(7) (kL)
Indian aids. The amounts in the schedule to facilitate delivery
9of social services and mental hygiene services to American Indians under s. 46.70.
10All moneys transferred from the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm) 18c.
11shall be credited to this appropriation account.
Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), the
12unencumbered balance on June 30 of each year shall revert to the appropriation
13account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm).
(7) (km)
Indian drug abuse prevention and education. The amounts in
16the schedule for the American Indian drug abuse prevention and education program
17under s. 46.71. All moneys transferred from the appropriation account under s.
1820.505 (8) (hm) 18d. shall be credited to this appropriation account.
19Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), the unencumbered balance on June 30 of each year
20shall revert to the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm).
(7) (kn)
Elderly nutrition; home-delivered and congregate meals. The
23amounts in the schedule for home-delivered and congregate meals under the state
24supplement to the federal congregate nutrition projects under s. 46.80 (5) (a). All
25moneys transferred from the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm) 18dm.
1shall be credited to this appropriation.
Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), the
2unencumbered balance on June 30 of each year shall revert to the appropriation
3account s. 20.505 (8) (hm).
(7) (o)
Federal aid; community aids. All federal moneys received in
7amounts pursuant to allocation plans developed by the department for the provision
8or purchase of services authorized under par. (b); all federal moneys received as child
9welfare funds under
42 USC 620 to
626 as limited under s. 48.985;
all moneys
10transferred under 1997 Wisconsin Act 237, section 9222 (3), from the appropriation
11account under par. (md); all federal temporary assistance for needy families moneys
12received under 42 USC 601 to 619 that are authorized to be used to purchase or
13provide social services under 42 USC 1397 to 1397e; and all unanticipated federal
14social services block grant funds received under
42 USC 1397 to
1397e, in accordance
15with s. 46.49 (2), for distribution under s. 46.40. Disbursements from this
16appropriation may be made directly to counties for social and mental hygiene
17services under s. 46.03 (20) (b) or 46.031 or directly to counties in accordance with
18federal requirements for the disbursal of federal funds.
(8) (mb)
Income augmentation services receipts. All moneys that are
21received under
42 USC 670 to
42 USC 1395 to
1395ddd, and
42 USC 1396 to
221396v as the result of income augmentation activities for which the state has
and all moneys that are received under 42 USC 1396 to 1396v in
24reimbursement of the cost of providing targeted case management services to
25children whose care is not eligible for reimbursement under 42 USC 670 to 679a, to
1be used as provided in s. 46.46
and 2001 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), sections 9223
2(5zk) and (8z).
(1) (j)
Work permit system and fees. The amounts in the schedule for the
5expenses of providing an automated work permit system. All moneys received from
6fees collected under s. 103.805 (1), as provided in s. 103.805 (1), shall be credited to
7this appropriation account.
(1) (kt)
Transfer of Indian gaming receipts; trade masters pilot program. 10The amounts in the schedule for the trade masters pilot program under s. 106.01 (11).
11All moneys transferred from the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm) 18dr.
12shall be credited to this appropriation account. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), the
13unencumbered balance on June 30 of each year shall revert to the appropriation
14account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm).
(3) (dz)
Wisconsin works and other public assistance administration and
17benefits. The amounts in the schedule, less the amounts withheld under s. 49.143
18(3), for administration and benefit payments under Wisconsin works under ss.
1949.141 to 49.161, the learnfare program under s. 49.26, the work experience and job
20search program under s. 49.36
, and the food stamp program under s. 49.124; for
21payment distribution payments to counties and tribal governing bodies under s.
2249.33 (8);
for county administration of public assistance benefits and medical
23assistance eligibility determination and for payments to American Indian tribes for
24administration of public assistance programs; to provide state aid for county
25administered public assistance programs for which reimbursement is provided
1under s. 49.33 (9) for hospital paternity incentive payments under s. 69.14 (1) (cm);
2and for funeral expenses under s. 49.30. Payments may be made from this
3appropriation to counties for fraud investigation and error reduction under s. 49.197
4(1m) and (4). Moneys appropriated under this paragraph may be used to match
5federal funds received under par. (md). Notwithstanding ss. 20.001 (3) (a) and 20.002
6(1), the department may transfer funds between fiscal years under this paragraph.
7Notwithstanding ss. 20.001 (3) and 20.002 (1), the department of health and family
8services shall credit or deposit into this appropriation account funds for the purposes
9of this appropriation that the department transfers from the appropriation account
10under s. 20.435 (7) (bc). All funds allocated by the department but not encumbered
11by December 31 of each year lapse to the general fund on the next January 1 unless
12transferred to the next calendar year by the joint committee on finance.
SB55-SSA1, s. 737am
13Section 737am. 20.445 (3) (dz) of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin
14Act .... (this act), is amended to read:
(3) (dz)
Wisconsin works and other public assistance administration and
16benefits. The amounts in the schedule, less the amounts withheld under s. 49.143
17(3), for administration and benefit payments under Wisconsin works under ss.
1849.141 to 49.161, the learnfare program under s. 49.26, the work experience and job
19search program under s. 49.36, and the food stamp
employment and training 20program under s.
49.124 49.13; for payments to counties and tribal governing bodies
21under s. 49.33 (8); and for payments to, Wisconsin works agencies, and American
22Indian tribes for administration of public assistance programs; for hospital paternity
23incentive payments under s. 69.14 (1) (cm); and for funeral expenses under s. 49.30.
24Payments may be made from this appropriation to counties for fraud investigation
25and error reduction under s. 49.197 (1m) and (4). Moneys appropriated under this
1paragraph may be used to match federal funds received under par. (md).
2Notwithstanding ss. 20.001 (3) (a) and 20.002 (1), the department may transfer funds
3between fiscal years under this paragraph. Notwithstanding ss. 20.001 (3) and
420.002 (1), the department of health and family services shall credit or deposit into
5this appropriation account funds for the purposes of this appropriation that the
6department transfers from the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (7) (bc). All
7funds allocated by the department but not encumbered by December 31 of each year
8lapse to the general fund on the next January 1 unless transferred to the next
9calendar year by the joint committee on finance.
(3) (ja)
Child support state operations — fees. All moneys received from
13fees charged under s. 49.22 (8), from fees ordered
or otherwise owed under s. 767.29
14(1) (d), from fees collected under s. 767.29 (1) (dm) 1m.
and, from fees charged and
15incentive payments and collections retained under s. 49.22 (7m)
, and under s. 49.855
16(4) from the department of revenue or the department of administration that were
17withheld by the department of revenue or the internal revenue service for unpaid
18fees ordered or otherwise owed under s. 767.29 (1) (d), for costs associated with
19receiving and disbursing support and support-related payments, including any
20contract costs, and for administering the program under s. 49.22 and all other
21purposes specified in s. 49.22.
(3) (kp)
Delinquent support and, maintenance,and fee payments. All
24moneys received from
the department of revenue and the department of
25administration under s. 49.855
(4m) that were withheld for child support,
1support, maintenance, medical expenses
, or birth expenses, to be distributed in
2accordance with state law and federal regulations
, and that were withheld for unpaid
3fees ordered or otherwise owed under s. 767.29 (1) (d), for costs associated with
4receiving and disbursing support and support-related payments, including any
5contract costs.
(3) (L)
Welfare fraud and error reduction; state operations activities and
8food stamp sanctions. From the All moneys received as the state's share of the
9recovery of overpayments and incorrect payments under s. 49.191 (3) (c), 1997 stats.,
10s. 49.195, 1997 stats., and ss. 49.125 (2)
, and 49.497 (1),
the amounts in the schedule 11all moneys received from counties and tribal governing bodies as a result of error
12reduction activities under s. 49.197, and all moneys transferred under 2001
13Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9258 (2q), for
the department's activities to reduce
14error and fraud
in the food stamp, aid to families with dependent children, Wisconsin
15works program and medical assistance programs under s. 49.197, to pay federal
16sanctions under the food stamp program, and for food stamp reinvestment activities
17under reinvestment agreements with the federal department of agriculture that are
18designed to improve the food stamp program.
SB55-SSA1, s. 740am
19Section 740am. 20.445 (3) (L) of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin
20Act .... (this act), is amended to read:
(3) (L)
Welfare fraud and error reduction activities and food stamp
22sanctions. All moneys received as the state's share of the recovery of overpayments
23and incorrect payments under s. 49.191 (3) (c), 1997 stats.,
and s. 49.195, 1997 stats.,
24and ss. 49.125 (2) and 49.497 (1), all moneys received from counties and tribal
25governing bodies as a result of error reduction activities under s. 49.197, and all
1moneys transferred under 2001 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9258 (2q), for
2activities to reduce error and fraud under s. 49.197
, to pay federal sanctions under
3the food stamp program, and for food stamp reinvestment activities under
4reinvestment agreements with the federal department of agriculture that are
5designed to improve the food stamp program.
(3) (mc)
Federal block grant operations. The amounts in the schedule,
9less the amounts withheld under s. 49.143 (3), for the purposes of operating and
10administering the block grant programs for which the block grant moneys are
11received and transferring moneys to the appropriation accounts under ss. 20.435 (3)
, and (6) (kx)
and (8) (kx) and 20.525 (1) (kb) and (kf). All block grant moneys
13received for these purposes from the federal government or any of its agencies for the
14state administration of federal block grants shall be credited to this appropriation
(3) (mc)
Federal block grant operations. The amounts in the schedule,
19less the amounts withheld under s. 49.143 (3), for the purposes of operating and
20administering the block grant programs for which the block grant moneys are
21received and transferring moneys to the appropriation accounts under ss. 20.435 (3)
, and (6) (kx)
and (8) (kx) and 20.525 (1)
(kb) and (kf). All block grant moneys
23received for these purposes from the federal government or any of its agencies for the
24state administration of federal block grants shall be credited to this appropriation
(3) (md)
Federal block grant aids. The amounts in the schedule, less
3the amounts withheld under s. 49.143 (3), for aids to individuals or organizations and
4to be transferred to the appropriation accounts under
sub. (7) (kc) and ss. 20.255 (2)
5(kh) and (kp), 20.433 (1) (k), 20.434 (1) (kp) and (ky), 20.435 (3) (kc), (kd), (km)
, and
6(ky), (5) (ky), (7)
(kw) and (ky)
, and (8) (kx), 20.465 (4) (k)
, and 20.835 (2) (kf). All block
7grant moneys received for these purposes from the federal government or any of its
8agencies and all moneys recovered under s. 49.143 (3) shall be credited to this
9appropriation account.
(3) (pm)
Food stamp employment and training program;
12administration. All federal moneys received for the administrative costs associated
13with the food stamp employment and training program under s.
49.124 (1m) 49.13,
14to carry out that purpose.
(3) (ps)
Food stamp employment and training program; aids. All federal
17moneys received for the provision or purchase of services for the food stamp
18employment and training program under s.
49.124 (1m)
49.13, to carry out that
(3) (pv)
Food stamps; electronic Electronic benefits transfer. All moneys
22received from the federal government for
the electronic
food stamp benefits transfers 23transfer of benefits administered by the department of workforce development, to be
24expended for the purposes specified. Estimated disbursements under this
25paragraph shall not be included in the schedule under s. 20.005.
(3) (qm)
Child support state operations and reimbursement for claims
3and expenses; unclaimed payments. From the support collections trust fund, a sum
4sufficient equal to the amounts credited under s. 20.912 (1) to the support collections
5trust fund and the amounts not distributable under par. (r) for administering the
6program under s. 49.22 and all other purposes specified in s. 49.22 and for
7reimbursing the state treasurer under s. 177.265.
(3) (r)
Support receipt and disbursement program; payments. From the
10support collections trust fund,
except as provided in par. (qm), all moneys received
11under s. 49.854, except for moneys received under s. 49.854 (11) (b), all moneys
12received under ss. 767.265 and 767.29 for child or family support, maintenance,
13spousal support, health care expenses
, or birth expenses,
and all other moneys
14received under judgments or orders in actions affecting the family, as defined in s.
15767.02 (1),
and all moneys received under s. 49.855 (4) from the department of
16revenue or the department of administration that were withheld by the department
17of revenue or the internal revenue service for delinquent child support, family
18support, or maintenance or outstanding court-ordered amounts for past support,
19medical expenses, or birth expenses, for disbursement to the persons for whom the
20payments are awarded, for returning seized funds under s. 49.854 (5) (f)
, and, if
21assigned under s. 46.261, 48.57 (3m) (b) 2. or (3n) (b) 2., 49.145 (2) (s), 49.19 (4) (h)
221. b.
, or 49.775 (2) (bm), for transfer to the appropriation account under par. (k).
23Estimated disbursements under this paragraph shall not be included in the schedule
24under s. 20.005.
(5) (kg)
Vocational rehabilitation services for tribes. The amounts in the
2schedule for vocational rehabilitation services under ch. 47 for Native American
3individuals and federally recognized American Indian tribes or bands. All moneys
4transferred from the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm) 18e. shall be
5credited to this appropriation account.
Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), the
6unencumbered balance on June 30 of each year shall revert to the appropriation
7account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm).
(5) (na)
Federal program aids. All federal moneys received for the
10purchase of goods and services under ch. 47 and for the purchase of vocational
11rehabilitation programs for individuals or organizations. The department shall, in
12each state fiscal year, transfer to s. 20.435 (7) (kc) up to
$200,000 $300,000.
(7) (ga)
Auxiliary services. All moneys received from fees collected
17under s. 106.12 (4), for the delivery of services under s. 106.12 (4).
(7) (kd)
Transfer of Indian gaming receipts; work-based learning
21programs. The amounts in the schedule for work-based learning programs. All
22moneys transferred from the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm) 18j.
23shall be credited to this appropriation account.
Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), the
24unencumbered balance on June 30 of each year shall revert to the appropriation
25account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm).
(7) (m)
Federal funds. All federal moneys received as authorized under
3s. 16.54 for the purposes of the programs administered by the governor's work-based
4learning board, for those purposes.
(2) (j)
Law enforcement training fund, local assistance. The amounts
7in the schedule to finance local law enforcement training as provided in s. 165.85 (5)
8(b). All moneys transferred from par. (i)
for the purpose of this appropriation shall
9be credited to this appropriation.
(2) (ja)
Law enforcement training fund, state operations. The amounts
12in the schedule to finance state operations associated with the administration of the
13law enforcement training fund and to finance training for state law enforcement
14personnel, as provided in s. 165.85 (5) (b). All moneys transferred from par. (i)
15the purpose of this appropriation shall be credited to this appropriation.
(2) (jb)
Crime laboratory equipment and supplies. The amounts in the
18schedule for the maintenance, repair, upgrading
, and replacement costs of the
19laboratory equipment, and for supplies used to maintain, repair, upgrade
, and
20replace that equipment, in the state and regional crime laboratories. All moneys
21transferred from par. (i)
for the purpose of this appropriation shall be credited to this
(2) (k)
Interagency and intra-agency assistance; investigations. All
25moneys received from
the department or any
other state agency regarding
1abuse law enforcement assistance
and drug investigations and analysis to carry out
2the purposes for which received.
(2) (kd)
Drug law enforcement
and, crime laboratories, and genetic
5evidence activities. The amounts in the schedule for activities relating to drug law
6enforcement, drug law violation prosecution assistance
, activities of the state
7and regional crime laboratories
, and for transferring to the appropriation account
8under s. 20.475 (1) (km) the amounts in the schedule under s. 20.475 (1) (km). All
9moneys transferred from the appropriation account under par. (Lm) shall be credited
10to this appropriation account.
(2) (kh)
Automated fingerprint identification system grants. The
13amounts in the schedule for grants to local law enforcement agencies under 2001
14Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9131 (2c), for automated fingerprint
15identification system work stations and for installation of Badgernet lines. All
16moneys transferred from the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (6) (j) 16. shall
17be credited to this appropriation account. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), the
18unencumbered balance on June 30, 2002, shall revert to the appropriation account
19under s. 20.505 (6) (j).
SB55-SSA1, s. 770p
20Section 770p. 20.455 (2) (kh) of the statutes, as created by 2001 Wisconsin Act
21.... (this act), is repealed.
(2) (kt)
County-tribal programs, local assistance. The amounts in the
24schedule for distribution to county-tribal law enforcement programs under s.
25165.90. All moneys transferred from the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8)
1(hm) 15g. shall be credited to this appropriation account.
Notwithstanding s. 20.001
2(3) (a), the unencumbered balance on June 30 of each year shall revert to the
3appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm).
(2) (ku)
County-tribal programs, state operations. The amounts in the
6schedule to finance the activities of the department of justice associated with
7county-tribal law enforcement programs under s. 165.90. All moneys transferred
8from the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm) 15h. shall be credited to this
9appropriation account.
Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), the unencumbered
10balance on June 30 of each year shall revert to the appropriation account under s.
1120.505 (8) (hm).
(2) (ma)
Federal aid, drug enforcement. All moneys received from the
14federal government under subtitle K of title I of P.L.
99-570 for state programs,
15except as provided under s. 20.505 (6)
(pc) (m), as authorized by the governor under
16s. 16.54, for drug law enforcement programs to work with local law enforcement
17agencies in a coordinated effort and for operating costs of the crime laboratory in the
18city of Wausau.
(5) (k)
Interagency and intra-agency assistance; reimbursement to
21counties. The amounts in the schedule to provide services
to state agencies relating
22to victims and witnesses and to provide reimbursement to counties under s. 950.06
23(2). All moneys received from the department or any other state agency for services
24relating to victims and witnesses shall be credited to this appropriation.
(1) (c)
Public emergencies. A sum sufficient to defray all expenditures
2of the Wisconsin national guard
, the Wisconsin naval militia, or the Wisconsin state
3defense force when either is called into state service to meet situations arising from
4war, riot, natural disaster or great public emergency and in preparation for an
5anticipated call into state service for these emergencies.
(1) (f)
Energy costs. The amounts in the schedule to be used at military
8buildings under control of the department to pay for utilities and for fuel, heat and
9air conditioning
, and to pay costs incurred by or on behalf of the department under
10ss. 16.858 and 16.895
, and to repay to the energy efficiency fund loans made to the
11department under s. 16.847 (6).
(1) (h)
Intergovernmental services. The amounts in the schedule to
14provide services to local units of government for fire, crash and rescue emergencies
15and to provide assistance under s. 166.30. All moneys received from local units of
16government for services provided for fire, crash
, and rescue emergencies
and as
17reimbursement from other states and territories for any losses, damages, or
18expenses incurred when units or members of the Wisconsin national guard are
19activated in state status to provide assistance under s. 166.30 shall be credited to this
(3) (a)
General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for
23the general program operations of the division of emergency management
24but not limited to, central administrative support services by the department.
(3) (h)
Interstate emergency assistance. The amounts in the schedule
3to provide assistance under s. 166.30. All moneys received under s. 166.30 (9) as
4reimbursement from other states and territories for any losses, damages, or
5expenses incurred when the division of emergency management provides assistance
6under s. 166.30 shall be credited to this appropriation account.