2. Clarifying that during the 60-day period immediately following the date of
delivery of the conversion notice, a tenant has the "first right to purchase" (not the
"exclusive option to purchase") the unit if the unit is offered for sale at any time during
the 60-day period:
a. For the price at which the unit is being offered on the market.
b. For the price contained in any accepted offer to purchase the unit (from any
prospective purchaser, not just the tenant).
c. For the price otherwise agreed to by the tenant and the seller.
3. Expressly authorizing the tenant to waive in writing his or her occupancy right
and first right to purchase.
AB254, s. 8 4Section 8 . 703.08 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
AB254,4,65 703.08 (3) A tenant may waive in writing his or her first right of purchase under
6sub. (1), his or her right to remain on the property under sub. (2), or both.
Note: See the Note to Sec. 7, above.
AB254, s. 9 7Section 9. 703.09 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB254,4,118 703.09 (1) (g) Statement of the purposes for which the building and each of the
9units are intended and restricted as to use, including any requirement applicable to
10or restriction on the rental of residential units or reference to any such requirement
11or restriction in the bylaws
Note: Requires the condominium declaration to include any requirement
applicable to or restriction on the rental of residential condominium units or reference to
any such requirement or restriction in the bylaws.
AB254, s. 10 12Section 10. 703.09 (1) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB254,5,213 703.09 (1) (h) The name of the person to receive service of process in the cases
14provided in this chapter, together with the
and address of that person and the method

1by which the association may designate a successor to the person
the resident agent
2under s. 703.23
Note: Substitutes reference to the "resident agent under s. 703.23" for the current
requirement that the declaration include the name of the person "to receive service of
process in the cases provided in this chapter". Since s. 703.23, stats., also provides for
changing the resident agent, the bill also removes the requirement that the declaration
indicate the method by which the association may designate a successor to the person
designated to receive service of process.
AB254, s. 11 3Section 11. 703.09 (1) (k) of the statutes is renumbered 703.09 (1c) and
4amended to read:
AB254,5,85 703.09 (1c) A condominium declaration shall be signed by the owners of the
6property and any first mortgagee of the property or the holder of an equivalent
7security interest in the property
in the same manner as required in conveyances of
8real property.
Note: Requires the declaration to be signed by any first mortgagees of the property
or the holders of an equivalent security interest, in addition to the owners of the property.
This requirement applies only to the declaration submitted for recording under s. 703.07
(1) in order to establish the condominium; it does not apply to amendments to the
AB254, s. 12 9Section 12. 703.09 (1f) of the statutes is created to read:
AB254,5,1810 703.09 (1f) A condominium declaration may provide for mandatory arbitration
11under ch. 788 of disputes arising out of the declaration, bylaws, or rules involving the
12interests of the declarant, unit owners, association, or board of directors. A
13mandatory arbitration provision in a declaration constitutes a written agreement
14between or among the declarant, association, and board to submit to arbitration a
15dispute covered by the arbitration provision in the declaration. Acceptance of a
16conveyance of a condominium unit constitutes an agreement by the unit owner to
17submit to arbitration a dispute covered by an arbitration provision that is included
18in the declaration at the time of the conveyance.
Note: Expressly allows the declaration to provide for mandatory arbitration under
ch. 788, stats., of disputes involving the interests of the declarant, unit owners,

association, or board of directors when the disputes arise out of the declaration, bylaws,
or rules.
AB254, s. 13 1Section 13. 703.09 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB254,6,42 703.09 (1m) (a) In this subsection, "violation" means a failure to comply with
3the declaration, bylaws, or rules of the condominium association or any act or
4omission that constitutes grounds for eviction under ch. 704.
AB254,6,165 (b) A condominium declaration may provide that a unit owner, as a condition
6of the rental or lease of the unit owner's residential unit, grants the association power
7of attorney to bring an eviction action against a tenant of the unit owner who has
8committed a violation if the unit owner, after being requested by the association to
9evict the tenant, fails to take reasonable action to evict the tenant. Giving notice
10terminating, or not renewing, a tenant's lease or rental agreement within 60 days
11after an eviction request constitutes reasonable action to evict the tenant for
12purposes of this subsection. The declaration may specify notice and procedural
13requirements for the exercise of power of attorney by the association and the
14allocation of responsibility for eviction-related costs between the unit owner and the
15association. An eviction action brought by an association is subject to chs. 704 and
AB254,6,1917 (c) This subsection applies only to leases or rental agreements that are entered
18into or renewed after 3 years after the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor
19insert date].
