AB1-SSA1-SA2,381,2 23(5) Compliance plan. (a) No later than the first day of the 9th month beginning
24after the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], the commission
25shall, after notice and, if requested, a hearing, issue an order establishing a

1compliance plan for each large telecommunications utility that includes each of the
AB1-SSA1-SA2,381,73 1. Standards for the utility to provide nondiscriminatory access to the utility's
4services and network elements, including the utility's operational support system,
5to the utility's wholesale customers. The access must be at least equal in quality to
6the access provided by the utility to itself or to any subsidiary, affiliate, or other
7person to which the utility provides interconnection.
AB1-SSA1-SA2,381,98 2. Procedures for measuring the large telecommunications utility's compliance
9with the standards under subd. 1.
AB1-SSA1-SA2,381,1110 3. Requirements for the utility to make specified monetary payments to a
11wholesale customer if the utility fails to comply with the standards under subd. 1.
AB1-SSA1-SA2,381,1312 (b) The requirements of this subsection apply in addition to any requirements
13under an interconnection agreement.
AB1-SSA1-SA2, s. 346y 14Section 346y. 196.219 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,381,1515 196.219 (3m) Wholesale service. (a) In this subsection:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,381,1816 1. "Large telecommunications utility" means a telecommunications utility that
17has more than 500,000 access lines in use in this state at the time of electing to
18become price regulated.
AB1-SSA1-SA2,381,2019 2. "Repeat trouble report" means a trouble report by a wholesale customer who
20has previously made a trouble report regarding the same wholesale service.
AB1-SSA1-SA2,381,2321 3. "Trouble report" means a report to a telecommunications utility by a
22wholesale customer about a problem regarding a wholesale service provided by the
23telecommunications utility.
AB1-SSA1-SA2,382,424 4. "Wholesale services" means telecommunications services, products, or
25facilities, provided by a telecommunications utility to a telecommunications

1provider, including preordering, ordering and provisioning, maintenance and repair,
2network performance, unbundled elements, operator services and directory
3assistance, system performance, service center availability, billing, and any other
4service that the commission specifies by order.
AB1-SSA1-SA2,382,85 (b) No later than the first day of the 4th month beginning after the effective date
6of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], the commission shall, by order, establish
7minimum wholesale service standards that require a large telecommunications
8utility to do all of the following:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,382,99 1. Provision wholesale services and related facilities in a timely manner.
AB1-SSA1-SA2,382,1010 2. Repair wholesale service outages in a timely manner.
AB1-SSA1-SA2,382,1211 3. Minimize the frequency of trouble reports, including trouble reports within
1230 days after initiating a wholesale service.
AB1-SSA1-SA2,382,1313 4. Minimize the frequency of repeat trouble reports.
AB1-SSA1-SA2,382,2014 (c) In addition to any other order issued by the commission, the commission
15may issue an order that applies the requirements of par. (b) to a telecommunications
16utility other than a large telecommunications utility, but only if the commission
17finds, after notice and reasonable opportunity for hearing, that the
18telecommunications utility has engaged in a demonstrable pattern of poor wholesale
19service or has intentionally violated any state or federal law, rule, regulation, or
20order relating to wholesale service.
AB1-SSA1-SA2,382,2521 (d) An order under par. (b) or (c) may require a telecommunications utility that
22fails to comply with the order to make payments to a telecommunications provider
23that is affected by the failure to comply or to the commission in amounts and
24according to schedules that are specified in the order. Any payments to the
25commission shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.155 (1) (Lm).
1(e) After the commission issues an order under par. (b) or (c), the commission
2may promulgate rules that implement the requirements of the order.
AB1-SSA1-SA2,383,53 (f) A telecommunications utility that provides wholesale services to a
4telecommunications provider shall provide the services on the same terms and
5conditions that the utility provides to itself or to any of its affiliates.
AB1-SSA1-SA2, s. 346z 6Section 346z. 196.37 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,383,187 196.37 (2) If the commission finds that any measurement, regulation, practice,
8act or service is unjust, unreasonable, insufficient, preferential, unjustly
9discriminatory or otherwise unreasonable or unlawful, or that any service is
10inadequate, or that any service which reasonably can be demanded cannot be
11obtained, the commission shall determine and make any just and reasonable order
12relating to a measurement, regulation, practice, act or service to be furnished,
13imposed, observed and followed in the future. An order under this subsection against
14a large telecommunications utility, as defined in s. 196.219 (3m) (a) 1., may require
15the utility to make payments in amounts specified in the order to persons affected
16by the measurement, regulation, practice, act, or service or to the commission. Any
17payments to the commission shall be credited to the appropriation account under s.
1820.155 (1) (Lm).
AB1-SSA1-SA2,383,19 19404. Page 177, line 14: after that line insert:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,383,20 20" Section 346m. 196.195 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,384,621 196.195 (5) Commission action. If after the proceedings under subs. (2), (3) and
22(4) the commission has determined that effective competition exists in the market
23for the telecommunications service which justifies a lesser degree of regulation and
24that lesser regulation in that market will serve the public interest, the commission

1may, by order, suspend any of the following provisions of law, except as provided
2under subs. (7) and (8): ch. 201 and sub. (12) (d) 2. or (e); s. 196.02 (2); s. 196.05; s.
3196.06; s. 196.07; s. 196.09; s. 196.10; s. 196.12; s. 196.13 (2); s. 196.19; tariffing
4requirements under s. 196.194; s. 196.196 (1) or (5); s. 196.20; s. 196.204 (5), (6), or
5(7); s. 196.21; s. 196.22; s. 196.26; s. 196.28; s. 196.37; s. 196.49; s. 196.52; s. 196.58;
6s. 196.60; s. 196.604; s. 196.77; s. 196.78; s. 196.79; and s. 196.805; or ch. 201.".
AB1-SSA1-SA2,384,7 7405. Page 177, line 14: after that line insert:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,384,9 8" Section 346g. 196.218 (5) (a) 5. of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin
9Act 16
, is amended to read:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,384,1410 196.218 (5) (a) 5. To pay costs incurred under contracts under s. 16.974 16.971
11(13) to (16)
to the extent that these costs are not paid under s. 44.73 (2) (d), except
12that no moneys in the universal service fund may be used to pay installation costs
13that are necessary for a political subdivision to obtain access to bandwidth under a
14shared service agreement under s. 44.73 (2r) (a).
AB1-SSA1-SA2, s. 346h 15Section 346h. 196.218 (5) (a) 6. of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin
16Act 16
, is amended to read:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,384,2017 196.218 (5) (a) 6. To pay the department of electronic government
18administration for telecommunications services provided under s. 22.05 16.972 (1)
19to the campuses of the University of Wisconsin System at River Falls, Stout, Superior
20and Whitewater.
AB1-SSA1-SA2, s. 346m 21Section 346m. 196.858 (1) and (2) of the statutes, as affected by 2001
22Wisconsin Act 16
, are amended to read:
1196.858 (1) The commission shall annually assess against local exchange and
2interexchange telecommunications utilities the total, not to exceed $5,000,000, of the
3amounts appropriated under s. 20.530 20.505 (1) (ir).
AB1-SSA1-SA2,385,13 4(2) The commission shall assess a sum equal to the annual total amount under
5sub. (1) to local exchange and interexchange telecommunications utilities in
6proportion to their gross operating revenues during the last calendar year. If total
7expenditures for telephone relay service exceeded the payment made under this
8section in the prior year, the commission shall charge the remainder to assessed
9telecommunications utilities in proportion to their gross operating revenues during
10the last calendar year. A telecommunications utility shall pay the assessment within
1130 days after the bill has been mailed to the assessed telecommunication utility. The
12bill constitutes notice of the assessment and demand of payment. Payments shall
13be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.530 20.505 (1) (ir).".
AB1-SSA1-SA2,385,14 14406. Page 177, line 22: after that line insert:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,385,15 15" Section 347c. 214.72 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,385,1916 214.72 (1) (b) "Financial regulator" means the department secretary and
17deputy secretary,
and an administrator, a supervisor of data processing, legal counsel
18and a financial institution examiner employed by the department and includes any
19member of a financial regulator's immediate family, as defined in s. 19.42 (7).
AB1-SSA1-SA2, s. 347p 20Section 347p. 214.72 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,386,521 214.72 (3) Within 30 days after commencing employment as a financial
22regulator and at least once each year, each financial regulator, for himself or herself
23and covering his or her immediate family, shall complete a written, sworn report
24disclosing the nature of all business relationships with savings banks on forms

1prescribed by the department. Each report shall be reviewed by the department,
2except that the secretary's and deputy secretary's report shall be reviewed by the
3review board. The reviewers shall determine if any business relationship is or
4appears improper and, if so, may direct the termination of that business relationship
5within a reasonable, prescribed time period.".
AB1-SSA1-SA2,386,6 6407. Page 179, line 14: after that line insert:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,386,7 7" Section 351n. 218.0114 (23) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,386,178 218.0114 (23) (intro.) After the receipt of an application in due form, properly
9verified and certified, and upon the payment of the $5 examination fee, the secretary,
10deputy secretary
or any salaried employee of the department of transportation
11designated by the secretary shall, within a reasonable time and in a place reasonably
12accessible to the applicant for a license, subject each first-time applicant for license
13and, if the secretary deems necessary, any applicant for renewal of license to a
14personal written examination as to competency to act as a motor vehicle salesperson.
15The secretary shall issue to an applicant a resident or nonresident motor vehicle
16salesperson's license if the application and examination show that the applicant
17meets all of the following requirements:".
AB1-SSA1-SA2,386,18 18408. Page 180, line 3: after that line insert:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,386,20 19" Section 353m. 221.0320 (3) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin
20Act 16
, is amended to read:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,386,2221 221.0320 (3) (a) In this subsection, "local governmental unit" has the meaning
22given in s. 22.01 16.97 (7).".
AB1-SSA1-SA2,386,23 23409. Page 180, line 18: after that line insert:
1" Section 357p. Subchapter V of chapter 224 [precedes 224.991] of the statutes
2is created to read:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,387,33 Chapter 224
AB1-SSA1-SA2,387,54 Subchapter v
5 consumer reporting agencies
AB1-SSA1-SA2,387,6 6224.991 Definitions. In this subchapter:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,387,7 7(1) "Consumer report" has the meaning given in 15 USC 1681a (d).
AB1-SSA1-SA2,387,8 8(2) "Consumer reporting agency" has the meaning given in 15 USC 1681a (f).
AB1-SSA1-SA2,387,9 9(3) "File" has the meaning given in 15 USC 1681a (g).
AB1-SSA1-SA2,387,11 10(4) "Investigative consumer report" has the meaning given in 15 USC 1681a
AB1-SSA1-SA2,387,13 12(5) "Summary of rights" means the information a consumer reporting agency
13is required to provide under 15 USC 1681g (c).
AB1-SSA1-SA2,387,17 14224.993 Disclosure to individual. (1) In general. A consumer reporting
15agency shall, upon the written request of an individual, provide the individual with
16a written disclosure report within 5 business days after receiving the written
AB1-SSA1-SA2,387,19 18(2) Contents. Except as provided in sub. (4), the written disclosure report
19provided under sub. (1) shall contain all of the following:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,387,2020 (a) A current consumer report pertaining to the individual.
AB1-SSA1-SA2,387,2321 (b) The date of each request for credit information pertaining to the individual
22received by the consumer reporting agency during the 12 months before the date that
23the consumer reporting agency provides the written disclosure report.
1(c) The name of each person requesting credit information pertaining to the
2individual during the 12 months before the date that the consumer reporting agency
3provides the written disclosure report.
AB1-SSA1-SA2,388,54 (d) The dates, original payees, and amounts of any checks upon which any
5adverse characterization of the consumer is based.
AB1-SSA1-SA2,388,66 (e) Any other information contained in the individual's file.
AB1-SSA1-SA2,388,87 (f) A clear and concise explanation of the contents of the written disclosure
AB1-SSA1-SA2,388,99 (g) A summary of rights.
AB1-SSA1-SA2,388,13 10(3) Cost. A consumer reporting agency shall provide the written disclosure
11report required under sub. (1) free of charge, unless the individual has requested a
12written disclosure report from the consumer reporting agency during the preceding
1312 months.
AB1-SSA1-SA2,388,15 14(4) Exceptions. A consumer reporting agency may not disclose to an individual
15making a request under sub. (1) any of the following:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,388,1716 (a) The sources of any information that was both acquired solely for use in
17preparing an investigative consumer report and used for no other purpose.
AB1-SSA1-SA2,388,1818 (b) Any credit score or other risk score or predictor relating to the consumer.
AB1-SSA1-SA2,388,22 19224.997 Penalties. Any person who violates this subchapter may be fined not
20more than $500 for the first offense and may be fined not more than $1,000 or
21imprisoned for not more than 6 months or both for each subsequent offense occurring
22within 6 months.".
AB1-SSA1-SA2,388,23 23410. Page 180, line 18: after that line insert:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,388,24 24" Section 358m. 227.01 (13) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
1227.01 (13) (cm) Is an order under s. 196.1995 (5) (a) or 196.219 (3m) (a) 4. or
AB1-SSA1-SA2,389,3 3411. Page 180, line 19: delete lines 19 and 20.
AB1-SSA1-SA2,389,4 4412. Page 180, line 20: after that line insert:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,389,5 5" Section 359f. 227.43 (1) (bg) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,389,126 227.43 (1) (bg) Assign a hearing examiner to preside over any hearing or review
7under ss. 49.45 (2) (a) 10. and 14., 84.30 (18), 84.31 (6) (a), 85.013 (1), 86.073 (3), 86.16
8(5), 86.195 (9) (b), 86.32 (1), 101.935 (2) (b), 101.951 (7) (a) and (b), 114.134 (4) (b),
9114.135 (9), 114.20 (19), 175.05 (4) (b), 194.145 (1), 194.46, 218.0114 (7) (d) and (12)
10(b), 218.0116 (2), (4), (7) (a), (8) (a), and (10), 218.0131 (3), 218.11 (7) (a) and (b), 218.22
11(4) (a) and (b), 218.32 (4) (a) and (b), 218.41 (4), 218.51 (5) (a) and (b), 341.09 (2m) (d),
12342.26, 343.69, and 348.25 (9).".
AB1-SSA1-SA2,389,13 13413. Page 180, line 20: after that line insert:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,389,15 14" Section 362m. 230.08 (2) (e) 1. of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin
15Act 16
, is amended to read:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,389,1616 230.08 (2) (e) 1. Administration — 10 11.
AB1-SSA1-SA2, s. 362p 17Section 362p. 230.08 (2) (e) 3r. of the statutes, as created by 2001 Wisconsin
18Act 16
, is repealed.".
AB1-SSA1-SA2,389,19 19414. Page 180, line 20: after that line insert:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,389,21 20" Section 361e. 230.08 (2) (e) of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin Act
, is repealed.
AB1-SSA1-SA2, s. 361m 22Section 361m. 230.08 (2) (fs) of the statutes is repealed.
AB1-SSA1-SA2, s. 361r 23Section 361r. 230.08 (2) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
1230.08 (2) (g) One stenographer appointed by each elective executive officer,
2and one deputy or assistant appointed by each elective executive officer except the
3attorney general, secretary of state, state treasurer, and superintendent of public
AB1-SSA1-SA2,390,5 5415. Page 180, line 21: delete lines 21 and 22 and substitute:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,390,6 6" Section 363m. 230.08 (2) (L) of the statutes is repealed.".
AB1-SSA1-SA2,390,7 7416. Page 180, line 23: before that line insert:
AB1-SSA1-SA2,390,8 8" Section 363r. 230.08 (2) (m) of the statutes is repealed.
AB1-SSA1-SA2, s. 363t 9Section 363t. 230.08 (2) (mL) of the statutes is repealed.".