Assembly Journal
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries under the above date:
Referral of Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
December 2002
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
The Guide to Wisconsin Hospitals, Fiscal Year 2001, presents information on hospital finances, services and utilization. The data for this report were taken from the FY 2001 Hospital Fiscal Survey and the 2001 Annual Survey of Hospitals. These data were collected and this report issued under Chapter 153, Wisconsin Statutes.
Phyllis J. Dube
Referred to committee on Health.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
December 9, 2002
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
On behalf of the Board of Governors of the Health Insurance Risk Sharing Plan (HIRSP), I am pleased to submit the calendar year 2001 annual report. This submission is in accordance with the statutory requirements set forth at s. 149.15, Wisconsin Statutes.
The report includes:
* A summary of how HIRSP is funded, who is eligible, what services are covered and policyholder premium, deductible and coinsurance obligations.
* A historical overview and a summary of HIRSP-related legislative changes since 1997.
* Demographic information about HIRSP policyholders.
* An explanation of HIRSP's funding and financial information.
* Utilization and cost data, including summaries of HIRSP payments by diagnosis category and by therapeutic classes of prescription drugs.
The Department of Health and Family Services and the HIRSP Board appreciate the continuing support of the Legislature. Please contact me if I may provide additional information.
Phyllis J. Dube
Referred to committee on Health.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
December 16, 2002
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
Section 46.03 (26) of the statutes requires the Department of Health and Family Services to report annually on information systems projects under development. The attached report is a summary of the departmental systems currently under development.
Phyllis J. Dube
Referred to committee on Health.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
December 18, 2002
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
The Bureau of Health Information, Department of Health and Family Services, is pleased to submit to the Governor and to the Legislature the Uncompensated Health Care Report for fiscal year 2001. The data for this report were collected under Section 153.05, Wisconsin Statutes, and are published as authorized by the requirements of section 150.20, Wisconsin Statutes.
A947 This report is based on annual hospital uncompensated health care data reported to the Bureau of Health Information by all operating general medical-surgical and specialty hospitals in Wisconsin. The report sets forth the total charges for charity care, bad debt, and total uncompensated health care for fiscal year 2001. It also shows the projected number of patients and the projected charges for charity care, bad debt, and total uncompensated health care in fiscal year 2002.
Phyllis J. Dube
Referred to committee on Health.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Transportation
December 20, 2002
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
I am pleased to submit the Final Report of the Governor's Airport Financing Committee, which was developed by dedicated representatives of the Department of Transportation, the Department of Commerce, airport managers, airlines serving this state, the general aviation community, the people of this state, and private businesses with an interest in transportation policy and financing. I think you will find that the hard work of the Committee has resulted in a thorough discussion of the issues related to airport needs and financing in Wisconsin.
The Governor's Airport Financing Committee was created in the 2001-03 Biennial Budget (2001 Wisconsin Act 16) in response to challenges encountered by the Governor, the Legislature and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) during the budget process. Wisconsin Act 16 charged the Committee:
* to review and evaluate the state's airport system needs and the current system of funding those needs and to recommend changes, if any, to better meet those needs;
* to evaluate, among other things: aircraft registration fees; aviation fuel taxes and fees; allocation of sales tax receipts from the sale of aircraft, parts, and services; and the allocation of other moneys for airport financing;
* to make recommendations, if any, to generate revenue in amounts equal to or greater than the sum of moneys appropriated for aeronautical activities in fiscal year 2002.
The Committee met on five occasions between April and December 2002 to hear reports on specific aviation finance issues and to discuss alternative ways of meeting Wisconsin's airport financing challenges. The Committee studied topics identified in the Legislature's charge plus other issues identified by individual committee members. A variety of innovative aviation revenue initiatives were discussed, and the Committee set goals and criteria to evaluate proposed revenue initiatives.
The final months of the Committee's process were dedicated to evaluating revenue options to determine how best to meet both near-term and more long-term airport needs in Wisconsin. The recommendations of the report address the near and long-term aviation revenue needs of the State and the current system of funding those needs.
A solid transportation infrastructure is important to Wisconsin, and public airports in Wisconsin represent an essential part of that infrastructure. We are ready to assist you in any way possible as you tackle the challenging task of addressing our airport needs.
Patrick O. Goss,
Deputy Secretary, Airport Financing Committee Chair
Referred to committee on Transportation.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Regulation and Licensing
December 20, 2002
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
In accordance with Wisconsin State Statutes 961.36 (3), enclosed please find the 2002 Controlled Substances Board Annual Report.
It is hoped that the Assembly will find this report useful.
Deanna Zychowski
Director, Bureau of Health Professions
Referred to committee on Criminal Justice.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
December 30, 2002
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
The Department of Health and Family Services is pleased to submit to the Governor and the Legislature the Vital Records Online Study Committee Report of Findings. Preparation of this report was required under section 9123 (8kk) of 2001 Wisconsin Act 16.
This report was prepared by a committee that included the State Registrar, Local Registrars, and other vital records business partners and stakeholders. It recommends guidelines for the development, maintenance and funding of an electronic online vital records system for Wisconsin. The committee's recommendations were reached after it studied Wisconsin's vital records business needs at the local and state level, and surveyed other states for best practices, system costs, and measures to prevent identity theft in electronic vital records systems.
A948 As required under Act 16, the report also recommends the vital records fee changes needed to fund the development, implementation and maintenance of the system, and how the fees should be allocated. It also notes the revisions to Wisconsin Statutes that would be required to implement the recommended fee changes.
Phyllis J. Dube
Referred to committee on Information Policy and Technology.
Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Legislative Audit Bureau