Clearinghouse Rule 01-145 effective 8-1-2002
Clearinghouse Rule 01-151 effective 8-1-2002
Clearinghouse Rule 01-153 effective 8-1-2002
Clearinghouse Rule 01-154 effective 8-1-2002
Clearinghouse Rule 02-010 effective 8-1-2002
Clearinghouse Rule 02-028 effective 8-1-2002
Clearinghouse Rule 02-029 effective 8-1-2002
Clearinghouse Rule 02-031 effective 8-1-2002
Referral of Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
July 1, 2002
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
As required by s. 252.04 (11), Wis. Stats., enclosed is the Annual Statewide Immunization Program Report. Please distribute this report to the appropriate standing committees.
Phyllis J. Dube
Referred to committee on Public Health.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
July 10, 2002
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
Section 46.972 (4), Wis. Stats., requires the Department of Health and Family Services to submit to the chief clerk of each house of the Legislature a report on June 30 annually on the allocation and expenditure of funds for services for homeless individuals. Attached is the Department's annual report.
Phyllis J. Dube
Referred to committee on Health.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Commerce
July 12, 2002
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
The enclosed report has been sent to you pursuant to s. 1.11 (2)(j), Stats. This section requires agencies to submit a report to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature, including the number of proposed actions for which the agency conducted an assessment of whether an impact statement was required and the number of impact statements prepared.
A916 This report encompasses the activities of the Wisconsin Department of Commerce for the period from July 1, 2001 to July 1, 2002.
Any questions concerning this report may be directed to Dennis W. Kozich, General Counsel, at 608-266-3203.
Philip Edw. Albert
Referred to committee on Natural Resources.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
July 22, 2002
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
On behalf of the Governor's Birth to 3 Program Interagency Coordinating Council, I am pleased to submit the Birth to 3 Annual Report for 2001. Descriptions of results related to key early intervention outcomes and highlights of the activities of the Department of Health and Family Services Birth to 3 Program in Wisconsin are included in this Annual Report. Also described are the activities of the Birth to 3 Interagency Coordinating Council. Activities of the Department include comprehensive program review to assure quality early intervention services and special projects to identify children who will benefit from early intervention as soon as possible.
The Birth to 3 Program Annual Report fulfills the mandate under s. 51.44 (5)(c) to annually submit to the Legislature a report on the department's progress toward full implementation of the program, including the progress of counties in implementing goals for participation in 5th year requirements under 20 USC 1476.
The Birth to 3 Program is a truly collaborative effort between counties, parents, local providers, the Interagency Coordinating Council and state agencies. Working together, we are assuring that Wisconsin infants and toddlers who have disabilities and their families have the best possible start.
Phyllis J. Dube
Referred to committee on Children and Families.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Natural Resources
July 24, 2002
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
We at the Department of Natural Resources are pleased to provide you with a copy of our annual Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act (WEPA) report. In fulfillment of Section 1.11 (2)(j) of the state statutes, this document provides information on the numbers of environmental assessments (EAs) and environmental impacts statements (EISs) completed by the Department in the past fiscal year.
Questions about the report can be directed to James Pardee, of the Environmental Analysis and Liaison Section, Bureau of Integrated Science Services, telephone 266-0426.
George H. Albright
Environmental Analysis
and Liaison Section
Bureau of Integrated Science Services
Referred to committee on Natural Resources.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Transportation
July 26, 2002
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
Enclosed is the report required under 1997 Wisconsin Act 119, regarding the release of photos from the Department of Transportation driver record files to Wisconsin and adjacent state law enforcement agencies.
This report is provided annually and contains the agencies and the purpose for which copies of the photographs were provided.
If you have questions regarding the release of photographs please contact Debbie Kraemer, Supervisor in the Records and Licensing Information Section, Bureau of Driver Services, Division of Motor Vehicles by phone at (608) 264-7060, or e-mail at
Thomas E. Carlson
Referred to committee on Criminal Justice.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Administration
July 31, 2002
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
This report is transmitted as required by s. 20.002(11)(f), Wisconsin Statutes, (for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172(3), Wisconsin Statutes), and confirms that the Department of Administration has found it necessary to exercise the "temporary reallocation of balances" authority provided by this section in order to meet payment responsibilities and cover resulting negative balances during the month of June 2002.
A917 On June 17, 2002, the General Fund balance was -$727.4 million. This shortfall continued through June 30, 2002, when the cash balance closed at -$421.9 million. The shortfall was due to the difference in the timing of revenues and expenditures, in combination with the overall budget shortfall.
On June 1, 2002, the Wisconsin Health Education Loan Repayment Fund balance was -$1,000. This shortfall continued until June 24, 2002, when the balance reached a positive $6,000. During this period, the Wisconsin Health Education Loan Repayment Fund balance reached a low of -$2,000 on June 3, 2002. The shortfall was due to the difference in the timing of revenues and expenditures.
The General Fund and the Wisconsin Health Education Loan Repayment Fund shortfalls were not in excess of the statutory interfund borrowing limitation and did not exceed the balances of the funds available for interfund borrowing.
The distribution of interest earnings to investment pool participants is based on the average daily balance in the pool and each fund's share. Therefore, the monthly calculation by the State Controller's Office will automatically reflect the use of these temporary reallocations of balance authority.
George Lightbourn
Referred to committee on Ways and Means.
Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Legislative Audit Bureau
July 18, 2002
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
We have completed a financial audit of the Division of Gaming within the Department of Administration, as required by s. 13.94(1)(eg), Wis. Stats. The Division regulates the State's racing, Indian gaming, and charitable gaming activities. We have issued an unqualified opinion on the Division's budgetary-based financial statements for fiscal years (FYs) 2000-01 and 1999-2000. Later this year, we will issue an evaluation of the Division's oversight and regulatory authority.