2003 - 2004 LEGISLATURE
December 30, 2003 - Introduced by Senator Zien, by request of Wisconsin Judicial
Council. Referred to Committee on Judiciary, Corrections and Privacy.
SB364,1,7 1An Act to renumber and amend 808.10; to amend 808.04 (3), 808.04 (4),
2809.62 (1) (intro.), 809.62 (3), 974.02 (1) and 974.02 (2); to repeal and recreate
3subchapter III (title) of chapter 809 [precedes 809.30], 809.30 (title), 809.30 (1)
4(a), 809.30 (1) (b) 4., 809.30 (1) (c), 809.30 (1) (d), 809.30 (1) (e), 809.30 (2) (a),
5809.32 (1) (c) (form) and 809.32 (4); and to create 48.297 (8), 808.03 (3), 808.10
6(2), 809.32 (5), 809.62 (1m), 938.297 (8), 971.17 (7m) and 980.061 of the statutes;
7relating to: appellate procedure.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
In criminal cases, current law permits the review of an order denying a motion
to suppress evidence or a motion challenging admissibility of a defendant's
statement as part of an appeal from a conviction, notwithstanding the fact that the
judgment of conviction was entered on a guilty plea. This bill permits review of an
order denying a motion to suppress evidence or a motion challenging admissibility
of the statement of a child, an expectant mother, or a parent as part of an appeal from
a final judgment or order, notwithstanding the fact that the final judgment or order
was entered on an admission, consent, or no contest plea to allegations in a petition
filed in cases involving children in need of protection or services or a petition to
terminate parental rights. This bill also permits the review of orders denying a
motion to suppress evidence or a motion challenging admissibility of the statement

of a juvenile upon review from a final judgment or order, notwithstanding the fact
that the final judgment or order was entered upon a plea of no contest or an
admission to the allegations of a petition filed in cases involving juveniles alleged to
be delinquent.
Current law requires that a person seeking Supreme Court review of an
adverse court of appeals decision file a petition for review within 30 days of the court
of appeals decision. Current law also provides a procedure for seeking
reconsideration of a court of appeals decision, but does not toll the time to file a
petition for review while the motion for reconsideration is pending. This bill tolls the
time for filing a petition for review while a motion for reconsideration is pending in
the court of appeals, and establishes revised time limits for filing a petition for review
or supplemental petition for review, and the opposing party's responses, after the
court of appeals decides the motion for reconsideration.
Current law establishes the appellate procedures applicable to various types of
cases. Under current law, appeals in criminal cases and cases involving children,
juveniles alleged to be delinquent, protective services, or persons subject to
commitment due to mental health or drug abuse are directed by statutory
cross-reference to follow a set of appeal procedures. Under current law, appeals in
cases involving the commitment of sexually violent persons follow a different set of
appeal procedures. This bill establishes one integrated appeal procedure for appeals
in felony and misdemeanor cases, cases involving children, juveniles alleged to be
delinquent, protective services, or persons subject to commitment due to mental
health or drug abuse, the commitment of sexually violent persons, as well as
proceedings related to the commitment of persons found not guilty by reason of
mental defect. This bill also creates a procedure for seeking postdisposition relief in
cases involving the commitment of sexually violent persons.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB364, s. 1 1Section 1. 48.297 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
SB364,2,72 48.297 (8) An order denying a motion to suppress evidence or a motion
3challenging the admissibility of a statement of a child, an expectant mother, or a
4parent may be reviewed upon appeal from a final judgment or order notwithstanding
5the fact that such final judgment or order was entered upon an admission, a consent,
6or a plea of no contest to the allegations in the petition under s. 48.13 or 48.133 or
7a petition to terminate parental rights.
SB364, s. 2
1Section 2. 808.03 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
SB364,3,82 808.03 (3) Review of an order denying suppression or exclusion of evidence.
3An order denying a motion to suppress evidence or a motion challenging the
4admissibility of a statement of a defendant under s. 971.31 (10), a juvenile under s.
