(4) On appeal being taken, the question shall be is "Shall the decision of the presiding officer stand as the judgment of the senate?", which question, and the action thereon, shall be entered on the journal. The vote is taken by ayes and noes. A tie vote sustains the ruling of the presiding officer.
SR3, s. 11 Section 11. Senate rule 8 (title), (1), (4) and (5) are amended to read:
Senate Rule 8 (title) Conduct during floor while sitting in session. (1) Members, officers, and employees shall wear appropriate attire while the senate is sitting in session. Appropriate attire for men includes the wearing of a coat.
(4) A member or other person may not, within the bar of the senate, read newspapers or consume food, beverages, or any tobacco products.
(5) A member or other person may not smoke within the bar of the senate, the staff and press lobbies, and the visitors' galleries chamber.
SR3, s. 12 Section 12. Senate rule 11 (2), (3) and (5) are amended to read:
Senate Rule 11 (2) Persons of the following classes, and no others, shall be admitted to that portion of the floor of the senate designated as the staff lobby during while the senate is sitting in session thereof: state officers, employees of either house of the legislature, of legislative committees, and of legislative service agencies while engaged in the performance of their duties, members of congress, justices of the supreme court, and former members of the legislature.
(3) However, none of those persons in subs. (1) and (2) who are registered as lobbyists or engaged in defeating or promoting any pending legislation have the privilege of the area floor of the senate.
(5) All accredited correspondents of the news media, who confine themselves to their professional duties, have the privilege of the floor of the senate, except that during the sessions of the senate while the senate is sitting in session the privilege extends only to the press lobby.
SR3, s. 13 Section 13. Senate rule 12 is amended to read:
Senate Rule 12. Privileges of senate to contestants for seats. Contestants for seats have the privilege of the senate until their respective cases are disposed of; the. The privilege to extend extends only so far as access to the chamber, during the time occupied in settling the contest.
SR3, s. 14 Section 14. Senate rule 13 is amended to read:
Senate Rule 13. Disturbance in lobby. Whenever any disturbance or disorderly conduct occurs on the senate floor or in the lobby or gallery, the presiding officer may cause order the same to be cleared of all persons except members and officers.
SR3, s. 15 Section 15. Senate rule 16 is amended to read:
Senate Rule 16. Leave of absence. Members of the senate shall may not be absent from the daily session during the entire day without first obtaining a leave of absence. Such The leave may be granted at any time by a majority vote of the senate at any time.
SR3, s. 16 Section 16. Senate rule 17 (1) (intro.), (b) and (c) are amended to read:
Senate Rule 17 (1) (intro.) Following any opening prayer and the pledge of allegiance, the order of business in the senate shall be is as follows:
(b) Second order. Introduction and reference of resolutions and joint resolutions Chief clerk's entries.
(c) Third order. Introduction, first reading, and reference of bills proposals.
SR3, s. 17 Section 17. Senate rule 18 (1) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 18. (1) All proposals, appointments, or other business, referred to a committee and reported by it to the senate or withdrawn from it by the senate, all proposals or amendments received from the assembly for senate concurrence, and all reports from conference committees and veto messages received by the senate, shall be placed in the committee on senate organization. Any such business deposited with the chief clerk on a day when the senate does not meet may be placed in the committee on senate organization immediately, but shall be formally received by the senate on its next meeting day. The committee on senate organization shall establish a calendar, grouping together proposals, appointments, or other business according to similar subjects and in an appropriate order, and in such numbers as to constitute a workable and up-to-date calendar schedule. The committee on senate organization shall place a proposal, appointment, or other business on the calendar when directed to do so by a majority vote of the senate. The chairperson of the committee on senate organization may place a proposal, appointment, or other business that is in the committee on senate organization on a calendar that has been established by the committee.
SR3, s. 18 Section 18. Senate rule 20 (1) (c), (2) (a) and (7) are amended to read:
Senate Rule 20 (1) (c) The other standing committees of the senate shall be created by the committee on senate organization as near to the commencement of the biennial session as possible.
(2) (a) The chairperson of the committee on senate organization, as near to the commencement of the biennial session as possible, shall make and report to the senate all committee appointments of members of the majority and minority parties. The chairperson of the committee on senate organization shall designate a chairperson for each senate committee and joint committee.
(7) Whenever any a member of the committee on senate organization is disabled and unable to serve, the senate may select a temporary replacement from among those senators of the same party affiliation. The replacement terminates upon the return of the disabled member.
