AB486,59,2120 (g) Approval of an instructor of a lead training course under rules promulgated
21under s. 254.178 (2).
AB486,59,2322 (h) Accreditation of a lead training course under rules promulgated under s.
23254.178 (2).
AB486,59,2524 (i) A certificate of lead-free status or a certificate of lead-safe status under
25rules promulgated under s. 254.179 (1) (a).
1(j) Certification for performance of asbestos abatement activity or asbestos
2management activity under rules promulgated under s. 254.20 (3).
AB486,60,43 (k) Renewal of a certification for performance of asbestos abatement activity
4or asbestos management activity under s. 254.20 (4).
AB486,60,65 (L) Registration and licensing of a source of ionizing radiation under rules
6promulgated under s. 254.34 (1) (a).
AB486,60,87 (m) Approval of plans and specifications for radiation sources under s. 254.34
8(1) (g).
AB486,60,109 (n) A registration of a site with an ionizing radiation installation under s.
10254.35 (1).
AB486,60,1111 (p) A license for radioactive material under s. 254.365 (1).
AB486,60,1312 (q) A permit to operate a campground, camping resort, recreational or
13educational camp, or public swimming pool under s. 254.47 (1) or (2m).
AB486,60,1514 (r) A certification for a food sanitarian under rules promulgated under s. 254.62
AB486,60,1816 (s) A permit to conduct, maintain, manage, or operate a hotel, restaurant,
17temporary restaurant, tourist rooming house, vending machine commissary, or
18vending machine under s. 254.64 (1) (a).
AB486,60,2019 (t) A permit to maintain, manage, or operate a bed and breakfast establishment
20under s. 254.64 (1) (b).
AB486,60,2121 (u) A certificate for food protection practices under s. 254.71 (2).
AB486,60,2322 (v) An approval of a training course for recertification of food protection
23practices under rules promulgated under s. 254.71 (6).
AB486,60,2424 (w) A certification of Grade A dairy operations under s. 254.89.
AB486,60,2525 (x) A permit to operate a tanning facility under s. 255.08 (2) (a).
1(y) An approval of a laboratory for performing chemical analyses of blood or
2urine for alcohol, controlled substances, or controlled substance analogs under s.
3343.305 (6) (a).
AB486,61,11 4(2) Failure to meet deadline. Subject to sub. (4), the department shall refund
5fees paid by the applicant for a license, certification, certificate, permit, registration,
6or approval specified in sub. (1) if the department fails to provide the applicant with
7written notice that the department has approved or disapproved the application for
8the license, certification, certificate, permit, registration, or approval, including the
9specific facts upon which any disapproval is based, before the expiration of the period
10established under sub. (1) for approval of the license, certification, certificate,
11permit, registration, or approval.
AB486,61,15 12(3) Notice of deadline. Upon receiving an application for a license,
13certification, certificate, permit, registration, or approval specified in sub. (1), the
14department shall inform the applicant of the period established under sub. (1) for
15approval of the license, certification, certificate, permit, registration, or approval.
AB486,61,20 16(4) Permitted extension of deadline. The department may extend the period
17established under sub. (1) because an application is incomplete if, within 30 days
18after receiving the application, the department provides written notice to the
19applicant describing specifically the information that must be provided to complete
20the application.
AB486, s. 47 21Section 47. 299.05 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB486,61,24 22299.05 Deadlines for action on occupational applications. (1)
23Deadlines. The department, by rule, shall establish periods within which the
24department intends to approve or disapprove an application for any of the following:
AB486,61,2525 (a) A well driller or pump installer registration under s. 280.15.
1(b) A water system, wastewater treatment plant, or septage servicing vehicle
2operator certification under s. 281.17 (3).
AB486,62,33 (c) A license for servicing septic tanks and similar facilities under s. 281.48 (3).
AB486,62,44 (d) A solid waste incinerator operator certification under s. 285.51 (2).
AB486,62,55 (e) An ozone-depleting refrigerant removal approval under s. 285.59.
AB486,62,66 (f) A solid waste disposal facility operator certification under s. 289.42 (1).
AB486,62,77 (g) A hazardous waste transportation service license under s. 291.23.
AB486,62,88 (h) A metallic mining exploration license under s. 293.21.
AB486,62,99 (i) An oil or gas exploration license under s. 295.33 (1).
AB486,62,1010 (j) A laboratory certification or registration under s. 299.11.
AB486,62,1111 (k) A medical waste transportation license under s. 299.51 (3) (c).
AB486,62,17 12(2) Failure to meet deadline. (a) Subject to sub. (4), the department shall
13refund fees paid by the applicant for a license or other approval specified in sub. (1)
14if the department fails to provide the applicant with written notice that the
15department has approved or disapproved the application for the license or other
16approval, including the specific facts upon which any disapproval is based, before the
17expiration of the period established under sub. (1) for the license or other approval.
AB486,62,2018 (b) The department may not disapprove an application for a license or other
19approval solely because the department is unable to complete its review of the
20application within the period established under sub. (1).
AB486,62,23 21(3) Notice of deadline. Upon receiving an application for a license or other
22approval specified in sub. (1), the department shall inform the applicant of the period
23established under sub. (1) for the license or other approval.
AB486,63,3 24(4) Permitted extension of deadline. The department may extend the period
25established under sub. (1) because an application is incomplete if, within 30 days

1after receiving the application, the department provides written notice to the
2applicant describing specifically the information that must be provided to complete
3the application.
AB486, s. 48 4Section 48. 299.06 of the statutes is created to read:
AB486,63,7 5299.06 Automatic approval of certain applications. (1) Deadlines. The
6department, by rule, shall establish periods within which the department intends to
7approve or disapprove an application for any of the following:
AB486,63,88 (a) A high-capacity well approval under s. 281.17 (1).
AB486,63,99 (b) A water pollution discharge permit under s. 283.31 or 283.33.
AB486,63,1010 (c) An air pollution control permit under s. 285.60.
AB486,63,1111 (d) A solid waste facility determination of feasibility under s. 289.29.
AB486,63,1212 (e) A solid waste facility operating license under s. 289.31.
AB486,63,1313 (f) A hazardous waste facility operating license under s. 291.25.
AB486,63,1414 (g) A prospecting permit under s. 293.45.
AB486,63,1515 (h) An oil or gas production license under s. 295.33 (2).
AB486,63,1716 (i) Permits and other determinations under ss. 30.10, 30.12, 30.123, 30.18,
1730.19, and 30.20.
AB486,64,8 18(2) Failure to meet deadline. (a) Subject to subs. (4) (c) and (d) and (5), failure
19by the department to provide the applicant for a permit, approval, or other
20determination specified in sub. (1) with written notice that the department has
21approved or disapproved the application for the permit, approval, or other
22determination, including the specific facts upon which any disapproval is based,
23before the expiration of the period established under sub. (1) for the permit, approval,
24or other determination, constitutes approval of the application. A permit, approval,
25or other determination approved under this paragraph is subject to any terms or

1conditions specified by statute or rule for the permit, approval, or other
2determination and the department may suspend, limit, revoke, or withdraw the
3permit, approval, or other determination for substantial failure to comply with those
4terms or conditions. Within 30 days after the expiration of the period established
5under sub. (1) for the permit, approval, or other determination, the department shall
6provide the applicant with a statement showing that the permit, approval, or other
7determination is approved and specifying any terms and conditions that apply to
8that permit, approval, or other determination.
AB486,64,119 (b) The department may not disapprove an application for a permit, approval,
10or other determination solely because the department is unable to complete its
11review of the application within the period established under sub. (1).
AB486,64,15 12(3) Notice of deadline. Upon receiving an application for a permit, approval,
13or other determination specified in sub. (1), the department shall inform the
14applicant of the period established under sub. (1) for the permit, approval, or other
AB486,64,17 16(4) Optional provisions of rules. The department may include any of the
17following in the rules required under sub. (1):
AB486,64,2018 (a) Methods for determining the commencement of the period established
19under sub. (1) and for determining when the application for a permit, approval, or
20other determination is complete.
AB486,64,2321 (b) A longer period under sub. (1) for an application for a permit, approval, or
22other determination for which an environmental impact statement is required under
23s. 1.11 than for other applications.
AB486,65,224 (c) Extensions of the period established under sub. (1) because the applicant
25makes a material modification to the application if the department notifies the

1applicant in writing of the extension within 30 days after the applicant makes the
AB486,65,83 (d) Extensions of the period established under sub. (1) because information
4needed by the department to complete its review of an application for a permit,
5approval, or other determination is unknown or cannot be determined with certainty
6when the department receives the application if the department notifies the
7applicant in writing of the need for an extension within 30 days after the applicant
8submits the application.
AB486,65,109 (e) Deadlines for the department to complete intermediate steps in the process
10of completing its review of an application.
AB486,65,14 11(5) Extensions authorized. (a) During the period established under sub. (1),
12the department and the applicant may jointly agree to a different period for acting
13on an application for a permit, approval, or other determination than that specified
14under sub. (1).
AB486,65,1815 (b) The department may extend the period established under sub. (1) because
16an application is incomplete if, within 30 days after receiving the application, the
17department provides written notice to the applicant describing specifically the
18information that must be provided to complete the application.
AB486,65,2219 (c) The department may extend the period established under sub. (1) for an
20application other than for a permit or other approval described in sub. (1) (i), by not
21more than 60 days if the department provides written notice of the extension to the
22applicant within the period established under sub. (1).
AB486,66,523 (d) The department may extend the period established under sub. (1) for an
24application by more than 60 days if, within the period established under sub. (1), the
25department finds that there is a substantial likelihood that the activity proposed to

1be conducted under the application would result in substantial harm to public health
2or safety or the environment and that the department cannot adequately review the
3application within the period established under sub. (1) and provides written notice
4to the applicant that states with particularity the facts on which those findings are
AB486, s. 49 6Section 49. 341.19 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB486,66,87 341.19 (4) The department shall promulgate rules to implement this section
8and shall promulgate any rule required under s. 85.16 (3).
AB486, s. 50 9Section 50. 343.02 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB486,66,1510 343.02 (1) The department shall administer and enforce this chapter and may
11promulgate for that purpose such rules as the secretary considers necessary and
12shall promulgate any rule required under s. 85.16 (3)
. Rules promulgated under this
13chapter may not conflict with and shall be at least as stringent as standards set by
14the federal commercial motor vehicle safety act, 49 USC 31301 to 31317 and the
15regulations adopted under that act.
AB486, s. 51 16Section 51. 343.305 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB486,67,417 343.305 (6) (a) Chemical analyses of blood or urine to be considered valid under
18this section shall have been performed substantially according to methods approved
19by the laboratory of hygiene and by an individual possessing a valid permit to
20perform the analyses issued by the department of health and family services. The
21department of health and family services shall, subject to s. 250.043, approve
22laboratories for the purpose of performing chemical analyses of blood or urine for
23alcohol, controlled substances or controlled substance analogs and shall develop and
24administer a program for regular monitoring of the laboratories. A list of approved
25laboratories shall be provided to all law enforcement agencies in the state. Urine

1specimens are to be collected by methods specified by the laboratory of hygiene. The
2laboratory of hygiene shall furnish an ample supply of urine and blood specimen
3containers to permit all law enforcement officers to comply with the requirements of
4this section.
AB486, s. 52 5Section 52. 343.305 (11) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB486,67,116 343.305 (11) Rules. The department shall promulgate rules under ch. 227
7necessary to administer this section and shall promulgate any rule required under
8s. 85.16 (3)
. The rules shall include provisions relating to the expeditious exchange
9of information under this section between the department and law enforcement
10agencies, circuit courts and district attorneys. The rules may not affect any
11provisions relating to court procedure.
AB486, s. 53 12Section 53. 440.03 (1m) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB486,67,1813 440.03 (1m) (a) The department shall, by rule, establish periods within which
14the department and credentialing boards intend to grant, or determine not to grant,
15an application for an initial, reciprocal, or temporary credential and to renew, or
16determine not to renew, a credential. Any period established under rules
17promulgated under this paragraph shall be consistent with any applicable period
18specified by statute.
AB486,67,2519 (b) 1. Subject to par. (d), the department shall refund any fees paid by a person
20submitting an application specified in par. (a) if the department or a credentialing
21board fails to provide the person with written notice that the department or
22credentialing board has granted or renewed, or determined not to grant or renew, the
23credential, including the specific facts upon which any determination not to grant or
24renew a credential is based, before the expiration of the period established under the
25rules promulgated under par. (a).
12. The department or a credentialing board may not determine not to grant an
2initial, reciprocal, or temporary credential, or to renew a credential, solely because
3the department or credentialing board is unable to complete its review of the
4application within the period established under the rules promulgated under par.
AB486,68,86 (c) Upon receiving an application specified in par. (a), the department shall
7inform the applicant of the period established under the rules promulgated under
8par. (a) for the application.
AB486,68,139 (d) The department may extend the period established under the rules
10promulgated under par. (a) because an application is incomplete if, within 30 days
11after receiving the application, the department provides written notice to the
12applicant describing specifically the information that must be provided to complete
13the application.
AB486, s. 54 14Section 54. 440.06 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB486,68,18 15440.06 Refunds and reexaminations. The Except as provided in s. 440.03
16(1m), the
secretary may establish uniform procedures for refunds of fees paid under
17s. 440.05 or 440.08 and uniform procedures and fees for reexaminations under chs.
18440 to 480.
AB486, s. 55 19Section 55. 452.10 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB486,68,2220 452.10 (2) (b) Unless Except as provided in s. 440.03 (1m), unless an application
21is withdrawn in writing before the department has made any investigation, no part
22of the fee shall be returned.
AB486, s. 56 23Section 56. 562.05 (12) of the statutes is created to read:
1562.05 (12) (a) The department, by rule, shall establish periods within which
2the department intends to approve or disapprove an application for any license
3issued under this section.
AB486,69,84 (b) 1. Subject to par. (d), the department shall refund fees paid by the applicant
5for a license under this section if the department fails to provide the applicant with
6written notice that the department has approved or disapproved the application for
7the license, including the specific facts upon which any disapproval is based, before
8the expiration of the period established under par. (a) for the license.
AB486,69,119 2. The department may not disapprove an application for a license solely
10because the department is unable to complete its review of the application within the
11period established under par. (a).
AB486,69,1412 (c) Upon receiving an application for a license under this section, the
13department shall inform the applicant of the period established under par. (a) for the
AB486,69,1815 (d) The department may extend the period established under par. (a) because
16an application is incomplete if, within 30 days after receiving the application, the
17department provides written notice to the applicant describing specifically the
18information that must be provided to complete the application.
AB486, s. 57 19Section 57. 563.15 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB486,70,220 563.15 (1) After Subject to sub. (4), after making the determinations under s.
21563.14, the department shall either notify the applicant organization in writing why
22a license is not being issued or issue a license to such applicant organization
23authorizing it to conduct bingo at the times and places set forth in the license. Except
24as provided in sub. (1m), a license issued under this subsection shall be effective for
25one year from the first day of the month of the first occasion listed on the license and

1may be renewed annually, except that an applicant organization may request that
2the license expire on the first day of any month within the one-year licensure period.
AB486, s. 58 3Section 58. 563.15 (4) of the statutes is created to read: