2003 - 2004 LEGISLATURE
March 10, 2004 - Introduced by Senators Moore, Risser, Wirch, Carpenter, Plale
and Robson, cosponsored by Representatives Berceau, Pocan, Richards,
Pope-Roberts, Shilling, Sinicki, Taylor, Vruwink, Hebl, Wasserman, Black,
Turner, Miller
and Boyle. Referred to Committee on Health, Children,
Families, Aging and Long Term Care.
SB544,1,10 1An Act to repeal 118.019 (2m) (title); to renumber 50.38 (1); to renumber and
118.019 (2m); to amend 50.38 (2), 118.019 (1), 118.019 (2) (intro.),
3118.019 (2) (a), 118.019 (2) (b), 118.019 (2) (c), 118.019 (2) (d), 118.019 (2) (e),
4118.019 (2) (f), 118.019 (3) and 450.09 (2); and to create 50.375, 50.376, 50.38
5(1) (b) and 118.019 (2) (g) of the statutes; relating to: school district human
6growth and development programs; requiring a hospital to provide to an alleged
7victim of sexual assault, with consent, information and emergency
8contraception; requiring the availability, in a hospital, of a practitioner to
9prescribe contraceptive articles; requiring the availability, in a pharmacy, of a
10pharmacist to dispense contraceptive articles; and providing a penalty.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the Department of Health and Family Services (DHFS)
issues certificates of approval to hospitals that meet DHFS requirements and
otherwise regulates approved hospitals.
This bill requires a hospital to do all of the following if it provides emergency
services to an alleged victim of sexual assault and has obtained the victim's consent:

1) provide her with medically and factually accurate and unbiased written and oral
information about emergency contraception; 2) orally inform her of her option to
receive emergency contraception; and 3) provide emergency contraception
immediately to her if she requests it. "Emergency contraception" is defined in the
bill to be a contraceptive article that prevents a pregnancy after sexual intercourse.
"Contraceptive article" is defined to be a drug, medicine, oral hormonal compound,
mixture, preparation, instrument, article, or device that is approved by the federal
Food and Drug Administration for use to prevent a pregnancy and that may not be
obtained without a prescription. The definition of "contraceptive article" specifically
excludes a drug, medicine, oral hormonal compound, mixture, preparation,
instrument, article, or device of any nature that is prescribed to terminate the
pregnancy of a woman who is known by the prescribing practitioner to be pregnant.
The bill also requires that a hospital that provides emergency care ensure that
each hospital employee who provides care to an alleged victim of sexual assault have
available medically and factually accurate and unbiased information about
emergency contraception. DHFS must respond to complaints about violations of
these requirements and must periodically review procedures of hospitals to
determine whether they are in compliance. Violators of the requirements are subject
to forfeitures. DHFS may, after providing notice to a hospital that has violated the
requirements twice, suspend or revoke the hospital's certificate of approval and deny
application for a new certificate of approval.
Additionally, the bill requires that a hospital ensure that at least one person
licensed to prescribe and administer drugs be available in the hospital to prescribe
to a patient a contraceptive article, as defined in the bill, including emergency
Under current law, a pharmaceutical service may not be provided in a
pharmacy unless a pharmacist is present to provide or supervise the service. This
bill requires that a pharmacy ensure that at least one pharmacist is available in the
pharmacy to dispense to a patient a contraceptive article, including emergency
Under current law, a school board may provide an instructional program in
human growth and development in grades kindergarten to 12. The program may
include instruction in a number of areas, including self-esteem, interpersonal
relationships, human sexuality, family life, and sex stereotypes. This bill provides
that, if a school board offers a human growth and development program, it must
provide instruction in all specified areas. The bill makes several changes in these
areas, including the following:
1. Currently, a school board may include instruction in the discouragement of
adolescent sexual activity. This bill provides instead that a school board must
include instruction in the social, psychological, and health benefits of abstaining
from sexual activity.
2. Current law authorizes a school board to include instruction in human
immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. This bill
requires a school board to include instruction in all sexually transmitted diseases.

