SB170-SSA1,7,119 45.35 (20) Department headquarters and museum. The department may
10acquire by gift, purchase, or condemnation property for the purposes of providing a
11headquarters and museum building for the department.
SB170-SSA1, s. 17 12Section 17. 45.35 (22) of the statutes is created to read:
SB170-SSA1,7,1513 45.35 (22) Fund transfer. The department may loan money from the veterans
14trust fund to the veterans mortgage loan repayment fund to fund loans under s.
SB170-SSA1, s. 18 16Section 18. 45.35 (23) of the statutes is created to read:
SB170-SSA1,7,1817 45.35 (23) Loan guarantee. The department may provide a loan guarantee for
18multifamily transitional housing for homeless veterans.
SB170-SSA1, s. 19 19Section 19. 45.351 (1j) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB170-SSA1,8,1820 45.351 (1j) Health care aid grants. The department may grant to any veteran
21or dependents such temporary health care aid as the department considers advisable
22to prevent want or distress. Health care aid to meet medical or hospital bills under
23this subsection is limited to a payment of up to $5,000 per veteran or dependent for
24a 12-month period beginning with the first day of care for which the person seeks
25reimbursement under this subsection. The department may not give prior

1authorization for the payment of health care aid under this subsection but may
2a certificate of entitlement stating that a veteran or dependent is eligible for a health
3care aid grant under this subsection if the treatment is received within a time period
4that the department promulgates by rule. The department may not grant health
5care aid to pay for care provided to the veteran or dependent before the time period
6identified in the certificate of entitlement, except for emergency care as determined
7by the department if the application for the health care aid is submitted within 90
8days after the emergency care ends.
Health care aid may be used to provide payment
9for the treatment of alcoholism or other drug addiction or to provide payment for
10health care required because of alcoholism or other drug addiction or alcohol or other
11drug abuse. The department may not grant health care aid under this subsection
12unless the aid recipient's health care provider agrees to accept, as full payment for
13the medical treatment for which the aid is to be granted, the amount of the grant, the
14amount of the recipient's health insurance or other 3rd-party payments, if any, and
15the amount that the department determines the aid recipient is capable of paying.
16The department may not grant health care aid under this subsection if the combined
17liquid assets of the applicant for aid, and of the veteran and veteran's dependents
18who are living in the same household with the applicant, are in excess of $1,000.
SB170-SSA1, s. 20 19Section 20. 45.356 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB170-SSA1,9,420 45.356 (2) The department may lend a veteran, a veteran's unremarried
21surviving spouse, or a deceased veteran's child not more than $15,000 $25,000, or a
22lesser amount established by the department by rule, for the purchase of a mobile
23home, business, or business property, the education of the veteran or the veteran's
24spouse or children, the payment of medical or funeral expenses, the payment under
25sub. (6) (c), or the consolidation of debt
under sub. (10). The department may

1prescribe loan conditions, but the term of the loan may not exceed 10 years. The
2department shall ensure that the proceeds of any loan made under this section shall
3first be applied to pay any delinquent child support or maintenance payments and
4then to pay any past support, medical expenses, or birth expenses.
SB170-SSA1, s. 21 5Section 21. 45.356 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB170-SSA1,9,96 45.356 (3) The department may lend not more than $15,000 $25,000, or a lesser
7amount established by the department by rule under sub. (10), to a veteran's
8remarried surviving spouse or to the parent of a deceased veteran's child for the
9education of a child.
SB170-SSA1, s. 22 10Section 22. 45.356 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB170-SSA1,9,1511 45.356 (8) No person may receive a loan under this section in an amount that,
12when added to the balance outstanding on the person's existing loans under s. 45.351
13(2), 1995 stats., and s. 45.356, 1995 stats., would result in a total indebtedness to the
14department of more than $15,000, or a lesser amount as established by the
15department by rule
SB170-SSA1, s. 23 16Section 23. 45.356 (10) of the statutes is created to read:
SB170-SSA1,9,2017 45.356 (10) Subject to the limit established in subs. (2) and (3), the department
18may periodically adjust the maximum loan amount based upon financial market
19conditions, funds available, needs of the veterans trust funds, or other factors that
20the department considers relevant.
SB170-SSA1, s. 24 21Section 24. 45.356 (11) of the statutes is created to read:
SB170-SSA1,9,2522 45.356 (11) The department may periodically adjust the interest rates for loans
23made under this section, which may vary based upon the term of the loan, the type
24of security offered, the method of payment, or other factors that the department
25considers relevant.
SB170-SSA1, s. 25
1Section 25. 45.356 (12) of the statutes is created to read:
SB170-SSA1,10,102 45.356 (12) Each loan made under this section, except a loan of $5,000 or less
3made to an applicant whose total indebtedness for loans made under this section is
4$5,000 or less, shall be evidenced by a promissory note and secured by a mortgage
5on real estate located in this state. A loan of $5,000 or less made to an applicant
6whose total indebtedness for loans made under this section is $5,000 or less shall be
7evidenced by a promissory note and secured by a guarantor or by a mortgage on real
8estate located in this state. A mortgage securing a loan made under this section is
9acceptable if the applicant has equity in the property subject to the mortgage equal
10to or exceeding a minimum amount that the department establishes by rule.
SB170-SSA1, s. 26 11Section 26. 45.358 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB170-SSA1,10,1312 45.358 (1) (b) "Veteran" means a person who has served on active duty, except
13service on active duty for training purposes,
in the U.S. armed forces.
SB170-SSA1, s. 27 14Section 27. 45.396 (5) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2003 Wisconsin Act 33,
15is amended to read:
SB170-SSA1,10,2216 45.396 (5) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), the amount of the reimbursement
17may not exceed the total cost of the individual's veteran's tuition or the standard cost
18for a state resident for tuition for an equivalent undergraduate course at the
19University of Wisconsin-Madison per course, whichever is less, minus any grants or
20scholarships that the veteran receives specifically for the payment of tuition
and may
21not be provided to an individual a veteran more than 4 times during any consecutive
2212-month period.
SB170-SSA1, s. 28 23Section 28. 45.396 (7) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 45.396 (7) (a)
24and amended to read:
145.396 (7) (a) No veteran may receive a grant under this section if the
2department determines, after disregarding any payment described under s. 45.85,
31997 stats.,
that the income of the veteran and his or her spouse exceeds $500
4$50,000 plus $1,000 for each dependent in excess of 2 dependents plus whichever of
5the following applies:
SB170-SSA1, s. 29 6Section 29. 45.396 (7) (a) 1. and 2. of the statutes are repealed.
SB170-SSA1, s. 30 7Section 30. 45.43 (7) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
SB170-SSA1,11,148 45.43 (7) (d) Notwithstanding par. (c), an eligible county with a part-time
9county veterans' service officer may submit a request for and receive a grant under
10par. (b) or a grant in excess of the maximum allowed under par. (c) if the county
11submits with the request a plan for full-time service to veterans in that county that
12has been adopted by the county by resolution. The board shall review the plan and
13approve the grant at the requested amount or at a lesser amount based on the plan's
14compliance with criteria established by the board.
SB170-SSA1, s. 31 15Section 31. 45.71 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB170-SSA1,11,1716 45.71 (2) "Authorized lender" means any lender or servicer authorized under
17s. 45.79 (5) (a) 5. to make or service loans under s. 45.79.
SB170-SSA1, s. 32 18Section 32. 45.71 (16) (a) 2m. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB170-SSA1,11,2219 45.71 (16) (a) 2m. (intro.) The person is either a resident of and living in this
20state at the time of making application, is serving on active duty in the U.S. armed
21forces at the time of making application,
or is deceased, and meets one of the
22following conditions:
SB170-SSA1, s. 33 23Section 33. 45.79 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB170-SSA1,12,524 45.79 (2) (a) Application and content. Applications for loans under this section
25for a purpose specified in s. 45.76 (1) (a), (b), or (d) shall be made to an authorized

