statement under this subsection indicating that all information contained in the
24statement is true, correct and complete.
AB843-ASA1, s. 24 25Section 24. 11.05 (9) (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
111.05 (9) (title) Deposit of contributions; conduits.
AB843-ASA1, s. 25 2Section 25. 11.05 (12) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB843-ASA1,11,113 11.05 (12) (b) Except as authorized under sub. (13), a committee, group or
4individual other than a candidate or agent of a candidate shall comply with sub. (1)
5or (2) no later than the 5th business day commencing after receipt of the first
6contribution by such committee, group or individual, and before making any
7disbursement. No committee, group or individual, other than a candidate or agent
8of a candidate, may accept any contribution or contributions exceeding $25 in the
the amount specified in sub. (1) or (2) during a calendar year at any time
10when the committee, group or individual is not registered under this section except
11within the initial 5-day period authorized by this paragraph.
AB843-ASA1, s. 26 12Section 26. 11.05 (13) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB843-ASA1,11,1913 11.05 (13) Bank account and postal box; exemption. An individual, committee
14or group does not violate this section by accepting a contribution and making a
15disbursement in the amount required to rent a postal box, or in the minimum amount
16required by a bank or trust company to open a checking account, prior to the time of
17registration, if the disbursement is properly reported on the first report submitted
18under s. 11.20 or 11.21 (16) after the date that the individual, committee or group is
19registered, whenever a reporting requirement applies to the registrant.
AB843-ASA1, s. 27 20Section 27. 11.06 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB843-ASA1,12,221 11.06 (1) Contents of report. (intro.) Except as provided in subs. (2), (2m),
22(3) and (3m) and ss.11.05 (2r) and s. 11.19 (2), each registrant under s. 11.05 shall
23make full reports, upon a form prescribed by the board and signed by the appropriate
24individual under sub. (5), of all contributions received, contributions or
25disbursements made, and obligations incurred. Each report shall contain the

1following information, covering the period since the last date covered on the previous
2report, unless otherwise provided:
AB843-ASA1, s. 28 3Section 28. 11.06 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read: