2003 - 2004 LEGISLATURE
February 19, 2004 - Introduced by Representative Black. Referred to Committee
on Campaigns and Elections.
AB853,1,6 1An Act to amend 13.62 (3), 13.62 (10r), 13.62 (12), 13.621 (1) (a), 13.621 (5),
213.625 (1) (a) and (d), 13.64 (1) (intro.), 13.64 (3), 13.67 (1), 13.68 (1) (a) 1., 3.
3and 5., 13.68 (1) (bn), 13.68 (1) (c) (intro.) and 2., 13.68 (1) (e), 13.68 (2) (a), 13.68
4(3), 13.68 (5) and 13.68 (6); and to create 13.62 (7), 13.62 (11n) and 13.64 (1)
5(f) of the statutes; relating to: registration and reporting by principals who
6employ lobbyists to attempt to influence certain actions of state agencies.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Currently, every principal (person who employs a lobbyist) must register with
the State Ethics board and file semiannual reports of lobbying expenditures and
certain other information concerning any attempts by the principal to influence state
legislative action or rule making by state agencies, unless the principal is exempted
from registration or reporting under a statutory exemption. Lobbyists must supply
to their principals the information required for the principals to prepare their
reports. Each principal must report, in addition to other information, the principal's
reasonable estimate of the proportion of its lobbying time spent attempting to
influence any particular legislative proposal, proposed administrative rule, budget
bill subject or other topic that accounts for 10% or more of the principal's time during
a reporting period.
This bill requires registration and reporting, in addition, by any principal,
other than a state agency, who or which employs a lobbyist (person who attempts to

influence state legislative action or rule making) to attempt to influence official
action of a state agency with respect to a matter other than rule making, unless the
principal is exempted from registration or reporting under a current statutory
exemption. Under the bill, a person who or which does not attempt to influence state
legislative action or rule making by state agencies is not subject to registration or
reporting requirements. The bill also requires each principal who or which is subject
to a reporting requirement under the bill to report the principal's reasonable
estimate of the proportion of its time spent attempting to influence any official action
of a state agency with respect to a matter other than rule making if that matter
accounts for 10% or more of the principal's time during a reporting period.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB853, s. 1 1Section 1. 13.62 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB853,2,52 13.62 (3) "Agency official" means a member, officer, employee, or consultant of
3any agency who as part of such person's official responsibilities participates in any
4administrative action or executive action in other than a solely clerical, secretarial,
5or ministerial capacity.
AB853, s. 2 6Section 2. 13.62 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
AB853,2,107 13.62 (7) "Executive action" means the proposal, development, drafting,
8consideration, modification, adoption, rejection, or review of any contract, lease,
9purchase, grant, license, award, expenditure, or other official action by an agency,
10but does not include administrative action.
AB853, s. 3 11Section 3. 13.62 (10r) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB853,3,212 13.62 (10r) "Lobbying expenditure" means an expenditure related to the
13performance of lobbying, or, in the case of a principal who employs a lobbyist to
14attempt to influence executive action, an expenditure related to attempting to
15influence executive action
, whether received in the form of an advance or subsequent
16reimbursement. The term includes an expenditure for conducting research or for
17providing or using information, statistics, studies, or analyses in communicating

1with an official that would not have been incurred but for lobbying or attempting to
2influence executive action
AB853, s. 4 3Section 4. 13.62 (11n) of the statutes is created to read:
AB853,3,44 13.62 (11n) "Obligation" means an obligation to make a lobbying expenditure.
AB853, s. 5 5Section 5. 13.62 (12) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB853,3,106 13.62 (12) "Principal" means any person who employs a lobbyist to engage in
7lobbying or attempting to influence executive action
. If an association, corporation,
8limited liability company, or partnership engages a lobbyist, an officer, employee,
9member, shareholder, or partner of the association, corporation, limited liability
10company, or partnership shall not be considered a principal.
AB853, s. 6 11Section 6. 13.621 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB853,3,1412 13.621 (1) (a) Lobbying or attempting to influence executive action through
13communications media or by public addresses to audiences made up principally of
14persons other than legislators or agency officials.
AB853, s. 7 15Section 7. 13.621 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB853,4,1116 13.621 (5) Verified statements. Any principal who or which anticipates
17making expenditures or incurring obligations debts in an aggregate amount not
18exceeding $500 in a calendar year for the purpose of engaging in lobbying activities
19which are is not exempt under this section may so indicate on a verified statement
20filed with the board. The statement shall disclose the name, address , and telephone
21number of the principal and a brief description of each cause or interest for which the
22principal employs a lobbyist. The statement shall also disclose the name and
23business address of any lobbyist who is employed by such principal to engage in
24lobbying activities which are is not exempt under this section. A statement filed
25under this subsection expires at midnight on December 31 of each year, or upon

