SB44, s. 1724 9Section 1724. 86.31 (3s) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44,751,2010 86.31 (3s) West Canal Street reconstruction and extension.
11Notwithstanding limitations on the amount and use of aids provided under this
12section, or on eligibility requirements for receiving aids under this section, and
13subject to s. 84.03 (3) (b), the department shall award a grant of $2,500,000 to the city
14of Milwaukee for the purpose purposes specified under s. 84.03 (3) (a).
15Notwithstanding subs. (3) (b), (3g), (3m), and (3r), payment of the grant under this
16subsection shall be made from the appropriation under s. 20.395 (2) (fr) before
17making any other allocation of funds under subs. (3) (b), (3g), (3m), and (3r), and the
18allocation of funds under subs. (3) (b), (3g), (3m), and (3r) shall be reduced
19proportionately to reflect the amount of the grant made under this subsection. This
20subsection does not apply after December 31, 2005.
SB44, s. 1725 21Section 1725. 87.07 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44,752,622 87.07 (4) Benefits and costs decisive. If the aggregate of the amounts
23collectible, as thus found by the department, exceeds the estimated cost of
24construction of the improvement, the department shall order that the work of
25constructing such improvement proceed. If such aggregate amount collectible is less

1than the estimated cost of such improvement, the department shall enter an order
2dismissing the petition, unless the difference between said aggregate amounts be
3deposited in cash with the state treasurer secretary of administration within one
4year. Such deposit may be made by any person or any public or private corporation.
5Upon the making of such deposit, the department shall enter a further order that the
6work of constructing the improvement proceed.
SB44, s. 1726 7Section 1726. 87.11 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44,753,88 87.11 (2) But should the total cost, as ascertained and certified by the flood
9control board after the letting of the contracts, in the manner hereinabove set forth,
10exceed the total amount found by the department to be collectible under s. 87.09, all
11contracts for the construction of the work shall be null and void. At the expiration
12of one year after such certification, any moneys held by the state treasurer secretary
13of administration
on account of the project shall be refunded to the persons by whom
14they were paid to such treasurer the secretary of administration; and funds in the
15hands of the flood control board shall be refunded to the public corporation by which
16they were paid to such board; any funds held by any town, village, or city, having been
17collected by special assessments against property benefited, shall be refunded to the
18owners of such property; any funds raised by any public corporation by the issuance
19of bonds on account of such proposed improvements shall constitute a fund for the
20retirement or payment of such bonds; and any fund held by any public corporation,
21having been raised otherwise than by special assessments or bond issues, shall be
22available for the general purposes of such public corporation. Provided, however,
23that if within one year after the last mentioned certification of the flood control board
24there shall be deposited with the treasurer of said board a sum equal to the difference
25between the aggregate cost of constructing the improvement as estimated by the

1department and the aggregate cost thereof as determined and certified by the flood
2control board after the letting of the contracts, said board shall proceed to relet the
3contracts for the construction of the improvement and to complete the same unless
4the aggregate of such new contract prices, together with the department's estimate
5of the cost of acquiring lands and of overhead expenses and of the first 18 months'
6operation and maintenance, shall again exceed the amount found by the department
7to be collectible under s. 87.09. The deposit herein referred to may be made by any
8person or any public or private corporation.
SB44, s. 1727 9Section 1727. 87.13 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44,753,21 1087.13 Disbursements by board. All sums which shall be deposited with the
11state treasurer secretary of administration under s. 87.07 (4) for the construction of
12the improvement shall be paid by said treasurer the secretary of administration to
13the flood control board upon requisitions from said board. If any moneys, other than
14those for operation and maintenance during the first 18 months, remain unexpended
15in the hands of the flood control board or subject to their requisition after the
16completion of the construction of the improvement, and if the funds for construction
17of the improvement shall have been in part raised through voluntary contributions
18under s. 87.07 (4) or 87.11 (2), the amounts thus contributed, or such proportion
19thereof as the funds remaining in the hands of the board or subject to its requisition
20will pay, shall be returned to the persons or corporations who made such voluntary
21contributions, in proportion to the amounts contributed by them.
SB44, s. 1728 22Section 1728. 88.66 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44,754,1123 88.66 (2) Every district whose drains cross the right-of-way of a railway
24company is liable to such company for the reasonable cost of opening its right-of-way
25and also for the cost of the culverts and bridges made necessary by such drain. The

1drainage board shall include such costs in its cost of construction, as set forth in its
2report of benefits and damages, and shall award them as damages to the railway
3company. The bridge or culvert shall be designed by the district's engineer and the
4design submitted to the railway company for approval. If a dispute arises as to the
5adequacy of the design, either party may submit the dispute to the office of the
6commissioner of railroads
division of hearings and appeals in the department of
by filing with the office division of hearings and appeals a statement
8as to the facts involved and the nature of the dispute. The office division of hearings
9and appeals
shall investigate and determine the matter in controversy in accordance
10with ch. 195, and any order it makes in such proceeding has the same effect as an
11order in any other proceeding properly brought under ch. 195
SB44, s. 1729 12Section 1729. 88.87 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44,754,1913 88.87 (4) If a railway company fails to comply with sub. (2), any person
14aggrieved thereby may file a complaint with the office of the commissioner of
division of hearings and appeals in the department of administration
16setting forth the facts. The office division of hearings and appeals shall investigate
determine the matter in controversy in accordance with ch. 195, and any order
18it makes in such proceeding has the same effect as an order in any other proceeding
19properly brought under ch. 195
SB44, s. 1730 20Section 1730. 88.88 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44,755,221 88.88 (2) If the railway company fails to comply with sub. (1), the person
22aggrieved thereby may file a complaint with the office of the commissioner of
division of hearings and appeals in the department of administration
24setting forth the facts. The office division of hearings and appeals shall investigate
determine the matter in controversy in accordance with ch. 195, and any order

1it makes in such proceeding has the same effect as an order in any other proceeding
2properly brought under ch. 195
SB44, s. 1731 3Section 1731. 91.19 (6s) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44,755,84 91.19 (6s) (a) (intro.) The department may release from a farmland
5preservation agreement any land acquired or to be acquired by a local unit of
the governing body of a municipality, as defined in s. 106.215 (1) (e)
7281.59 (1) (c), for public improvements or structures, including highway
8improvements, if all of the following occur:
SB44, s. 1732 9Section 1732. 93.07 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44,755,1510 93.07 (1) Regulations. To make and enforce such regulations, not inconsistent
11with law, as it may deem necessary for the exercise and discharge of all of the powers
12and duties of the department, and to adopt such measures and make such
13regulations as are necessary and proper for the enforcement by the state of
14department to carry out its duties and powers under
chs. 93 to 100, which regulations
15shall have the force of law
SB44, s. 1733 16Section 1733. 93.07 (23) of the statutes is created to read:
SB44,755,1917 93.07 (23) Consumer protection administration. To administer ss. 100.01 to
18100.14, 100.183 to 100.19, 100.201, 100.202, 100.206, 100.21 to 100.24, 100.265,
19100.27, 100.285 to 100.30, 100.33 to 100.36, 100.45, 100.47, 100.48, and 100.51.
SB44, s. 1734 20Section 1734. 93.07 (24) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44,755,2321 93.07 (24) Enforcement of laws. To enforce or assist in the enforcement of chs.
2288 and 93 to 99, those laws under ch. 100 administered by the department, and all
23other laws entrusted to its administration, and especially:
1(a) To enforce the laws administered by the department regarding the
2production, manufacture and sale, offering or exposing for sale or having in
3possession with intent to sell, of any dairy, food or drug product.
SB44,756,54 (b) To enforce the laws administered by the department regarding the
5adulteration or misbranding of any articles of food, drink, condiment or drug.
SB44,756,10 6(c) To inspect any milk, butter, cheese, lard, syrup, coffee, tea or other article
7of food, drink, condiment or drug made or offered for sale within this state which it
8may suspect or have reason to believe, under the laws administered by the
to be impure, unhealthful, misbranded, adulterated or counterfeit, or
10in any way unlawful.
SB44,756,1511 (d) To prosecute or cause to be prosecuted, under the laws administered by the
any person engaged in the manufacture or sale, offering or exposing for
13sale or having in possession with intent to sell, of any adulterated dairy product or
14of any adulterated, misbranded, counterfeit, or otherwise unlawful article or articles
15of food, drink, condiment or drug.
SB44, s. 1735 16Section 1735. 93.18 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44,757,317 93.18 (3) The department of justice, after acting pursuant to s. 100.37 or 100.41
18to 100.43 to order the sale or distribution of any substance, article, furnishing, fabric,
19product or related material ceased, shall give written notice of its finding to the
20manufacturer, seller or other person responsible for placing the item in the channels
21of trade in this state. After such notice no person may sell, remove or otherwise
22dispose of such item except as directed by the department of justice. Any person
23affected by such notice may demand a prompt hearing to determine the validity of
24the department's findings of the department of justice. The hearing, if requested,
25shall be held as expeditiously as possible but not later than 30 days after notice. A