5938.297 (8), or a child, expectant mother, or parent under s. 48.297 (8), may be
6reviewed upon appeal from a final judgment or order notwithstanding the fact that
7the final judgment or order was entered upon a plea of guilty or no contest, an
8admission, or a consent to an information, criminal complaint, or petition.
SB364, s. 3 9Section 3. 808.04 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB364,3,1210 808.04 (3) Except as provided in subs. (4) and (7), an appeal in a proceeding
11under s. 971.17,
a criminal case, or a case under ch. 48, 51, 55 or, 938, or 980 shall
12be initiated within the time period specified in s. 809.30 (2) or 809.32 (2).
SB364, s. 4 13Section 4. 808.04 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB364,3,1714 808.04 (4) Except as provided in sub. (7m), an appeal by the state in either a
15proceeding under s. 971.17,
a criminal case under s. 974.05, or a case under ch. 48
16or, 938, or 980 shall be initiated within 45 days of entry of the judgment or order
17appealed from.
SB364, s. 5 18Section 5. 808.10 of the statutes is renumbered 808.10 (1) and amended to
SB364,3,2420 808.10 (1) Petition for review; time limit. A decision or order of the court of
21appeals is reviewable by the supreme court only upon a petition for review granted
22by the supreme court. The Except as provided in sub. (2) and ss. 809.32 (5) and 809.62
23(1m), the
petition for review shall be filed in the supreme court within 30 days of the
24date of the decision of the court of appeals.
SB364, s. 6 25Section 6. 808.10 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
1808.10 (2) Tolling pending court of appeals reconsideration. (a) Filing of
2a motion for reconsideration in the court of appeals under s. 809.24 (1) within 20 days
3after the date of a decision of the court of appeals tolls the time for filing a petition
4for review in the supreme court.
SB364,4,95 (b) If the motion for reconsideration is filed in the court of appeals before any
6petition for review is filed in the supreme court, the 30-day time period to file the
7petition for review starts on the date on which the court of appeals determines the
8motion for reconsideration by filing an order denying the motion for reconsideration
9or an amended decision.
SB364, s. 7 10Section 7. Subchapter III (title) of chapter 809 [precedes 809.30] of the
11statutes, as affected by Supreme Court Order 02-01, is repealed and recreated to
SB364,4,1313 CHAPTER 809
16 APPEALS in s. 971.17 proceedings
17 and in Criminal and Chs.
18 48, 51, 55, 938, and 980 cases
SB364, s. 8 19Section 8. 809.30 (title) of the statutes, as affected by Supreme Court Order
2002-01, is repealed and recreated to read:
SB364,4,22 21809.30 (title) Rule (Appeals in s. 971.17 proceedings and in criminal and
22chs. 48, 51, 55, 938, and 980 cases).
SB364, s. 9 23Section 9. 809.30 (1) (a) of the statutes, as affected by Supreme Court Order
2402-01, is repealed and recreated to read:
1809.30 (1) (a) "Final adjudication" means the entry of a final judgment or order
2by the circuit court in an s. 971.17 proceeding or in a ch. 48, 51, 55, 938, or 980 case,
3other than a termination of parental rights case under s. 48.43 or a parental consent
4to abortion case under s. 48.375 (7).
SB364, s. 10 5Section 10. 809.30 (1) (b) 4. of the statutes, as affected by Supreme Court
6Order 02-01, is repealed and recreated to read:
SB364,5,87 809.30 (1) (b) 4. A subject individual or ward seeking postdisposition relief in
8an s. 971.17 proceeding or a ch. 51, 55, or 980 case.
SB364, s. 11 9Section 11. 809.30 (1) (c) of the statutes, as affected by Supreme Court Order
1002-01, is repealed and recreated to read:
SB364,5,1411 809.30 (1) (c) "Postconviction relief" means an appeal or motion for relief under
12this subchapter from a circuit court's final judgment or order in a criminal case, other
13than an appeal, motion, or petition under s. 302.113 (7m) or (9g), 973.19, 973.195,
14974.06, or 974.07 (2).
SB364, s. 12 15Section 12. 809.30 (1) (d) of the statutes, as affected by Supreme Court Order
1602-01, is repealed and recreated to read:
SB364,5,1817 809.30 (1) (d) "Postdisposition relief" means an appeal or motion for relief
18under this subchapter from a circuit court's final adjudication.
SB364, s. 13 19Section 13. 809.30 (1) (e) of the statutes, as affected by Supreme Court Order
2002-01, is repealed and recreated to read:
SB364,5,2321 809.30 (1) (e) "Prosecutor" means a district attorney, corporation counsel, or
22other attorney authorized by law to bring a proceeding under s. 971.17 to prosecute
23a criminal case or a case under ch. 48, 51, 55, 938, or 980.
SB364, s. 14 24Section 14. 809.30 (2) (a) of the statutes, as affected by Supreme Court Order
2502-01, is repealed and recreated to read:
1809.30 (2) (a) Appeal procedures; counsel to continue. A person seeking
2postconviction relief in a criminal case or a person seeking postdisposition relief in
3a ch. 48 case, other than a termination of parental rights case under s. 48.43 or a
4parental consent to abortion case under s. 48.375 (7), or a person seeking
5postdisposition relief in an s. 971.17 proceeding or a ch. 51, 55, 938, or 980 case shall
6comply with this section. Counsel representing the person at sentencing or at the
7time of the final adjudication shall continue representation by filing a notice under
8par. (b) if the person desires to pursue postconviction or postdisposition relief unless
9counsel is discharged by the person or allowed to withdraw by the circuit court before
10the notice must be filed.
SB364, s. 15 11Section 15. 809.32 (1) (c) (form) of the statutes, as affected by Supreme Court
12Order 02-01, is repealed and recreated to read:
SB364,6,1313 809.32 (1) (c) (form)
SB364,7,215 I hereby certify that I have discussed with my client all potential issues
16identified by me and by my client and the merit of an appeal on these issues, and I
17have informed my client that he or she must choose one of the following 3 options:
181) to have me file a no-merit report; 2) to have me close the file without an appeal;
19or 3) to have me close the file and to proceed without an attorney or with another
20attorney retained at his or her expense. I have informed my client that a no-merit
21report will be filed if he or she either requests a no-merit report or does not consent
22to have me close the file without further representation. I have informed my client
23that the transcripts and circuit court case record will be forwarded at his or her
24request. I have also informed my client that he or she may file a response to the
25no-merit report and that I may file a supplemental no-merit report and affidavit or

1affidavits containing matters outside the record, possibly including confidential
2information, to rebut allegations made in my client's response to the no-merit report.
SB364,7,33 Signed: ....
SB364,7,44 Signature: ....
SB364, s. 16 5Section 16. 809.32 (4) of the statutes, as affected by Supreme Court Order
602-01, is repealed and recreated to read:
SB364,7,157 809.32 (4) No-merit petition for review; petitions. (a) Petition and
8supplemental petition.
If a fully briefed appeal is taken to the court of appeals and
9the attorney is of the opinion that a petition for review in the supreme court under
10s. 809.62 would be frivolous and without any arguable merit, the attorney shall
11advise the person of the reasons for this opinion and that the person has the right
12to file a petition for review. If requested by the person, the attorney shall file a
13petition satisfying the requirements of s. 809.62 (2) (d) and (f) and the person shall
14file a supplemental petition satisfying the requirements of s. 809.62 (2) (a), (b), (c),
15and (e).
SB364,7,1816 (b) Time limit. Except as provided in sub. (5) and s. 808.10, the petition and
17supplemental petition shall both be filed within 30 days after the date of the decision
18or order of the court of appeals.
SB364,7,2119 (c) Responses time limit. Except a provided in sub. (5), an opposing party may
20file a response to the petition and supplemental petition within 14 days after the
21service of the supplemental petition.
SB364, s. 17 22Section 17. 809.32 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
SB364,8,223 809.32 (5) No-merit petition for review; effect of motion for
(a) Petition. If a motion for reconsideration is timely filed in the
25court of appeals under s. 809.24 (1), no party may file a petition or a supplemental

1petition in the supreme court until after the court of appeals issues an order denying
2the motion for reconsideration or an amended decision.
SB364,8,103 (b) Supplemental petition. If a motion for reconsideration in the court of
4appeals under s. 809.24 (1) is denied and a petition for review was filed before the
5motion for reconsideration was filed, and if the time for filing a supplemental petition
6under this subsection had not expired when the motion for reconsideration was filed,
7the supplemental petition may be filed within 14 days after the filing of the order
8denying the motion for reconsideration or within the time remaining to file the
9supplemental petition at the time that the motion for reconsideration was filed,
10whichever is greater.
SB364,8,1911 (c) Notice affirming, withdrawing, or amending pending petition or
12supplemental petition.
If the court of appeals files an amended decision in response
13to the motion for reconsideration under s. 809.24 (1), any party who filed a petition
14for review or a supplemental petition for review under this subsection prior to the
15filing of the motion for reconsideration must file with the clerk of the supreme court
16a notice affirming the pending petition or supplemental petition, a notice
17withdrawing the pending petition or supplemental petition, or an amendment to the
18pending petition or supplemental petition within 14 days after the date of the filing
19of the court of appeals' amended decision.
SB364,9,720 (d) Responses. If a motion for reconsideration is denied and a petition for review
21or a supplemental petition had been filed before the motion for reconsideration was
22filed, and if the time for filing a response to the petition or supplemental petition had
23not expired when the motion for reconsideration was filed, a response to the petition
24or the supplemental petition may be filed within 14 days of the order denying the
25motion for reconsideration. If a supplemental petition is filed under par. (b), the

1responding party may file a response to the supplemental petition within 14 days
2after service of the supplemental petition. After the petitioning party files the notice
3affirming or withdrawing the pending petition or supplemental petition or an
4amendment to the pending petition or supplemental petition under par. (c), the
5responding party must file a response to the notice or amendment within 14 days
6after service of the notice or amendment. The response to the notice or amendment
7may be an affirmation of the responding party's earlier response or a new response.
SB364, s. 18 8Section 18. 809.62 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB364,9,149 809.62 (1) (intro.) A party may file with the supreme court a petition for review
10of an adverse decision of the court of appeals pursuant to s. 808.10 within 30 days
11of the date of the decision of the court of appeals
. Supreme court review is a matter
12of judicial discretion, not of right, and will be granted only when special and
13important reasons are presented. The following, while neither controlling nor fully
14measuring the court's discretion, indicate criteria that will be considered:
SB364, s. 19 15Section 19. 809.62 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB364,9,1916 809.62 (1m) (a) If a motion for reconsideration is timely filed in the court of
17appeals under s. 809.24 (1), no party may file a petition for review in the supreme
18court until after the court of appeals issues an order denying the motion for
19reconsideration or an amended decision.
SB364,9,2420 (b) If a motion for reconsideration is denied and a petition for review had been
21filed before the motion for reconsideration was filed, and if the time for filing a
22response to the petition had not expired when the motion for reconsideration was
23filed, a response to the petition may be filed within 14 days of the order denying the
24motion for reconsideration.
1(c) If the court of appeals files an amended decision in response to the motion
2for reconsideration under s. 809.24 (1), any party who filed a petition for review prior
3to the filing of the motion for reconsideration must file with the clerk of the supreme
4court a notice affirming the pending petition, a notice withdrawing the pending
5petition, or an amendment to the pending petition within 14 days after the date of
6the filing of the court of appeals' amended decision.
SB364,10,117 (d) After the petitioning party files the notice affirming or withdrawing the
8pending petition or an amendment to the pending petition under par. (c), the
9responding party must file a response to the notice or amendment within 14 days
10after service of the notice or amendment. The response may be an affirmation of the
11responding party's earlier response or a new response.
SB364, s. 20 12Section 20. 809.62 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB364,10,1513 809.62 (3) Except as provided in sub. (1m) and s. 809.32 (4) and (5), an opposing
14party may file a response to the petition within 14 days after the service of the