Reference Bureau Corrections
Assembly substitute amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 674
1. Page 3, line 1: delete "5m." and substitute "5m.,".
Referral of Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Department of Justice
January 15, 2004
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
A636 Section 165.90 of the Wisconsin Statutes requires the Department of Justice to report on the performance of cooperative county-tribal law enforcement programs receiving aid under this section. This letter constitutes our report.
The County-Tribal Law Enforcement Grant Program continues to help local law enforcement provide needed services in Indian communities. In addition, this program helps build a cooperative atmosphere and positive relationship between law enforcement and tribal governments and communities. Departmental staff is available to discuss this report and this important program.
Peggy A. Lautenschlager
Attorney General
Referred to committee on Criminal Justice.
Speaker Gard in the chair.
Speaker Gard appointed Representatives Honadel and Turner to escort Governor James Doyle from his office to the Assembly Chamber.
The Assembly Sergeant-at-Arms Rick Skindrud announced the arrival of the Honorable Justices of the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
The Assembly stood informal.
The Assembly Sergeant-at-Arms Rick Skindrud announced the arrival of the members of the Wisconsin State Senate.
Joint Convention
The houses went into joint convention.
Senate President Lasee presiding.
Senator Lasee recognized the presence of Justice Ann Walsh Bradley, Justice David Prosser, Jr., and Justice Patience Drake Roggensack of the Wisconsin Supreme Court; Lieutenant Governor Barbara Lawton, Attorney General Peggy Lautenschlager, State Treasurer Jack Voight and Superintendent of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster.
The Assembly Sergeant-at-Arms Rick Skindrud announced the arrival of Governor James Doyle
Escorted by Senators Schultz and Hansen, and Representatives Honadel and Turner, Governor James Doyle took his place at the rostrum to deliver his state of the state address.
Pursuant to Joint Rule 73, the governor's message is printed in the Senate journal only.
Representative Foti moved that the joint convention arise.
The question was: Shall the joint convention arise?
Motion carried.
8:13 P.M.
Representative Foti moved that the Assembly stand adjourned until 10:00 A.M. tomorrow.
The question was: Shall the Assembly stand adjourned?
Motion carried.
The Assembly stood adjourned.
8:14 P.M.