1request for hearing does not operate to stay enforcement of the order during the
2pendency of the hearing. The person petitioning for a hearing shall be entitled to the
3same rights specified under sub. (2).
SB44, s. 1736 4Section 1736. 93.18 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
SB44,757,75 93.18 (7) The department of justice shall follow the procedures under subs. (1),
6(2), (4), (5), and (6) in enforcing the provisions of ch. 100 that are administered by the
7department of justice.
SB44, s. 1737 8Section 1737. 93.20 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44,757,129 93.20 (1) Definition. In this section, "action" means an action that is
10commenced in court by, or on behalf of, the department of agriculture, trade and
11consumer protection to enforce chs. 88, 91 to 100 or 126 or an action that is
12commenced in court by the department of justice to enforce ch. 100
SB44, s. 1738 13Section 1738. 93.22 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44,757,1514 93.22 (1) In cases arising under chs. 88 and 93 to 100 99 and ss. 100.206, 100.21,
15100.30, and 100.51
, the department may be represented by its attorney.
SB44, s. 1739 16Section 1739. 93.22 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44,757,2017 93.22 (2) The department may, with the approval of the governor, appoint
18special counsel to prosecute or assist in the prosecution of any case arising under chs.
1988 and 93 to 100 99 and ss. 100.206, 100.21, 100.30, and 100.51. The cost of such
20special counsel shall be charged to the appropriation for the department.
SB44, s. 1740 21Section 1740. 93.31 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44,758,15 2293.31 Livestock breeders association. The secretary of the Wisconsin
23livestock breeders association shall on and after July 1 of each year make a report
24to the department, signed by the president, treasurer, and secretary of the
25association, setting forth in detail the receipts and disbursements of the association

1for the preceding fiscal year in such form and detail together with such other
2information as the department may require. On receipt of such reports, if the
3department is satisfied that the business of the association has been efficiently
4conducted during the preceding fiscal year and in the interest of and for the
5promotion of the special agricultural interests of the state and for the purpose for
6which the association was organized and if the final statement shows that all the
7receipts together with the state aid have been accounted for and disbursed for the
8proper and necessary purposes of the association, and in accordance with the laws
9of the state, then the department shall file a certificate with the department
10secretary of administration and it shall draw its warrant and the state treasurer he
11or she
shall pay to the treasurer of the association the amount of the appropriations
12made available for the association by s. 20.115 (4) (a) for the conduct of junior
13livestock shows and other livestock educational programs. The association may
14upon application to the state purchasing agent, upon such terms as he or she may
15require, obtain printing for the association under the state contract.
SB44, s. 1741 16Section 1741. 93.55 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44,758,2417 93.55 (2) Collection grants. The department may award a grant to a county
18for a chemical and container collection program. A grant under this subsection shall
19fund all or a part of the cost of a program. Costs eligible for funding include the cost
20of establishing a collection site for chemicals and chemical containers, the cost of
21transporting chemical containers to a dealer or distributor for refill and reuse or to
22a hazardous waste facility, as defined in s. 291.01 (8), and costs associated with the
23proper use and handling and disposal or recycling of chemicals and chemical
24containers. Grants shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.115 (7) (v) (va).
SB44, s. 1742 25Section 1742. 93.70 of the statutes is renumbered 93.70 (1).
SB44, s. 1743
1Section 1743. 93.70 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
SB44,759,62 93.70 (2) The department may not make a payment under sub. (1) to a person
3whose name appears on the statewide support lien docket under s. 49.854 (2) (b),
4unless the person provides to the department a payment agreement that has been
5approved by the county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5) and that is consistent
6with rules promulgated under s. 49.858 (2) (a).
SB44, s. 1744 7Section 1744. 94.64 (4) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44,759,118 94.64 (4) (a) 1. A basic fee of 23 30 cents per ton for fertilizer sold or distributed
9beginning on October 29, 1999, and ending on June 30, 2001 before July 1, 2003, and
1030 45 cents per ton for fertilizer sold or distributed after June 30, 2001 2003, with
11a minimum fee of $25.
SB44, s. 1745 12Section 1745. 94.64 (4) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44,759,1513 94.64 (4) (a) 5. An agricultural chemical cleanup surcharge of 38 88 cents per
14ton on all fertilizer that the person sells or distributes in this state after June 30,
, unless the department establishes a lower surcharge under s. 94.73 (15).
SB44, s. 1746 16Section 1746. 94.681 (1) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB44,759,1817 94.681 (1) (cm) "Payment period" means the 12 months ending on September
1830 of the calendar year for which a license is sought under s. 94.68.
SB44, s. 1747 19Section 1747. 94.681 (2) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB44,760,220 94.681 (2) Annual license fee. An applicant for a license under s. 94.68 shall
21pay an annual license fee for each pesticide product that the applicant sells or
22distributes for use in this state. The amount of the fee is based on sales of pesticide
23products during the payment period. An applicant shall pay an estimated fee before
24the start of each license year as provided in sub. (3s) (a) and shall make a fee

1adjustment payment before the end of the license year if required under sub. (3s) (b).
2Except as provided in sub. (5) or (6), the fee for each pesticide product is as follows:
SB44,760,33 (a) For each household pesticide product:
SB44,760,54 1. If the applicant sells less than $25,000 of the product during the payment
5period for use in this state, $265.
SB44,760,76 2. If the applicant sells at least $25,000 but less than $75,000 of the product
7during the payment period for use in this state, $750.
SB44,760,98 3. If the applicant sells at least $75,000 of the product during the payment
9period for use in this state, $1,500.
SB44,760,1010 (b) For each industrial pesticide product:
SB44,760,1211 1. If the applicant sells less than $25,000 of the product during the payment
12period for use in this state, $315.
SB44,760,1413 2. If the applicant sells at least $25,000 but less than $75,000 of the product
14during the payment period for use in this state, $860.
SB44,760,1615 3. If the applicant sells at least $75,000 of that product during the payment
16period for use in this state, $3,060.
SB44,760,1717 (c) For each nonhousehold pesticide product:
SB44,760,1918 1. If the applicant sells less than $25,000 of that product during the payment
19period for use in this state, $320.
SB44,760,2120 2. If the applicant sells at least $25,000 but less than $75,000 of the product
21during the payment period for use in this state, $890.
SB44,760,2422 3. If the applicant sells at least $75,000 of the product during the payment
23period for use in this state, $3,060 plus 0.2% of the gross revenues from sales of the
24product during the payment period for use in this state.
SB44, s. 1748 25Section 1748. 94.681 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
194.681 (3) Nonhousehold pesticides; cleanup surcharge. Except for the
2license years that begin on January 1, 1999, and January 1, 2000, an
An applicant
3for a license under s. 94.68 shall pay an agricultural chemical cleanup surcharge for
4each nonhousehold pesticide product that the applicant sells or distributes for use
5in this state. The amount of the surcharge is based on sales of nonhousehold
6pesticide products during the payment period. An applicant shall pay an estimated
7surcharge before the start of each license year as provided in sub. (3s) (a) and shall
8make a surcharge adjustment payment before the end of the license year if required
9by sub. (3s) (b).
Except as provided in sub. (6) or under s. 94.73 (15), the amount of
10the surcharge is as follows:
SB44,761,1211 (a) If the applicant sold sells less than $25,000 of the product during the
12preceding year payment period for use in this state, $5.
SB44,761,1413 (b) If the applicant sold sells at least $25,000 but less than $75,000 of that
14product during the preceding year payment period for use in this state, $170.
SB44,761,1815 (c) If the applicant sold sells at least $75,000 of that product during the
16preceding year payment period for use in this state, an amount equal to 1.1% of gross
17revenues from sales of the product during the preceding year payment period for use
18in this state.
SB44, s. 1749 19Section 1749. 94.681 (3m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44,762,520 94.681 (3m) Wood preservatives; cleanup surcharge. An applicant for a
21license under s. 94.68 shall pay an environmental cleanup surcharge for each
22pesticide product that is not a household pesticide and is solely labeled for use on
23wood and contains pentachlorophenol or coal tar creosote that the applicant sells or
24distributes in this state. The amount of the surcharge is based on sales of pesticide
25products that are not household pesticides and are solely labeled for use on wood and

1contain pentachlorophenol or coal tar creosote during the payment period. An
2applicant shall pay an estimated surcharge before the start of each license year as
3provided in sub. (3s) (a) and shall make a surcharge adjustment payment before the
4end of the license year if required by sub. (3s) (b).
Except as provided in sub. (6), the
5amount of the surcharge is as follows:
SB44,762,76 (a) If the applicant sold sells less than $25,000 of the product during the
7preceding year payment period for use in this state, $5.
SB44,762,98 (b) If the applicant sold sells at least $25,000 but less than $75,000 of that
9product during the preceding year payment period for use in this state, $170.
SB44,762,1310 (c) If the applicant sold sells at least $75,000 of that product during the
11preceding year payment period for use in this state, an amount equal to 1.1% of gross
12revenues from sales of the product during the preceding year payment period for use
13in this state.
SB44, s. 1750 14Section 1750. 94.681 (3s) of the statutes is created to read:
SB44,762,2315 94.681 (3s) Payment of fees and surcharges. (a) Before the start of a license
16year, an applicant shall estimate the gross revenues that the applicant will receive
17from sales of each pesticide product during the payment period that ends during the
18year for which a license is sought under s. 94.68 and shall pay the amounts under
19subs. (2), (3), and (3m) based on that estimate. At least 15 days before beginning to
20sell a new pesticide product in this state, a licensee shall estimate the gross revenues
21that the applicant will receive from sales of that pesticide product during the
22payment period in which the licensee begins to sell the pesticide product and shall
23pay the amounts under subs. (2), (3), and (3m) based on that estimate.
SB44,763,324 (b) Before the end of a license year, a licensee shall report to the department
25the gross revenues that the licensee received from sales of each pesticide product

1during the payment period that ended during the license year, as required under s.
294.68 (2) (a) 2., and shall reconcile the estimated payment made under par. (a) with
3the amounts actually due under subs. (2), (3), and (3m) as follows:
SB44,763,54 1. If the amount due based on actual sales is greater than the amount paid
5based on estimated sales, the licensee shall pay the additional amount due.
SB44,763,86 2. If the amount due based on actual sales is less than the amount paid based
7on estimated sales, the licensee may request the department to reimburse the
8licensee for the amount of the overpayment.
SB44,763,109 3. If the amount due based on actual sales equals the amount paid based on
10estimated sales, no action is required.
SB44,763,1411 (c) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., if a licensee's total payment due under par.
12(b) is more than 20% of the total amount paid under par. (a), the licensee shall pay
13a penalty equal to 20% of the total amount due under par. (b). The penalty under this
14subdivision is in addition to any late filing fee under s. 93.21 (5).
SB44,763,1815 2. Subdivision 1. does not apply to a licensee if the licensee's payments under
16par. (a) are based on estimates of gross revenues from sales for each pesticide product
17that equal at least 90% of the licensee's gross revenues from sales of the pesticide
18product during the preceding year.
SB44, s. 1751 19Section 1751. 94.72 (6) (a) 1. of the statutes is repealed.
SB44, s. 1752 20Section 1752. 94.72 (6) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44,763,2221 94.72 (6) (a) 2. For commercial feeds distributed in this state on or after before
22January 1, 2002 2004, a feed inspection fee of 23 cents per ton.
SB44, s. 1753 23Section 1753. 94.72 (6) (a) 2m. of the statutes is created to read:
SB44,763,2524 94.72 (6) (a) 2m. For commercial feeds distributed in this state after December
2531, 2003, a feed inspection fee of 30 cents per ton.
SB44, s. 1754
1Section 1754. 94.73 (6) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44,764,52 94.73 (6) (b) Except as provided in pars. (c) and (e), the department shall
3reimburse a responsible person an amount equal to 80% 75% of the corrective action
4costs incurred for each discharge site that are greater than $3,000 and less than
SB44, s. 1755 6Section 1755. 94.73 (6) (c) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: