CIP II enhanced rate for persons relocated from nursing homes [Sec. 1123] -  SB44
Health care facility: prohibitions re certain activities and preventing passage to and from; definition provided; civil cause of action created -  AB186
Health care workers employed by health care facilities: requiring overtime without worker's consent prohibited; definition and employment discrimination provisions  - AB451
Health care workers employed by health care facilities: requiring overtime without worker's consent prohibited; definition and employment discrimination provisions  - SB177
Hospital administrator licensing provisions; Nursing Home Administrator Examining Board name changed; educational requirements for nursing home administrators revised  - AB314
Licensed beds of nursing facilities: assessments expanded [Sec. 866, 1476-1481, 9124 (3), 9324 (4); S.Sub.Amdt.1: waiver request, report on exemption for private-pay residents, 1333d, 9124 (11k)-(11pd), 9424 (7), (11pd)]  - SB44
Long-term care expenses account established and individual income tax exemption authorized - AB138
Long-term care facility definition expanded to include residential care apartment complexes for purposes of activities by the long-term care ombudsman or designee  - AB644
Long-term support COP county carry-over [Sec. 1109, 9324 (3), 9424 (1)] -  SB44
MA demonstration project in Milwaukee County: funding for facility [S.Amdt.121 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9124 (13k)]  - SB44
MA funds transferred to COP under certain conditions; report revisions -  AB930
MA provider nursing facilities and CBRFs: requirements re admission and services to persons regardless of payment source - AB241
MA supplemental payments to county, city, town, or village nursing homes revised re MA trust fund; provision for certain funds from Sheboygan, Rock, and Walworth counties [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, provision re certain funds from certain counties removed] - AB592
Nursing home administrator examination requirements revised; reciprocal license and exemption provisions  - AB16
Nursing home administrator license requirements revised; examining board, reciprocal license, and exceptions provisions - AB995
Nursing home bed assessments: refundable individual income tax credit [S.Amdt.119 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 666m, 1580r-w, 9345 (4f), 9445 (3f)] -  SB44
Nursing home MA supplemental payment reduced; use of federal medicare program hospital wage index for homes in certain counties eliminated [Sec. 1345, 1363, 1364, 9424 (7); S.Sub.Amdt.1: wage index adjustment for certain counties restored, 1346d, deletes 1345] - SB44
Nursing home payment formula re MA recipient revised [Sec. 1327, 1329-1333, 1334-1344, 1346-1359, 9424 (6); S.Sub. Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 1346]  - SB44
Nursing home regulations revised re appeals, forfeitures and assessments, conditional licenses, admissions, and suspension or revocation of licensure -  AB842
Nursing home residents relocation to community-based long-term care [Sec. 467, 1116-1122, 1124-1129, 9424 (3), (4); original bill only] -  SB44
Nursing home surveyor positions reduced [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1466d] -  SB44
Nursing homes not primarily serving the developmentally disabled: minimum staffing requirements revised re ratios; DHFS reports required; LAB duty specified  - AB192
Properties owned by benevolent associations and certain nonprofit organizations and used for specified residental housing: property tax exemption; leased property also exempt  - SB527
Properties owned by benevolent associations and used for specified residential housing: property tax exemption; leased property also exempt -  AB947
Protective placement and admission of persons with developmental disabilities revised; access to community services increased [Sec. 1132, 1321-1326, 1383-1388, 1401, 1402, 1504-1515, 9324 (5)-(11), 9424 (5); S.Sub.Amdt.1: limitation on placement, 1159c, 1386d] -  SB44
o - O -
oathOath, see Witness
Computer system or telephone used to invite harassment or sending obscene, lewd, or profane messages prohibited; penalty provided -  AB327
Digital representations re photograph, film, motion picture, audio, or video: inadmissibility as evidence; exception provided -  AB584
Nudity prohibited on state-owned or state-managed land; parking in certain DNR-owned parking lot in Town of Mazomanie restricted -  AB574
offner, paulOffner, Paul
Life and public service - SJR73
oil and oil inspectionOil and oil inspection, see Petroleum
o_keefe, georgiaO'Keefe, Georgia
STH 19 portion in Dane County designated and marked as the ``Georgia O'Keefe Memorial Highway"  - AB268
Long-term care facility definition expanded to include residential care apartment complexes for purposes of activities by the long-term care ombudsman or designee  - AB644
oneida countyOneida county
Willow flowage project land designated as state forest lands and named Willow Flowage State Forest - AB492
open enrollment re schoolOpen enrollment re school, see School — Attendance
open meeting _governmental_Open meeting (Governmental)
Indian gaming compacts: Governor must submit to JCLO which, if approved, will be introduced as a bill for approval by the legislature; closed session provision  - AB998
Indian gaming compacts: Governor must submit to JCLO which, if approved, will be introduced as a bill for approval by the legislature; closed session provision  - SB569
Indian gaming compacts: Governor shall meet periodically with JCLO; exemption from open meetings law  - AB703
MPCP revisions re academic standards; fourth, eighth, and tenth grade examinations; third grade reading test; graduation; promotion; and nondiscrimination requirements; open meeting and open records provisons -  AB986
MPCP revisions re academic standards; fourth, eighth, and tenth grade examinations; third grade reading test; graduation; promotion; and nondiscrimination requirements; open meeting and open records provisons -  SB542
Open meeting and public records access laws: governmental bodies required to prominently display general statutory provisions regarding; DOJ duty specified  - SB430
Public notice of meetings of a governmental body: U.W. System exemption eliminated -  AB543
Public notice of meetings of a governmental body: U.W. System exemption eliminated -  SB266
State or local governmental body member may not be excluded from a meeting of a subunit of that body  - SB356
operation iraqi freedomOperation Iraqi Freedom, see Military personnel
organ donationOrgan donation, see Transplant
American Red Cross Month: March 2003 proclaimed as -  AJR23
Child safety restraint system in motor vehicles: civil liability immunity for technicians and organizations that provide safety programs re inspection or installation  - AB621
Donation or sale of state property by DOT without Governor's approval modified -  AB436
Fish population stabilization or improvement on property owned by or held in trust for a nonprofit organization: property tax exemption -  AB951
HR Academy, Inc., project conditions; legislative findings cited [S.Amdt.121 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 26e-i]  - SB44
Japan External Trade Organization commended -  SR14
Marijuana-related prosecutions and property seizure actions: medical necessity defense created; DHFS to establish registry for medical users of marijuana; authorizing certain nonprofit marijuana distribution organizations; U.W. Board of Regents study required -  AB892
Organization engaged in abortion-related activities: prohibition on payment of public funds expanded; exceptions for certain abortions; definition of related activities expanded to include promoting, encouraging, or counseling in favor of; petition for writ of mandamus or prohibition with circuit court; LAB duty specified; authority to provide nondirective information about pregnancy termination eliminated - AB231
Organization engaged in abortion-related activities: prohibition on payment of public funds expanded; exceptions for certain abortions; definition of related activities expanded to include promoting, encouraging, or counseling in favor of; petition for writ of mandamus or prohibition with circuit court; LAB duty specified; authority to provide nondirective information about pregnancy termination eliminated - SB84
Outdoor theater: property tax exemption created; criteria specified [A.Amdt.1: property tax applied if property is sold; deleted by S.Amdt.1] -  AB628
Outdoor theater: property tax exemption created; criteria specified -  SB295
Outdoor theater: property tax exemption created; criteria specified; taxes apply if property is sold  - AB783
Radio Emergency Associated Communication Teams (REACT): member vehicles permitted to be equiped with flashing red or amber lamp or strobe light  - AB162
Recreation programs for children and families of Southeast Asian origin: grants for summer and after-school programs [S.Amdt.121 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1272g]  - SB44
Recreation programs for children and families of Southeast Asian origin: grants for summer and after-school programs - SB251
Special distinguishing registration plate re Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation; annual financial statement required; appendix report by DOT -  SB493
STH 35 designated and marked ``Way of the American Eagle Highway"; any group using an American Eagle logo encouraged to participate in adopt-a-highway program [deleted by A.Amdt.1] -  SB46
Vehicle admission receipt re state parks and certain recreational lands: friends groups appointed by DNR may collect and retain a surcharge -  AB479
WHEFA bonding authority re cultural facility or institution; definitions provided -  AB176
WHEFA bonds: individual and corporate income tax exemptions created; educational institution definition expanded to include Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities -  AB205
Wisconsin Patient Safety Institute, Inc.: appropriation of GPR in DOA eliminated [Sec. 569] -  SB44
Wisconsin Patient Safety Institute, Inc.: grant program created in DOA; matching funds provision - SB353
Youth environmental education programs: organizations or agencies must enter into a contract with DNR and comply with conditions to receive payment; funding from surcharge re environmental law violations -  AB910
Youth environmental education programs: organizations or agencies must enter into a contract with DNR and comply with conditions to receive payment; funding from surcharge re environmental law violations -  SB496
ostby, byron cOstby, Byron C.
Life and public service - AJR84
outdoor advertisingOutdoor advertising, see Billboard