Note: Expressly authorizes the condominium declaration to allow the
condominium association, under specified circumstances, to bring an eviction action
against a tenant who fails to comply with the declaration, bylaws, or association rules or
when there are any grounds for eviction under current law (a "violation"). Specifically,
a declaration may provide that a unit owner, as a condition of renting or leasing his or her
residential unit, grants the association power of attorney to bring an eviction action
against a tenant of the unit owner who commits a violation if the unit owner fails to take
reasonable action to evict the tenant after being requested to do so by the association.
If within 60 days after the eviction request the unit owner gives notice terminating or does
not renew the tenant's lease or rental agreement, that constitutes reasonable action to

evict a tenant. The declaration may specify notice and procedural requirements for the
exercise of power of attorney by the association and the allocation of responsibility for
eviction-related costs between the unit owner and the association. An eviction action
brought by an association is subject to chs. 704 and 799, stats.
AB254, s. 14 1Section 14. 703.09 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB254,7,142 703.09 (2) Except as provided in s. sub. (4) and ss. 703.093, 703.13 (6) (c) and
3(d) and (8) (b), and
703.26, a condominium declaration may be amended with the
4written consent of at least two-thirds of the unit owners aggregate of the votes
5established under sub. (1) (f)
or a greater percentage if provided in the declaration.
6An amendment becomes effective when it is recorded in the same manner as the
7declaration. The document submitting the amendment for recording shall state that
8the required consents and approvals for the amendment were received.
A unit
9owner's written consent is not effective unless it is approved in writing by the first
10mortgagee of the unit, or the holder of an equivalent security interest, if any.
11Approval from the first mortgage lender or equivalent security interest holder, or the
12person servicing the first mortgage loan or its equivalent on a unit, constitutes
13approval of the first mortgagee or equivalent security interest holder under this
Note: 1. Amends the exception clause to add reference to s. 703.09 (4), created by
Sec. 15 of the bill; to s. 703.093, created by Sec. 16 of the bill; and to s. 703.13 (6) (c) and
(d) and (8) (b), treated by Secs. 22 and 23 of the bill. The added references contain
different declaration amendment procedures than the general procedure contained in s.
703.09 (2).
2. Clarifies that reference to "two-thirds of the unit owners" is to two-thirds of the
aggregate of the votes (established under current s. 703.09 (1) (f)). The current reference
is ambiguous.
3. Provides that the required mortgagee approval applies to first mortgagees only
and must be in writing and that approval by the person serving the first mortgage loan
constitutes approval by the first mortgagee.
4. Requires the document submitting the declaration amendment for recording to
state that the required consents and approvals for the amendment were received.
See Sec. 16 of the bill for a new alternative procedure for amending the declaration.
AB254, s. 15 15Section 15 . 703.09 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
1703.09 (4) A declarant may assign his or her rights and obligations as a
2declarant under this chapter by recording an amendment to the declaration that
3includes the assignment and an acceptance of the assignment that is signed by the
4assignee and acknowledged. A declarant may not assign under this subsection less
5than all of his or her rights and obligations as a declarant under this chapter.
Note: Gives express authorization for a declarant to assign all of his or her rights
and obligations as a declarant under ch. 703 if the declarant records an amendment to
the declaration that includes the assignment and an acceptance of the assignment that
is signed by the assignee and acknowledged. Inclusion of this express authority is not
intended to imply that a declarant currently may not assign rights and obligations.
AB254, s. 16 6Section 16 . 703.093 of the statutes is created to read:
AB254,8,13 7703.093 Alternative procedure for amending declaration. (1) As an
8alternative to s. 703.09 (2), a condominium declaration may be amended under this
9section if at least two-thirds of the aggregate of the votes established under s. 703.09
10(1) (f), or a greater percentage if provided in the declaration, consent to the
11amendment in writing and those consents are approved by the mortgagees or holders
12of equivalent security interests in the units. An amendment becomes effective when
13it is recorded in the same manner as the declaration.
AB254,8,17 14(2) The association has 180 days to secure the required consents and approvals
15under this section, commencing with the recording of an affidavit with the register
16of deeds of the county in which the condominium is located. The affidavit shall do
17all of the following:
AB254,8,1818 (a) Set forth the text of the proposed amendment.
AB254,8,2119 (b) Provide the name and address of the senior executive officer of the
20association to whom inquiries should be directed with regard to the proposed
1(c) State that a notice was sent to each owner of record and each lender of record
2for each unit of the association on the date the affidavit is recorded.
AB254,9,33 (d) Be signed by the senior executive officer of the association.
AB254,9,8 4(3) Notice of a proposed amendment to a declaration under this section shall
5be mailed on the date the affidavit is recorded under sub. (2) to the owner of each
6condominium unit and to any mortgagee of, or holder of an equivalent security
7interest in, each unit, as identified in a title report prepared on the date the notice
8is sent.
AB254,9,9 9(4) The notice mailed under sub. (3) shall do all of the following:
AB254,9,1110 (a) Contain a copy of the text of the proposed amendment and a current copy
11of this section.
AB254,9,1612 (b) Include a written ballot to be signed by the unit owner, identifying the unit
13casting the ballot and identifying each owner of record of that unit as of the date the
14affidavit is recorded under sub. (2). The ballot shall include a place for any mortgagee
15or equivalent security interest holder to whom notice is sent under sub. (3) to indicate
16its approval or objection under sub. (5) (b).
AB254,9,1917 (c) State that, if more than one person is an owner of the unit and the owners
18cannot agree how to cast the ballot, the unit's vote shall be treated as a vote in
19opposition to the proposed amendment.
AB254,9,2420 (d) State that a ballot signed by only one owner shall count as the ballot of that
21unit, unless more than one ballot is received by the association for that unit, in which
22case all ballots received for that unit must concur in the vote cast or the ballots,
23collectively, shall be treated as a vote in opposition to the proposed amendment by
24that unit.
1(e) State that the proposed amendment must be voted on as written and that
2no changes to the proposed amendment may be accomplished by this vote.
AB254,10,43 (f) Include the address to which the completed ballot should be mailed or
AB254,10,8 5(5) (a) The owner of each unit shall vote on the proposed amendment by signing
6the ballot before a notary public and by mailing the signed and notarized ballot or
7by personally delivering it to the association of unit owners at the applicable address
8specified under sub. (4) (f).
AB254,10,129 (b) Each mortgagee or equivalent security interest holder receiving the notice
10under sub. (3) shall signify its approval or objection to the amendment by having an
11authorized person sign the ballot before a notary public and by returning the signed,
12notarized ballot to the association.
AB254,11,2 13(6) The association may rely on the list of owners of record set forth in a title
14report obtained as of the date the affidavit is recorded under sub. (2), unless the
15association receives a written notice, signed and notarized by both the previous
16owner and the new owner, advising the association that ownership of the unit has
17changed. The association shall send a copy of the notice under sub. (3) to the new
18owner of a unit and any mortgagee or equivalent security interest holder promptly
19after receiving notice of the transfer of ownership. It is the responsibility of the new
20unit owner to comply with this section. If the previous owner had voted prior to the
21change in ownership, the new owner may execute the ballot included in the notice
22under sub. (3), which ballot, when returned by the new owner, shall supersede and
23replace any ballot cast by the previous owner if the required approval of any
24mortgagee or equivalent security interest holder is also timely received. The
25180-day period applicable to receipt of the ballot for the unit shall be extended to a

1date 14 days after the ballot is mailed by the association if the ballot is mailed within
214 days before the end of the 180-day period.
AB254,11,7 3(7) Any person acquiring a mortgage or equivalent security interest on a unit
4after the affidavit is recorded under sub. (2) may notify the association in writing of
5the mortgage or equivalent security interest lien, identifying the unit on which it
6holds a lien, and signify its approval of or objection to the proposed amendment to
7the declaration.
