Ninety-Sixth Regular Session
Senate Journal
The Senate met.
The Senate was called to order by Senator Alan Lasee.
The roll was called and the following Senators answered to their names:
Senators Breske, Brown, Carpenter, Chvala, Cowles, Darling, Decker, Ellis, Erpenbach, S. Fitzgerald, George, Hansen, Harsdorf, Jauch, Kanavas, Kedzie, A. Lasee, Lassa, Lazich, Leibham, M. Meyer, Moore, Panzer, Plale, Reynolds, Risser, Robson, Roessler, Schultz, Stepp, Welch, Wirch and Zien - 33.
Absent - None.
Absent with leave - None.
The Senate stood for a moment of silent meditation.
The Senate remained standing and Senator Erpenbach led the Senate in the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
Senator Panzer, with unanimous consent, asked that the Senate recess until 3:15 P.M..
1:07 P.M.
3:15 P.M.
The Senate reconvened.
Senator A. Lasee in the chair.
chief clerk's entries
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries dated June 3, 2003 :
State of Wisconsin
June 3, 2003
The Honorable, The Senate:
The Committee on Senate Organization declares Senate Bill 180, relating to payments to local governments for public utilities and making an appropriation, an emergency and recommends that it be passed prior to passage of the Budget Bill:
Ayes, 5 - Senators Panzer, Lasee, Zien, Erpenbach and Hansen.
Noes, 0 - None.
Mary E. Panzer
Senate Majority Leader
INTRODUCTION, First Reading and
reference of Proposals
Read and referred:
Senate Bill 187
Relating to: claims for loss of society and companionship in medical malpractice cases.
By Senators George, Plale and Robson; cosponsored by Representatives Hebl, Boyle, Young, Cullen and Johnsrud.
To committee on Judiciary, Corrections and Privacy.
Senate Bill 188
Relating to: extending the expenditure period and the life of tax incremental districts in Kenosha.
By Senators Wirch, Stepp, Panzer and Schultz; cosponsored by Representatives Steinbrink, Kreuser and Kerkman.
To committee on Economic Development, Job Creation and Housing.
report of committees
The committee on Agriculture, Financial Institutions and Insurance reports and recommends:
Dummer , Michael, of Holmen, as a member of the Board of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, to serve for the term ending May 1, 2009.
Ayes, 5 - Senators Schultz, Brown, Kedzie, Hansen and Lassa.
Noes, 0 - None.
Kleman , JoAnn, of Mosinee, as a member of the Veterinary Examining Board, to serve for the term ending July 1, 2006.
Ayes, 5 - Senators Schultz, Brown, Kedzie, Hansen and Lassa.
Noes, 0 - None.
Krutza , Michael, of Wausau, as a member of the Board of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, to serve for the term ending May 1, 2005.
Ayes, 5 - Senators Schultz, Brown, Kedzie, Hansen and Lassa.
Noes, 0 - None.
S210 Senate Bill 173
Relating to: the agricultural producer security program, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
Ayes, 5 - Senators Schultz, Brown, Kedzie, Hansen and Lassa.
Noes, 0 - None.
Senate Bill 176
Relating to: authorizing municipal insurance mutuals to provide property insurance.
Ayes, 5 - Senators Schultz, Brown, Kedzie, Hansen and Lassa.
Noes, 0 - None.
Dale Schultz
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
May 30, 2003
The Honorable, The Senate:
I am pleased to nominate and with the advice and consent of the Senate, do appoint Calaway, Tonit, of Milwaukee, as a member of the Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, to serve for the term ending June 30, 2010.
Read and referred to committee on Health, Children, Families, Aging and Long Term Care.
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
June 2, 2003
The Honorable, The Senate:
I am pleased to nominate and with the advice and consent of the Senate, do appoint Levit , William H., of Milwaukee, as a member of the State of Wisconsin Investment Board, to serve for the term ending May 1, 2009.