Southeast Wisconsin rehabilitation projects (other than Marquette interchange): funds allocation required; JCF duties [Sec. 1672c] [vetoed] -
STH 27 designated and marked ``Citizen Soldier Heritage Highway"; contributions required -
Act 218
STH 54 designated and marked ``Wisconsin Fire Fighters and Emergency Medical Technicians Highway" and portion of certain bridge on STH 29 as ``Wisconsin Fire Fighters-EMT/Citizen Soldier Bridge"; contributions required
Act 218
USH 2 designated and marked ``Major Richard I. Bong Memorial Highway"; contributions required
Act 218
USH 14 portion designated and marked ``Ronald Reagan Highway" [vetoed] -
USH 151 designated and marked ``Wisconsin Law Enforcement Officers Highway" and portion of certain bridge on STH 29 as ``Wisconsin Law Enforcement/Citizen Soldier Bridge"; contributions required -
Act 218
West Canal Street extension to USH 41 at Miller Park: use of reconstruction funds permitted [Sec. 423, 1674, 1724, 2814] -
Act 33
Surplus county highway land: county may sell to owner of adjacent land -
Act 212
Fire calls on certain highways re vehicle fire: reimbursement procedure for town and certain cities and villages modified -
Act 205
Marquette interchange and Southeast Wisconsin freeway rehabilitation funding modifications; JCF duties [Sec. 683d, 1672g-i, 1694f, 9153 (3r)] [683d, 1694f — partial veto; 1672g-i, 9153 (3r) — veteod]
Act 33
Southeast Wisconsin rehabilitation projects (other than Marquette interchange): funds allocation required; JCF duties [Sec. 1672c] [vetoed] -
General transportation aids program: maximum amount of aid modified; costs for funding under local roads improvement program [Sec. 1719-1723m] -
Act 33
Highway maintenance, repair, and traffic operations: funding made continuing appropriation [Sec. 428m]
Act 33
Major highway and rehabilitation projects bonding; DOT request re debt service [Sec. 435m, 683g, h, 1670m, 1671, 1699q, 9153 (2p)] [1699q — partial veto; 435m, 683g, h, 1670m, 1671, 9153 (2p) — vetoed]
Act 33
Marquette interchange and Southeast Wisconsin freeway rehabilitation funding modifications; JCF duties [Sec. 683d, 1672g-i, 1694f, 9153 (3r)] [683d, 1694f — partial veto; 1672g-i, 9153 (3r) — veteod]
Act 33
School aid appropriation funded from the transportation fund; transportation aid funding on one-time basis only for 2003-05 biennium, [Sec. 8, 8m, 173, 173m, 179, 179m, 353, 353m, 852, 852m, 2007, 2007m, 2033-2039m, 9441 (1f)] [8 — partial veto; 8m, 173m, 179m, 353m, 852m, 2007m, 2033m, 2034m, 2036m, 2037m, 2038m, 2039m, 9441 (1f) — vetoed]
Act 33
Shared revenue and aid payments to counties and municipalities: payment from transportation fund; small municipalities state aid provision; municipal aid account created [Sec. 659-666, 853, 854, 1653d-f, 1656-1659, 1659m, 1662b-1666b, 1668-1669g, 9445 (1), (1m), (2f)] [661m, 663, 665, 1656, 1658, 1658d, 1662d, 1663b, 1666b, 1669d-f, 9445 (1) — partial veto; 662d-e, 1653d-f, 1662b, 1664b, 1669g, 9445 (1m) — vetoed] -
Act 33
Southeast Wisconsin rehabilitation projects (other than Marquette interchange): funds allocation required; JCF duties [Sec. 1672c] [vetoed] -
State highway programs: 2005-07 funding request [Sec. 9153 (1r)] [partial veto] -
Act 33
State highway rehabilitation and major highway development supplement; report requirement [Sec. 9153 (2x)] [vetoed] -
Surplus land sale by DOT: moneys deposited in transportation fund [Sec. 9153 (1z)] [vetoed] -
Transportation fund: moneys transferred from petroleum inspection fund [Sec. 670r, 848j] -
Act 33
Transportation fund: sales and use tax receipts related to motor vehicles transferred to [Sec. 670g, 1650m] [vetoed]
Transportation fund transfer to general fund [Sec. 9253 (1)] [partial veto] -
Act 33
Transportation fund: lapses to [Sec. 9253 (1x)] [vetoed] -
Transportation revenue bonding level modified [Sec. 1699] -
Act 33
STH 13 bridge over Flambeau River in town of Fifield in Price County designated ``Freedoms Bridge" to honor Korean War veterans; contributions provision -
Act 68
STH 27 designated and marked ``Citizen Soldier Heritage Highway"; contributions required -
Act 218
STH 54 designated and marked ``Wisconsin Fire Fighters and Emergency Medical Technicians Highway" and portion of certain bridge on STH 29 as ``Wisconsin Fire Fighters-EMT/Citizen Soldier Bridge"; contributions required
Act 218
Traffic control signals in town of Beloit, Rock county: installation date set [Sec. 9153 (1j)] [vetoed]
Traffic marking enhancement grant program created [Sec. 420f, p, 424, 427m, 1701m, 9153 (4q)] -
