2003 - 2004 LEGISLATURE
May 13, 2004 - Introduced by Law Revision Committee. Referred to Committee
on Homeland Security, Veterans and Military Affairs and Government
SB566,1,5 1An Act relating to: repealing, consolidating, renumbering, amending, and
2revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose of correcting errors,
3supplying omissions, correcting and clarifying references, eliminating defects,
4anachronisms, conflicts, ambiguities, and obsolete provisions, reconciling
5conflicts, and repelling unintended repeals (Revisor's Correction Bill).
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This revisor's revision bill is explained in the Notes provided by the revisor of
statutes in the body of the bill. In accordance with a change in drafting style, commas
before the last item in a series are added throughout this bill. "Which" is replaced
by "that" where grammatically correct.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB566, s. 1 6Section 1. The treatment of 5.05 (11) of the statutes by 2003 Wisconsin Act 265
7is not repealed by 2003 Wisconsin Act 266. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the revisor, s. 5.05 (11) reads:
(11) Aids to counties and municipalities. From the appropriations under s.
20.510 (1) (t) and (x), the board may provide financial assistance to eligible counties and

municipalities for election administration costs in accordance with the plan adopted
under sub. (10). As a condition precedent to receipt of assistance under this subsection,
the board shall enter into an agreement with the county or municipality receiving the
assistance specifying the intended use of the assistance and shall ensure compliance with
the terms of the agreement. Each agreement shall provide that if the federal government
objects to the use of any assistance moneys provided to the county or municipality under
the agreement, the county or municipality shall repay the amount of the assistance
provided to the board.
SB566, s. 2 1Section 2. 6.18 (form) of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin Act 109
2and 2003 Wisconsin Act .... (Senate Bill 558), is amended to read:
SB566,2,6 36.18 (form) This form shall be returned to the municipal clerk's office.
4Application must be received in sufficient time for ballots to be mailed and returned
5prior to any presidential election at which applicant wishes to vote. Complete all
6statements in full.
SB566,2,99 (To be voted at the Presidential Election
SB566,2,1010 on November ...., .... (year)
SB566,2,1911 I, .... hereby swear or affirm that I am a citizen of the United States, formerly
12residing at .... in the .... ward .... aldermanic district (city, town, village) of ...., County
13of .... for 10 days prior to leaving the State of Wisconsin. I, .... do solemnly swear or
14affirm that I do not qualify to register or vote under the laws of the State of ....(State
15you now reside in) where I am presently residing. A citizen must be a resident of:
16State ....(Insert time) County ....(Insert time) City, Town or Village ....(Insert time),
17in order to be eligible to register or vote therein. I further swear or affirm that my
18legal residence was established in the State of ....(the State where you now reside)
19on .... Month .... Day .... Year.
SB566,2,2020 Signed ....
SB566,2,2121 Address ....(Present address)
1....(City) ....(State)
SB566,3,22 Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... day of .... .... (year)
SB566,3,33 ....(Notary Public, or other officer authorized to administer oaths.)
SB566,3,44 ....(County)
SB566,3,55 My Commission expires
SB566,3,77 NAME ....
SB566,3,88 ADDRESS ....
SB566,3,99 CITY .... STATE .... ZIP CODE ....
SB566,3,14 10Penalties for Violations. Whoever swears falsely to any absent elector affidavit
11under this section may be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than
126 months, or both. Whoever intentionally votes more than once in an election may
13be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than 3 years and 6 months
14or both.
SB566,3,1515 ....(Municipal Clerk)
SB566,3,1616 ....(Municipality)
Note: The stricken comma was inserted by 2003 Wis. Act .... (SB 558) without
underscoring. No change was intended.
SB566, s. 3 17Section 3. 6.36 (2) (c) 2. of the statutes, as affected by 2003 Wisconsin Act 265,
18section 59b, is amended to read:
SB566,4,219 6.36 (2) (c) 2. If the registration list is prepared for use an at an election for
20national office, the list shall contain, next to the name of each elector, an indication
21of whether identification is required for the elector to be permitted to vote.
22Identification is required if the elector is not a military elector or an overseas elector

