2003 - 2004 LEGISLATURE
March 2, 2004 - Introduced by Senators Roessler, Zien, Darling, S. Fitzgerald,
and Lassa, cosponsored by Representatives Bies, Friske, Gunderson,
Jeskewitz, Taylor, Pocan, Miller, Staskunas, Black
and Nischke. Referred
to Committee on Health, Children, Families, Aging and Long Term Care.
SB518,1,5 1An Act to amend 302.43, 973.032 (6), 973.155 (1) (b) and 973.155 (3); to repeal
2and recreate
961.472 (5); and to create 16.964 (10), 20.505 (6) (kv), 967.11 and
3973.155 (1m) of the statutes; relating to: grants to counties for providing
4alternatives to prosecution and incarceration for persons who abuse alcohol or
5other drugs and making an appropriation.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the Department of Health and Family Services (DHFS)
funds and oversees the Treatment Alternative Program. Through this program,
DHFS is required to make grants to enable grantees (who may be county, tribal, or
nonprofit agencies) to provide assessments of and treatment for alcohol and other
drug abuse, as an alternative to incarceration, to a person who: 1) is involved with
the criminal justice system, either as a defendant or as a party to a diversion
agreement; or 2) is currently or has previously been determined drug dependent.
Current law requires DHFS to distribute the grants so that the program serves
people in a variety of geographic locations. Current law also imposes certain
requirements regarding: 1) communication between grantees and actors in the
criminal justice system; 2) early identification of eligible participants; 3) assessment,
referral, treatment, and monitoring procedures; and 4) data collection for program
management and evaluation.
This bill establishes a new program, administered by the Office of Justice
Assistance (OJA) in collaboration with DHFS and the Department of Corrections,

that provides grants to county departments which currently provide substance
abuse treatment services. Under the program, grants are provided to enable county
departments to establish programs that provide alternatives to prosecution and
incarceration for criminal offenders who abuse alcohol or other drugs. In order for
a county department (or a group of county departments applying jointly) to be
eligible for a grant, its (or their) program must: 1) meet the needs of people who abuse
alcohol or other drugs and who may be or have been charged with or who have been
convicted of a crime related to the use or abuse of alcohol or other drugs; 2) be
designed to promote public safety, reduce prison and jail populations, reduce
prosecution and incarceration costs, reduce recidivism, and improve the welfare of
participants' families by meeting the comprehensive needs of participants (including
needs relating to mental health, employment, stable housing, and family
reunification); 3) establish eligibility criteria for participants (which must exclude
persons charged with or convicted of a violent offense); 4) be consistent with the best
practices in substance abuse and mental health treatment and provide intensive
case management through DHFS-certified providers; 5) use graduated sanctions
and incentives; 6) integrate all mental health services provided to participants by
state and local government agencies and other organizations; 7) require participants
to pay a reasonable amount for their treatment, based on their income and available
assets; and 8) be developed with input from a variety of specified individuals and
agencies. The bill also specifies that a program that meets these requirements
(regardless of whether it receives a grant) may entail participants being required to
submit to electronic monitoring or participating in a day reporting program as a
condition of participation.
Under the bill, a county department for a county with a population of 500,000
or more (currently only Milwaukee County) must apply for a grant, and OJA must
award it a grant if its program meets the requirements established under the bill.
In selecting other grantees, OJA must give priority to counties that have the largest
number of residents in state prisons for crimes or violations of extended supervision,
parole, or probation relating to the abuse of alcohol or other drugs.
A county department that receives a grant under the bill must create an
oversight committee to advise the county department in administering and
evaluating its program. It must also comply with state audits and submit an annual
report to OJA regarding the impact of the program on jail and prison populations.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB518, s. 1 1Section 1. 16.964 (10) of the statutes is created to read:
SB518,2,22 16.964 (10) (a) In this subsection:
11. "County department" means a county department under s. 51.42 or 51.437
2that provides substance abuse treatment services.
SB518,3,33 2. "Violent offender" means a person to whom one of the following applies:
SB518,3,74 a. The person has been charged with or convicted of an offense in a pending case
5and, during the course of the offense, the person carried, possessed, or used a
6dangerous weapon, the person used force against another person, or a person died
7or suffered serious bodily harm.
SB518,3,108 b. The person has one or more prior convictions for a felony involving the use
9or attempted use of force against another person with the intent to cause death or
10serious bodily harm.
SB518,3,1711 (b) The office shall make grants to county departments to enable them to
12establish and operate programs, including suspended and deferred prosecution
13programs and programs based on principles of restorative justice, that provide
14alternatives to prosecution and incarceration for criminal offenders who abuse
15alcohol or other drugs. The office shall make the grants from the appropriation under
16s. 20.505 (6) (kv). The office shall collaborate with the departments of corrections and
17health and family services in establishing this grant program.
SB518,3,1918 (c) A county department shall be eligible for a grant under par. (b) if all of the
19following apply:
SB518,3,2320 1. The county department's program is designed to meet the needs of a person
21who abuses alcohol or other drugs and who may be or has been charged with or who
22has been convicted of a crime in that county related to the person's use or abuse of
23alcohol or other drugs.
SB518,4,224 2. The program is designed to promote public safety, reduce prison and jail
25populations, reduce prosecution and incarceration costs, reduce recidivism, and

1improve the welfare of participants' families by meeting the comprehensive needs of
SB518,4,53 3. The program establishes eligibility criteria for a person's participation. The
4criteria shall specify that a violent offender is not eligible to participate in the
SB518,4,76 4. The program is consistent with the best practices in substance abuse and
7mental health treatment and provides intensive case management.
SB518,4,98 5. The program uses graduated sanctions and incentives to promote successful
9substance abuse treatment.
SB518,4,1510 6. The program provides holistic treatment to its participants and provides
11them services that may be needed, as determined under the program, to eliminate
12or reduce their use of alcohol or other drugs, improve their mental health, facilitate
13their gainful employment or enhanced education or training, provide them stable
14housing, facilitate family reunification, ensure payment of child support, and
15achieve other objectives selected under subd. 10.
SB518,4,2016 7. The program is designed to integrate all mental health services provided to
17program participants by state and local government agencies and other
18organizations. The program shall require regular communication between a
19participant's substance abuse treatment providers and any probation, extended
20supervision, and parole agent assigned to the participant.
SB518,4,2321 8. The program provides substance abuse and mental health treatment
22services through providers that are certified by the department of health and family
SB518,4,2524 9. The program requires participants to pay a reasonable amount for their
25treatment, based on their income and available assets.
110. The program is developed with input from one or more circuit court judges,
2the district attorney, the state public defender, local law enforcement officials, the
3county department, other county agencies responsible for providing social services,
4including services relating to child welfare, mental health, and the Wisconsin works
5program, the departments of corrections and health and family services, private
6social services agencies, and substance abuse treatment providers.
SB518,5,87 11. The county department complies with other eligibility requirements
8established by the office to promote the objectives listed in subds. 1. and 2.
SB518,5,129 (d) A county department for a county with a population of 500,000 or more shall
10apply for a grant from the office under par. (b). After ensuring that the county
11department's program meets the requirements of par. (c), the office shall award the
12county department a grant under par. (a).
SB518,5,1713 (e) In selecting among competing grant proposals from county departments
14other than a county department applying under par. (d), the office shall give priority
15to counties that have the largest number of residents in state prisons as a result of
16crimes or violations of extended supervision, parole, or probation relating to the
17abuse of alcohol or other drugs.
SB518,6,318 (f) 1. A county department that receives a grant under this subsection shall
19create an oversight committee to advise the county department in administering and
20evaluating its program. Each committee shall consist of a circuit court judge, the
21district attorney or his or her designee, the state public defender or his or her
22designee, a local law enforcement official, a representative of the county department,
23a representative of each other county agency responsible for providing social
24services, including services relating to child welfare, mental health, and the
25Wisconsin works program, representatives of the departments of corrections and

1health and family services, a representative from private social services agencies, a
2representative of substance abuse treatment providers, and other members to be
3determined by the county department.
SB518,6,64 2. A county department that receives a grant under this subsection shall
5comply with state audits and shall submit an annual report to the office regarding
6the impact of the program on jail and prison populations.
SB518,6,127 (g) Two or more county departments may jointly apply for and receive a grant
8under this subsection. If county departments submit a joint application, they shall
9include with their application a written agreement specifying each county
10department's role in developing, administering, and evaluating the program. The
11oversight committee established under par. (c) shall consist of representatives from
12each county department.
SB518,6,1413 (h) The office shall assist a county department receiving grants under this
14subsection in obtaining funding from other sources for its program.
SB518,6,1815 (i) The office shall inform any county department that is applying for a grant
16under this subsection whether the county department meets the requirements
17established under par. (c), regardless of whether the county department receives a
SB518, s. 2 19Section 2. 20.505 (6) (kv) of the statutes is created to read:
SB518,6,2320 20.505 (6) (kv) Grants for substance abuse treatment programs for criminal
All moneys received from the departments of corrections and health and
22family services that are provided to enable the office to make grants to counties under
23s. 16.964 (10) for the purpose of making such grants.
SB518, s. 3 24Section 3. 302.43 of the statutes is amended to read:
1302.43 Good time. Every inmate of a county jail is eligible to earn good time
2in the amount of one-fourth of his or her term for good behavior if sentenced to at
3least 4 days, but fractions of a day shall be ignored. An inmate shall be given credit
4for time served prior to sentencing under s. 973.155, including good time under s.
5973.155 (4). An inmate who violates any law or any regulation of the jail, or neglects
6or refuses to perform any duty lawfully required of him or her, may be deprived by
7the sheriff of good time under this section, except that the sheriff shall not deprive
8the inmate of more than 2 days good time for any one offense without the approval
9of the court. An inmate who files an action or special proceeding, including a petition
10for a common law writ of certiorari, to which s. 807.15 applies shall be deprived of
11the number of days of good time specified in the court order prepared under s. 807.15
12(3). This section does not apply to a person who is confined in the county jail in
13connection with his or her participation in a substance abuse treatment program
14that meets the requirements of s. 16.964 (10) (c), as determined by the office of justice
15assistance under s. 16.964 (10) (i).
SB518, s. 4 16Section 4. 961.472 (5) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB518,7,1817 961.472 (5) The court is not required to enter an order under sub. (2) if any of
18the following applies:
SB518,7,2019 (a) The court finds that the person is already covered by or has recently
20completed an assessment under this section or a substantially similar assessment.
SB518,7,2321 (b) The person is participating in a substance abuse treatment program that
22meets the requirements of s. 16.964 (10) (c), as determined by the office of justice
23assistance under s. 16.964 (10) (i).
SB518, s. 5 24Section 5. 967.11 of the statutes is created to read:
1967.11 Alternatives to prosecution and incarceration; monitoring
(1) In this section, "approved substance abuse treatment program"
3means a substance abuse treatment program that meets the requirements of s.
416.964 (10) (c), as determined by the office of justice assistance under s. 16.964 (10)
SB518,8,11 6(2) If a county department establishes an approved substance abuse treatment
7program and the program authorizes the use of electronic monitoring or day
8reporting programs, a court or a district attorney may require a person participating
9in an approved substance abuse treatment program to submit to electronic
10monitoring or to participate in a day reporting program as a condition of
SB518, s. 6 12Section 6. 973.032 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB518,8,1513 973.032 (6) Credit. Any sentence credit under s. 973.155 (1) or (1m) applies
14toward service of the period under sub. (3) (a) but does not apply toward service of
15the period under sub. (3) (b).
SB518, s. 7 16Section 7. 973.155 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: