XX10 Corrections.
XX11 Court of appeals.
XX12 District attorneys.
XX13 Educational communications board.
XX14 Elections board.
XX15 Electronic government.
XX16 Employee trust funds.
XX17 Employment relations commission.
XX18 Employment relations department.
XX19 Ethics board.
XX20 Financial institutions.
XX21 Fox River Navigational System Authority.
XX22 Governor.
XX23 Health and Educational Facilities Authority.
XX24 Health and family services.
XX25 Higher educational aids board.
XX26 Historical society.
XX27 Housing and Economic Development Authority.
XX28 Insurance.
XX29 Investment board.
XX30 Joint committee on finance.
XX31 Judicial commission.
XX32 Justice.

XX33 Legislature.
XX34 Lieutenant governor.
XX35 Lower Wisconsin state riverway board.
XX36 Medical College of Wisconsin.
XX37 Military affairs.
XX38 Natural resources.
XX39 Personnel commission.
XX40 Public defender board.
XX41 Public instruction.
XX42 Public lands, board of commissioners of.
XX43 Public service commission.
XX44 Regulation and licensing.
XX45 Revenue.
XX46 Secretary of state.
XX47 State fair park board.
XX48 Supreme Court.
XX49 Technical college system.
XX50 Technology for educational achievement in Wisconsin board.
XX51 Tobacco control board.
XX52 Tourism.
XX53 Transportation.
XX54 Treasurer.
XX55 University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority.
XX56 University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Board.
XX57 University of Wisconsin System.
XX58 Veterans affairs.
XX59 Workforce development.
XX60 Other.
For example, for general nonstatutory provisions relating to the historical
society, see Section 9126. For any agency that is not assigned a two-digit
identification number and that is attached to another agency, see the number of the
latter agency. For any other agency not assigned a two-digit identification number
or any provision that does not relate to the functions of a particular agency, see
number "60" (other) within each type of provision.
In order to facilitate amendment drafting and the enrolling process, separate
section numbers and headings appear for each type of provision and for each state
agency, even if there are no provisions included in that section number and heading.
Section numbers and headings for which there are no provisions will be deleted in
enrolling and will not appear in the published act.
Following is a list of the most commonly used acronyms appearing in the
DATCPDepartment of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
DEGDepartment of Electronic Government

DERDepartment of Employment Relations
DETFDepartment of Employee Trust Funds
DFIDepartment of Financial Institutions
DHFSDepartment of Health and Family Services
DMADepartment of Military Affairs
DNRDepartment of Natural Resources
DOADepartment of Administration
DOCDepartment of Corrections
DOJDepartment of Justice
DORDepartment of Revenue
DOTDepartment of Transportation
DPIDepartment of Public Instruction
DRLDepartment of Regulation and Licensing
DVADepartment of Veterans Affairs
DWDDepartment of Workforce Development
JCFJoint Committee on Finance
OCIOffice of the Commissioner of Insurance
PSCPublic Service Commission
UWUniversity of Wisconsin
WHEDAWisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority
WHEFAWisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority
Under current law, DATCP administers the Soil and Water Resource
Management Program, which provides funding for land and water resource
management projects and for the construction of animal waste management
systems. This bill increases the state general obligation bonding authority for the
program by $7,000,000.
Under current law, beginning on February 1, 2004, dog and cat breeders, and
persons who operate pet stores, kennels, and animal shelters must have licenses
from DATCP. The law requires DATCP to specify requirements for humane care to
be provided by these persons. This bill repeals the law regulating dog and cat
breeders and operators of pet stores, kennels, and animal shelters.
Current law requires a person who is licensed to manufacture or distribute
fertilizer in Wisconsin to pay several fees and surcharges, including a basic fee of 30
cents per ton of fertilizer sold or distributed. This bill increases the basic fee to 45
cents per ton. Current law requires a person who is licensed to manufacture or
distribute animal feed to pay a feed inspection fee of 23 cents per ton. This bill
increases the feed inspection fee to 30 cents per ton.
Current law requires a person who is licensed to manufacture or label
pesticides to pay a number of fees and surcharges when the person applies for a
license. The license year begins on January 1. The fees and surcharges are based
on sales during the 12 months ending on September 30 of the year preceding the year
for which a license is sought. Under this bill, the fees and surcharges paid by a
pesticide licensee are based on sales during the 12-month period that ends on
September 30 of the license year. Fees are initially based on estimated sales. At the

end of the license year, the person pays any balance due based on actual sales or may
request a refund for any overpayment.
Under current law, grants to counties for programs to collect waste farm
chemicals and farm chemical containers are funded from the agrichemical
management fund. This bill changes the source of funding for the grants to the
recycling fund.
Currently, a person who is licensed to manufacture or distribute fertilizer must
pay an agricultural chemical cleanup surcharge of 38 cents per ton of fertilizer sold
or distributed, unless DATCP establishes a lower surcharge by rule. This bill
authorizes DATCP to increase the agricultural chemical cleanup surcharge to up to
88 cents per ton.
Under the Agricultural Chemical Cleanup Program, DATCP pays a portion of
the costs of cleaning up spills of agricultural chemicals. This bill reduces the
reimbursement rate under the program from 80% to 75% of eligible costs.
Commerce and economic development
Business organizations and financial institutions
Under current law, any limited liability company that is organized in another
state and that may operate in Wisconsin must file an annual report containing
specified information with DFI. This bill requires Wisconsin limited liability
companies to file a similar annual report and establishes a procedure by which DFI
may administratively dissolve a Wisconsin limited liability company for violating
this requirement.
Under current law, savings banks and savings and loan associations are
regulated by the Division of Savings Institutions in DFI. This bill eliminates the
Division of Savings Institutions and, instead, provides that savings banks and
savings and loan associations are regulated by the Division of Banking in DFI.