1and the elector registers by mail and has not previously voted in an election for
2national office in this state.
Note: The order of "at" and "an" was reversed by 2003 Wis. Act 265, section 59b,
without strikes and underscores. No change was intended.
SB566, s. 4 3Section 4. 6.79 (2) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2003 Wisconsin Act 265,
4section 95g, is amended to read:
SB566,4,135 6.79 (2) (a) Except as provided in sub. (6) (b), where there is registration, each
6person, before receiving a voting number, shall state his or her full name and
7address. Upon the prepared registration list, after the name of each elector, the
8officials shall enter the serial number of the vote as it is polled, beginning with
9number one. Each elector shall receive a slip bearing the same serial number. A
10separate list shall be maintained for electors who are voting under s. 6.15, 6.29 or
116.55 (2) or (3) and electors who are reassigned from another polling place under s.
125.25 (5) (b). Each such elector shall have his or her full name, address and serial
13number likewise entered and shall be given a slip bearing such number.
Note: Section 6.79 (6) (b) is renumbered s. 6.79 (6) by 2003 Wis. Act 265.
SB566, s. 5 14Section 5. The treatment of 16.385 (3) (e) 7. of the statutes by 2003 Wisconsin
15Act 33
is not repealed by 2003 Wisconsin Act .... (Senate Bill 558). Both treatments
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the revisor, s. 16.27 (3) (e)
7., as renumbered from s. 16.385 (3) (e) 7. by 2003 Wis Act 33, reads:
7. By October 1 of each year, allocate funds budgeted but not spent and any funds
remaining from previous fiscal years to heating assistance under sub. (6) or to the
weatherization assistance program under s. 16.26.
SB566, s. 6 17Section 6. 20.115 (2) (j) (title) of the statutes, as affected by 2003 Wisconsin
18Act .... (Senate Bill 564), is amended to read:
SB566,4,1919 20.115 (2) (j) (title) Dog licenses, rabies control, and related services.
Note: The underscored comma was deleted by 2003 Wis. Act .... (SB 564) without
being shown as stricken. No change was intended.
SB566, s. 7
1Section 7. 20.370 (6) (eg) of the statutes, as created by 2003 Wisconsin Act 314,
2is renumbered 20.370 (6) (eh).
Note: Confirms renumbering by the revisor under s. 13.93 (1) (b). 2003 Wis. Act
also creates a provision numbered s. 20.370 (6) (eg).
SB566, s. 8 3Section 8. The treatment of 20.435 (1) (gm) of the statutes by 2003 Wisconsin
4Act .... (Senate Bill 557) is not repealed by 2003 Wisconsin Act .... (Senate Bill 564).
5Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the revisor, s. 20.435 (1) (gm)
(gm) Licensing, review and certifying activities; fees; supplies and services. The
amounts in the schedule for the purposes specified in ss. 146.50 (8), 250.05 (6), 252.23,
252.24, 252.245, 254.176, 254.178, 254.179, 254.20 (5) and (8), 254.31 to 254.39, 254.41,
254.47, 254.61 to 254.88, and 255.08 (2) and ch. 69, for the purchase and distribution of
medical supplies and to analyze and provide data under s. 250.04. All moneys received
under ss. 146.50 (5) (f) and (8) (d), 250.04 (3m), 250.05 (6), 252.23 (4) (a), 252.24 (4) (a),
252.245 (9), 254.176, 254.178, 254.181, 254.20 (5) and (8), 254.31 to 254.39, 254.41,
254.47, 254.61 to 254.88, and 255.08 (2) (b) and ch. 69 and as reimbursement for medical
supplies shall be credited to this appropriation account.
SB566, s. 9 6Section 9. The treatment of 30.12 (3) (a) 6. of the statutes by 2003 Wisconsin
7Act 118
is not repealed by 2003 Wisconsin Act .... (Senate Bill 558). Both treatments
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the revisor, s. 30.12 (3) (a)
6. reads:
6. Place a permanent boat shelter adjacent to the owner's property for the purpose
of storing or protecting watercraft and associated materials, except that no general or
individual permit may be issued for a permanent boat shelter that is constructed after
May 3, 1988, if the property on which the permanent boat shelter is to be located also
contains a boathouse within 75 feet of the ordinary high-water mark or if there is a
boathouse over navigable waters adjacent to the owner's property.
SB566, s. 10 9Section 10. 30.209 (1) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
SB566,5,1010 30.209 (1) (title) Definition.
Note: The other subsections in this section have titles.
SB566, s. 11 11Section 11. 33.30 (2m) (a) of the statutes, as created by 2003 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB566,5,1313 33.30 (2m) (a) The proposed annual budget required under sub. s. 33.29 (1) (g).