AB254,11,15 8(8) If the association receives the required number of consents and approvals
9from unit owners and mortgagees and equivalent security interest holders within
10the required time after the affidavit is recorded under sub. (2), the senior executive
11officer of the association shall record an affidavit in the office of the register of deeds
12of the county in which the condominium is located, setting forth the facts satisfying
13the requirements of this section and providing record notice to all interested persons
14that the declaration has been revised, effective upon the recording of the affidavit,
15and restating the entire declaration, as amended.
AB254,11,19 16(9) The association shall, for a period of 2 years following the recording of the
17amended declaration under sub. (8), retain on file and make available for inspection
18at the place where the condominium financial records are maintained all of the
AB254,11,2020 (a) The title report under sub. (6) relied upon by the association.
AB254,11,2121 (b) All of the ballots received by the association from unit owners.
AB254,11,2322 (c) All written approvals or objections received by the association from
23mortgagees and equivalent security interest holders.
Note: Provides an alternative procedure for amending the declaration. The key
feature is that the association has 180 days to secure the required consents and approvals
and may rely on the list of owners of record contained in a title report at the beginning

of the 180-day period. (The current amendment procedure does not include this 180-day
"window," but there is no limit on how long the current procedure may take. Provision
is made for notice of the proposed amendment to new unit owners and lienholders during
the 180-day period and for the new owners and lienholders to cast a ballot replacing the
ballot of the previous owner and lienholder. Provision is made to extend the 180-day
period 14 days if the ballot is mailed to the new owner and lienholder within 14 days
before the end of the 180-day period.
The procedure contains substantial detail concerning the commencement of the
180-day period; required notice; voting by unit owners and lienholders and subsequent
unit owners and lienholders; recording the amended declaration; and retention of
materials related to the amendment for 2 years.
AB254, s. 17 1Section 17. 703.10 (2g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB254,12,52 703.10 (2g) Occupancy requirements for board members. The bylaws may
3provide that a unit owner may not serve as a director unless the owner occupies his
4or her unit or may specify the proportion of nonoccupant unit owners who may serve
5as directors.
Note: Expressly provides that the condominium bylaws may provide that a unit
owner may not serve as a director of the condominium association unless the unit owner
occupies his or her unit or may specify the proportion of nonoccupant unit owners who
may serve as directors. Note that under current s. 703.10 (2) (d), stats., not more than
one "nonunit owner" may be on the board.
AB254, s. 18 6Section 18. 703.11 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB254,12,117 703.11 (2) (c) Diagrammatic floor plans Plans that show the location of each
8building located or to be located on the property which show and, if there are units
9in a building, that show
the perimeters, approximate dimensions, floor area
10approximate square footage, and location of each unit in it the building. Common
11elements shall be shown graphically to the extent feasible.
Note: Simplifies the required content of a condominium plat by substituting
"plans showing the location of each building" for "diagrammatic floor plans of each
building", adding "perimeters", and substituting "approximate square footage" for "floor
area". Also makes editorial changes. Reference in the revised provision to "plans" is not
intended to include the construction plans for the building, including all the separate
plans that comprise the construction plans.
AB254, s. 19 12Section 19 . 703.11 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
AB254,13,213 703.11 (5) Amendment. Except as provided in s. 703.265, amendment of a
14condominium plat by an addendum that is not included as part of an amendment to

1the declaration shall be accomplished in the same manner as an amendment to the
2declaration under s. 703.09 (2).
Note: Clarifies that an amendment of a condominium plat (addendum) that is not
included as part of an amendment to the declaration is to be accomplished in the same
manner as an amendment to the declaration.
AB254, s. 20 3Section 20 . 703.13 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB254,13,94 703.13 (5) (a) A unit owner may make any improvements or alterations within
5his or her unit that do not impair the structural integrity or lessen the support of any
6portion of the condominium and that do not create a nuisance substantially affecting
7the use and enjoyment of other units or the common elements
. A unit owner may not
8change the exterior appearance of a unit or of any other portion of the condominium
9without permission of the board of directors of the association.
