Wednesday, June 4, 2003
12:50 P.M.
Ninety-Sixth Regular Session
Assembly Journal
The Assembly met in the Assembly Chamber located in the State Capitol.
Speaker Gard in the chair.
The prayer was offered by Representative J. Lehman.
Representative LeMahieu led the membership in reciting the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Present - Representatives Ainsworth, Albers, Balow, Berceau, Bies, Black, Boyle, Coggs, Colon, Cullen, J. Fitzgerald, Foti, Freese, Friske, Gielow, Gottlieb, Gronemus, Grothman, Gunderson, Gundrum, Hahn, Hebl, Hines, Huber, Hubler, Huebsch, Hundertmark, Jensen, Jeskewitz, Johnsrud, Kaufert, Kerkman, Kestell, Kreibich, Kreuser, Krug, Krusick, Ladwig, F. Lasee, J. Lehman, M. Lehman, LeMahieu, Loeffelholz, Lothian, McCormick, D. Meyer, Miller, Montgomery, Morris, Musser, Nass, Nischke, Olsen, Ott, Petrowski, Pettis, Plouff, Pocan, Pope-Roberts, Powers, Rhoades, Richards, Schneider, Schooff, Seratti, Sherman, Shilling, Sinicki, Staskunas, Steinbrink, Stone, Suder, Taylor, Towns, Townsend, Travis, Turner, Underheim, Van Akkeren, Van Roy, Vrakas, Vruwink, Vukmir, Ward, Wasserman, Weber, Wieckert, A. Williams, M. Williams, J. Wood, W. Wood, Young, Zepnick, Ziegelbauer and Speaker Gard - 95.
Absent with leave - Representatives Krawczyk and Owens - 2.
Vacancies - 21st and 71st Assembly Districts - 2.
Leaves of Absence
Representative Vrakas asked unanimous consent for a leave of absence for today's session for Representatives Krawczyk and Owens. Granted.
Special Guest
Representatives LeMahieu and Kestell introduced Alice in Dairyland Angela Hemauer from Plymouth, who addressed the members from the rostrum.
Amendments Offered
Assembly substitute amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 304 offered by Representatives McCormick, Albers, Gielow, Grothman, Gunderson, Hahn, Hines, Jensen, Kestell, Krawczyk, Ladwig, F. Lasee, Lothian, Musser, Pettis, Seratti, Stone, Van Roy, Vrakas, Vukmir, Weber, Wieckert and J. Wood.
Assembly amendment 1 to Assembly substitute amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 304 offered by Representative Vrakas.
June 2, 2003
Patrick Fuller, Assembly Chief Clerk
Room 208, Risser Justice Building
Madison, WI 53702
Dear Mr Chief Clerk:
On Thursday, May 29, 2003, while on a leave of absence for the remainder of the day's session, I would like the record to reflect how I would have voted on the following item had I been present:
Shall Assembly amendment 1 to Assembly substitute amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 67 be laid on the table? "No"
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Becky Weber
State Representative
5th Assembly District
Calendar of Tuesday , June 3
Assembly Joint Resolution 34
Relating to: the life of Marine Sergeant Kirk Allen Straseskie.
Representative Foti asked unanimous consent that Assembly Joint Resolution 34 be laid on the table. Granted.
Assembly Joint Resolution 36
Relating to: the life and military service of Major Mathew E. Schram.
A235 Representative Foti asked unanimous consent that Assembly Joint Resolution 36 be laid on the table. Granted.
Representative Vrakas asked unanimous consent that the Assembly stand recessed. Granted.
The Assembly stood recessed.
1:33 P.M.
4:02 P.M.
The Assembly reconvened.
Speaker Gard in the chair.
Representative Vrakas asked unanimous consent for a quorum call. Granted.

A quorum was present.
Leaves of Absence
Representative Vrakas asked unanimous consent for a leave of absence for part of today's session for Representative Townsend. Granted.
Representative Turner asked unanimous consent for a leave of absence for part of today's session for Representative Kreuser. Granted.
Representative Gundrum asked unanimous consent that his leave of absence be lifted. Granted.
Speaker Pro Tempore Freese in the chair.
Calendar of Monday , June 2
Assembly Bill 67
Relating to: employment discrimination based on creed; exemption from liability and discipline for health care providers and hospital employees who refuse to participate in sterilization, abortion, assisted suicide, and other procedures on moral or religious grounds; and power of attorney for health care instruments and patient declarations regarding the withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining procedures or feeding tubes.
Representative Schneider asked unanimous consent to return to the amendable stage.
Representative Foti objected.
The question was: Assembly Bill 67 having been read three times, shall the bill be passed?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives Albers, Bies, J. Fitzgerald, Foti, Freese, Friske, Gielow, Gottlieb, Grothman, Gunderson, Gundrum, Hahn, Hines, Huebsch, Hundertmark, Jensen, Jeskewitz, Kaufert, Kerkman, Kestell, Kreibich, Krusick, Ladwig, F. Lasee, M. Lehman, LeMahieu, Loeffelholz, Lothian, McCormick, D. Meyer, Montgomery, Musser, Nass, Nischke, Olsen, Ott, Petrowski, Pettis, Rhoades, Seratti, Staskunas, Stone, Suder, Towns, Underheim, Van Roy, Vrakas, Vukmir, Ward, Weber, Wieckert, M. Williams, J. Wood, W. Wood, Ziegelbauer and Speaker Gard - 56.
Noes - Representatives Balow, Berceau, Black, Boyle, Coggs, Colon, Cullen, Gronemus, Hebl, Huber, Hubler, Krug, J. Lehman, Miller, Morris, Plouff, Pocan, Pope-Roberts, Powers, Richards, Schneider, Schooff, Sherman, Shilling, Sinicki, Steinbrink, Taylor, Travis, Turner, Van Akkeren, Vruwink, Wasserman, A. Williams, Young and Zepnick - 35.
Paired for - Representatives Krawczyk, Owens and Townsend - 3.
Paired against - Representatives Ainsworth, Johnsrud and Kreuser - 3.
Absent or not voting - None.
Motion carried.
Representative Foti asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 67 be immediately messaged to the Senate.
Representative Schooff objected.
Representative Foti moved that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 67 be immediately messaged to the Senate.
The question was: Shall the rules be suspended and Assembly Bill 67 be immediately messaged to the Senate?