(2) (a) The department
of administration shall prepare standard
11specifications, as far as possible, for all state purchases. By "standard specifications"
12is meant a specification, either chemical or physical or both, prepared to describe in
13detail the article which the state desires to purchase, and trade names shall not be
14used. On the formulation, adoption and modification of any standard specifications,
15the department of administration shall also seek and be accorded without cost, the
16assistance, advice and cooperation of other agencies and officers. Each specification
17adopted for any commodity shall, insofar as possible, satisfy the requirements of any
18and all agencies which use it in common.
Any specifications for the purchase of
19materials, supplies, equipment, or contractual services for information technology
20or telecommunications purposes are subject to the approval of the chief information
(2) (b) Except as provided in
par. (a) and ss.
16.25 (4) (b), 16.751
24560.9813 (4) (b), and 565.25 (2) (a) 4., the department shall prepare or review
25specifications for all materials, supplies, equipment, other permanent personal
1property and contractual services not purchased under standard specifications.
2Such "nonstandard specifications" may be generic or performance specifications, or
3both, prepared to describe in detail the article which the state desires to purchase
4either by its physical properties or
by its programmatic utility. When appropriate
5for such nonstandard items or services, trade names may be used to identify what
6the state requires, but wherever possible 2 or more trade names shall be designated
7and the trade name of any Wisconsin producer, distributor or supplier shall appear
(4) (a) Except as provided in ss. 16.71 and 16.74 or as otherwise provided
11in this subchapter and the rules promulgated under s. 16.74 and this subchapter, all
12supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services shall be purchased for and
13furnished to any agency only upon requisition to the department. The department
14shall prescribe the form, contents, number and disposition of requisitions and shall
15promulgate rules as to time and manner of submitting such requisitions for
16processing. No agency or officer may engage any person to perform contractual
17services without the specific prior approval of the department for each such
18engagement. Purchases of supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services by
19the department of electronic government, the legislature, the courts or legislative
20service or judicial branch agencies do not require approval under this paragraph.
(4) (b) The department shall promulgate rules for the declaration as
23surplus of supplies, materials and equipment in any agency and for the transfer to
24other agencies or for the disposal by private or public sale of supplies, materials and
In Except as provided in s. 51.06 (6), in either case
due credit shall be
1given to the agency releasing the same , the department shall deposit the net
2proceeds in the budget stabilization fund, except that the department shall transfer
3any supplies, materials or equipment declared to be surplus to the department of
4tourism, upon request of the department of tourism, at no cost, if the transfer is
5permitted by the agency having possession of the supplies, materials or equipment.
(8) The department may purchase educational technology materials,
8supplies, equipment
, or contractual services from orders placed with the department
the technology for educational achievement in Wisconsin board on behalf of school
10districts, cooperative educational service agencies, technical college districts
, and
11the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System.
SB44-SSA1, s. 211
211. 16.75 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) 1. All orders awarded or contracts made by the department for all
14materials, supplies, equipment, and contractual services to be provided to any
15agency, except as otherwise provided in par. (c) and subs. (2), (2g), (2m), (3m), (3t),
16(6), (7), (8),
and (9)
, and (10m) and ss. 16.73 (4) (a), 16.751, 16.754, 16.964 (8), 50.05
17(7) (f),
153.05 (2m) (a), and 287.15 (7), shall be awarded to the lowest responsible
18bidder, taking into consideration life cycle cost estimates under sub. (1m), when
19appropriate, the location of the agency, the quantities of the articles to be supplied,
20their conformity with the specifications, and the purposes for which they are
21required and the date of delivery.
(3t) (a) In this subsection, "form" has the meaning given under s.
2416.97 (5p).
(6) (am) Subsections (1) and (3t) do not apply to procurements by the
2department of electronic government department relating to information technology
3or telecommunications. Annually not later than October 1, the department
4electronic government shall report to the
department of administration governor, in
5the form specified by the
secretary governor, concerning all procurements
6to information technology or telecommunications by the
department of electronic
7government department during the preceding fiscal year that were not made in
8accordance with the requirements of subs. (1) and (3t).
(10m) The department, any other designated purchasing agent under s.
1116.71 (1), any agency making purchases under s. 16.74, and any authority shall not
12enter into any contract or order for the purchase of materials, supplies, equipment,
13or contractual services with a person if the name of the person, or the name of an
14affiliate of that person, is certified to the department by the secretary of revenue
15under s. 77.66.