3. The bill requires instruction relating to sexual exploitation, acquaintance
rape, the legal consequences of sexual contact with a minor, and marriage and family
responsibility, including financial responsibility.
4. The bill requires that instruction in human sexuality be comprehensive and
medically accurate. The bill defines "medically accurate" to mean supported by
research, recognized as accurate and objective by leading medical, psychological,
psychiatric, and public health organizations and agencies with expertise in the
relevant field, and published in peer-reviewed journals.
The bill also provides that a human growth and development curriculum may
include assignments that provide parents with opportunities to communicate to
their children their expectations regarding the sexual behavior of their children.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB544, s. 1 1Section 1. 50.375 of the statutes is created to read:
SB544,3,3 250.375 Emergency contraception for alleged victims of sexual assault.
3(1) In this section:
SB544,3,54 (a) "Emergency contraception" means a contraceptive article, as defined in s.
550.376 (1) (a), that prevents a pregnancy after sexual intercourse.
SB544,3,66 (b) "Sexual assault" means a violation of s. 940.225 (1), (2), or (3).
SB544,3,8 7(2) A hospital that provides emergency services to an alleged victim of sexual
8assault shall, after obtaining the consent of the victim, do all of the following:
SB544,3,109 (a) Provide to the victim medically and factually accurate and unbiased written
10and oral information about emergency contraception.
SB544,3,1211 (b) Orally inform the victim of her option to receive emergency contraception
12at the hospital.
SB544,3,1413 (c) Provide emergency contraception immediately at the hospital to the victim
14if she requests it.
1(3) A hospital that provides emergency care shall ensure that each hospital
2employee who provides care to an alleged victim of sexual assault has available
3medically and factually accurate and unbiased information about emergency
SB544,4,8 5(4) The department shall respond to any complaint received by the department
6concerning noncompliance by a hospital with the requirements of subs. (2) and (3)
7and shall periodically review hospital procedures to determine whether a hospital
8is in compliance with the requirements.
SB544, s. 2 9Section 2. 50.376 of the statutes is created to read:
SB544,4,11 1050.376 Availability to prescribe contraceptive articles. (1) In this
SB544,4,1912 (a) "Contraceptive article" means a drug, medicine, mixture, preparation,
13instrument, article, or device of any nature that is approved by the federal food and
14drug administration for use to prevent a pregnancy, that is prescribed by a
15practitioner, as defined in s. 450.01 (17), for use to prevent a pregnancy, and that may
16not be obtained without a prescription from a practitioner. "Contraceptive article"
17does not include any drug, medicine, mixture, preparation, instrument, article, or
18device of any nature prescribed for use in terminating the pregnancy of a woman who
19is known by the prescribing practitioner to be pregnant.
SB544,4,2120 (b) "Emergency contraception" means a contraceptive article that prevents a
21pregnancy after sexual intercourse.
SB544,4,24 22(2) A hospital shall ensure that at least one practitioner, as defined in s. 450.01
23(17), is available on the hospital premises to prescribe to a patient a contraceptive
24article, including emergency contraception.
SB544, s. 3 25Section 3. 50.38 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 50.38 (1) (a).
SB544, s. 4
1Section 4. 50.38 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
SB544,5,62 50.38 (1) (b) Whoever violates a requirement under s. 50.375 (2) or (3) may be
3required to forfeit not less than $2,500 nor more than $5,000 for each violation. If
4a hospital violates s. 50.375 (2) twice, the department may, after providing notice to
5the hospital, suspend or revoke the hospital's certificate of approval and may deny
6application for a new certificate of approval.
SB544, s. 5 7Section 5. 50.38 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB544,5,138 50.38 (2) The department may directly assess forfeitures provided for under
9sub. (1) (a) or (b). If the department determines that a forfeiture should be assessed
10for a particular violation, the department shall send a notice of assessment to the
11hospital. The notice shall specify the amount of the forfeiture assessed, the violation
12and the statute or rule alleged to have been violated, and shall inform the hospital
13of the right to a hearing under sub. (3).
SB544, s. 6 14Section 6. 118.019 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB544,5,2115 118.019 (1) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to encourage all school
16boards to make available to pupils instruction in topics related to human growth and
17development in order to promote accurate and comprehensive knowledge in this area
18and responsible decision making and, to support and enhance the efforts of parents
19to provide moral guidance to their children, to promote abstinence from sexual
20activity as the safest and best choice for pupils, and to include comprehensive
21education in human sexuality
SB544, s. 7 22Section 7. 118.019 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB544,6,223 118.019 (2) Subjects. (intro.) A school board may provide an instructional
24program in human growth and development in grades kindergarten to 12. If
25provided, the program shall offer information and instruction appropriate to each

1grade level and the age and level of maturity of the pupils . Except as provided in sub.
2(2m), the program may
and shall include instruction in any all of the following areas:
SB544, s. 8 3Section 8. 118.019 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB544,6,64 118.019 (2) (a) Self-esteem Instruction in self-esteem, responsible decision
5making and personal responsibility related to family life, relationships, and sexual
SB544, s. 9 7Section 9. 118.019 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB544,6,98 118.019 (2) (b) Interpersonal Instruction in interpersonal relationships,
9including growth in respect and self-control
SB544, s. 10 10Section 10. 118.019 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB544,6,1211 118.019 (2) (c) Discouragement of adolescent Instruction in the social,
12psychological, and health benefits of abstaining from
sexual activity.