Forest product harvesting contract: parties providing performance bond or other security must notify DNR; registry for public inspection provision -  AB375
GIS mapping services: JLAC may request performance evaluation audit of DNR services; to include feasibility of privatization [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9132 (2z)]  - SB55
Hail-damaged vehicles definition created, disclosure provisions; DOT contract with private salvage vehicle inspectors - AB458
HIRSP administration revisions; competitive request-for-proposals process and report provisions  - AB348
Leased generation contracts [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3008m, 3011g, j, 9342 (4w); Conf.Amdt.1: further revisions, definitions created, 2977b, 3001b, d, 3008mc, 3011jc, 9342 (4wxm), deletes 3008m, 3011j, 9342 (4w)] - SB55
Leased generation contracts between public utilities and affiliated interests: PSC approval modified; holding company provision -  SB168
Materials exchange program: RMDB annual contract requirement removed [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3619r; deleted by Conf.Amdt.1] -  SB55
Prescription drug charges for elderly, blind, or permanently disabled: MA income eligibility revised; assistance program income guidelines for pharmacies; rebate agreements with drug manufacturers; DATCP and DHFS duties; reports required  - AB132
Prescription drug charges for elderly: income guidelines; rebate agreements with drug manufacturers; DHFS duties and contract and federal waiver provisions; report required  - AB53
Prescription drug charges for elderly: income guidelines; rebate agreements with drug manufacturers; DHFS duties and contract and federal waiver provisions; report required  - SB1
Prescription drug charges for low-income elderly: income guidelines; rebate agreements with drug manufacturers; DHFS duties and reports required -  SB204
Prescription drug charges for low-income elderly: MA income eligibility revised; assistance program income guidelines for pharmacies; rebate agreements with drug manufacturers; DHFS duties and contract authority; report required  - AB120
Prisoner confinement out-of-state: contracting requirements re proximity, inmate services, and staff qualifications [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 377db-df]  - JR2 AB1
Public works contracts and minority businesses [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 321j, 1111j, 1346t, 1372i, 1406w, 2001r, 2002m, 2003t, vp, vq, wm, wq, 2026k, 2307h-j, ji, 2744m, 2760m, 3020h-k, 3035x, 3037p-r, 3095j, 3097e, 3098v, 3141d, 3619sd-sp, 3710j] -  SB55
Raw forest product cutting or removing: failure to pay re contract prohibited; civil action provision  - AB47
Redistricting of congressional and legislative districts: amount Assembly may spend for contracted services limited  - AR28
Roofing contractor licensing requirements and Roofing advisory council created; DORL duties specified; exemptions, action re damages, contracts with DOA or municipalities, and certain public buildings provisions  - AB877
School board prohibited from entering into certain contracts - AB83
Soft drink sales in schools re exclusive contracts: school board must ensure milk is available -  AB678
Soft drink sales in schools re exclusive contracts: school board must ensure milk is available -  SB339
Soft drink sales in schools re exclusive contracts: school board must ensure milk is available [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 280n, 9340 (2e)] -  JR2 AB1
State-owned land under DNR jurisdiction: JCF approval of contract to sell or exchange required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 72m] - JR2 AB1
State-owned land under DNR jurisdiction: JCF approval of contract to sell or exchange required  - AB689
State procurement and electronic procurement and commerce activities; state distribution of vendor product or service information; DOA to report [Sec. 270-272, 277, 286-290, 295, 817, 949, 953, 958, 1132, 9101 (14)] - AB144
State procurement and electronic procurement and commerce activities; state distribution of vendor product or service information; DOA to report [Sec. 270-272, 277, 286-290, 295, 817, 949, 953, 958, 1132, 9101 (14); S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 270-272, 286-290, 295, 1132, 9101 (14); Conf.Amdt.1: provisions deleted by S.Sub.Amdt.1 restored and modified, 270-272, 286-290, 295, 1132, 9101 (14)]  - SB55
Tax delinquent person prohibited from entering into a public contract -  AB402
Telecommunications provider restrictions re initiating service, contracts, and billing other services  - AB889
Town sanitary district public works contract bidding threshold revised -  AB429
Town sanitary district public works contract bidding threshold revised [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2003tm, 9359 (6k)] -  SB55
Town sanitary district public works contract bidding threshold revised -  SB198
Transportation safety contracts funded with federal funds: JCF to review [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2340t, 9352 (3y)]  - SB55
UWHCA and UWHC Board: membership revised; JCF and LAB duties, reports required; labor organization, whistleblower, and contract provisions - AB883
W-2 contracting, oversight of Milwaukee agencies, and change of geographic regions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1657g-u, 1660d-g, 9158 (9e), 9358 (8c); Conf.Amdt.1: use of funds for certain public relations activities prohibited]  - SB55
convenience storeConvenience store, see Gasoline
conveyancesConveyances, see Cemetery
cooperative associationsCooperative associations
Cooperative merger or consolidation plan revisions -  AB283
Cooperative merger or consolidation plan revisions [Conf. Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2932h, r, 9320 (1j)]  - SB55
Electric utilities and cooperative associations required to correct problems re objectionable flow of current; rebuttable presumption created; Electric pollution board and fund created  - AB754
Telecommunications cooperatives: revisions re cross-subsidization requirements and PSC jurisdiction  - AB656
Telecommunications cooperatives: revisions re cross-subsidization requirements and PSC jurisdiction  - SB349
Utility public benefits fees and commitment to community programs: funding changes; DOA duties and report required  - AB253
Utility public benefits fees exemption created re residents of certain elderly or low-income rental housing; DOA duties specified; nonmunicipal utility provision  - AB438