(12) (a) Except as provided in pars. (c), (d), (h)
and, (i)
, and (j) and as
18authorized under sub. (13), agencies shall obtain materials, supplies, equipment and
19services on the list maintained by the board under sub. (2) (g).
(12) (i) Paragraph (a) does not apply to procurements by the department
22of electronic government relating to information technology or telecommunications.
(12) (j) Paragraph (a) does not apply to services purchased under a
25contract under s. 153.05 (2m) (a).
(4) (ag)
The Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the 3department may pay or agree to pay under a master lease a sum substantially
4equivalent to or in excess of the aggregate value of property or services obtained and
5it may be agreed that the department or one or more agencies will become, or for no
6other or nominal consideration has the option to become, the owner of property
7obtained or to be obtained under a master lease upon full compliance with its terms.
8If the master lease is for personal computer hardware and software, the department
9may make agreements concerning payments and ownership as described in this
10paragraph only if the master lease pursuant to which the department makes such
11agreements is more cost-effective to the state than one or more leases for the
12hardware and software pursuant to which the department does not make
13agreements concerning payments and ownership as described in this paragraph.
1516.78 (title)
Purchases from department of electronic government
16relating to information technology or telecommunications
(1) Every agency other than the board of regents of the University of
19Wisconsin System or an agency making purchases under s. 16.74 shall make all
20purchases of materials, supplies, equipment, and contractual services relating to
21information technology or telecommunications from the department
of electronic
22government, unless the department
of electronic government requires the agency to
23purchase the materials, supplies, equipment, or contractual services pursuant to a
24master contract established under s.
22.05 16.972 (2) (h), or grants written
25authorization to the agency to procure the materials, supplies, equipment, or
1contractual services under s. 16.75 (1) or (2m), to purchase the materials, supplies,
2equipment, or contractual services from another agency or to provide the materials,
3supplies, equipment, or contractual services to itself. The board of regents of the
4University of Wisconsin System may make purchases of materials, supplies,
5equipment, and contractual services relating to information technology or
6telecommunications from the department
of electronic government.
(2) Sections 16.705 to 16.767 and 16.77 (1) do not apply to the purchase
9of materials, supplies, equipment, or contractual services by any agency from the
of electronic government under sub. (1).
(14) Provide interagency mail delivery service for agencies, as defined
14in s. 16.70
(1) (1e). The department may charge agencies for this service. Any moneys
15collected shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (1) (kb).
(1) (a) "Agency" has the meaning given in s. 16.70
(1) (1e).
SB44-SSA1, s. 222
222. 16.855 (16) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(16) (b) 1. In this paragraph, "agency" has the meaning given in s. 16.70
20(1) (1e).
(9) Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (c), if the department makes any
23payment from the appropriation under s. 20.505 (2) (a), lapse to the general fund
24from the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (2) (k) an amount equal to the
25payment, plus interest from the date on which the payment is made until the date
1on which a corresponding amount is lapsed under this subsection computed at the
2average interest rate earned by the state investment fund during that period. The
3department shall effect the lapse required under this subsection in accordance with
4a schedule determined by the department, but the total amount of each lapse shall
5be effected no later than 6 years after the date of the payment to which it relates.
(3) (a) The
division of housing
department shall, on the basis of
8competitive bids, contract with community action agencies described in s. 46.30 (2)
9(a) 1., nonstock, nonprofit corporations organized under ch. 181 or local units of
10government to provide services under the programs established under sub. (2) (a).
SB44-SSA1, s. 230
230. 16.964 (9) (intro.) of the statutes is created to read:
(9) (intro.) From the appropriations under s. 20.505 (6) (kp) and (p), the
13office of justice assistance shall provide $185,000 annually to the department of
14health and family services to distribute the following grants for children's
15community programs:
(3m) The department shall not approve a proposed grant to a local
18governmental unit under this section to be funded in whole or in part from the
19appropriation under s. 20.505 (1) (if) unless the application for the grant contains all
20of the following elements:
(a) Planning efforts that expedite and integrate the use of preexisting locally
22created and maintained Wisconsin land information program data.
(b) Planning efforts that utilize digital data that is consistent with Wisconsin
24land information program interests, modernization, and public access standards.
1(c) Planning efforts that maximize public participation through access to
2planning support tools.
(4) (intro.) In determining whether to approve a proposed grant
to be
5funded from the appropriations under s. 20.505 (1) (cm) and (if), preference shall be
6accorded to applications of local governmental units that contain all of the following
(3) The Subject to approval of the land information board under s.
1016.967 (3) (f), the department may develop and maintain geographic information
11systems relating to land in this state for the use of governmental and
12nongovernmental units.
SB44-SSA1, s. 230h
13Section 230h. 16.966 (3) of the statutes, as affected by 2003 Wisconsin Act ....
14(this act), is amended to read:
(3) Subject to approval of the land information board under s. 16.967
16(3) (f), the The department may develop and maintain geographic information
17systems relating to land in this state for the use of governmental and
18nongovernmental units.
(3) (f) Review and approve or disapprove proposed expenditures for the
21development and maintenance of land information systems under s. 16.966 (3). The
22board shall ensure that all expenditures are consistent with the requirements under
23sub. (6).
(6) Reports. By March 31 of each year, the department of
2administration, the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection, the
3department of commerce, the department of health and family services, the
4department of natural resources, the department of tourism, the department of
5revenue, the department of transportation, the board of regents of the University of
6Wisconsin System, the public service commission and the board of curators of the
7historical society shall each submit to the board a plan to integrate land information
8to enable such information to be readily translatable, retrievable and geographically
9referenced for use by any state, local governmental unit or public utility. The plans
10shall include the information that will be needed by local governmental units to
11prepare comprehensive plans containing the planning elements required under s.
1266.1001 (2). Upon receipt of this information, the board shall integrate the
13information to enable the information to be used to meet land information data
14needs. The integrated information shall be readily translatable, retrievable, and
15geographically referenced to enable members of the public to
use access the
on the Internet.
SB44-SSA1, s. 231
231. Subchapter VII (title) of chapter 16 [precedes 16.97] of the
18statutes is amended to read:
21EDUCATIONAL Information
SB44-SSA1, s. 232
232. 16.97 of the statutes is renumbered 16.97 (intro.) and amended
24to read:
116.97 Definition Definitions. (intro.) In this subchapter
2"telecommunications" has the meaning given in s. 22.01 (10).:
(1) Coordinate with the technology for educational achievement in
6Wisconsin board to provide Provide secured correctional facilities,
as defined in s.
744.70 (3r), school districts
, and cooperative educational service agencies with
8telecommunications access under s.
44.73 16.997 and contract with
9telecommunications providers to provide
such that access.
SB44-SSA1, s. 235
235. 16.974 (1) to (4) of the statutes, as affected by 2003 Wisconsin Act
11.... (this act), are renumbered 16.971 (13) to (16).
(2) Subject to s. 44.73 (5), coordinate with the technology for educational
14achievement in Wisconsin board to provide Provide private colleges, technical college
15districts, public library boards
and, public library systems
, and public museums with
16telecommunications access under s.
44.73 16.997 and contract with
17telecommunications providers to provide
such that access.
(3) Coordinate with the technology for educational achievement in
20Wisconsin board to provide Provide private schools with telecommunications access
21under s.
44.73 16.997 and contract with telecommunications providers to provide
22such that access.
(4) Coordinate with the technology for educational achievement in
25Wisconsin board to provide Provide the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually
1Impaired and the Wisconsin Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard
2of Hearing with telecommunications access under s.
44.73 16.997 and contract with
3telecommunications providers to provide
such that access.
SB44-SSA1, s. 238m
4Section 238m. Subchapter IX (title) of chapter 16 [precedes 16.99] of the
5statutes is created to read:
Subchapter iX
technology for educational
(3p) "Public museum" means a nonprofit or publicly owned museum
12located in this state that is accredited by the American Association of Museums or
13an educational center that is affiliated with such a museum.
SB44-SSA1, s. 238p
14Section 238p. 16.99 (4) of the statutes, as affected by 2003 Wisconsin Act ....
15(this act), is amended to read:
(4) "Telecommunications" has the meaning given in s.
22.01 16.97 (10).
(10) Coordinate an annual conference on educational technology,
19hosted by the governor, for elementary, secondary, and postsecondary educators and
20establish a schedule of fees for attending the conference, which fees may not exceed
21the actual costs incurred in conducting the conference. All fees collected under this
22subsection shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (4) (hc).
(3m) Public debt repayment. To the extent that sufficient moneys are
25available in the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (4) (mp) after payment of the
1administrative expenses specified in s. 20.505 (4) (mp), the department shall use
2those available moneys to reimburse s. 20.505 (4) (es) and (et) for the payment of
3principal and interest costs incurred in financing educational technology
4infrastructure financial assistance under this section and to make full payment of
5the amounts determined by the building commission under s. 13.488 (1) (m).
SB44-SSA1, s. 238r
6Section 238r. 16.997 (6) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2003 Wisconsin Act
7.... (this act), is amended to read: