Private school: refundable individual income tax credit created re claimants with dependent children enrolled in  - AB816
Rehabilitation reviews for persons otherwise not permitted to be employed at, contract with, or reside at certain care facilities: tribal authority to conduct; report and registry revisions - AB401
Rehabilitation reviews for persons otherwise not permitted to be employed at, contract with, or reside at certain care facilities: tribal authority to conduct; report and registry revisions - SB192
Safety belts on certain school buses required; school board may adopt additional rules -  AB590
Snowmobile safety certification program: additional hours of instruction for persons under age 16 required  - AB810
Snowmobile safety certification program: additional hours of instruction for persons under age 16 required  - SB434
Sturgeon spearing license age requirement -  AB782
Sturgeon spearing license age requirement -  SB391
TANF moneys to fund W-2 child care subsidy program [Sec. 1242-1244] -  SB44
Youth environmental education programs: organizations or agencies must enter into a contract with DNR and comply with conditions to receive payment; funding from surcharge re environmental law violations -  AB910
Youth environmental education programs: organizations or agencies must enter into a contract with DNR and comply with conditions to receive payment; funding from surcharge re environmental law violations -  SB496
Child abuse or neglect: false statement knowingly made by person required to report such incidents prohibited  - AB646
Child abuse or neglect investigations: informing suspect of specific allegations and training investigators in the constitutional and other legal rights of the child and child's family  - SB510
First degree sexual assault of a child: penalty changed from Class B to Class A felony -  SB490
Foster home, treatment foster home, shelter, group home, or residential care center workers or volunteers prohibited from having sexual contact or sexual intercourse with children placed there; felony provisions -  AB863
Harassment, child abuse, and vulnerable adult injunctions modified -  AB474
Sexual assault of a child and first-degree sexual assault: limitations period for prosecutions eliminated  - AB795
Sexual assault or exploitation of a child by a member of the clergy: actions for damages permitted and time limit to cover the cause of action expanded; time limit to prosecute assault by instructional staff person increased; clergy required to report sexual abuse of a child, exception provided  - AB428
Sexual assault or exploitation of a child by a member of the clergy: actions for damages permitted and time limit to cover the cause of action expanded; time limit to prosecute assault by instructional staff person increased; clergy required to report sexual abuse of a child, exception provided [S.Amdt.1: reporting provision re ``reasonable cause to suspect" deleted; restored by A.Amdt.2] -  SB207
children _ adoptionChildren — Adoption
Adoption expenses: certain income tax deduction discontinued; nonrefundable individual income tax credit created  - SB292
Adoption expenses: nonrefundable individual income tax credit created -  SB408
Newborn child relinquished by parent: TPR, adoptive placement, and juvenile court provisions  - AB73
Special order of business for March 11, 2004 established re SB-408 -  AR39
children _ delinquentChildren — Delinquent, see Juvenile delinquency
children _ emotionally disturbedChildren — Emotionally disturbed, see Mental health
Actions affecting the family: judge or circuit court commissioner authority to order educational parenting program attendance revised -  AB368
Actions affecting the family provisions re guardian ad litem compensation, parenting plan, and parent education programs - AB244
Children's Safe House Child Care Program in Kenosha County: grant administration transferred from DHFS to OJA; GPR funding replaced with federal funding [Sec. 1164, 1165]  - SB44
CHIPS proceeding: right to a jury trial eliminated -  AB784
Community aids to counties re social services to children and families: distribution of certain excess federal fund reduced re county not using centralized unit [Sec. 1096, 1147, 1148] - SB44
Developmental disabilities services administration and funding, council membership, and waiting list annual report provisions; children's long-term support redesign pilot program  - SB74
Ear piercing of a minor: parental consent required re certain establishments -  AB381
Father of nonmarital child whose paternity has not been established: declarations of paternal interest and notice of TPR proceedings revised; presumption of substantial relationship created; finality of TPR judgment provision  - AB476
Guardian ad litem and court interpreter costs paid by the state; court support service surcharge increased  - AB922
Guardian ad litem and court interpreter costs paid by the state; court support service surcharge increased  - SB522
Guardian for certain CHIPS: requirements modified and monthly subsidized payments provided; TPR, W-2, and MA provisions; DHFS to seek certain waiver  - SB488
Information provided to women prior to an abortion expanded to include new law re relinquishing newborn child anonymously and with immunity from liability; DHFS duty specified - SB28
Joint or sole legal custody of a child: rebuttable presumption created re pattern or serious incident of spousal abuse; guardian ad litem and mediator provisions re domestic violence dynamics training and investigating [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB279
Name change of a minor: procedure revised -  AB52
Newborn child relinquished by parent: TPR, adoptive placement, and juvenile court provisions  - AB73
Rules of appellate procedure revised re review of orders denying certain motions, petitions for review, integrated appeal procedures for certain appeals, and postdisposition relief in cases involving commitment of sexually violent persons  - SB364
Special advocate re CHIPS proceedings: grant administration transferred from DHFS to OJA; GPR funding replaced with federal funding [Sec. 1162, 1163] - SB44
Special order of business for March 10, 2004 established re AB-767 -  AR38
Statewide automated child welfare information system: entering and accessing confidential information permitted for certain agencies -  SB487
TPR on grounds of continuing denial of visitation revised re delinquency dispositional order - AB767
TPR proceeding: right to a jury trial eliminated -  SB400
W-2 revisions: new employment category called a transitional subsidized private sector job created; changes re custodial parent of child six months old or less; study on assistance with labor market participation required [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Workforce development, Department of"] -  SB44
children _ special educationChildren — Special education
No Child Left Behind Act and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: Congress urged to work with states to fully fund and implement -  SR19
Racine County Children with Disabilities Education Board: provisions re assets, liabilities, and certain benefits for former employees if dissolved -  AB619
Seclusion and physical or mechanical restraints: use by school employees limited and conditions specified; training and report requirements -  AB765
Special education aid supplement [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 351b, 1998m-no, 1999c, n, 2009m, 2021m-nr, 9441 (1z)]  - SB44
Special education transition services and vocational opportunities available in counties: DPI, DWD, and DHFS to establish clearinghouse of information; Internet provision  - AB343
Special education transition services and vocational opportunities available in counties: DPI, DWD, and DHFS to establish clearinghouse of information; Internet provision  - SB163
Speech therapy services eligible for special education aid -  SB210
chippewa countyChippewa county
STH 54 designated and marked ``Wisconsin Fire Fighters and Emergency Medical Technicians Highway" and portion of certain bridge on STH 29 as ``Wisconsin Fire Fighters-EMT/Citizen Soldier Bridge" [S.Amdt.1: contributions required]  - SB46
USH 151 designated and marked ``Wisconsin Law Enforcement Officers Highway" and portion of certain bridge on STH 29 as ``Wisconsin Law Enforcement/Citizen Soldier Bridge" [S.Amdt.1: contributions required]  - SB46
chippewa falls, city ofChippewa Falls, City of
Minimum security institution in city of Chippewa Falls: 50 beds specified as alternative to revocation of probation, extended supervision, or parole [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2490d]  - SB44
Chiropractic regulation revisions; disciplinary provisions -  SB275
Chiropractic regulation revisions; ``physician" provision -  AB356
chronic renal diseaseChronic renal disease, see Disease
chronic wasting disease _cwd_Chronic wasting disease (CWD), see Animal — Disease
cigaretteCigarette, see also Tobacco
Cigarette advertising and promotion: conditions on agreements between manufacturer and retailer created  - AB800
Cigarette fire safety standards: Comm.Dept to establish; sale of uncertified cigarettes prohibited - SB519
Cigarette or tobacco products sold to minors: time period for counting previous violations eliminated and certain penalties revised -  AB512
Cigarette paper and lighter sales to persons under age 18 prohibited; conspicuous notice and prosecution defense re false ID provisions -  SB483
cigarette _ taxationCigarette — Taxation
Bad debt deductions against cigarette and tobacco product taxes [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2057v, 2058f, 9445 (1b)]  - SB44
Cigarette tax refunds to Indian tribes: percentage reduced [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2057m] -  SB44
Prescription drug assistance for elderly persons: eligibility expanded; DHFS directed to negotiate with drug manufacturers for supplemental rebates; cigarette tax increased to fund - SB114
Tobacco settlement agreement modified re certification of compliance and punitive actions for failure to comply; AG and DOR provisions [A.Amdt.1: nonseverability provision]  - AB494
Tobacco settlement agreement modified re certification of compliance and punitive actions for failure to comply; AG and DOR provisions -  SB245
cip _community integration program_CIP (Community integration program), see Medical assistance
Abortion for unemancipated minor: parental consent law and evidence heard by circuit court revised  - AB635
Abortion for unemancipated minor: parental consent law and evidence heard by circuit court revised  - SB304
Actions affecting the family: judge or circuit court commissioner authority to order educational parenting program attendance revised -  AB368
Actions affecting the family provisions re guardian ad litem compensation, parenting plan, and parent education programs - AB244
Appropriations for circuit courts, courts of appeals, and supreme court: chief justice lapse of funds [Sec. 9248 (1)]  - SB44
BAC testing and breathalyzer refusal hearings: municipal court allowed to hold; transfer to circuit court provision  - AB273