2003 - 2004 LEGISLATURE
November 19, 2003 - Introduced by Senators Kedzie, Roessler, Stepp and
Leibham, cosponsored by Representatives Johnsrud, Gronemus,
Montgomery, Jeskewitz, Hahn, Olsen, Ainsworth, Hines, Vrakas, Petrowski,
and Miller. Referred to Committee on Environment and Natural
SB324,1,9 1An Act to repeal 77.9961 (4) and 292.65 (3) (am) 3.; to renumber and amend
277.9961 (1); to amend 77.9961 (title), 77.9961 (2), 77.9961 (3), 77.9964 (2),
3292.65 (1) (i) 3. b., 292.65 (3) (am) 1., 292.65 (3) (am) 2., 292.65 (4) (k), 292.65
4(4) (m), 292.65 (7) (c) 1., 292.65 (8) (a) (intro.), 292.65 (8) (a) 4m., 292.65 (8) (d)
57., 292.65 (8) (j) 2., 292.65 (8) (j) 4., 292.65 (8m) and 292.65 (11); and to create
677.996 (6), 77.996 (7), 77.9961 (1) (b), 77.9961 (1) (c), 77.9961 (1) (d), 77.9961 (1)
7(e), 77.9961 (1m), 292.65 (1) (gv) and 292.65 (1) (h) 4. of the statutes; relating
the Dry Cleaner Environmental Response Program and the administration
9of dry cleaning license fees.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) administers
the Dry Cleaner Environmental Response Program (DERP), which provides
reimbursement for a portion of the costs of responding to discharges of dry cleaning
solvents. This bill makes several changes in DERP.
Under current law, a person who operated a dry cleaning facility that has
closed, but who does not own the property on which the facility was located, is eligible
under DERP only if the facility closed before October 14, 1997. Under this bill, such

