2003 Senate Resolution 3
To repeal senate rule 50 (5) and senate rule 50 (9) to (11); to renumber senate rule 33 (3); to renumber and amend senate rule 4 (intro.) and (1) to (8), senate rule 4 (10), senate rule 46 (1), senate rule 50 (1), senate rule 50 (6), senate rule 50 (7), senate rule 50 (8), senate rule 76, senate rule 98 (intro.), senate rule 98 (1) and senate rule 99 (17); to amend senate rule 1 (title) and (1), senate rule 1m (2), senate rule 2, senate rule 3, senate rule 3m, senate rule 5 (1), (2) (c), (3) and (4), senate rule 6 (1) and (2) (b) and (f), senate rule 7 (1) to (4), senate rule 8 (title), (1) (4), and (5), senate rule 11 (2), (3) and (5), senate rule 12, senate rule 13, senate rule 16, senate rule 17 (1) (intro.), (b) and (c), senate rule 18 (1), senate rule 20 (1) (c), (2) (a) and (7), senate rule 20m, senate rule 21, senate rule 22 (2), senate rule 27 (1), (3) and (4), senate rule 28, senate rule 29, senate rule 30 (title), (1) and (3) (a), senate rule 31 (title), (1) and (2), senate rule 32, senate rule 33, senate rule 34 (1) and (4), senate rule 35, senate rule 36 (1), (1m) and (2), senate rule 37 (2) and (3), senate rule 38, senate rule 40, senate rule 41 (1) (a) to (d) and (2), senate rule 42, senate rule 45, senate rule 46 (2), senate rule 46 (5), senate rule 47 (3) and (4), senate rule 48, senate rule 49, senate rule 50 (title), senate rule 50 (2) to (4), senate rule 51, senate rule 52, senate rule 55, senate rule 58, senate rule 59, senate rule 60, senate rule 62, senate rule 63 (2), senate rule 64, senate rule 65, senate rule 67 (1), (3), (6), (7) and (8), senate rule 68, senate rule 69, senate rule 70, senate rule 72 (2) and (3), senate rule 73 (1), senate rule 74, senate rule 77 (3), senate rule 78 (1) and (3), senate rule 80, senate rule 82, senate rule 85 (5), senate rule 86, senate rule 87, senate rule 88 (1) and (3), senate rule 90, senate rule 92, senate rule 93 (intro.), (1) and (6), senate rule 94 (1), senate rule 96 (1) and (3), senate rule 97, senate rule 98 (3) and (4) (intro.) and senate rule 99 (3) to (8), (16), (17), (20), (27) to (28), (33), (35), (36), (39), (40), (44), (48), (50), (50m), (52) to (54), (57m), (59), (62), (63), (66), (70) to (73) and (79); and to create senate rule 46 (1) (b), senate rule 46 (2) (d), senate rule 50 (1), senate rule 76 (2) and senate rule 99 (57p); relating to: the senate rules.
Resolved by the senate, That:
SR3, s. 1 Section 1. Senate rule 1 (title) and (1) are amended to read:
Senate Rule 1 (title) President; president pro tempore. (1) The senate shall designate elect, by roll call vote, one of its members to serve as president for the legislative biennium and one to serve as president pro tempore. The president and president pro tempore shall serve for the biennial session unless separated by death, resignation, or removal by the adoption of a resolution by a majority of the current membership.
SR3, s. 2 Section 2. Senate rule 1m (2) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 1m (2) Every officer of the senate is subordinate to the committee on senate organization and, in all that relates to the discharge of that officer's several duties, is under the supervision of the committee on senate organization.
SR3, s. 3 Section 3. Senate rule 2 is amended to read:
Senate Rule 2. Substitute president. (1) When the president is absent or unable to preside over the senate sitting in session, the president pro tempore may preside and assume all of the duties enumerated under rule 4. The substitution shall does not extend beyond adjournment and shall end ends upon the president's return or the election of a new president.
(2) When the president and president pro tempore are absent or unable to preside, the senate shall elect, by roll call vote, one of the its members shall be elected to temporarily perform all of the duties enumerated under rule 4 until the president or president pro tempore returns and is able to preside.
(3) The presiding officer may call any member to the chair, but the substitution shall does not extend beyond an adjournment or the return of the president.
SR3, s. 4 Section 4. Senate rule 3 is amended to read:
Senate Rule 3. Duties of president pro tempore and majority leader. When the president is separated by death, resignation, or removal from office, or is otherwise unable to serve, all of the powers and duties of the president not enumerated in rule 4 shall devolve upon the president pro tempore until a president is elected. When both the president and president pro tempore are separated by death, resignation, or removal from office, or are otherwise unable to serve, all of the powers and duties of the president not enumerated under rule 4 shall devolve upon the majority leader until a president is elected.
SR3, s. 5 Section 5. Senate rule 3m is amended to read:
Senate Rule 3m. Voting by presiding officer. A senator may not be excused from voting on any a question by reason of occupying the chair.
SR3, s. 6 Section 6. Senate rule 4 (intro.) and (1) to (8) are renumbered senate rule 4 (1) (intro.) and (a) to (h), and senate rule 4 (title) and (1) (intro.), (a) and (g), as renumbered, are amended to read.
Senate Rule 4 (title) Duties of president and presiding officer. (1) (intro.) The president presiding officer shall:
(a) Open the daily session, at the time to which adjournment is taken, by taking the chair and calling the members to order.
(g) Inform the senate when necessary, or when referred to for that purpose, on any point of order or practice procedure.
SR3, s. 7 Section 7. Senate rule 4 (10) is renumbered senate rule 4 (2) and amended to read:
Senate Rule 4 (2) Refer The president shall refer every notice and report concerning a proposed administrative rule received by him or her the presiding officer under section 227.19 of the statutes to the appropriate standing committee of the senate within 7 working days following receipt, and provide notice to that committee whenever the president is informed that a proposed rule is being withdrawn. The president shall refer any report received from a standing committee that objects to a proposed rule to the joint committee for review of administrative rules.
SR3, s. 8 Section 8. Senate rule 5 (1), (2) (c), (3) and (4) are amended to read:
Senate Rule 5 (1) The At the commencement of each biennial session, the senate shall elect, by roll call vote, a chief clerk of the senate shall be elected at the commencement of each regular session, to. The chief clerk shall hold office for the full 2-year term of the legislature and until a successor is elected and qualified on the day of convening of the next legislature as established under section 13.02 (1) of the statutes unless removed separated by death, resignation, or the vote of removal by the vote of a majority of the actual present membership of the senate.
(2) (c) Prepare and transmit for reproduction its daily journal after the close adjournment of each daily session, and, if so directed by the president or chairperson of the committee on senate organization, on any day on which the senate does not meet.
(3) The chief clerk shall be is responsible for all official acts of the employees assigned to that office, and may designate one of those employees as assistant chief clerk, who shall have has general supervision under the direction of the chief clerk and in the temporary absence of the chief clerk shall have has all of the powers and duties of the chief clerk. If the chief clerk is separated by death, resignation, or removal from office, the assistant chief clerk may exercise all of the powers and shall carry out all of the duties of the chief clerk until a chief clerk is elected.
(4) On the day of convening of the next legislature as established under section 13.02 (1) of the statutes, when the president, president pro tempore, majority leader, and assistant majority leader are absent or unable to preside over the senate sitting in session and the senate does not elect a substitute president under rule 2 (2), the chief clerk shall perform all of the duties enumerated under rule 4.
SR3, s. 9 Section 9. Senate rule 6 (1) and (2) (b) and (f) are amended to read:
Senate Rule 6 (1) The At the commencement of each biennial session, the senate shall elect, by roll call vote, a sergeant at arms of the senate shall be elected at the commencement of each regular session, to. The sergeant at arms shall hold office for the full 2-year term of the legislature and until a successor is elected and qualified on the day of convening of the next legislature as established under section 13.02 (1) of the statutes unless removed separated by death, resignation, or the vote of removal by the vote of a majority of the actual present membership of the senate.
(2) (b) Perform all the duties that may be assigned to the sergeant connected with the maintenance of decorum and good order in the chamber and in the galleries.
(f) Ensure that the chamber is properly ventilated and is open for the use of the members as directed by the presiding officer or from one hour preceding any each daily session until one hour after that day's adjournment.
SR3, s. 10 Section 10. Senate rule 7 (1) to (4) are amended to read:
Senate Rule 7 (1) The presiding officer shall preserve order and decorum ,; may speak to points of order in preference to others, rising for that purpose; and shall decide questions of order, subject to an appeal by a member, on which appeal each member may speak once not to exceed 5 minutes.