Note: For convenience, expressly limits the unit improvements or alterations that
a unit owner may make to exclude those that create a nuisance in the use and enjoyment
of other units or the common elements. Reference to "nuisance" is intended to include
both nuisance under common law and nuisance under other law, e.g., ch. 823, stats.
AB254, s. 21 10Section 21 . 703.13 (5m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB254,13,1511 703.13 (5m) Improvements to limited common elements. (a) If permitted by
12the condominium instruments and subject to par. (b) and to any restrictions or
13limitations specified in the condominium instruments, a unit owner may improve,
14including the enclosure of, the limited common elements appurtenant exclusively to
15that owner's unit if all of the following conditions are met:
AB254,13,1916 1. A statement describing the improvement, including a description of the
17project, the materials to be used, and the project's proposed impact on the appearance
18of the condominium, and identifying the project contractor is submitted to the board
19of directors of the association.
12. The improvement will not interfere with the use and enjoyment of the units
2of other unit owners or the common elements or limited common elements of the
AB254,14,54 3. The improvement will not impair the structural integrity of the
AB254,14,76 4. Any change to the exterior appearance of the condominium is approved by
7the board of directors of the association.
AB254,14,138 (b) All costs and expenses of an improvement under this subsection and any
9increased costs of maintenance and repair of the limited common elements resulting
10from the improvement are the obligation of the unit owner. The unit owner shall
11protect the association and other unit owners from liens on property of the
12association or of other unit owners that otherwise might result from the
Note: Allows a unit owner, at the owner's expense, to improve limited common
elements appurtenant exclusively to that owner's unit if permitted by the condominium
instruments and if the specified conditions are met.
AB254, s. 22 14Section 22 . 703.13 (6) (c) and (d) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB254,15,215 703.13 (6) (c) An amendment to a declaration shall identify the units involved
16and shall state that the boundaries between those units are being relocated by
17agreement of the unit owners thereof. The amendment shall contain words of
18conveyance between those unit owners, and when recorded shall also be indexed in
19the name of the grantor and grantee. If the adjoining unit owners have specified in
20their written application the reallocation between their units of the aggregate
21undivided interest in the common elements appertaining to those units, the
22amendment to the declaration shall reflect that reallocation. An amendment to a
23declaration under this paragraph shall be adopted, at the option of the adjoining unit

1owners, either under s. 703.09 (2) or by the written consent of the owners of the
2adjoining units involved and the mortgagees of the adjoining units.
Note: Current s. 703.13 (6), stats., contains a procedure for changing boundaries
between adjoining condominium units when the condominium instruments permit a
relocation and the adjoining unit owners desire the relocation. One element of that
procedure is an amendment to the declaration, describing the boundary change and any
reallocation of interests in the adjoining unit owners' respective interests in the common
elements. [s. 703.13 (6) (c), stats.]
Section 703.13 (6) (c) is amended to allow a declaration amendment under the
boundary change procedure to be accomplished simply with the approval of the adjoining
unit owners and the mortgagees of the adjoining units, if any. (The general method of
amending the declaration under s. 703.09 (2) may, at the option of the adjoining unit
owners, continue to be used instead of the simplified procedure.)
AB254,15,83 (d) If the adjoining unit owners have specified in their written application a
4reasonable reallocation, as determined by the board of directors, of the number of
5votes in the association or liabilities for future common expenses not specially
6assessed, appertaining to their units, an amendment to the condominium
7instruments shall reflect those reallocations. An amendment to a declaration under
8this paragraph shall be adopted in the manner specified in par. (c).
Note: The procedure for relocating boundaries between adjoining condominium
units also provides that if the adjoining unit owners have specified in the written
application a reasonable allocation, as determined by the board of directors, of the
number of votes in the association or liabilities for future common expenses not specially
assessed that pertain to the units, an amendment to the condominium instruments is to
reflect those reallocations. This bill provides that an amendment to a declaration under
this provision is adopted in the same manner as described in paragraph 2 of the Note
immediately above.
AB254, s. 23 9Section 23 . 703.13 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
AB254,15,1310 703.13 (8) Merger of units. (a) If any condominium instruments expressly
11permit the merger of 2 or more adjoining units into one unit, a merger shall be made
12in accordance with this subsection and any restrictions and limitations specified in
13the condominium instruments.