a person is eligible if the facility closed after October 13, 1997, as long as the facility
was licensed by the Department of Revenue (DOR) before it closed. Also, under
current law, a person who owns property on which a dry cleaning facility that has
closed was located, but who did not operate the facility, may be eligible under DERP
if the dry cleaning facility was licensed by DOR before the facility closed. Under the
bill, the dry cleaning facility must also have operated while the person owned the
Under current law, a person may not apply for DERP after August 30, 2005, if
the dry cleaning facility to which the application applies closed before September 1,
1998, or after August 1, 2008, in any other case. This bill eliminates the application
deadlines and instead provides that a person is not eligible for DERP if the person
submits the required notice of a potential claim after August 30, 2008.
Under current law, an applicant for DERP must notify DNR of any insurance
claim made to recover costs that are eligible under DERP and of any proceeds
received. The award is reduced by the amount by which the insurance proceeds
exceed the DERP deductible plus the eligible costs in excess of the DERP maximum
payment. The bill expands these provisions so that they apply to other sources of
reimbursement and to tax refunds in addition to insurance proceeds.
Under current law, DNR may not make a DERP award if the applicant has not
paid all of the license fees and other fees owed to DOR. This bill expands the
prohibition so that it also applies to penalties and interest owed to DOR and allows
DNR to make an award if anyone has paid the fees, penalty, and interest or if an
agreement has been entered into with DOR establishing a payment schedule.
Under current law, a person who operates a dry cleaning facility in this state
must pay a license fee to DOR. The license fee is paid in four installments and each
installment is equal to 1.8 percent of the person's gross receipts from the previous
three months from dry cleaning apparel and household fabrics. Under current law,
"gross receipts" with respect to the dry cleaning license fee is undefined. Under the
bill, "gross receipts" has, generally, the same meaning as the meaning of "gross
receipts" for sales and use tax purposes. In addition, under the bill, generally, the
sales and use tax provisions under current law related to operating a business
without a permit, revoking a permit, and collecting delinquent taxes apply to
operating a dry cleaning facility without a license, revoking a license to operate a dry
cleaning facility, and collecting delinquent license fees.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB324, s. 1 1Section 1. 77.996 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
177.996 (6) "Gross receipts" has the meaning given in s. 77.51 (4) (a), (b) 1. and
25., (c) 1. to 4., and (d). "Gross receipts" does not include the license fee imposed under
3s. 77.9661 (1m) that is passed on to customers.
SB324, s. 2 4Section 2. 77.996 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
SB324,3,65 77.996 (7) "Launder" means to use water and detergent as the main process
6for cleaning apparel or household fabrics.
SB324, s. 3 7Section 3. 77.9961 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB324,3,8 877.9961 (title) License and fee.
SB324, s. 4 9Section 4. 77.9961 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 77.9661 (1) (a) and
10amended to read:
SB324,3,1711 77.9661 (1) (a) No person may operate a dry cleaning facility in this state unless
12the person completes and submits to the department an application for a license on
13a form that the department prescribes and pays to the department a fee for each dry
14cleaning facility that the person operates. The fee shall be paid in installments, as
15provided in sub. (2), and each installment is equal to 1.8% of the gross receipts from
16the previous 3 months from dry cleaning apparel and household fabrics, but not from
17formal wear the facility rents to the general public
SB324, s. 5 18Section 5. 77.9961 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
SB324,3,2319 77.9961 (1) (b) The department may require, before or after the license is
20issued, that any person who submits an application for a license under par. (a)
21provide a security deposit to the department. For purposes of this paragraph, s.
2277.61 (2), as it applies to a security deposit related to a seller's permit, applies to the
23a security deposit required under this subsection.
SB324, s. 6 24Section 6. 77.9961 (1) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
177.9961 (1) (c) Subject to par. (b), the department shall issue a license to each
2person who completes and submits an application for a license under par. (a). If a
3dry cleaning facility is sold, the seller may transfer the license to the buyer. A license
4is valid until the license is surrendered by the person to whom the license was issued
5or transferred or until the license is revoked by the department as provided in par.
6(e). A license is valid only for the facility designated by the license and the license
7holder shall display the license prominently in the facility to which the license
SB324, s. 7 9Section 7. 77.9961 (1) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
SB324,4,1210 77.9961 (1) (d) Section 77.52 (12), as it applies to a person who operates as a
11seller without a seller's permit, applies to a person who operates a dry cleaning
12facility without a license issued under this subsection.
SB324, s. 8 13Section 8. 77.9961 (1) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
SB324,4,2214 77.9961 (1) (e) The department may revoke a license issued under this
15subsection, if the person who holds the license fails to comply with any provision of
16this subchapter related to the fees imposed under this subchapter or any rule
17promulgated by the department related to the fees imposed under this subchapter,
18is delinquent with respect to taxes imposed by the department, or fails to timely file
19a return or report with respect to taxes imposed under chs. 71, 72, 76, 77, 78, or 139
20after having been requested to file the return or report. Section 77.52 (11), as it
21applies to revoking a seller's permit, applies to revoking a license issued under this
SB324, s. 9 23Section 9. 77.9961 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB324,5,324 77.9961 (1m) Every person operating a dry cleaning facility shall pay to the
25department a fee for each dry cleaning facility that the person operates. The fee shall

