Senate Bill 430
Senate Bill 435
Senate Bill 436
Senate Bill 438
Senate Bill 439
Senate Bill 440
Senate Bill 450
Senate Bill 452
Senate Bill 460
Senate Bill 462
Senate Bill 463
Senate Bill 464
Senate Bill 469
Nonconcurred in:
(Assembly amendment 1) to
Senate Joint Resolution 63
(Assembly substitute amendment 1) to Senate Bill
Amended and concurred in as amended:
Assembly Joint Resolution
Senate amendment 1 adopted)
Assembly Bill 548
(Senate amendment 1 adopted)
Assembly Bill 609
(Senate amendment 1 adopted)
Assembly Bill 809
(Senate amendment 1 adopted)
Assembly Bill 826
(Senate substitute amendment 1 adopted)
Speaker's Communications
March 15, 2002
John A. Scocos
Assembly Chief Clerk
1 East Main Street, Suite 402
Dear Mr. Scocos:
On March 14, 2002,
Clearinghouse Rule 01-054 relating to the regulation of swim rafts and the definition of "impoundment" and "similar conveyance" was referred to the Assembly Committee on Tourism and Recreation. Pursuant to Assembly Rule
13 (2)(b), I hereby withdraw
Clearinghouse Rule 01-054 from the Assembly Committee on Tourism and Recreation and re-refer that rule to the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources.
Representative Skindrud has been notified of this re-referral and approves.
Scott R. Jensen
Assembly Speaker
TO: Assembly Speaker Scott Jensen
FROM: John A. Scocos
Assembly Chief Clerk
DATE: February 25, 2002
RE: Resignation
It has been an honor and privilege to serve the Wisconsin State Assembly as the Assembly Chief Clerk. Please accept my personal thanks to you for giving me this opportunity. I will hereby resign this position effective March 15, 2002. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Again, thank you for the opportunity to serve as Assembly Chief Clerk.
The following Assembly proposals, which have been approved by both the Assembly and Senate, have been enrolled by the Legislative Reference Bureau:
Assembly Bill
Assembly Bill
Assembly Bill
Assembly Bill
Assembly Bill
Assembly Bill
Assembly Bill
Assembly Bill
Assembly Bill
Assembly Bill
Assembly Bill
Assembly Bill
Assembly Bill
Assembly Bill
Assembly Bill
Assembly Bill
Assembly Bill
Assembly Bill
Assembly Bill
Assembly Joint Resolution 80
Assembly Joint Resolution 87
Assembly Joint Resolution 88
Assembly Joint Resolution 92
Assembly Joint Resolution 100
Patrick E. Fuller
Assembly Assistant Chief Clerk
Chief Clerk Reports
The Chief Clerk records:
Assembly Bill 769
Presented to the Governor on Thursday, March 21.
Patrick E. Fuller
Assembly Assistant Chief Clerk
Reference Bureau Corrections
Assembly amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 157
In enrolling, the following corrections were made:
1. Page 1, line 4: after that line insert:
"2m. Page 6, line 13: delete "(a)".".
2. Page 2, line 1: after "informers." insert "(a)".
Referral of Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Department of Transportation
March 11, 2002
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
I am pleased to submit the Final Report of "Evaluation of Alternative Registration Revenue Methodologies." I think this report will provide a solid overview of alternative vehicle registration methods.
The Department of Transportation was required in the 1997-99 Biennial Budget (
1997 Act 27), per Section 9149 (2gh) to ...."conduct a study of the feasibility and desirability of establishing vehicle registration fees to be based on the value of the vehicle or the horsepower motor of the vehicle in lieu of the current vehicle registration fees...." The Department was directed to ...."submit a report containing its findings, conclusions and recommendations, including any recommended statutory changes to the appropriate standing committees of the Legislature in the manner provided under section
13.172 (3) of the statutes."
If you have questions or need further clarification, please feel free to contact me at (608) 267-9618.