(7) (d)
Drainage board grants. The amounts in the schedule for grants
4to drainage boards under s. 88.15. No moneys may be encumbered from this
5appropriation after June 30,
2004 2006.
(7) (i)
Drainage district Internet site. The amounts in the schedule for
9creating and maintaining the Internet site for drainage district engineering projects
10under s. 88.15 (2m). All moneys received from fees under s. 88.15 (2m) shall be
11credited to this appropriation account.
(7) (qc)
Plant protection; conservation fund. From the conservation
16fund, the amounts in the schedule for plant protection, including nursery regulation
17gypsy moth control, and control of
other plant pests.
(7) (rm)
Pest management for schools. From the agrichemical
21management fund, the amounts in schedule for the pest management for schools
22program under s. 94.715.
(8) (g)
Gifts and grants.
Except as provided in subs. (2) (gb), (3) (ga), (4)
3(i) and (7) (gb), all All moneys received from gifts and grants to carry out the purposes
4for which made.
(8) (ha)
General laboratory related services. All moneys received
8service fees, other than from state agencies, for the performance of general
9laboratory services under s. 93.06 and other laws under which the department
10performs testing services
. The department may not transfer money from any
11appropriation under this section to this appropriation and all moneys received as
12payment for milk standards used to calibrate or verify milk component testing
13instruments to carry out the purposes for which those moneys are received.
(8) (kL)
Central services. All moneys received from the department for
16program-specific services that are performed centrally, except moneys received
17under par. (km)
or (kp), for the purpose of performing those services.
(8) (ks)
State contractual services. All moneys received from other state
21agencies for the costs of the services performed
under contracts with for those state
, to provide those services.
(1) (fg)
Community-based economic development programs. The
25amounts in the schedule for grants under ss. 560.037 and 560.14 and for the grants
1993 Wisconsin Act 16, section 9115 (1c) and 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section
29110 (6e) and (7v) 2001 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9110 (8x) and (8y).
(1) (hm)
Certified capital companies. All moneys received under subch.
5II of ch. 560 for the cost of administering subch. II of ch. 560.
Notwithstanding s.
620.001 (3) (c), at the end of each fiscal year, the unencumbered balance in this
7appropriation account shall lapse to the general fund.
(1) (ie)
Wisconsin development fund, repayments. All moneys received
11in repayment of grants or loans under s. 560.085 (4) (b), 1985 stats., s. 560.147, s.
12560.16, 1995 stats., s. 560.165, 1993 stats., subch. V of ch. 560 except s. 560.65,
13Wisconsin Act 336, section
3015 (1m),
1989 Wisconsin Act 336, section
3015 (2m),
141989 Wisconsin Act 336, section
3015 (3gx),
1997 Wisconsin Act 27, section
9110 (7f),
151997 Wisconsin Act 310, section
2 (2d), and
1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section
9110 (4),
16to be used for grants and loans under subch. V of ch. 560 except s. 560.65, for loans
17under s. 560.147, for grants under ss. 560.16
, and 560.175
and 560.25, for assistance
18under s. 560.06 (2), for the loan under
1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section
9110 (4),
for the
19grant under 2001 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9110 (7g), and for
20reimbursements under s. 560.167.
(1) (ig)
Gaming economic development
grants and loans and
23diversification; repayments. The
Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for grants
24and loans under
s. ss. 560.137
(2) and 560.138. All moneys received in repayment
1of loans under
s. ss. 560.137
(2) and 560.138 shall be credited to this appropriation
(1) (im)
Minority business projects; repayments. All moneys received in
5repayment of grants or loans under s. 560.83 and loans under
1997 Wisconsin Act
69, section
3, to be used for grants and loans under ss. 560.82, 560.83
, and 560.837,
7the grant under
1993 Wisconsin Act 110, section 3
2001 Wisconsin Act .... (this act),
8section 9110 (7g), and the loans under
1997 Wisconsin Act 9, section
SB55-SSA1, s. 446
446. 20.143 (1) (jc) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (jc) (title)
Physician and dentist and health care provider loan
11assistance programs repayments; penalties.
SB55-SSA1, s. 447
447. 20.143 (1) (jm) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (jm) (title)
Physician and dentist loan assistance program; local
(1) (kf)
American Indian economic development; technical assistance. 17The amounts in the schedule for grants under s. 560.875 (1). All moneys transferred
18from the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm) 6f. shall be credited to this
19appropriation account.
Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), the unencumbered
20balance on June 30 of each year shall revert to the appropriation account under s.
2120.505 (8) (hm).
(1) (kg)
American Indian economic
development; liaison and gaming
24grants specialist and program marketing. The amounts in the schedule for the
25American Indian economic liaison program under s. 560.87, other than for grants
1under s. 560.87 (6)
, for the salary and fringe benefits of, and related supplies and
2services for, the gaming grants specialist for the programs under ss. 560.137 and
3560.138, and for marketing the programs under ss. 560.137 and 560.138. From this
4appropriation, the department may expend in each fiscal year no more than $100,000
5for marketing the programs under ss. 560.137 and 560.138. All moneys transferred
6from the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm) 6g. shall be credited to this
7appropriation account.
Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), the unencumbered
8balance on June 30 of each year shall revert to the appropriation account under s.
920.505 (8) (hm).
(1) (kh)
American Indian economic development; liaison — grants. The
12amounts in the schedule for grants under s. 560.87 (6). All moneys transferred from
13the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm) 6h. shall be credited to this
14appropriation account.
Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), the unencumbered
15balance on June 30 of each year shall revert to the appropriation account under s.
1620.505 (8) (hm).
20.143 (1) (kj)
Gaming economic development and diversification; grants and
20loans. The Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for grants and loans under
ss. 21560.137, for marketing the program under s. 560.137 and
560.138, for the grants
22under s. 560.139
(1) (a) and (2), and for the grant under 2001 Wisconsin Act .... (this
23act), section 9110 (1). Of the amounts in the schedule, $500,000 shall be allocated
24in each fiscal year for the grants under s. 560.137 (3m).
From this appropriation, the
25department may expend in each fiscal year for marketing the program under s.
1560.137 no more than the difference between $100,000 and the amount that the
2department spends in the same fiscal year from the appropriation under par. (km)
3for marketing the program under s. 560.138. All moneys transferred from the
4appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm) 6j. shall be credited to this
5appropriation account.
Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (b), the unencumbered
6balance on June 30 of each odd-numbered year shall revert to the appropriation
7account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm).
(1) (ko)
Manufacturing extension center grants. The amounts in the
11schedule for grants under s. 560.25. All moneys transferred from the appropriation
12account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm) 6o. shall be credited to this appropriation account.
13Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), the unencumbered balance on June 30 of each year
14shall revert to the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm).
(1) (kp)
Business employees' skills training grants. The amounts in the
17schedule for grants under s. 560.155. All moneys transferred from the appropriation
18account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm) 6p. shall be credited to this appropriation account.
19Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), the unencumbered balance on June 30 of each year
20shall revert to the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm).
(1) (kr)
Physician and dentist and health care provider loan assistance
23programs,; repayments, and contract. All moneys transferred from the appropriation
24account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm) 6r. and all moneys transferred under 1999
25Wisconsin Act 9, section 9210 (1), Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for loan
1repayments under ss. 560.183 and 560.184 and for contracting under ss. 560.183 (8)
2and 560.184 (7).
All moneys transferred from the appropriation account under s.
320.505 (8) (hm) 6r. and all moneys transferred under 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section
49210 (1), shall be credited to this appropriation account. Notwithstanding s. 20.001
5(3) (b), the unencumbered balance on June 30 of each odd-numbered year shall
6revert to the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm).
(1) (kt)
Funds transferred from other state agencies. All moneys
9received from other state agencies to carry out the purposes for which received.
(1) (qm)
Brownfields grant program
and related grants; environmental
12fund. From the environmental fund, the amounts in the schedule for grants under
13s. ss. 560.13
and 560.139 (1) (c) and for the grant under
1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section
149110 (8gm).
(3) (j)
Safety and building operations. The amounts in the schedule for
17the purposes of chs. 101, 145
, and 168 and ss. 236.12 (2) (a), 236.13 (1) (d) and (2m)
, 18and 236.335. All moneys received under ch. 145
and, ss. 101.177 (4) (a) 4., 101.178,
19101.19, 101.63 (9), 101.654 (3), 101.73 (12), 101.82 (4), 101.9205 (3), 101.9208 (1) (b),
20101.9213 (8), 101.935, 101.951 (2), 101.952 (2), 101.955 (2), 101.973 (7)
, and 236.12
, and 2001 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9110 (3z), shall be credited to this
(1) (g)
General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for
25general program operations. Ninety percent of all moneys received under ss. 601.31,
601.42 (7), 601.45
, and 601.47
and by the commissioner for expenses related
2to insurance company restructurings, except for restructurings specified in par. (h), 3shall be credited to this appropriation
(1) (h)
Holding company restructuring expenses. All Ninety percent of
6all moneys received from converting mutual insurance companies under s. 644.07
7(11) for expenses, including prorated salaries, incurred by the commissioner and
8office staff related to restructurings under ch. 644.
(1) (g)
Utility regulation. The amounts in the schedule for the
11regulation of utilities. Ninety percent of all moneys received by the commission
12under s. 196.85, 196.855
, or 201.10 (3)
, except moneys received from mobile home
13park operators under s. 196.85 (2g), shall be credited to this appropriation. Ninety
14percent of all receipts from the sale of miscellaneous printed reports and other copied
15material, the cost of which was originally paid under this paragraph, shall be
16credited to this appropriation.
(1) (gm)
Applicant investigation reimbursement. All Ninety percent of
21all moneys received from applicants for credentials under s. 440.03 (13), for the
22purpose of conducting investigations under s. 440.03 (13).
(1) (j)
Support of arts programs. All moneys received from the Wisconsin
25Artistic Endowment Foundation under s. 247.06 (1) (a) for operating support of arts
1organizations and for grants under the Wisconsin regranting program under s.
(1) (km)
State aid for the arts; Indian gaming receipts. The amounts in
5the schedule for grants-in-aid or contract payments to American Indian groups,
6individuals, organizations
, and institutions under s. 44.53 (1) (fm) and (2) (am). All
7moneys transferred from the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm) 4b. shall
8be credited to this appropriation account.
Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), the
9unencumbered balance on June 30 of each year shall revert to the appropriation
10account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm).
1220.218 Educational broadcasting corporation. There is appropriated to
13the corporation described under s. 39.82 (1) for the following costs:
14(1) Educational broadcasting. (a)
Operational costs; television. The amounts
15in the schedule for operational costs related to public television broadcasting.
Operational costs; radio. The amounts in the schedule for operational costs
17related to public radio broadcasting.
1920.220 Wisconsin Artistic Endowment Foundation. There is
20appropriated to the Wisconsin Artistic Endowment Foundation for the following
22(1) Support of the arts. (a)
Education and marketing. As a continuing
23appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for public education and marketing
24relating to the Wisconsin artistic endowment fund.
General program operations. From the artistic endowment fund, the
2amounts in the schedule for general program operations of the foundation.
Support of the arts. From the artistic endowment fund, as a continuing
4appropriation, all moneys received as interest and earnings of the artistic
5endowment fund, less the amounts appropriated in par. (q), for support of the arts
6under s. 247.06.
(1) (a)
General program operations. The amounts in the schedule to
9carry out its functions other than programming under ss. 39.11 and 39.13.
If the
10secretary of administration determines that the federal communications
11commission has approved the transfer of all broadcasting licenses held by the board
12to the broadcasting corporation, as defined in s. 39.81 (2), on and after the effective
13date of the last license transferred as determined by the secretary of administration
14under s. 39.87 (2) (a), no moneys may be encumbered under this paragraph.