Monday, October 29, 2001
Ninety-Fifth Regular Session
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries under the above date:
Assembly amendment 2 to Assembly Bill 265 offered by Representative Underheim.
Assembly amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 461 offered by committee on Colleges and Universities.
Assembly substitute amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 496 offered by Representative Musser.
Assembly substitute amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 524 offered by committee on Public Health.
Assembly substitute amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 529 offered by Representatives Pettis and Musser.
Assembly amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 540 offered by Representative Pettis.
Assembly amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 542 offered by committee on Children and Families.
Read first time and referred:
Assembly Joint Resolution 69
Relating to: honoring and commending the devoted public service of David A. Stella.
Representatives Vrakas, Ladwig, Plale, Black, Hahn, Jeskewitz, Krug, Lassa, Olsen, Owens, Petrowski, Ryba and Starzyk; cosponsored by Senators Wirch, Grobschmidt, Ellis, Baumgart, Burke, Darling, Risser and Rosenzweig.
To committee on Rules.
Assembly Bill 588
Relating to: funding for the enforcement of laws regulating snowmobiles and the operation of snowmobiles and making an appropriation.
Representatives Gard, D. Meyer, Friske, Seratti, Suder, Kaufert, Bies, Starzyk and Pettis; cosponsored by Senators Decker, Welch and Breske.
To joint committee on Finance.
Assembly Bill 589
Relating to: registration by certain hospitalized electors.
Representatives Huber, Ainsworth, Meyerhofer, Kestell, Plale, Ryba, Gronemus, Turner, J. Lehman, Bock, Plouff, Richards, Williams and Berceau; cosponsored by Senators Hansen, Burke, Robson, Plache and Decker.
To committee on Campaigns and Elections
Assembly Bill 590
Relating to: adding legislative members to the council on developmental disabilities; requiring the council on developmental disabilities to report annually to the legislature; expanding eligibility, requiring submission of wavier requests by a specified date, and providing transitional services under a pilot program for long-term care of children with disabilities; requiring the department of health and family services to develop a plan to administer and fund services for persons with developmental disabilities; and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
Joint Legislative Council.
To committee on Health.
Assembly Bill 591
Relating to: the qualifications of newspapers permitted to publish legal notices.
Representatives Duff, Ladwig, Starzyk, Gronemus, Gunderson, Krawczyk, Bies, McCormick, Jeskewitz, Turner, Ainsworth, M. Lehman, Stone, Owens and Lippert.
To committee on Urban and Local Affairs
Assembly Bill 592
Relating to: an exception to confidentiality requirements for treatment records.
Representatives La Fave, Albers, Gronemus, Ryba, M. Lehman, Krawczyk, Musser, Gunderson, Ainsworth, Seratti, Shilling, Nass, J. Lehman, Sykora and Stone; cosponsored by Senators Wirch and Darling.
To committee on Personal Privacy
Assembly Bill 593
Relating to: The Type 1 motorcycle, moped, and motor bicycle safety program and making an appropriation.
Representatives Friske, Petrowski, Stone, Gard, Vrakas, Gronemus, Ward, Kaufert, F. Lasee, Montgomery, Musser, McCormick, Hundertmark, Rhoades, Seratti, J. Fitzgerald, Ott, Starzyk, Krawczyk, Ainsworth, Lippert, Hoven, Sykora, Jeskewitz, Urban, Kreibich, Gunderson, Leibham, Suder, M. Lehman, Reynolds, Black, Plouff, Sherman, Lassa, Meyerhofer, J. Lehman, Berceau, Schooff and Grothman; cosponsored by Senators M. Meyer, Zien, Plache, Panzer, Wirch, Harsdorf, Welch, Shibilski, Hansen, Schultz and Grobschmidt.
To committee on Highway Safety.
Assembly Bill 594
Relating to: increasing a school district's revenue limit for expenditures related to participation of pupils in statewide tournaments and competitions.
Representatives Plouff, Pocan, Ryba, Krug, Staskunas, Richards, Sinicki, J. Lehman and Riley; cosponsored by Senator Burke
To committee on Tax and Spending Limitations
Assembly Bill 595
Relating to: sexual assault and providing a penalty.
Representatives Berceau, Musser, Sinicki, Wasserman and Pocan; cosponsored by Senators Burke and Risser.
To committee on Criminal Justice
Assembly Bill 596
Relating to: requiring a permanency plan to be prepared for a child who is living in the home of a relative under a juvenile court order.
Representatives Ladwig, Jeskewitz, Albers, Duff, Kreibich, Lippert, Loeffelholz, McCormick, Owens, Petrowski, Ryba, Seratti, Starzyk and Townsend; cosponsored by Senators Plache, Rosenzweig, Huelsman, Darling and Roessler.
To committee on Children and Families
Assembly Bill 597
Relating to: issuance of an identification card.
Representatives Hubler, Musser, Jeskewitz, Ziegelbauer, Carpenter, Walker, Bies, Sykora, Ryba, M. Lehman, Hahn, Kaufert, Boyle, Owens, Kreuser, Miller and Balow; cosponsored by Senator Burke
To committee on Transportation.