Gypsy moth suppression program: DNR may establish under certain conditions; aerial insecticide treatment provision; landowner and tenant notification requirements
Act 57
Helicopter support services appropriation for DMA eliminated [Sec. 562, 2111, 2112] -
Act 33
Transportation, records, and document sales revenue lapse [Sec. 9201 (2q)] -
Act 33
Health savings account: state income and franchise tax deductions re Internal Revenue Code; penalty provision [vetoed] -
In-state bank or in-state bank holding company: provisions for acquisition by out-of-state bank -
Act 293
Mortgage banking and mortgage brokering laws revised; Division of Banking and TCS Board duties
Act 260
Savings bank and S&L alternative examination provisions revised -
Act 263
Savings banks and S&L regulation by DFI: Division of savings banks deleted, duties transferred to Division of banking; Savings bank review and Loan review boards eliminated, Savings institution review board created [for section numbers, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"]
Act 33
State-chartered bank, savings bank, S&L, or credit union deceptive or misleading use of name, logo, or symbol or similar name, logo, or symbol prohibited -
Act 262
Universal banking and credit union revisions; discharge of governmental liens under the Uniform Commercial Code provision; priority of certain wage claim liens
Act 63
Mortgage banking and mortgage brokering laws revised; Division of Banking and TCS Board duties
Act 260
Savings bank and S&L alternative examination provisions revised -
Act 263
Savings banks and S&L regulation by DFI: Division of savings banks deleted, duties transferred to Division of banking; Savings bank review and Loan review boards eliminated, Savings institution review board created [for section numbers, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"]
Act 33
Universal banking and credit union revisions; discharge of governmental liens under the Uniform Commercial Code provision; priority of certain wage claim liens
Act 63
Life and public service [AJR-8] - JR-10
Life and public service [SJR-26] - JR-17
Development opportunity zone revision [Sec. 2628c, 9345 (2f)] -
Act 33
Native American culture education grant to Beloit College eliminated [Sec. 351g, 610g, 1995h] -
Act 33
Leasing property that is tax exempt as residential housing: property tax exemption provided; LC study required
Act 195
Local lodge re fraternal benefit society: meeting frequency requirement modified -
Act 60
Court imposed assessments, surcharges, and restitution payments consolidated in the statutes and renamed surcharges; report and fiscal estimate provisions
Act 139
Energy impact report re legislative proposal or state agency rule that impacts cost or reliability of electricity: legislator may request and PSC to prepare -
Act 277
Indian gaming compacts: Governor must submit proposal to legislature for approval [vetoed] -
Indian gaming compacts: Governor must submit to JCLO which, if approved, will be introduced as a bill for approval by the legislature; closed session provision [vetoed]
Indian gaming compacts: prohibitive terms specified; joint resolution provision [vetoed] -
Falconry fees: DNR may use for endangered resources program [Sec. 397, 875] -
Act 33
Wild crane crop damage study re Indian gaming revenues: obsolete appropriation repealed [Sec. 398r, 609m]
Act 33
Life and public service [SJR-4] - JR-4
Employment discrimination based on conviction record: educational agency exempt [vetoed] -
Laser sighting device used by visually handicapped person while hunting permitted -
Act 75
Testing an individual for HIV re significant exposure in perfoming employment duties: authority expanded to schools, CESAs, and social workers -
Act 271
Vocational rehabilitation appropriation changes in DWD; use of vending machine proceeds to fund DHFS teaching program for blind and visually impaired eliminated [Sec. 476, 477, 527-532, 1184-1187, 9101 (7), 9159 (8)]
Act 33
Cranberry designated as the state fruit; Blue Book provision
Act 174
Aggravated burglary modified re dwellings, certain boats, and motor homes -
Act 189
Alcohol concentration: prohibited level lowered; ATV, boat, and snowmobile operation included; court costs and fees for first violation provision; DOT to purge driving records of first violation under certain conditions except CDL holders
Act 30
Aquatic invasive species management: grants from conservation fund; includes education and inspection at boat landings [Sec. 406c, 804n] -
Act 33
Boathouse construction, repair, or maintenance: placement exemption re commercial purposes, industrially zoned land, or brownfield -
Act 118
Little Muskego Lake dredging: funding and exemption for [Sec. 9138 (4g)] [vetoed] -
Recreational boating aids funding for aquatic invasive species control [Sec. 918t] [vetoed] -
Recreational boating aids to village of Grantsburg re dredging in Memory Lake; matching funds required [Sec. 9138 (4f)] [vetoed] -
Restricted controlled substances: operating a motor vehicle, ATV, snowmobile, or motorboat or operating or going armed with a firearm with detectable amounts in person's blood prohibited; definition provided -
Act 97
Snowmobile law revisions re operation of, equipment on, registration certificates, and derbies and races; funding for trails, safety, and enforcement costs; boat and ATV provision
Act 166
Service to the state commended and congratulations upon retiring from the DVA [AJR-46] - JR-40
Bond set by a court in a civil action limited -
Act 105
Environmental trust bonds created to finance the cost of certain environmental control activities; PSC duties specified
Act 152
Motor vehicle distributor and wholesaler definitions modified; dealer and wholesaler bonding requirements revised
Act 76
Municipal insurance mutual may provide property insurance; notes and municipal bonds provision
Act 78
Unfunded prior service liability contributions of a 1st class city school district under WRS: authority to issue promissory notes or bonds to pay for -
Act 43
Bonding requirements of certain city, village, town, and county officers eliminated -
Act 204
Public officer's bond for OCI commissioner and employees: requirement eliminated [Sec. 2641]
Act 33
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