1lender and applications for loans under this section for a purpose specified under s.
245.76 (1) (c) shall may be made to the department or to a county veterans' service
3officer on forms approved by the department and signed by the applicant. If the
4applicant is married and not separated or in the process of obtaining a divorce, the
5applicant's spouse also shall sign the application.
SB170-SSA1, s. 34 6Section 34. 45.79 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB170-SSA1,12,97 45.79 (2) (b) Certification by department. The applicant shall may apply
8directly to the department or through a county veterans' service officer for
9certification of eligibility as a veteran.
SB170-SSA1, s. 35 10Section 35. 45.79 (5) (a) 11. of the statutes is created to read:
SB170-SSA1,12,1211 45.79 (5) (a) 11. Enter into contracts with persons other than authorized
12lenders for the servicing of loans made under this section.
SB170-SSA1, s. 36 13Section 36. 45.79 (7) (a) 12. of the statutes is created to read:
SB170-SSA1,12,1514 45.79 (7) (a) 12. To make payments of obligations arising from the acquisition
15of a headquarters building for the department under s. 45.35 (20).
SB170-SSA1, s. 37 16Section 37. 45.79 (13) of the statutes is created to read:
SB170-SSA1,12,2117 45.79 (13) Repayment of loan. Any money appropriated or transferred by law
18from the veterans mortgage loan repayment fund for purposes other than those
19listed in sub. (7), other than moneys made temporarily available to other funds under
20s. 20.002 (11), shall be repaid from the general fund with interest at a rate of 5% per
21year from the the date of the appropriation or transfer to the date of repayment.
SB170-SSA1, s. 38 22Section 38. 71.03 (7) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
SB170-SSA1,13,423 71.03 (7) (d) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2002, and before
24January 1, 2005, for persons who served in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom or
25an operation that is a successor to Operation Iraqi Freedom in the United States, or

1for persons who qualify for a federal extension of time to file under 26 USC 7508, who
2served outside the United States because of their participation in Operation Iraqi
3Freedom or an operation that is a successor to Operation Iraqi Freedom in the Iraqi
4Freedom theater of operations.
SB170-SSA1, s. 39 5Section 39. 230.36 (2m) (a) 19. of the statutes is repealed.
SB170-SSA1, s. 40 6Section 40. 341.14 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB170-SSA1,13,177 341.14 (6) (a) Upon application to register an automobile or a motor truck or
8dual purpose farm truck that has a gross weight of not more than 8,000 pounds by
9any person who was a member of any of the U.S. armed services and who was held
10as a prisoner of war during any of the conflicts described in s. 45.001 (5) (b) to (i) or
11in Bosnia, Grenada, Lebanon, Panama, Somalia, or a Middle East crisis under s.
1245.34, and upon submission of a statement from the U.S. department of veterans
13affairs certifying that the person was a prisoner of war during one of the conflicts
14described in s. 45.001 (5) (b) to (i) or in Bosnia, Grenada, Lebanon, Panama, Somalia,
15or a Middle East crisis under s. 45.34, the department shall issue to the person a
16special plate that is colored red, white, and blue and that has the words "ex-prisoner
17of war" placed on the plate in the manner designated by the department.
SB170-SSA1, s. 41 18Section 41. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication,
19except as follows:
SB170-SSA1,13,2120 (1) The treatment of section 45.43 (7) (d) of the statutes takes effect on the first
21day of the 7th month beginning after publication.