1revocation by the principal, whichever is earlier. Any principal and any lobbyist
2acting on behalf of a principal making such a statement is not subject to licensing
3under s. 13.63, registration under s. 13.64, or the reporting requirements under s.
413.68, if the statement is true. The statement may be revoked at any time by the
5principal and the principal and any lobbyist employed by the principal are then
6subject to such requirements as of the date of revocation. The statement shall be
7revoked no later than 10 days after the date the aggregate expenditures or
8obligations debts in the calendar year for the purpose of engaging in such lobbying
9activities exceed $500. The fee paid under s. 13.75 (3) for filing a statement under
10this subsection shall be credited toward payment of the fee under s. 13.75 (2) if the
11fee under s. 13.75 (2) is paid within the same year.
AB853, s. 8 12Section 8. 13.625 (1) (a) and (d) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB853,4,1413 13.625 (1) (a) Instigate legislative or , administrative, or executive action for the
14purpose of obtaining employment in support or opposition thereto.
AB853,4,1615 (d) Contract to receive or receive compensation dependent in any manner upon
16the success or failure of any legislative or, administrative, or executive action.
AB853, s. 9 17Section 9. 13.64 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB853,5,318 13.64 (1) (intro.) Every principal who makes expenditures or incurs obligations
19debts in an aggregate amount exceeding $500 in a calendar year for the purpose of
20engaging in lobbying which is not exempt under s. 13.621 shall, within 10 days after
21exceeding $500, cause to be filed with the board a registration statement specifying
22the principal's name, business address, the general areas of legislative and
23administrative action which the principal is attempting to influence, the names of
24any agencies in which the principal seeks to influence administrative action, and
25information sufficient to identify the nature and interest of the principal. The

1statement shall be signed, under the penalty for making false statements under s.
213.69 (6m), by an individual identified under par. (e) who is authorized to represent
3the principal. The statement shall include:
AB853, s. 10 4Section 10. 13.64 (1) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
AB853,5,75 13.64 (1) (f) If the principal intends to attempt to influence executive action of
6an agency, the name of each such agency and the general areas of executive action
7that the principal is attempting to influence.
AB853, s. 11 8Section 11. 13.64 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB853,5,149 13.64 (3) Each principal registered under this section shall, before the
10principal or a lobbyist for the principal attempts to influence legislative or,
11administrative, or executive action in any general area or agency not previously filed
12with the board, provide written notice to the board of the general area or agency in
13which the principal or a lobbyist for the principal will attempt to influence legislative
14or, administrative, or executive action and in relation to which a lobbyist is employed.
AB853, s. 12 15Section 12. 13.67 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB853,6,1116 13.67 (1) Except as authorized under s. 13.621, no person may engage in
17lobbying or attempting to influence executive action as a lobbyist on behalf of a
18principal and no principal may authorize a lobbyist to engage in lobbying or
19attempting to influence executive action
on its behalf unless the principal reports to
20the board, in such manner as the board may prescribe, each legislative proposal,
21budget bill subject, and proposed administrative rule number in connection with
22which the principal has made or intends to make a lobbying communication or, if the
23lobbying does not relate to a legislative proposal or proposed administrative rule that
24has been numbered or a budget bill subject, each topic of a lobbying communication
25made or intended to be made by the principal and each topic of a communication that

1attempts to influence executive action
. A principal shall describe any topic of a
2lobbying communication or a communication that attempts to influence executive
with reasonable specificity, sufficient to identify the subject matter of the
4lobbying communication and whether the communication is an attempt to influence
5legislative or, administrative, or executive action, or both. The principal shall file the
6report no later than the end of the 15th day after the date on which the principal
7makes a lobbying communication with respect to a legislative proposal, proposed
8administrative rule, budget bill subject or other topic, or executive action not
9previously reported by the principal under this section during the biennial period for
10which the principal is registered. The report shall be made by a person who is
11identified by the principal under s. 13.64 (1) (e).
AB853, s. 13 12Section 13. 13.68 (1) (a) 1., 3. and 5. of the statutes are amended to read:
AB853,6,1613 13.68 (1) (a) 1. Lobbying expenditures made and obligations incurred for
14lobbying shall include compensation to lobbyists for lobbying, whether in cash or
15in-kind, and reimbursements to lobbyists and to the principal or officers or
16employees of the principal for lobbying or expenses.
AB853,7,417 3. A reasonable estimate of lobbying expenditures made and obligations
18incurred for conducting, compiling, or preparing research, information, statistics,
19studies, or analyses used in lobbying shall be included in the aggregate total.
20Lobbying expenditures and obligations shall not be reported under this subdivision
21if the use in lobbying or attempting to influence executive action occurs more than
223 years after the completion of the research or the compilation or preparation of the
23information, statistics, studies, or analyses. If the research, information, statistics,
24studies, or analyses are used by the principal both for lobbying or for attempting to
25influence executive action
and for other purposes other than lobbying, the principal

1shall allocate the lobbying expenditures and obligations among the purposes for
2which the research, information, statistics, studies, or analyses are used and include
3the portion allocated to lobbying and attempting to influence executive action in the
4aggregate total.
AB853,7,105 5. Lobbying expenditures made and obligations incurred for paid advertising
6and any other activities conducted for the purpose of urging members of the general
7public to attempt to influence legislative or, administrative, or executive action shall
8be included in the aggregate total, if the total amount of all such lobbying
9expenditures made and obligations incurred exceeds $500 during the reporting
AB853, s. 14 11Section 14. 13.68 (1) (bn) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB853,7,1712 13.68 (1) (bn) For each legislative proposal, proposed administrative rule,
13budget bill subject or other topic, or executive action that accounts for 10% or more
14of the principal's time spent in lobbying during the reporting period, the principal's
15reasonable estimate of the proportion of its time spent in lobbying associated or
16attempting to influence executive action
with respect to that legislative proposal,
17proposed administrative rule, budget bill subject or other topic, or executive action.
AB853, s. 15 18Section 15. 13.68 (1) (c) (intro.) and 2. of the statutes are amended to read:
AB853,7,2519 13.68 (1) (c) (intro.) A record disclosing the amount of time spent to influence
20legislative or administrative action, or executive action in the case of a principal who
21employs a lobbyist to attempt to influence executive action
. The record shall be
22supplied on a form provided by the board and shall include a daily itemization of the
23time, except the time of a clerical employee, the time of an employee who is not a
24lobbyist and who devotes not more than 10 hours to lobbying during a reporting
25period, and the time of an unpaid volunteer, spent by the principal on:
1 2. Research, preparation, and any other activity which includes lobbying or
2attempting to influence executive action
AB853, s. 16 3Section 16. 13.68 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB853,8,84 13.68 (1) (e) The total lobbying expenditures made and obligations incurred for
5personal travel and living expenses, except for expenditures made or obligations
6incurred for the travel and living expenses of unpaid volunteers if the primary
7purpose of the travel is for reasons unrelated to lobbying or attempting to influence
8executive action
AB853, s. 17 9Section 17. 13.68 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB853,8,1810 13.68 (2) (a) If the principal compensates or reimburses a lobbyist or employee
11both for lobbying activities or expenses expenditures which are not exempt under s.
1213.621 and for other activities or expenses, for the purposes of sub. (1) (a) 1. or 6., the
13lobbyist or principal shall estimate and report the portion of the compensation and
14reimbursements paid for nonexempt lobbying activities or expenses expenditures or,
15if 85% or more of the total compensation and reimbursements paid to the lobbyist or
16employee relate to are for lobbying or expenses expenditures which are not exempt
17under s. 13.621, the lobbyist or principal may report the entire amount of the
18compensation and reimbursements paid to the lobbyist or employee.
AB853, s. 18 19Section 18. 13.68 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB853,8,2420 13.68 (3) Exempt activities. Lobbying expenditures made and obligations
21incurred for activities identified under s. 13.621 (1) (a) to (f) and (3) are not required
22to be reported under sub. (1), regardless of whether the principal or a lobbyist for the
23principal also engages in lobbying activities which are not identified in s. 13.621 (1)
24(a) to (f) and (3)
that are required to be reported under sub. (1).
AB853, s. 19 25Section 19. 13.68 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
113.68 (5) Records. Each principal and each lobbyist engaged by a principal
2shall obtain, organize, and preserve all accounts, bills, receipts, books, papers, and
3other documents necessary to substantiate the expense statement, including an
4account identifying the amount of time that a principal and each of its authorized
5lobbyists spend each day on lobbying each day or attempting to influence executive
, for 3 years after the date of filing the expense statement. A principal may
7permit its authorized lobbyist to maintain any of the records identified in this
8subsection on its behalf.