2003 - 2004 LEGISLATURE
May 1, 2003 - Introduced by Representatives Schooff, Turner, Richards,
Shilling, Pocan, Freese, Berceau, Plouff, Hines, Albers, Balow, Zepnick,
and Huber, cosponsored by Senator Breske. Referred to Committee
on Housing.
AB309,1,8 1An Act to renumber 44.02 (24) and 71.10 (4) (dr); to renumber and amend
271.07 (9m) (a), 71.07 (9r) (a), 71.28 (6) (a) and 71.47 (6) (a); to amend 71.07 (5m)
3(a) 4., 71.07 (9m) (c), 71.08 (1) (intro.), 71.28 (6) (c) and 71.47 (6) (c); and to
44.02 (24) (b), 44.02 (24d), 71.07 (9m) (a) 2., 71.07 (9m) (cm), 71.07 (9m)
5(g), 71.07 (9m) (h), 71.07 (9r) (a) 2., 71.28 (6) (a) 2., 71.28 (6) (cm), 71.28 (6) (g),
671.28 (6) (h), 71.47 (6) (a) 2., 71.47 (6) (cm), 71.47 (6) (g) and 71.47 (6) (h) of the
7statutes; relating to: the supplement to the federal historic rehabilitation tax
8credit and the state historic rehabilitation tax credit.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, a person who is eligible to claim a federal income tax credit
equal to either 10% of qualified expenses related to rehabilitating a qualified
building in this state or 20% of qualified expenses related to rehabilitating historic
property in this state may also claim a supplemental state income or franchise tax
credit that is equal to 5% of such qualified expenses.
Under the bill, for taxable years beginning in 2004, a person who is eligible to
claim the federal income tax credit for rehabilitating qualified buildings or historic
property in this state may claim a supplemental state income tax or franchise tax
credit that is equal to 20% of the qualified expenses related to rehabilitating a

qualified building or historic property. In addition, a person who is not eligible to
claim the federal rehabilitation tax credit because the person's qualified expenses do
not satisfy the adjusted-basis requirement under federal law may claim the state
rehabilitation credit, if the person's qualified expenses are at least $10,000 and the
rehabilitation is approved, and the expenses are certified, by the state Historical
Society. The state Historical Society may charge and collect a fee for such
certification in an amount equal to 1% of the qualified expenses, but not less than
$150 nor more than $10,000.
Under current law, a person may claim an income tax credit equal to 25% of the
qualified expenses to preserve or rehabilitate historic property that is used as an
owner-occupied personal residence. The state Historical Society certifies such
Under this bill, for taxable years beginning in 2004, a person may claim an
income tax credit equal to 30% of the qualified expenses to preserve or rehabilitate
historic property that is used as an owner-occupied personal residence. The state
Historical Society may charge and collect a fee for certifying such expenses. The
amount of the fee is $150.
Under current law, if a person who claims the income tax credit for qualified
expenses to preserve or rehabilitate an owner-occupied personal residence sells the
property within five years from the date on which the preservation or rehabilitation
is completed, or if the state Historical Society determines that the preservation or
rehabilitation does not comply with the standards established by the society, the
person who claimed the tax credit must pay to the state all, or a portion, of the
amount of the credit that the person received, depending on the date on which the
person sold the property or on the date on which the preservation or rehabilitation
does not comply with state Historical Society standards.
Under this bill, if a person who claims the supplemental state income or
franchise tax credit for qualified expenses related to preserving or rehabilitating
historic property in this state sells the property within five years from the date on
which the preservation or rehabilitation is completed, or if the state Historical
Society determines that the preservation or rehabilitation does not comply with the
standards established by the society, the person who claimed the tax credit must pay
to the state all, or a portion, of the amount of the credit that the person received,
depending on the date on which the person sold the property or the date on which the
preservation or rehabilitation does not comply with state Historical Society
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB309, s. 1 1Section 1. 44.02 (24) of the statutes is renumbered 44.02 (24) (a).
AB309, s. 2
1Section 2. 44.02 (24) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB309,3,42 44.02 (24) (b) Charge a fee of $150 for a certification under par. (a). The
3historical society shall collect the fee under this paragraph when an applicant
4applies for certification under par. (a).
AB309, s. 3 5Section 3. 44.02 (24d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB309,3,106 44.02 (24d) (a) Promulgate by rule procedures, standards, and forms necessary
7to certify, and shall certify, expenditures for preservation or rehabilitation of historic
8property for the purposes of ss. 71.07 (9m) (a) and (cm), 71.28 (6) (a) and (cm), and
971.47 (6) (a) and (cm). Such standards shall be substantially similar to the standards
10used by the secretary of the interior to certify rehabilitations under 26 USC 47 (c) (2).
AB309,3,1511 (b) Charge a fee for a certification under par. (a) equal to 1% of the qualified
12rehabilitation expenditures for the historic property that is the subject of the
13certification, except that no fee under this paragraph may be less than $150 nor more
14than $10,000. The historical society shall collect the fee under this paragraph when
15an applicant applies for certification under par. (a).
AB309, s. 4 16Section 4. 71.07 (5m) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB309,3,1817 71.07 (5m) (a) 4. "Net tax liability" means a claimant's income tax liability after
18he or she completes the computations listed in s. 71.10 (4) (a) to (dr) (dm).
AB309, s. 5 19Section 5. 71.07 (9m) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 71.07 (9m) (a) 1. and
20amended to read:
AB309,4,221 71.07 (9m) (a) 1. Any person may credit against taxes otherwise due under this
22chapter, up to the amount of those taxes, an amount equal to 5% of the costs of
23qualified rehabilitation expenditures, as defined in section 47 (c) (2) of the internal
24revenue code
Internal Revenue Code, for certified historic structures on property
25located in this state, if the physical work of construction or destruction in preparation