1be paid in installments, as provided in sub. (2), and each installment is equal to 1.8%
2of the gross receipts from the previous 3 months from dry cleaning apparel and
3household fabrics, but not from formal wear the facility rents to the general public.
SB324, s. 10 4Section 10. 77.9961 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB324,5,125 77.9961 (2) Persons who owe a fee under this section shall pay it in
6installments on or before April 25, July 25, October 25 and January 25. The
7department shall issue a license to each person who pays the January 25 installment
8and the previous 3 installments and submits the form under this section. The license
9is valid for the year in which the January 25 installment is due. If a dry cleaning
10facility is sold, the seller may transfer the license to the buyer. Each holder of a
11license under this section shall display it prominently in the facility to which it
SB324, s. 11 13Section 11. 77.9961 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB324,5,1614 77.9961 (3) On or before December 15, the The department shall mail to each
15dry cleaning facility of which it is aware a form on which to apply for a license under
16this section.
SB324, s. 12 17Section 12. 77.9961 (4) of the statutes is repealed.
SB324, s. 13 18Section 13. 77.9964 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB324,5,2519 77.9964 (2) Except as provided in s. 77.9961 (4), sections (1) (b), (d), and (e), ss.
2071.74 (1) to (3), (7) and, (9), and (10) to (12), 71.75 (1), (2), (6), (7), (9), and (10), 71.77
21(1) and (4) to (8), 71.78 (1) to (4) and (5) to (8), 71.80 (1) (a) and (b), (4) to (6), (8) to
22(12), (14), (17), and (18), 71.82 (1) and (2) (a) and (b), 71.83 (1) (a) 1. and 2. and (b)
231., 2., and 6., (2) (a) 1. to 3. and (b) 1. to 3. , and (3), 71.87, 71.88, 71.89, 71.90, 71.91
24(1) (a), (2), (3), and (4) to (6) (7), 71.92, and 71.93 as they apply to the taxes under ch.
2571 apply to the fees under this subchapter.
SB324, s. 14
1Section 14. 292.65 (1) (gv) of the statutes is created to read:
SB324,6,32 292.65 (1) (gv) "Launder" means to use water and detergent as the main
3process for cleaning apparel or household fabrics.
SB324, s. 15 4Section 15. 292.65 (1) (h) 4. of the statutes is created to read:
SB324,6,75 292.65 (1) (h) 4. A person who operated a dry cleaning facility that ceased
6operation after October 13, 1997, but that was licensed under s. 77.9961 (2) before
7it ceased operation.
SB324, s. 16 8Section 16. 292.65 (1) (i) 3. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB324,6,119 292.65 (1) (i) 3. b. A dry cleaning facility that has ceased operation but that was
10licensed under s. 77.9961 (2) before it ceased operation and was licensed and
11operating while the person owned the property
SB324, s. 17 12Section 17. 292.65 (3) (am) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB324,6,1613 292.65 (3) (am) 1. The department shall establish a method for determining the
14order in which it pays awards under this section. Except as provided in subds. subd.
152. and 3., the method shall be based on environmental factors and on the order in
16which applications are received.
SB324, s. 18 17Section 18. 292.65 (3) (am) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB324,6,1918 292.65 (3) (am) 2. The department shall pay an award for immediate action
19activities before it pays other awards.
SB324, s. 19 20Section 19. 292.65 (3) (am) 3. of the statutes is repealed.
SB324, s. 20 21Section 20. 292.65 (4) (k) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB324,7,322 292.65 (4) (k) Agents. An owner or operator may enter into a written agreement
23with another person under which that other person acts as an agent for the owner
24or operator in conducting the activities required under par. pars. (e) to (j). If an
25agreement is entered into under this paragraph, all requirements applicable to an

1owner or operator under par. (m) and subs. (8) (a), (8m), and (12) apply to the agent.

2The owner or operator and or the agent shall jointly may submit the application for
3an award under this section.
SB324, s. 21 4Section 21. 292.65 (4) (m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB324,7,115 292.65 (4) (m) Notification of insurance claims applications and receipt of
6proceeds funds. An owner or operator shall notify the department of any application,
7including any
insurance claim, made to obtain funds to cover eligible costs or to
8obtain a tax credit based on eligible costs
, the status of the claim application, and,
9if the owner or operator has received any insurance proceeds funds or any tax credit
10arising from the claim application, the amount of the proceeds funds or tax credit
SB324, s. 22 12Section 22. 292.65 (7) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB324,7,1313 292.65 (7) (c) 1. Costs incurred before January 1, 1991 October 14, 1997.
SB324, s. 23 14Section 23. 292.65 (8) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB324,8,215 292.65 (8) (a) Application. (intro.) An owner or operator shall submit an
16application on a form provided by the department. An owner or operator may not
17submit an application before September 1, 1998. An owner or operator may not
18submit an application after August 30, 2005, if the application relates to a dry
19cleaning facility that ceased to operate before September 1, 1998.
An owner or
20operator may not submit an application if the owner or operator submits the
21notification of potential claim under sub. (4) (c)
after August 20 30, 2008, if the
22application relates to any other dry cleaning facility
. The department shall authorize
23owners and operators to apply for awards at stages in the process under sub. (4) that
24the department specifies by rule. An application shall include all of the following
25documentation of activities, plans, and expenditures associated with the eligible

1costs incurred because of a dry cleaning product discharge from a dry cleaning