8452.20 Limitation on actions for commissions. No person engaged in the
9business or acting in the capacity of a broker, salesperson
or, time-share salesperson
10or closing agent within this state may bring or maintain an action in the courts of this
11state for the collection of a commission or compensation for the performance of any
12act mentioned in this chapter without alleging and proving that he or she was a duly
13licensed broker
, or salesperson or registered time-share salesperson
or closing agent 14at the time the alleged cause of action arose.
16452.21 Compensation presumed. In any prosecution for violation of this
17chapter, proof that a person acted as a broker, agent, salesperson
or, time-share
, or closing agent is prima facie proof that compensation therefor was
19received or promised.
(2) The certificate of the secretary or his or her designee to the effect that
22a specified individual or business entity is not or was not on a specified date the
23holder of a broker's, salesperson's
or, time-share salesperson's
, or closing agent's 24license or registration, or that a specified license or registration was not in effect on
25a date specified, or as to the issuance, limitation, suspension
, or revocation of any
1license or registration or the reprimand of any holder thereof, the filing or
2withdrawal of any application or its existence or nonexistence, is prima facie
3evidence of the facts therein stated for all purposes in any action or proceedings.".
(10) "Oral risk assessment" means a review of the patient's caries
7experience, dental care utilization, use of preventive services, and medical history.
8"Oral risk assessment" does not include a dental diagnosis.
(12) "Remediable procedures" means patient procedures that create
11changes within the oral cavity or surrounding structures that are reversible
12professional intervention and do not involve any increased health risks to the
(1) (c) Subject to ch. 553 and s.
447.06 (1) 447.055, governing dental
(2) (d) The oral systemic premedications and subgingival sustained
19release chemotherapeutic agents that may be administered by a dental hygienist
20licensed under this chapter under s. 447.06
(2) (e) 1. and 3 (6) (a) and (c).
(2) (e) The educational requirements for administration of local
23anesthesia by a dental hygienist licensed under this chapter under s. 447.06
(2) (e)
242 (6) (b).
(3) By January 1, 2003, and every 5 years thereafter, the examining
3board shall submit jointly with the department of health and family services a report
4to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2) and to the governor on the ability of the dental
5work force to meet the oral health care needs of individuals in this state. The report
6shall include findings and any recommendations of the examining board and the
SB55-SSA1-SA2, s. 3592nh
8Section 3592nh. 447.03 (2) (intro.), (a) and (b) of the statutes are renumbered
9447.03 (2) (a) (intro.), 1. and 2.
(2) (b) Any individual who is licensed as a dental hygienist under this
12chapter is not required to be licensed as a dentist to perform acts delegated by a
13dentist under s. 447.06.
(3) (g) Any individual who provides remediable procedures
or other
16dentistry practices that are delegated under s. 447.065 (1)
or (2).
(1) (a) 4. Submits evidence satisfactory to the examining board that he
19or she has passed the national dental examination and
either the examination of a
20dental testing service approved by the examining board
or an examination of a
21regional dental testing service in the United States.
(1) (b)
The Except as provided in pars. (c) and (d), the examining board
24may grant a license to practice dentistry to an individual who is licensed in good
25standing to practice dentistry in another state or territory of the United States or in
1another country if the applicant meets the requirements for licensure established by
2the examining board by rule and upon presentation of the license and payment of the
3fee specified under s. 440.05 (2).
(1) (c) 1. The examining board shall grant a license to practice dentistry
6to an applicant who is licensed in good standing to practice dentistry in another state
7or territory of the United States or in Canada upon presentation of the license,
8payment of the fee specified under s. 440.05 (2), and submission of evidence
9satisfactory to the examining board that all of the following conditions are met:
a. The applicant has graduated from a school of dentistry accredited by the
11American Dental Association's commission on dental accreditation.
b. The applicant submits a certificate from each jurisdiction in which the
13applicant is or has ever been licensed stating that no disciplinary action is pending
14against the applicant or the license, and detailing all discipline, if any, that has ever
15been imposed against the applicant or the license.
c. The applicant has been engaged in the active practice of dentistry, as defined
17in s. DE 1.02 (2), Wis. Adm. Code, in one or more jurisdictions in which the applicant
18has a current license in good standing, for at least 48 of the 60 months preceding the
19application for licensure in this state.
d. The applicant has successfully completed a jurisprudence examination on
21the provisions of Wisconsin statutes and administrative rules relating to dentistry
22and dental hygiene.
e. The applicant possesses a current certificate of proficiency in
24cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
1f. The applicant has disclosed all discipline that has ever been taken against
2the applicant in any jurisdiction shown in reports from the national practitioner data
3bank and the American association of dental examiners.
g. The applicant has presented satisfactory responses during any personal
5interview with the board that the board may require to resolve conflicts between the
6licensing standards and the applicant's application or to inquire into any discipline
7that was imposed against the applicant or the license in another jurisdiction.
2. Notwithstanding subd. 1., the examining board may refuse to grant a license
9to an applicant following an interview under subd. 1. g. if the examining board
10determines that discipline that was imposed against the applicant or the license in
11another jurisdiction demonstrates that the applicant is unfit to practice dentistry.
(1) (d) 1. The examining board shall grant a license to practice dentistry
14to an applicant who is licensed in good standing to practice dentistry in another state
15or territory of the United States or in another country upon presentation of the
16license, payment of the fee specified under s. 440.05 (2), and submission of evidence
17satisfactory to the examining board that all of the following conditions are met:
a. The applicant is a faculty member at a school of dentistry in this state.
b. The applicant submits a certificate from each jurisdiction in which the
20applicant is or has ever been licensed stating that no disciplinary action is pending
21against the applicant or the license, and detailing all discipline, if any, that has ever
22been imposed against the applicant or the license.
c. The applicant has successfully completed a jurisprudence examination on
24the provisions of Wisconsin statutes and administrative rules relating to dentistry
25and dental hygiene.
1d. The applicant possesses a current certificate of proficiency in
2cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
e. The applicant has disclosed all discipline that has ever been taken against
4the applicant in any jurisdiction shown in reports from the national practitioner data
5bank and the American association of dental examiners.
f. The applicant has presented satisfactory responses during any personal
7interview with the board that the board may require to resolve conflicts between the
8licensing standards and the applicant's application or to inquire into any discipline
9that was imposed against the applicant or the license in another jurisdiction.
2. Notwithstanding subd. 1., the examining board may refuse to grant a license
11to an applicant following an interview under subd. 1. f. if the examining board
12determines that discipline that was imposed against the applicant or the license in
13another jurisdiction demonstrates that the applicant is unfit to practice dentistry.
3. A license under this paragraph is no longer in effect if the licensee ceases to
15be a faculty member at a school of dentistry in this state.
17447.06 (title)
Practice Dental hygienist practice limitations.
20447.055 Contract provisions. No contract of employment entered into
21between a dentist and any other party under which the dentist renders dental
22services may require the dentist to act in a manner which violates the professional
23standards for dentistry set forth in this chapter. Nothing in this
subsection section 24limits the ability of the other party to control the operation of the dental practice in
1a manner in accordance with the professional standards for dentistry set forth in this
SB55-SSA1-SA2, s. 3592nr
3Section 3592nr. 447.06 (2) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 447.06 (1m), and
4447.06 (1m) (intro.), as renumbered, is amended to read:
(1m) Practice circumstances. (intro.) A
dental hygienist may practice
6dental hygiene or perform remediable procedures
or other delegated procedures only
7as an employee or as an independent contractor and only as follows:
SB55-SSA1-SA2, s. 3592ns
8Section 3592ns. 447.06 (2) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 447.06 (2m) (a)
9and amended to read:
(2m) (a)
A Except as provided in subs. (3) and (4), a dental hygienist
11may practice dental hygiene or perform remediable procedures
under par. (a) 1., 4.,
126., 7. or 8. only as only if either authorized by a dentist who is licensed to practice
13dentistry under this chapter and who is present in the facility in which those
14practices or procedures are performed
, except as provided in par. (c) or if the practices
15or procedures are performed pursuant to a prescription that meets the requirements
16of par. (b).
SB55-SSA1-SA2, s. 3592nt
17Section 3592nt. 447.06 (2) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 447.06 (2m) (b),
18and 447.06 (2m) (b) (intro.), as renumbered, is amended to read:
(2m) (b) (intro.)
A dental hygienist may practice dental hygiene or
20perform remediable procedures under par. (a) 1., 4., 6., 7. or 8. if a dentist who is
21licensed to practice dentistry under this chapter is not present in the facility in which
22those The practices or procedures
are under par. (a) may be performed
pursuant to
23a prescription only if all of the following conditions are met:
(2m) (title)
Requirement for a dentist present or a prescription if a
3dentist is not present.
(3) Practice circumstances without a dentist present and without a
6prescription; dental hygienist school. A dental hygienist may practice dental
7hygiene or perform remediable procedures at a school for the education of dental
8hygienists without a dentist present in the facility in which the practices or
9procedures are performed and without a written or oral prescription. A dental
10hygienist may apply sealants on a patient at a school for the education of dental
11hygienists without a diagnosis or treatment plan by a dentist if a dental hygienist
12has performed an oral risk assessment of the patient. A dental hygienist shall
13maintain a written record of the assessment and make appropriate referrals based
14on the assessment.
(4) Practice circumstances without a dentist present and without a
17prescription; additional education and experience. (a) A dental hygienist may
18perform any of the following practices without a dentist present in the facility in
19which the practices are performed and without a written or oral prescription if the
20requirements of pars. (am), (b), and (c) are met and if the dental hygienist first
21reviews the patient's medical history and performs an oral risk assessment:
1. Conduct an oral screening and have a plan of what dental hygiene
23procedures will be performed on the patient. Oral screening that is performed solely
24for the purpose of data collection does not require an oral risk assessment and does
25not require certification under par. (c).
12. Apply dental sealants. Sealants may be applied under this subdivision
2without a diagnosis or treatment plan by a dentist.
3. Provide fluoride therapies.
4. Provide patient education services.
5. Expose radiographs if a dentist will be available to read and diagnose the
6. Perform oral prophylaxis, if a dentist, nurse practitioner, physician or
8physician assistant has reviewed a current medical history for the patient and has
9indicated in writing that the patient may receive the service. The dental hygienist
10may use topical anesthesia under this subdivision only if the anesthesia has been
11prescribed by a dentist, nurse practitioner, physician, or physician assistant. Local
12anesthesia may not be administered by a dental hygienist under this subdivision.
7. Remove supragingival or subgingival calcareous deposits, subgingival
14cement, or extrinsic stains from a natural or restored surface of a human tooth or a
15fixed replacement for a human tooth, perform debridement or deep scaling or root
16planing of teeth, if a dentist, nurse practitioner, physician, or physician assistant has
17reviewed a current medical history of the patient and has indicated in writing that
18the patient may receive the service for the patient. The dental hygienist may use
19topical anesthesia under this subdivision only if prescribed by a dentist, nurse
20practitioner, physician, or physician assistant. Local anesthesia may not be
21administered by a dental hygienist under this subdivision.
(am) A dental hygienist shall maintain a written record of and oral risk
23assessment performed under par. (a) and make appropriate referrals based on the
(b) The practices under par. (a) may be performed only as follows:
11. For a school board or a governing body of a private school.
2. For a facility, as defined in s. 50.01 (1m), a hospital, as defined in s. 50.33 (2),
3or a facility established to provide care for terminally ill patients.
3. For a local health department, as defined in s. 250.01 (4).
4. For a charitable institution open to the general public or to members of a
6religious sect or order.
5. For a nonprofit home health care agency.
6. For a nonprofit dental care program serving primarily indigent,
9economically disadvantaged, or migrant worker populations.
(c) A dental hygienist may perform the practices under par. (a) only if certified
11by the examining board in dental hygiene practice circumstances without a dentist
12present and without a prescription. The examining board shall issue a certificate in
13dental hygiene practice circumstances without a dentist present and without a
14presciption to an individual who documents to the board that he or she has 2 years
15of experience as a dental hygienist and meets any of the following:
1. Has submitted to the examining board proof of course completion issued by
17an accredited dental school or an accredited dental hygiene school in dental hygiene
18circumstances without a dentist present and without a prescription. This course
19may be offered in conjunction with a national or state dental or dental hygiene
2. Has been certified in community dental health, public health, or public
22health education from an accredited dental school or an accredited dental hygiene
3. Has worked for at least 1,000 hours in a public health or community health
14. Has received a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university.
(5) (title)
Prohibited practices.