1for construction begins after December 31, 1988, and before January 1, 2004, and the
2rehabilitated property is placed in service after June 30, 1989.
AB309, s. 6 3Section 6. 71.07 (9m) (a) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
AB309,4,94 71.07 (9m) (a) 2. Any person may credit against taxes otherwise due under this
5chapter, up to the amount of those taxes, an amount equal to 20% of the costs of
6qualified rehabilitation expenditures, as defined in section 47 (c) (2) of the Internal
7Revenue Code, for certified historic structures on property located in this state, if the
8physical work of construction or destruction in preparation for construction begins
9after December 31, 2003.
AB309, s. 7 10Section 7. 71.07 (9m) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB309,4,1711 71.07 (9m) (c) No Except as provided in par. (cm), no person may claim the
12credit under this subsection unless the claimant includes with the claimant's return
13evidence that the rehabilitation was approved recommended by the state historic
14preservation officer for approval
by the secretary of the interior under 36 CFR 67.6
15before the physical work of construction, or destruction in preparation for
16construction, began; and the claimant claims the credit for the same taxable year in
17which the claimant would have claimed the credit for federal purposes
AB309, s. 8 18Section 8. 71.07 (9m) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB309,5,319 71.07 (9m) (cm) A person whose qualified rehabilitation expenditures do not
20satisfy the adjusted basis requirement under section 47 (c) (1) of the Internal
21Revenue Code, but who otherwise would be eligible to claim the rehabilitation credit
22under section 47 of the Internal Revenue Code, may claim the credit under par. (a),
23if the person's qualified rehabilitation expenditures, as defined in section 47 (c) (2)
24of the Internal Revenue Code, are at least $10,000; if the rehabilitation is approved
25by the state historical society before the physical work of construction, or destruction

1in preparation for construction, begins; if the person includes evidence of such
2approval with the person's return; and if the person claims the credit for the same
3taxable year in which the person would have claimed the credit for federal purposes.
AB309, s. 9 4Section 9. 71.07 (9m) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB309,5,125 71.07 (9m) (g) A person who has incurred qualified rehabilitation
6expenditures, as defined in section 47 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code, for
7certified historic structures located in this state, as described in par. (a), but who is
8not a resident of this state and who is not required to file a return under this chapter,
9may enter into an agreement with another person, with the department's approval
10and in the manner prescribed by the department, so that the other person may claim
11the credit under this subsection, if the other person is subject to the taxes imposed
12under s. 71.02.
AB309, s. 10 13Section 10. 71.07 (9m) (h) of the statutes is created to read:
AB309,5,2214 71.07 (9m) (h) A person who receives a credit under this subsection shall add
15to the person's liability for taxes imposed under s. 71.02 one of the following
16percentages of the amount of the credits received under this subsection for
17rehabilitating or preserving the property if, within 5 years after the date on which
18the preservation or rehabilitation work that was the basis of the credit is completed,
19the person either sells or conveys the property by deed or land contract or the state
20historical society certifies to the department of revenue that the historic property has
21been altered to the extent that it does not comply with the standards promulgated
22under s. 44.02 (24d):
AB309,5,2423 1. If the sale, conveyance, or noncompliance occurs during the first year after
24the date on which the preservation or rehabilitation is completed, 100%.
12. If the sale, conveyance, or noncompliance occurs during the 2nd year after
2the date on which the preservation or rehabilitation is completed, 80%.
AB309,6,43 3. If the sale, conveyance, or noncompliance occurs during the 3rd year after
4the date on which the preservation or rehabilitation is completed, 60%.
AB309,6,65 4. If the sale, conveyance, or noncompliance occurs during the 4th year after
6the date on which the preservation or rehabilitation is completed, 40%.
AB309,6,87 5. If the sale, conveyance, or noncompliance occurs during the 5th year after
8the date on which the preservation or rehabilitation is completed, 20%.
AB309, s. 11 9Section 11. 71.07 (9r) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 71.07 (9r) (a) 1. and
10amended to read:
AB309,6,2111 71.07 (9r) (a) 1. For taxable years beginning on or after August 1, 1988, any
12natural person may credit against taxes otherwise due under s. 71.02 an amount
13equal to 25% of the costs of preservation or rehabilitation of historic property located
14in this state, including architectural fees and costs incurred in preparing nomination
15forms for listing in the national register of historic places in Wisconsin or the state
16register of historic places, if the nomination is made within 5 years prior to
17submission of a preservation or rehabilitation plan under par. (b) 3. b., and if the
18physical work of construction or destruction in preparation for construction begins
19after December 31, 1988, and before January 1, 2004, except that the credit may not
20exceed $10,000, or $5,000 for married persons filing separately, for any preservation
21or rehabilitation project.
AB309, s. 12 22Section 12. 71.07 (9r) (a) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
AB309,7,723 71.07 (9r) (a) 2. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2003, any
24natural person may credit against taxes otherwise due under s. 71.02 an amount
25equal to 30% of the costs of preservation or rehabilitation of historic property located

1in this state, including architectural fees and costs incurred in preparing nomination
2forms for listing in the national register of historic places in Wisconsin or the state
3register of historic places, if the nomination is made within 5 years prior to
4submission of a preservation or rehabilitation plan under par. (b) 3. b., and if the
5physical work of construction or destruction in preparation for construction begins
6after December 31, 2003, except that the credit may not exceed $10,000, or $5,000
7for married persons filing separately, for any preservation or rehabilitation project.
AB309, s. 13 8Section 13. 71.08 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB309,7,179 71.08 (1) Imposition. (intro.) If the tax imposed on a natural person, married
10couple filing jointly, trust or estate under s. 71.02, not considering the credits under
11ss. 71.07 (1), (2dd), (2de), (2di), (2dj), (2dL), (2dr), (2ds), (2dx), (2fd), (3m), (3s), (6),
12(6s), and (9e), and (9r), 71.28 (1dd), (1de), (1di), (1dj), (1dL), (1ds), (1dx), (1fd), (2m)
13and (3) and 71.47 (1dd), (1de), (1di), (1dj), (1dL), (1ds), (1dx), (1fd), (2m) and (3) and
14subchs. VIII and IX and payments to other states under s. 71.07 (7), is less than the
15tax under this section, there is imposed on that natural person, married couple filing
16jointly, trust or estate, instead of the tax under s. 71.02, an alternative minimum tax
17computed as follows:
AB309, s. 14 18Section 14. 71.10 (4) (dr) of the statutes is renumbered 71.10 (4) (fm).
AB309, s. 15 19Section 15. 71.28 (6) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 71.28 (6) (a) 1. and
20amended to read:
AB309,8,221 71.28 (6) (a) 1. Any person may credit against taxes otherwise due under this
22chapter, up to the amount of those taxes, an amount equal to 5% of the costs of
23qualified rehabilitation expenditures, as defined in section 47 (c) (2) of the internal
24revenue code
Internal Revenue Code, for certified historic structures on property
25located in this state, if the physical work of construction or destruction in preparation

1for construction begins after December 31, 1988, and before January 1, 2004, and the
2rehabilitated property is placed in service after June 30, 1989.