Assembly Joint Resolution 15
Assembly Joint Resolution 25
Assembly Joint Resolution 26
Assembly Joint Resolution 27
Assembly Joint Resolution 29
Assembly Joint Resolution 30
Assembly Joint Resolution 31
Assembly Joint Resolution 39
Assembly Joint Resolution 43
John A. Scocos
Assembly Chief Clerk
Speaker's Communications
April 2, 2001
John A. Scocos
Assembly Chief Clerk
1 East Main Street, Suite 402
Dear Mr. Scocos:
On March 30, 2001, Assembly Bill 274 relating to supplemental medical assistance to reduce operating deficits of county, city, village, or town nursing homes and creating a medical assistance trust fund was referred to the Assembly Committee on Health. Pursuant to Assembly Rule 42 (3)(c), I hereby withdraw Assembly Bill 274 from the Assembly Committee on Health and re-refer that bill to the Assembly Committee on Aging and Long-Term Care.
Representative Underheim has been notified of this re-referral and approves.
Scott R. Jensen
Assembly Speaker
Chief Clerk's Report
The Chief Clerk records:
Assembly Bill 7
Assembly Bill 54
Presented to the Governor on Monday, April 2, 2001.
John A. Scocos
Assembly Chief Clerk
State of Wisconsin
Revisor of Statutes Bureau
DATE: April 1, 2001

TO: John A. Scocos
Assembly Chief Clerk

Donald J. Schneider
Senate Chief Clerk
FROM: Gary L. Poulson
Deputy Revisor of Statutes

SUBJECT: Rules published in the March 31, 2001, Wisconsin Administrative Register, No. 543.
The following rules have been published:
Clearinghouse Rule 00-073 effective 4-1-2001
Clearinghouse Rule 00-118 effective 4-1-2001
Referral of Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
March 29, 2001
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
The Bureau of Health Information, Department of Health and Family Services, is pleased to submit to the Governor and to the Legislature the Uncompensated Health Care Report for fiscal year 1999. The data for this report were collected under Section 153.05, Wisconsin Statutes, and are published as authorized by the requirements of section 150.20, Wisconsin Statutes. This report is based on annual hospital uncompensated health care data reported to the Bureau of Health Information by all operating general medical-surgical and specialty hospitals in Wisconsin.
A184 This report sets forth the total charges for charity care, bad debt, and total uncompensated health care for fiscal year 1999. It also shows the projected number of patients and the projected charges for charity care, bad debt, and total uncompensated health care in fiscal year 1999.
Phyllis J. Dube
Referred to committee on Health.
State of Wisconsin
Building Commission
April 3, 2001
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
Section 13.48(2)(e) stipulates that the State of Wisconsin Building Commission shall report to the Legislature at each regular session the progress on projects authorized in the two preceding and current biennia. This report is submitted in accordance with that provision and covers the period from July 1995 through December 2000. Projects having budgets over $ 100,000 are listed in detail. Those of lesser amounts have been grouped for each agency as one item for the biennium in which they were authorized.
In summary, during this five and one-half-year period, the Building Commission approved projects with a total value of $1,624,906,548.88. Of that amount, $1,215,617,871.19 has been spent or encumbered, leaving a balance of $409,288,677.69 to be used to complete projects in progress. The sources of funds for the projects are either cash or borrowed funds which flow through the Building Trust Fund, the Capital Improvement Fund, or agency operating budgets.
Each section of this report is organized by the state agency for which the facilities are being built. The Wisconsin State Controller's Office and user agencies have provided information presented in this report. Building Commission staff has not attempted to verify the figures that were obtained by user agencies. The staff has merely assembled the material provided by each agency and presents it for your review.
David P. Schmiedicke
Referred to committee on Government Operations.