Act 33
USH 2 designated and marked ``Major Richard I. Bong Memorial Highway"; contributions required
Act 218
USH 14 portion designated and marked ``Ronald Reagan Highway" [vetoed] -
USH 151 designated and marked ``Wisconsin Law Enforcement Officers Highway" and portion of certain bridge on STH 29 as ``Wisconsin Law Enforcement/Citizen Soldier Bridge"; contributions required -
Act 218
Traffic control signals in town of Beloit, Rock county: installation date set [Sec. 9153 (1j)] [vetoed]
Rural health dental clinics in cities of Ladysmith and Menomonie: funding revision [Sec. 2061] -
Act 33
Nursing home MA supplemental payment reduced; use of federal medicare program hospital wage index for homes in certain counties [Sec. 1346d, 1363, 1364, 9424 (7)]
Act 33
Deer or elk head, antlers, skin, or tail: possession, sale, barter, purchase, or trade of from lawfully killed animal revised -
Act 247
Tickets to entertainment or sporting event: restricting a local ordinance or resolution or U.W. Board of Regents rule regulating resale of -
Act 191
Upland game birds: regulations for buying, selling, bartering, and trading of nonedible parts established; definition and licensing provisions [vetoed] -
Electricity and fuel consumed in manufacturing tangible personal property: income or franchise tax credit and sales and use tax provisions revised; manufacturing investment credit created -
Act 99
Income and franchise tax credit for sales and use tax paid on fuel and electricity consumed in manufacturing tangible property modified re carry forward; allowing refunds for claiming certain development zones and technology zones tax credits [partial veto] -
Act 267
Sales tax on short-term lodging [Sec. 1647m, 9345 (3x)] -
Act 33
Transportation fund: sales and use tax receipts related to motor vehicles transferred to [Sec. 670g, 1650m] [vetoed]
Vendors doing business with the state required to register with DOR and to remit sales and use taxes; procurement from noncomplying vendors prohibited [Sec. 40, 178, 187, 189, 192-195, 199, 211, 214, 220, 221, 222, 752, 1651, 2059]
Act 33
Game birds and clay pigeons sold to game farms and clubs: sales and use tax exemption created -
Act 128
Clean Water Fund Program financial hardship assistance for the Elcho Sanitary District revised -
Act 316
Private Sewage System Replacement or Rehabilitation Grant Program revised re maximum amount allowed and holding tanks -
Act 169
Utility security system plans: definitions and withholding public access [vetoed] -
Savings bank and S&L alternative examination provisions revised -
Act 263
Savings banks and S&L regulation by DFI: Division of savings banks deleted, duties transferred to Division of banking; Savings bank review and Loan review boards eliminated, Savings institution review board created [for section numbers, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"]
Act 33
State-chartered bank, savings bank, S&L, or credit union deceptive or misleading use of name, logo, or symbol or similar name, logo, or symbol prohibited -
Act 262
Savings banks and S&L regulation by DFI: Division of savings banks deleted, duties transferred to Division of banking; Savings bank review and Loan review boards eliminated, Savings institution review board created [for section numbers, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"]
Act 33
Public service commended upon his retirement as Senate Chief Clerk [SJR-58] - JR-26
Life and military service commended [AJR-81] - JR-47
College tuition and expenses program administrative expenses: GPR funding eliminated [Sec. 72, 650-652b]
Act 33
College tuition and expenses program and college savings program: income tax deduction created for contributions made by a great-grandparent, aunt, or uncle of the beneficiary
Act 289
DVA program re payment of stipends for persons to attend school, receive credentials, and work at veterans facilities [Sec. 564, 1090, 9158 (1)] -
Act 33
Lawton and Wisconsin higher education grant program revisions; auxiliary enterprises funding for grant programs [Sec. 318x, 329d, 385, 386d, 388m-390d, 933, 933g, 939, 939g, 984d-990g, 9157 (1x), 9425 (2x), 9457 (2x)] [329d, 389d, 390d, 9157 (1x) — partial veto; 386d, 933g, 939g, 990g, 9425 (2x), 9457 (2x) — vetoed] -
Act 33
National guard tuition reimbursement grants and eligible institutions [Sec. 741-744, 9337 (1x)] -
Act 33
``Taps" sounded at military honors funeral by student: tuition voucher provided -
Act 42
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