Utility public benefits fees for low-income programs revised; fees charged by municipal electric utilities and cooperative associations reduced -  AB545
Utility public benefits fees programs and commitment to community programs eliminated; public benefits fees refund and nitrogen oxide emission reduction plan provisions  - AB302
cop _community options program_COP (Community options program), see Nursing homes
Autopsy for deceased inmates of correctional facilities required [Sec. 4034, 9311 (4)] -  AB144
Autopsy for deceased inmates of correctional facilities required [Sec. 4034, 9311 (4)] -  SB55
Counties allowed to elect or appoint certain county officers; appointment to vacancies revised. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR22
Health care professional discipline process duties of DORL and report required; MEB membership and authority re summary suspension of credentials and forfeiture for unprofessional conduct revised, reports to National practitioner data bank; therapeutic-related deaths reported on death certificate  - SB139
HIV test without individual's consent re accident victim: exceptions expanded to include Good Samaritans; coroner, medical examiner, or physician required to take blood sample from corpse -  AB156
Public health state of emergency authorization provisions created; DHFS to act as public health authority, duties and powers specified; pharmacy, coroner, and medical examiner provisions; reports required -  AB849
Public health state of emergency authorization provisions created; DHFS to act as public health authority, duties and powers specified; pharmacy, coroner, medical examiner, and Laboratory of hygiene board provisions; reports required  - AB850
Term of office changed to 4-year: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR13
Term of office changed to 4-year: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  SJR17
corporationCorporation, see also Business
Business entity conversion and merger expanded, fees and electronic filing provisions; registered agents; nonstock corporation dissolution; certificates of authority for foreign entities and notice of administrative dissolution or revocation; securities registration and licensing requirement exemptions re broker-dealers and agents -  AB650
Business entity conversion and merger expanded, fees and electronic filing provisions; registered agents; nonstock corporation dissolution; certificates of authority for foreign entities and notice of administrative dissolution or revocation; securities registration and licensing requirement exemptions re broker-dealers and agents -  SB333
Business subsidies by state and government agencies: reporting and other requirements created; develoment zone tax credit provisions; certain disclosures required; LAB duties  - AB905
Certified capital company program revisions -  AB579
Certified capital company program revisions -  SB284
Corporate fees revised re filing certain articles [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2917b-p, 2918m, 2928r, 9320 (1q)]  - SB55
Corporate fees revised re filing certain articles -  SB148
CPA licensing revisions re corporations, partnerships, and similar entities, required experience, and prohibition exceptions; ``public accountant" eliminated - AB345
CPA licensing revisions re corporations, partnerships, and similar entities, required experience, and prohibition exceptions; ``public accountant" eliminated - SB177
Credit card transaction records: person or corporation may not sell information about Wisconsin residents obtained from; DOJ authority specified -  AB459
Dentistry service corporations permitted -  AB267
Dentistry service corporations permitted -  SB117
DFI to set fees charged for services regulating business associations; authorized to administratively dissolve LLCs in certain cases [Sec. 2913-2936, 9120 (2), 9420 (2)]  - AB144
DFI to set fees charged for services regulating business associations; authorized to administratively dissolve LLCs in certain cases [Sec. 2913-2936, 9120 (2), 9420 (2); S.Sub.Amdt.1: LLC provision removed, deletes 2925, 2926, 2929-2932, 9420 (2)] - SB55
Domestic corporation annual report filing fee revised -  SB385
Federally chartered corporations: state agency or authority or local governmental unit may not discriminate against re use or rental of building, grounds, or facilities  - AB616
LLCs, LLC members, and partners and partnerships: ``member" and ``partner" definitions re income and franchise tax purposes [Sec. 2159, 2160, 2183, 2184] -  AB144
LLCs, LLC members, and partners and partnerships: ``member" and ``partner" definitions re income and franchise tax purposes [Sec. 2159, 2160, 2183, 2184] -  SB55
Marijuana used for medical purposes: medical necessity defense established, definition provided; distributing nonprofit corporations must register with DHFS - AB715
Partners and LLCs: term ``doing business" expanded and changed to ``doing business in this state" for tax purposes [Sec. 2158, 2173, 2190, 9344 (18)] -  AB144
Partners and LLCs: term ``doing business" expanded and changed to ``doing business in this state" for tax purposes [Sec. 2158, 2173, 2190, 9344 (18)] -  SB55
Public broadcasting restructured; transitional board created, responsible for creating a nonstock, nonprofit educational broadcasting corporation; ECB eliminated if licenses transferred to the corporation; state aid provisions [for section numbers, see entry under ``Television"]  - AB144
Public broadcasting restructured; transitional board created, responsible for creating a nonstock, nonprofit educational broadcasting corporation; ECB eliminated if licenses transferred to the corporation; state aid provisions [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Television"] - SB55
Real estate transfer fee exemption re conveyance between related corporations, partnerships, and LLCs  - SB213
Real estate transfer fee exemption re property conveyance between related corporations, partnerships, and LLCs  - SB342
Shareholder liability to corporate employees eliminated; insurance corporation provision -  SB119
WHEFA bonding authority re cultural facility or institution; definitions provided -  AB794
corporation _ stocks and bondsCorporation — Stocks and bonds
Unclaimed property and securities: sales procedures revised [Sec. 2898-2900, 2905, 9353 (2)] - AB144
Unclaimed property and securities: sales procedures revised [Sec. 2898-2900, 2905, 9353 (2)] - SB55