(2) Whenever a point of order is raised, the presiding officer may rule thereon forthwith, or may defer the decision not later than the 5th order of business on the 2nd legislative day thereafter to provide time for examination of the precedents. Questions not ruled on within the required time shall be decided by a majority of the senate.
(3) Whenever the presiding officer finds it necessary to take takes a point of order under advisement in order to consult sources of parliamentary law and practice procedure, the presiding officer shall submit the decision in writing, stating the source consulted and the reasons for the decision. The text of the presiding officer's decision shall be spread recorded in upon the journal.
(4) On appeal being taken, the question shall be is "Shall the decision of the presiding officer stand as the judgment of the senate?", which question, and the action thereon, shall be entered on the journal. The vote is taken by ayes and noes. A tie vote sustains the ruling of the presiding officer.
SR3, s. 11 Section 11. Senate rule 8 (title), (1), (4) and (5) are amended to read:
Senate Rule 8 (title) Conduct during floor while sitting in session. (1) Members, officers, and employees shall wear appropriate attire while the senate is sitting in session. Appropriate attire for men includes the wearing of a coat.
(4) A member or other person may not, within the bar of the senate, read newspapers or consume food, beverages, or any tobacco products.
(5) A member or other person may not smoke within the bar of the senate, the staff and press lobbies, and the visitors' galleries chamber.
SR3, s. 12 Section 12. Senate rule 11 (2), (3) and (5) are amended to read:
Senate Rule 11 (2) Persons of the following classes, and no others, shall be admitted to that portion of the floor of the senate designated as the staff lobby during while the senate is sitting in session thereof: state officers, employees of either house of the legislature, of legislative committees, and of legislative service agencies while engaged in the performance of their duties, members of congress, justices of the supreme court, and former members of the legislature.
(3) However, none of those persons in subs. (1) and (2) who are registered as lobbyists or engaged in defeating or promoting any pending legislation have the privilege of the area floor of the senate.
(5) All accredited correspondents of the news media, who confine themselves to their professional duties, have the privilege of the floor of the senate, except that during the sessions of the senate while the senate is sitting in session the privilege extends only to the press lobby.
SR3, s. 13 Section 13. Senate rule 12 is amended to read:
Senate Rule 12. Privileges of senate to contestants for seats. Contestants for seats have the privilege of the senate until their respective cases are disposed of; the. The privilege to extend extends only so far as access to the chamber, during the time occupied in settling the contest.
SR3, s. 14 Section 14. Senate rule 13 is amended to read:
Senate Rule 13. Disturbance in lobby. Whenever any disturbance or disorderly conduct occurs on the senate floor or in the lobby or gallery, the presiding officer may cause order the same to be cleared of all persons except members and officers.
SR3, s. 15 Section 15. Senate rule 16 is amended to read:
Senate Rule 16. Leave of absence. Members of the senate shall may not be absent from the daily session during the entire day without first obtaining a leave of absence. Such The leave may be granted at any time by a majority vote of the senate at any time.
SR3, s. 16 Section 16. Senate rule 17 (1) (intro.), (b) and (c) are amended to read:
Senate Rule 17 (1) (intro.) Following any opening prayer and the pledge of allegiance, the order of business in the senate shall be is as follows:
(b) Second order. Introduction and reference of resolutions and joint resolutions Chief clerk's entries.
(c) Third order. Introduction, first reading, and reference of bills proposals.
SR3, s. 17 Section 17. Senate rule 18 (1) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 18. (1) All proposals, appointments, or other business, referred to a committee and reported by it to the senate or withdrawn from it by the senate, all proposals or amendments received from the assembly for senate concurrence, and all reports from conference committees and veto messages received by the senate, shall be placed in the committee on senate organization. Any such business deposited with the chief clerk on a day when the senate does not meet may be placed in the committee on senate organization immediately, but shall be formally received by the senate on its next meeting day. The committee on senate organization shall establish a calendar, grouping together proposals, appointments, or other business according to similar subjects and in an appropriate order, and in such numbers as to constitute a workable and up-to-date calendar schedule. The committee on senate organization shall place a proposal, appointment, or other business on the calendar when directed to do so by a majority vote of the senate. The chairperson of the committee on senate organization may place a proposal, appointment, or other business that is in the committee on senate organization on a calendar that has been established by the committee.
SR3, s. 18 Section 18. Senate rule 20 (1) (c), (2) (a) and (7) are amended to read:
Senate Rule 20 (1) (c) The other standing committees of the senate shall be created by the committee on senate organization as near to the commencement of the biennial session as possible.