Note: Inserts correct cross-reference. There is no s. 33.30 (1) (g). Section 33.29 (1)
(g), as created by 2003 Wis. Act 275, requires the proposed annual budgets.
SB566, s. 12 1Section 12. The treatment of 49.175 (1) (z) of the statutes by 2003 Wisconsin
2Act 33
is not repealed by 2003 Wisconsin Act .... (Senate Bill 558). Both treatments
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the revisor, s. 49.175 (1) (z)
(z) Grants to the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. For grants to the Wisconsin
Chapter of the Boys and Girls Clubs of America to fund programs that improve social,
academic, and employment skills of youth who are eligible to receive temporary
assistance for needy families under 42 USC 601 et seq., $300,000 in each fiscal year.
SB566, s. 13 4Section 13. 60.85 (7) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2003 Wisconsin Act ....
5(Senate Bill 564), is amended to read:
SB566,6,136 60.85 (7) (a) Any person who operates for profit and is paid project costs under
7sub. (1) (h) 1. a., d., i., and j. in connection with the project plan for a tax incremental
8district shall notify the department of workforce development and the local
9workforce development board established under 29 USC 2832 of any positions to be
10filled in the county in which the town which that created the tax incremental district
11is located during the period commencing with the date the person first performs work
12on the project and ending one year after receipt of its final payment of project costs.
13The person shall provide this notice at least 2 weeks prior to advertising the position.
Note: Inserts serial comma and replaces "which" with "that" in conformity with
current style.
SB566, s. 14 14Section 14. 66.0217 (14) of the statutes, as created by 2003 Wisconsin Act 171,
15is renumbered 66.0217 (15).
Note: Confirms renumbering by the revisor under s. 13.93 (1) (b). 2003 Wis. Act
also created a provision numbered s. 66.0217 (14).
SB566, s. 15 16Section 15. The treatment of 66.0223 of the statutes by 2003 Wisconsin Act 171
17is not repealed by 2003 Wisconsin Act 317. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the revisor, s. 66.0223 (1),
as renumbered from s. 66.0223 by 2003 Wis. Act 317, reads:

(1) In addition to other methods provided by law and subject to sub. (2) and ss.
59.692 (7) and 66.0307 (7), territory owned by and lying near but not necessarily
contiguous to a village or city may be annexed to a village or city by ordinance enacted
by the board of trustees of the village or the common council of the city, provided that in
the case of noncontiguous territory the use of the territory by the city or village is not
contrary to any town or county zoning regulation. The ordinance shall contain the exact
description of the territory annexed and the names of the towns from which detached, and
attaches the territory to the village or city upon the filing of 7 certified copies of the
ordinance in the office of the secretary of state, together with 7 copies of a plat showing
the boundaries of the territory attached. Two copies of the ordinance and plat shall be
forwarded by the secretary of state to the department of transportation, one copy to the
department of administration, one copy to the department of natural resources, one copy
to the department of revenue and one copy to the department of public instruction.
Within 10 days of filing the certified copies, a copy of the ordinance and plat shall be
mailed or delivered to the clerk of the county in which the annexed territory is located.
Sections 66.0203 (8) (c) and 66.0217 (11) apply to annexations under this section.
SB566, s. 16 1Section 16. 66.0419 (3m) (a) 3. of the statutes, as created by 2003 Wisconsin
2Act 278
, is amended to read:
SB566,7,43 66.0419 (3m) (a) 3. The provision of broadband service by the cable television
4system, if the requirements of s. 66.0422 (3d) (a) 1., 2., (b), or 3. (c) are satisfied.
Note: Section 66.0422 (3d) (a) is renumbered s. 66.0422 (3d) by this bill.
SB566, s. 17 5Section 17. 66.0422 (3d) (a) of the statutes, as created by 2003 Wisconsin Act
, is renumbered 66.0422 (3d), and 66.0422 (3d) (b) and (c), as renumbered, are
7amended to read:
SB566,7,128 66.0422 (3d) (b) The local government determines that a person who responded
9to a written request under subd. 1. par. (a) that the person currently provides
10broadband service to the area did not actually provide broadband service to the area
11and no other person makes the response to the local government described in subd.
par. (a).
SB566,8,213 (c) The local government determines that a person who responded to a written
14request under subd. 1. par. (a) that the person intended to provide broadband service
15to the area within 9 months did not actually provide broadband service to the area

1within 9 months and no other person makes the response to the local government
2described in subd. 1. par. (a).
Note: Section 66.0422 (3d) has no other paragraphs.
SB566, s. 18 3Section 18. 66.1001 (5) of the statutes, as created by 2003 Wisconsin Act 307,
4is renumbered 66.1001 (6).
Note: Confirms renumbering by the revisor under s. 13.93 (1) (b). 2003 Wis. Act
also created a provision numbered s. 66.1001 (5).