Passed and asks concurrence in:
Senate Bill 479
Representative Foti asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Senate Bill
479 be withdrawn from the Senate message and taken up at this time. Granted.
Senate Bill
Relating to: payment of a medical assistance supplement to care management organizations that contract with municipal nursing homes for the provision of services to family care recipients.
M. Meyer
; cosponsored by Representative Johnsrud
The question was: Shall Senate Bill 479 be ordered to a third reading?
Motion carried.
Representative Foti asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Senate Bill
479 be given a third reading. Granted.
The question was: Senate Bill 479 having been read three times, shall the bill be concurred in?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives Ainsworth, Albers, Balow, Berceau, Bies, Black, Bock, Boyle, Carpenter, Coggs, Colon, Cullen, Duff, Foti, Freese, Friske, Gard, Gronemus, Grothman, Gunderson, Gundrum, Hahn, Hebl, Hines, Hoven, Huber, Hubler, Huebsch, Hundertmark, Jeskewitz, Johnsrud, Kaufert, Krawczyk, Kreibich, Kreuser, Krug, Krusick, La Fave, Ladwig, F. Lasee, Lassa, J. Lehman, M. Lehman, Lippert, Loeffelholz, Meyerhofer, Miller, Montgomery, Morris-Tatum, Musser, Olsen, Ott, Owens, Petrowski, Pettis, Plale, Plouff, Pocan, Powers, Reynolds, Rhoades, Richards, Riley, Ryba, Schneider, Schooff, Seratti, Sherman, Shilling, Sinicki, Starzyk, Staskunas, Steinbrink, Stone, Suder, Sykora, Townsend, Travis, Turner, Underheim, Urban, Vrakas, Walker, Ward, Wasserman, Wieckert, Williams, Wood, Young, Ziegelbauer and Speaker Jensen - 91.
Noes - Representatives J. Fitzgerald, Kedzie, Kestell, Leibham, D. Meyer, Nass and Skindrud - 7.
Absent or not voting - Representatives McCormick - 1.
Motion carried.
Representative Foti asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Senate Bill
479 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
Representative Foti asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill
782 be withdrawn from the calendar of Wednesday, March 6, and taken up at this time. Granted.
Assembly Bill 782
Relating to: electric personal assistive mobility devices, granting rule-making authority, and providing penalties.
Assembly amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 782 offered by Representatives Krug and Stone.
The question was: Shall Assembly amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 782 be adopted?
Motion carried.
The question was: Shall Assembly Bill 782 be ordered engrossed and read a third time?
Motion carried.
Representative Foti asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill
782 be given a third reading. Granted.
The question was: Assembly Bill 782 having been read three times, shall the bill be passed?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives Ainsworth, Albers, Balow, Berceau, Bies, Black, Bock, Boyle, Carpenter, Coggs, Cullen, Duff, J. Fitzgerald, Foti, Freese, Friske, Gard, Gronemus, Grothman, Gunderson, Gundrum, Hahn, Hebl, Hines, Hoven, Huber, Hubler, Huebsch, Hundertmark, Jeskewitz, Johnsrud, Kaufert, Kedzie, Kestell, Krawczyk, Kreibich, Kreuser, Krug, Krusick, La Fave, Ladwig, F. Lasee, Lassa, J. Lehman, Leibham, Lippert, Loeffelholz, D. Meyer, Meyerhofer, Morris-Tatum, Musser, Nass, Olsen, Ott, Owens, Petrowski, Pettis, Plale, Plouff, Pocan, Powers, Reynolds, Rhoades, Richards, Riley, Ryba, Schneider, Schooff, Seratti, Sherman, Shilling, Sinicki, Skindrud, Starzyk, Steinbrink, Stone, Suder, Sykora, Townsend, Travis, Turner, Underheim, Vrakas, Walker, Ward, Wasserman, Wieckert, Williams, Wood, Young, Ziegelbauer and Speaker Jensen - 92.
Noes - Representatives Colon, M. Lehman, Miller, Montgomery, Staskunas and Urban - 6.
Absent or not voting - Representative McCormick - 1.
Motion carried.
Representative Foti asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill
782 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
Representative Foti asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Joint Resolution 102 be withdrawn from the committee on Rules and taken up at this time. Granted.
Assembly Joint Resolution 102
Relating to: congratulating and commending the University of Wisconsin Men's Basketball Team on its 2001-2002 Big Ten Conference Championship.
The question was: Shall Assembly Joint Resolution
102 be adopted?
Motion carried.
Representative Foti asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Joint Resolution 102 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
Representative Foti asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Joint Resolution 106 be withdrawn from the committee on Rules and taken up at this time. Granted.
Assembly Joint Resolution 106
Relating to: the life and public service of Reino A. Perala.
The question was: Shall Assembly Joint Resolution
106 be adopted?
Motion carried.
Representative Foti asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Joint Resolution 106 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
Representative Foti asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Joint Resolution 103 be withdrawn from the committee on Rules and taken up at this time. Granted.
Assembly Joint Resolution 103
Relating to: the retirement of John D. Powell.
The question was: Shall Assembly Joint Resolution
103 be adopted?
Motion carried.
Representative Foti asked unanimous consent that all members of the Assembly be made coauthors of Assembly Joint Resolution 103. Granted.
Representative Foti asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Joint Resolution 103 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
Representative Foti asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that
Assembly Resolution 57 be withdrawn from the committee on
Rules and taken up at this time. Granted.
Assembly Resolution 57
Relating to: commending the Wisconsin Elks Association on its 100th anniversary.
The question was: Shall Assembly Resolution 57 be adopted?
Motion carried.
Senate Bill 211
Relating to: mandatory overtime hours worked by health care workers employed by health care facilities and providing penalties.
Representative Wasserman moved that the rules be suspended and that Senate Bill 211 be withdrawn from the Senate message and taken up at this time.
The question was: Shall the rules be suspended and Senate Bill 211 be withdrawn from the Senate message and taken up at this time?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives Balow, Berceau, Black, Bock, Boyle, Carpenter, Coggs, Colon, Cullen, Gronemus, Hebl, Hoven, Huber, Hubler, Kreuser, Krug, Krusick, La Fave, Lassa, J. Lehman, Meyerhofer, Miller, Morris-Tatum, Plale, Plouff, Pocan, Reynolds, Richards, Riley, Ryba, Schneider, Schooff, Sherman, Shilling, Sinicki, Staskunas, Steinbrink, Travis, Turner, Wasserman, Williams, Wood and Young - 43.
Noes - Representatives Ainsworth, Albers, Bies, Duff, J. Fitzgerald, Foti, Freese, Friske, Gard, Grothman, Gunderson, Gundrum, Hahn, Hines, Huebsch, Hundertmark, Jeskewitz, Johnsrud, Kaufert, Kedzie, Kestell, Krawczyk, Kreibich, Ladwig, F. Lasee, M. Lehman, Leibham, Lippert, Loeffelholz, D. Meyer, Montgomery, Musser, Nass, Olsen, Ott, Owens, Petrowski, Pettis, Powers, Rhoades, Seratti, Skindrud, Starzyk, Stone, Suder, Sykora, Townsend, Underheim, Urban, Vrakas, Walker, Ward, Wieckert, Ziegelbauer and Speaker Jensen - 55.
Absent or not voting - Representative McCormick - 1.
Motion failed.
Representative Hoven asked unanimous consent to be recorded as voting "No" on the previous question. Granted.
Senate Bill 160
Relating to: prohibiting the use of cyanide in metallic mining.
Representative Black moved that the rules be suspended and that Senate Bill 160 be withdrawn from the committee on Environment and taken up at this time.
The question was: Shall the rules be suspended and Senate Bill 160 be withdrawn from the committee on Environment and taken up at this time?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives Berceau, Black, Bock, Boyle, Carpenter, Coggs, Colon, Cullen, Hebl, Huber, Hubler, Hundertmark, Kreuser, Krug, Krusick, La Fave, Lassa, J. Lehman, Meyerhofer, Miller, Morris-Tatum, Plouff, Pocan, Reynolds, Richards, Riley, Ryba, Schneider, Schooff, Sherman, Shilling, Sinicki, Staskunas, Steinbrink, Travis, Turner, Wasserman, Williams, Wood, Young and Ziegelbauer - 41.
Noes - Representatives Ainsworth, Albers, Balow, Bies, Duff, J. Fitzgerald, Foti, Freese, Friske, Gard, Gronemus, Grothman, Gunderson, Gundrum, Hahn, Hines, Hoven, Huebsch, Jeskewitz, Johnsrud, Kaufert, Kedzie, Kestell, Krawczyk, Kreibich, Ladwig, F. Lasee, M. Lehman, Leibham, Lippert, Loeffelholz, D. Meyer, Montgomery, Musser, Nass, Olsen, Ott, Owens, Petrowski, Pettis, Plale, Powers, Rhoades, Seratti, Skindrud, Starzyk, Stone, Suder, Sykora, Townsend, Underheim, Urban, Vrakas, Walker, Ward, Wieckert and Speaker Jensen - 57.
Absent or not voting - Representative McCormick - 1.
Motion failed.
Representative Balow asked unanimous consent to be recorded as voting "Aye" on the previous question. Granted.
Speaker Jensen in the chair.
Senate Joint Resolution 63
Relating to: creating a committee of conference on 2001 Assembly Bill 843 and 2001 Senate Bill 104, the 2001 Campaign Finance Bills.
Representative Carpenter asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Senate Joint Resolution 63 be withdrawn from the Senate message and taken up at this time. Granted.
Representative Black asked unanimous consent that Senate Joint Resolution 63 be laid on the table. Granted.
Representative Duff in the chair.
Assembly Bill 857
Relating to: requiring pharmacies and pharmacists, as a condition of medical assistance participation, to charge persons for prescription drugs no more than specific amounts; specifying requirements for rebate agreements between the department of health and family services and drug manufacturers or labelers; expanding prior authorization requirements under medical assistance; requiring the exercise of rule-making authority; making appropriations; and providing penalties.
Representative McCormick asked unanimous consent that her leave of absence be lifted. Granted.