SSN on WRS and deferred compensation account statements and public employee pay period forms prohibited  - SB12
State correctional institutions, secured correction facility, Mendota and Winnebago mental health institutes, Wisconsin resource center, and secure mental health unit or facility for sexually violent persons: employees classified as protective occupation participants under WRS - SB169
State prisoners in county jails: Corr.Dept may not place unless jailers are protective occupation participants under WRS - AB390
TCS executive director treatment re WRS and compensation [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 24m, 71g, 100g, 365d, g, 9448 (2x)]  - JR2 AB1
Teachers and librarians at certain secured facilities classified as protective occupation participants under WRS  - AB91
Teachers and librarians at certain secured facilities classified as protective occupation participants under WRS  - SB34
U.W. system teaching assistants and program assistants: participation in WRS -  SB197
UWHCA security officers classified as protective occupation participants under WRS -  SB189
WRS annuitants' health insurance: enrollment period for [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1398s-u, 3095r]  - SB55
WRS benefits administration and provisions revised -  AB795
WRS benefits administration and provisions revised -  SB418
WRS coverage of Milwaukee county and city of Milwaukee elected officials -  AB913
WRS participant annuity: DETF to develop proposal to allow deductions to certain organizations  - AB628
WRS participant annuity: DETF to develop proposal to allow deductions to certain organizations  - SB315
WRS participant annuity: payment reduction re death of annuitant or named survivor revised - SB410
WRS protective occupation participants: maximum initial retirement annuity amount increased  - AB630
WRS protective occupation participants: maximum initial retirement annuity amount increased  - SB323
reuss, henry sReuss, Henry S.
Life and public service - AJR93
revenue, department ofRevenue, Department of, see also specific subject
Air carrier hub facility property tax exemption created; Airport financing committee created and report required; aeronautic activity revenues provision -  AB101
Air carrier hub facility property tax exemption created; Airport financing committee created and report required; aeronautic activity revenues provision [Sec. 642-645, 668, 673, 675, 1123, 2110, 2231, 2247, 2255, 9152 (3), 9252 (1), 9344 (12), (13), 9452 (4)] -  AB144
Air carrier hub facility property tax exemption created; Airport financing committee created and report required; aeronautic activity revenues provision [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Airport"]  - SB55
Air carrier hub facility property tax exemption created; Airport financing committee created and report required; aeronautic activity revenues provision -  SB158
Alcohol beverage license or permit revocation, suspension, or refusal to renew: grounds re controlled substance offense expanded -  AB394
Appropriations decreased [Sec. 9244 (1), (2)-(5)] -  JR2 AB1
Biennial appropriation for expert tax services [Sec. 918] - AB144
Biennial appropriation for expert tax services [Sec. 918] - SB55
Business tax registration certificate fees eliminated -  AB172
Campaign finance law revisions; tax credit provision; attorney general directed to seek declaratory judgment re treatment of chap.11, Wis.Stats, is constitutional [Conf.Amdt.2 to A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 1bc, bf, psb, psc, sb-sw, tu-ude, udh-ugL, 2d, 23p, 25c-x, 52gj, 79t, 170mj-t, 519m, 9115 (2v)-(2y), 9132 (4v), 9215 (3v), 9244 (6v), 9315 (2v), (2w), 9344 (2v), 9415 (1zx)] -  JR2 AB1
Debt collection administration appropriation [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 917m] -  SB55
Delinquent taxpayer accounts: DOR required to prepare and maintain list and post certain names on the Internet; exceptions provided -  AB281
Depository selection board membership: DOR secretary to replace executive director of Investment board [Sec. 139] - AB144
Depository selection board membership: DOR secretary to replace executive director of Investment board [Sec. 139] - SB55
DOR duties re courteous treatment of public, audits, electronic filing and paying of taxes, reducing nondelinquent taxes, tape-recording interviews, and liability of married persons filing a joint income tax return -  AB648
Dry cleaner program changes [Sec. 594, 618, 628, 2251-2254, 3288-3322, 3325, 9137 (1), 9344 (1), 9437 (1)]  - AB144
Dry cleaner program changes [Sec. 594, 618, 628, 2251-2254, 3288-3322, 3325, 9137 (1), 9344 (1), 9437 (1)]  - SB55
Economic growth promotion by restructuring shared revenue and TIF: DOR to study and report to DOA [Sec. 9144 (2)]  - AB144
Economic growth promotion by restructuring shared revenue and TIF: DOR to study and report to DOA  - AB231
Economic growth promotion by restructuring shared revenue and TIF: DOR to study and report to DOA [Sec. 9144 (2); original bill only] -  SB55
Economic growth promotion study re restructuring shared revenue [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9144 (1c)]  - SB55
Election campaign fund designation on individual income tax returns revised -  SB150
Electronic mail option for correspondence between DOR and certain companies [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 157m, n] - JR2 AB1
Estate tax references to federal estate tax [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2200d-L; Conf.Amdt.1: DOR to submit proposed legislation to JCF in certain cases, 9144 (1q), 9444 (5ak)]  - SB55
Fruit-based intoxicating liquor manufacturer or rectifier may sell or offer free samples directly to consumers; DOR authority specified -  AB217
Fruit-based intoxicating liquor manufacturer or rectifier may sell or offer free samples directly to consumers; DOR authority specified -  SB93
Internal services appropriation [Sec. 920, 9344 (15)] -  AB144
Internal services appropriation [Sec. 920, 9344 (15)] -  SB55
Land information board abolished; Wisconsin land council membership and duties revised; DOR requirement re land information and modernization plan repealed; land records fee increased; report and sunset revisions [for section numbers, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"]  - AB144
Land information board abolished; Wisconsin land council membership and duties revised; DOR requirement re land information and modernization plan repealed; land records fee increased; report and sunset revisions [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"] -  SB55
Lapse of DOR's service appropriation eliminated [Sec. 919] -  AB144
Lapse of DOR's service appropriation eliminated [Sec. 919] -  SB55
Large-case auditors in New York and agents in alcohol and enforcement section: DOR to retain [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9144 (1vv), (1vw)]  - JR2 AB1
Local exposition district taxes: DOR to report on amount collected from retailers -  AB666
Local exposition district taxes: DOR to report on amount collected from retailers -  SB334
Local exposition district taxes retained for administrative purposes: amount revised [Sec. 917, 934]  - SB55
Local exposition district taxes retained for administrative purposes: amount revised [Sec. 917, 934]  - AB144
Lottery and gaming property tax credit application process revised -  AB105
Lottery and gaming property tax credit application process revised [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 933j, 2294ec-eh, 9144 (4p), 9344 (2p)] -  SB55
Lottery prize with multiple payees: provisions re circuit court order and DOR and DWD duties [Sec. 3714-3718, 9344 (7)]  - AB144
Lottery prize with multiple payees: provisions re circuit court order and DOR and DWD duties [Sec. 3714-3718, 9344 (7); original bill only] -  SB55
Multistate tax commission audit program: participation in [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 52Lk, 232m]  - JR2 AB1
Municipal lottery credit payment corrections [Sec. 933, 2292-2294] -  AB144
Municipal lottery credit payment corrections [Sec. 933, 2292-2294] -  SB55
Municipal shared revenue restructured: aidable expenditures and ``growth sharing region" payments created; provision re intrastate compacts for certain functions [Sec. 929-931, 1130, 1346, 2028, 2256-2262, 2265-2281, 2286-2288, 9344 (20)]  - AB144
Municipal shared revenue restructured: aidable expenditures and ``growth sharing region" payments created; provision re intrastate compacts for certain functions [Sec. 929-931, 1130, 1346, 2028, 2256-2262, 2265-2281, 2286-2288, 9344 (20); original bill only] -  SB55
Municipal shared revenue restructured; DOR duties -  AB229
National guard tuition grant repayment required re separation for cause; DOR to collect through tax intercept program [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1024g, h, 2200cm; Conf.Amdt.1: separatin for cause removed, restrictions on eligibility, 1024bg-bk, e-m, deletes 1024g, h] -  SB55
Operations appropriation reduced; may submit request to JCF re reallocation [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9259 (7z); Conf.Amdt.1: lines for Corr.Dept and U.W. removed]  - JR2 AB1
Premier resort area tax provisions; industrial classification changes; manufacturing property classifications [S.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 2049e, f, 2119r-t, 2250m, n, 9344 (28mk), 9444 (5mk); deleted by Conf.Amdt.1] - SB55
Property tax law revisions re DOR monitoring of assessments, petition for reassessment, local assessment personnel certification, tax lien foreclosure on exempt property, and the exemption for computers -  AB755
Property tax law revisions re DOR monitoring of assessments, petition for reassessment, local assessment personnel certification, tax lien foreclosure on exempt property, and the exemption for computers -  SB400
Renew Wisconsin pilot program and cooperation regions; performance standards provisions; LAB to report annually [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2022s, t, 9156 (1d)]  - SB55
Round dollar amounts on certain tax reports required -  AB439
Round dollar amounts on certain tax reports required -  SB210
Shared revenue population adjustment: DOA to provide to DOR re shared revenue and county mandate relief payments [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9144 (2e)] - SB55
State agency budget reductions due to efficiency measures [Sec. 9159 (1)] -  AB144
State agency budget reductions due to efficiency measures [Sec. 9159 (1); S.Sub.Amdt.1: submission of requests to JCF for reallocating appropriations reductions; Conf.Amdt.1: lines for DPI and Public defender board removed]  - SB55
State lottery advertising revised and appropriation reduced - AB315
State mandates: political subdivisions may request waiver; DOR report required [Sec. 151] -  JR2 AB1
Tax incentives: productivity enhancement training, apprenticeship, and education tax credits created; development zone tax credits revised -  AB516
Tax incentives: productivity enhancement training, apprenticeship, and education tax credits created; development zone tax credits revised -  SB249
Tax-me-more fund established re reducing revenue shortfalls; DOR to prepare envelopes for contributions  - AB764
Tax-processing activities move from Madison to southwestern Wisconsin: DOR to study feasibility of [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9144 (2z)] -  SB55
Tax refund offsetting agreements with other states authorized [Sec. 2205] -  AB144
Tax refund offsetting agreements with other states authorized [Sec. 2205] -  SB55
Tax revisions re delinquent taxes reduction, tax liability of spouses filing joint income tax return, extension to employers for filing withholding reports, return of erroneously collected or refund of sales or use tax, round dollar amounts on certain tax reports, estate tax, and delivery of time-sensitive, tax-related document or payment -  AB439
Tax revisions re delinquent taxes reduction, tax liability of spouses filing joint income tax return, extension to employers for filing withholding reports, return of erroneously collected or refund of sales or use tax, round dollar amounts on certain tax reports, and delivery of time-sensitive, tax-related document or payment -  SB210