SR3, s. 19 Section 19. Senate rule 20m is amended to read:
Senate Rule 20m. Committees of conference. The chairperson of the committee on senate organization president shall appoint the senate members of committees of conference.
SR3, s. 20 Section 20. Senate rule 21 is amended to read:
Senate Rule 21. Special committees. All special committees shall be created by the committee on senate organization, designating the number and object, and be appointed by the chairperson of the committee on senate organization. The member first named shall act as is the chairperson of the special committee.
SR3, s. 21 Section 21. Senate rule 22 (2) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 22 (2) On the question of the confirmation of appointments by the governor or the state superintendent of public instruction, the vote shall be taken by ayes and noes, which shall be entered upon the journal. The question of confirmation of the appointments is not subject to a motion for reconsideration under rule 67. The senate may, but is not required to, act upon an appointment resubmitted by the governor or the state superintendent of public instruction when the identical appointment has once been refused confirmation by the senate. The chief clerk shall record the cumulative status of all appointments in the bulletin of proceedings. The senate shall inform the governor and the assembly of the senate's final action on confirmation of a nomination for appointment that requires assembly confirmation.
SR3, s. 22 Section 22. Senate rule 27 (1), (3) and (4) are amended to read:
Senate Rule 27 (1) The chairperson of the committee to which any bill proposal is referred shall report in concise form the action of the committee and the date thereof, and shall authenticate the same by personal signature, e.g. for example:
The committee on ..................... reports and recommends:
Senate Bill 24
An Act (relating clause)
Passage: Ayes (3), Senators ............ , ............ , ............ ; Noes (1), Senator ...........; Absent or not voting (1), Senator ............ .
Senate Bill 26
An Act (relating clause)
Adoption of Senate Amendment 1: Ayes (5), Senators ............ , ............ , ............ , ............ , ............ ; Noes (0); Absent or not voting (0).
Passage as amended: Ayes (4), Senators ............ , ............ , ............ , ............ ; Noes (1), Senator ............ ; Absent or not voting (0).
Senate Bill 28
An Act (relating clause)
Adoption of Senate Substitute Amendment 1: Ayes (3), Senators ............ , ............ , ............ ; Noes (2), Senators ............ , ............ ; Absent or not voting (0).
Passage as amended: Ayes (2), Senators ............ , ............ ; Noes (2), Senators ............ , ............ ; Absent or not voting (1), Senator ............ . Reported without recommendation.
Senate Bill 30
An Act (relating clause)
Indefinite postponement: Ayes (5), Senators ........... , .......... , .......... , .........., .......... ; Noes (0); Absent or not voting (0).
Senate Bill ............ (LRB- ............... / .....)
An Act (relating clause)
Introduction: Ayes (4), Senators ............ , ............ , ............ , ............ ; Noes (1), Senator ............ ; Absent or not voting (0).
Assembly Bill 32
An Act (relating clause)
Concurrence: Ayes (4), Senators ............ , ............ , ............ , ............ ; Noes (0); Absent or not voting (1), Senator ............ .
Assembly Bill 34
An Act (relating clause)
Nonconcurrence: Ayes (3), Senators ............ , ............ , ............ ; Noes (0); Absent or not voting (2), Senators ............ and ............ .
Senate Resolution 10
A resolution relating to, etc.
Adoption: Ayes (3), Senators ............ , ............ , ............ ; Noes (1), Senator ...........; Absent or not voting (1), Senator ............ .
Senate Joint Resolution 50
A joint resolution relating to, etc.
Indefinite postponement: Ayes (5), Senators ........... , .......... , .......... , .........., .......... ; Noes (0); Absent or not voting (0).
................................. Chairperson
(3) Any amendment or substitute amendment, recommended by the committee for rejection, shall may not be reported to the senate. Any such amendment may, upon motion and a majority vote, be revived by the vote of the majority of the current membership while the proposal is still in the amendable stage.
(4) (a) A committee may report out a proposal or appointment without recommendation only if the vote is tied. The committee report shall indicate the actual numerical vote on the motion on which the recommendation is based.
(b) Notwithstanding par. (a), the chief clerk shall record in the journal that a bill proposal is reported without recommendation whenever the bill proposal is withdrawn from committee under rule 18 or 41 (1) (d).
SR3, s. 23 Section 23. Senate rule 28 is amended to read:
Senate Rule 28. Minority reports. Any member or members dissenting from a report of a committee may make a separate report stating the reasons and conclusions; and all reports, if decorous in language and respectful to the senate, shall be entered at length on the journal. Any minority report shall must be filed on the same or the next legislative day as the majority report or recommendation.
SR3, s. 24 Section 24. Senate rule 29 is amended to read:
Senate Rule 29. Copies of proposals. Copies of all proposals The primary author of a proposal to be introduced or offered shall be presented by the primary author present copies of it to the chief clerk, enclosed in a jacket envelope as provided in rule 30.
SR3, s. 25 Section 25. Senate rule 30 (title), (1) and (3) (a) are amended to read:
Senate Rule 30 (title) Filing of bills, etc. proposals. (1) The legislative reference bureau shall provide jacket envelopes of a suitable size to hold any a proposal and the papers pertaining thereto, respectively, without folding or rolling. The clerk shall may not file any paper for any purpose, the cover of which has been either folded or rolled. The jacket envelopes shall must be distinguished distinguishable from those of the assembly by color.
(3) (a) The actual date of each public hearing on the proposal.
SR3, s. 26 Section 26. Senate rule 31 (title), (1) and (2) are amended to read:
Senate Rule 31 (title) Clerical corrections to bills proposals. (1) Minor The chief clerk shall correct minor clerical errors in any proposal, such as errors in orthography or grammar, or the use of one word for another, such as "affect" for "effect," wrong numbering or references, whether the errors occur in the original bill proposal or in any amendment thereto, shall be corrected by the chief clerk.
(2) The chief clerk shall insert the enacting or usual enabling clause in any bill proposal before its passage or adoption if the same has been omitted. When necessary, the chief clerk shall correct the title of any bill so that the title will show shows the sections affected, the subject to which the bill relates, and the making of an appropriation, if such is made by the bill.
SR3, s. 27 Section 27. Senate rule 32 is amended to read:
Senate Rule 32. Reference to proposals and other matters. (1) When first considered and thereafter each time that a proposal is considered after business relating to another subject has intervened, it shall be identified in the journal by number and relating clause. Thereafter all reference to any the proposal or petition either in the journal, or in messages shall must be by number only, except in the journal where the ayes and noes are entered. The chief clerk shall read the relating clauses except when the senate directs otherwise, except that in messages of approval of bills by the governor the chief clerk shall read the bill number only unless a member requests the relating clause to be read.
(2) No later than one-half hour following the adjournment of each day's session legislative day, members may submit to the chief clerk in writing a listing of visitors from their districts who witnessed a part of the day's session meeting. The list, together with the record of the guests introduced on that legislative day under rule 17 (4), shall be entered at the end of the day's journal.
SR3, s. 28 Section 28. Senate rule 33 is amended to read:
Senate Rule 33. Introduction or offering of new proposals; admissibility of identical proposals; admissibility of resolutions in special session. (1) Any A member may introduce or offer new proposals in accordance with rule 46 (1). Before introducing or offering a member introduces or offers a new proposal to the senate, the member shall cause the legislative reference bureau to shall prepare the proposal in the proper form, and with the requisite number of copies for introduction or offering. A proposal may not be received if it contains handwritten changes in the copies prepared by the legislative reference bureau.
(2) A proposal identical with one already rejected may not be introduced or offered. However, an assembly bill or joint resolution that is identical to a senate bill or joint resolution previously rejected by the senate or any bill repealing a former act of the same biennial session may be introduced or offered.
(3) Resolutions offering commendations, congratulations, or condolences, memorializing congress or an individual, or affecting senate or legislative rules or procedures proceedings are declared not to be within the meaning of the term "business" under the constitutional provision limiting the matters to be considered during special sessions to those enumerated in the governor's call for a special session.
SR3, s. 29 Section 29. Senate rule 33 (3) is renumbered senate rule 93 (1d).
SR3, s. 30 Section 30. Senate rule 34 (1) and (4) are amended to read:
Senate Rule 34 (1) All bills and joint resolutions, and all resolutions except those privileged for immediate consideration under rule 69, shall, after being distributed, must lay over one day before being considered.
(4) Any proposal for a certificate A proposed citation under joint rule 7 shall, when received by the senate and whether originating in this house or in the assembly, be laid aside to allow time to examine the proposal proposed citation for its appropriateness under compliance with joint rule 7 (1), (1m), and (2). Upon approval by the president and the chief clerk, the proposals citations are deemed considered approved by the senate and shall be so recorded in the journal. If the president or chief clerk refuses to approve a proposal for a certificate proposed citation, the committee on senate organization may require the president and chief clerk to approve it. A written committee report is not necessary.