Strategic energy assessments by PSC revised -  SB378
Telecommunications utility petition re determination of rates or costs of unbundled network or service elements: PSC deadline created [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, form and information requirements] -  AB729
Telecommunications utility petition re determination of rates or costs of unbundled network or service elements: PSC deadline created -  SB370
Tobacco Control Board, recycling fund, utility public benefits fund, and universal service fund: appropriation revisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - JR3 SB1
Transmission company with the duty to provide electric transmission service in this state: withdrawing from the Midwest Independent System Operator (MISO) and power and duties after; PSC provision -  AB394
Transmission company with the duty to provide electric transmission service in this state: withdrawing from the Midwest Independent System Operator (MISO) and power and duties after; PSC provision -  SB194
Universal service fund assessments; PSC to include amounts necessary for new public library system aid [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2311e-s, 2317c] -  SB44
Utility public benefits fund: electric and gas utilities may retain a portion of their contribution under certain conditions; PSC duties specified -  AB604
Utility public benefits fund: electric and gas utilities may retain a portion of their contribution under certain conditions; PSC duties specified [original bill only]  - AB655
Utility public benefits fund: electric and gas utilities may retain a portion of their contribution under certain conditions; PSC duties specified -  AB736
Utility public benefits fund: electric and gas utilities may retain a portion of their contribution under certain conditions; PSC duties specified -  SB280
Utility public benefits fund: electric and gas utilities may retain a portion of their contribution under certain conditions; PSC duties specified -  SB313
Utility public benefits fund: electric and gas utilities may retain a portion of their contribution under certain conditions; PSC duties specified -  SB377
Wireless 911 service: surcharge on customers and grants to wireless providers; PSC duties specified [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, DEG duties specified; A.Amdt.2 to A.Sub.Amdt.2: wireless telephone handset donations to women's shelters; S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, women's shelter provision removed, Land Information Board provision]  - AB61
Cogeneration facility for U.W. Madison -  AB57
Earned income tax credit funding from the utility public benefits fund [Sec. 667, 668; S.Sub.Amdt.1: PSC's ability to require additional public benefits programs or provide additional funding limited, 2317m] -  SB44
Electric generating facilities and transmission lines: DNR and PSC requirements changed; environmental impact statement and utility aid payment provisions; state policy on siting of electric transmission facilities [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, condemnation provision] -  SB300
Environmental trust bonds created to finance the cost of certain environmental control activities; PSC duties specified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB843
Environmental trust bonds created to finance the cost of certain environmental control activities; PSC duties specified  - SB463
Identity theft victim allowed to obtain public utility services under certain conditions -  AB288
Payments to counties and municipalities re public utilities revised; shared revenue provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, public utility distribution account established]  - AB378
Payments to counties and municipalities re public utilities revised; shared revenue provision; public utility distribution account created -  SB180
PSC duties revised re strategic energy assessments, certain certificates of public convenience and necessity (CPCNs), power purchase contracts, and prohibiting electric utilities from recovering certain costs in rates; strategic energy assessment name changed to strategic energy plan - AB854
PSC duties revised re strategic energy assessments, certain certificates of public convenience and necessity (CPCNs), power purchase contracts, and prohibiting electric utilities from recovering certain costs in rates; strategic energy assessment name changed to strategic energy plan - SB476
``Public utility" definition re municipal revenue obligations expanded to include local professional football stadium facilities and local cultural arts facilities; missing word from certain local cultural arts district statute added  - AB978
``Public utility" definition re municipal revenue obligations expanded to include local professional football stadium facilities and local cultural arts facilities; missing word from certain local cultural arts district statute added  - SB534
Security information re certain services or utilities: public access may be withheld [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, utility security system plan specified and defined]  - SB8
Special orders of business for March 4, 2004 established re AJR-66, AB-516, AB-598, AB-629, AB-836, AB-847, SB-8, SB-272 -  AR35
Utility costs incurred by municipalities in connection with certain prisons: reimbursement provided [S.Amdt.121 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9110 (1x)] -  SB44
Utility public benefits fund: electric and gas utilities may retain a portion of their contribution under certain conditions; PSC duties specified -  AB604
Utility public benefits fund: electric and gas utilities may retain a portion of their contribution under certain conditions; PSC duties specified [original bill only]  - AB655
Utility public benefits fund: electric and gas utilities may retain a portion of their contribution under certain conditions; PSC duties specified -  AB736
Utility public benefits fund: electric and gas utilities may retain a portion of their contribution under certain conditions; PSC duties specified -  SB280
Utility public benefits fund: electric and gas utilities may retain a portion of their contribution under certain conditions; PSC duties specified -  SB313
Utility public benefits fund: electric and gas utilities may retain a portion of their contribution under certain conditions; PSC duties specified -  SB377
Walnut Street steam and chilled-water plant funding; report to DOA [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 386r, w, 932m]  - SB44
public utility _ taxationPublic utility — Taxation
Certified capital investments: income and franchise tax credits created for certain public utilities and financial institutions - AB522
public welfarePublic welfare, see also Public assistance
Child abuse or neglect: false statement knowingly made by person required to report such incidents prohibited  - AB646
Human and social services system funding: DHFS committee to consider goals and develop recommendations on restructure of; report required [Sec. 9124 (9); original bill only]  - SB44
public worksPublic works
Drug and alcohol testing program required for public works contracts subject to prevailing wage law; confidentiality and employment discrimination provisions  - AB682
Energy efficiency standards for equipment installed under state construction projects: DOA directed to prescribe and revise; Building Commission and lease provisions  - SB111
Minority businesses and public work projects [S.Amdt.121 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 221m, 842t, 924g, 943p, 1029r, 1524r, 1527g-1528t, 1533b, 1682d-1683m, 2022b, 2031p, 2325h-m, 2384c-cr, 2440m, 2442r, 2448g, r, 2618v-vp, 2628fg]  - SB44
MMSD: use of design-build construction process authorized - AB860
MMSD: use of design-build construction process authorized - SB347
Public construction contracts: minimum bid amount raised re lowest responsible bidder requirement  - AB973
Public construction contracts: percent of state retainage revised  - AB417
Solid waste used in public works projects: immunity from liability under certain conditions; DNR duty specified  - SB29
publication of legal noticesPublication of legal notices, see Public document
purchasing, governmentPurchasing, Government
Contractual services purchased by executive branch agencies to be performed within the U.S. when available  - AB761
Contractual services purchased by executive branch agencies to be performed within the U.S. when available  - SB389
DOA master lease for computer hardware and software permitted and requests for proposals on budgeting system, accounting system, certain consumable services, human resource system, and Internet portal; Land Information Board to approve expenses for land information systems; state agency publications printing made subject to DOA approval under certain conditions; Internet provisions  - SB297
Electronic equipment disposal laws revised re producer responsibility, prohibition on hazardous substances in equipment, landfill ban, and state purchasing  - AB877
Halfway houses for nonviolent offenders: program created, sunset provided [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 439g, r, 1189g, r, 2485g, r, 9410 (1q); S.Amdt.121: purchase of services, 439t, w, deletes 439g, r] -  SB44
Hybrid-electric vehicle or vehicle operating on gasohol or alternative fuels: use as state-owned or leased vehicles required when feasible; DOA to encourage use among agencies and residents, report required; definition provided [A.Amdt.1: certified assembled in U.S. for State lease or purchase]  - SB155
Pharmacy benefits purchasing pool: governmental units to develop [Sec. 2063; S.Sub.Amdt.1: GIB to develop a pool for pharmacy benefits with JCF approval, 1026r, deletes 2063] - SB44
Prescription drug cost controls and drug purchasing agreements [Sec. 1393; S.Sub.Amdt.1: prescription drug prior authorization provisions, DHFS report required, 1392p-t, 9124 (8w), 9424 (8w); S.Amdt.121: Mental health medication review committee created, 1392u] -  SB44
State lottery functions: authority to contract out services [Sec. 176, 177, 2630, 2631; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 2630g, h; deletes 176, 177, 2630] -  SB44
Tyson Foods: state urged not to procure their products until strike is resolved -  AJR59
Tyson Foods: state urged not to procure their products until strike is resolved -  SJR34
Vendors doing business with the state required to register with DOR and to remit sales and use taxes; procurement from noncomplying vendors prohibited [Sec. 40, 178, 187, 189, 192-195, 199, 211, 214, 220, 221, 222, 752, 1651, 2059; S.Sub. Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 194]  - SB44
purple heart medalPurple Heart Medal, see Veteran
q_r - Q+R -
qeo _qualified economic offer_QEO (Qualified economic offer), see Collective bargaining
quailQuail, see Game bird
qualified economic offer _qeo_Qualified economic offer (QEO), see Collective bargaining
quarantineQuarantine, see Public health
racine, city ofRacine, City of
TEACH board eliminated, duties transferred to DPI; programs providing educational technology grants repealed; annual grant to Racine Unified School District removed; provision re certain public museum retained [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"] - SB44
racine countyRacine county
Racine County Children with Disabilities Education Board: provisions re assets, liabilities, and certain benefits for former employees if dissolved -  AB619
racine youthful offender correctional facilityRacine youthful offender correctional facility, see Juvenile detention facility
ATV regulation revisions re speed limit when passing an individual, operation by juveniles, and sanctioned races and derbies - AB463
Kenseth, Matt: congratulations on winning the 2003 NASCAR Winston Cup Championship -  AJR61
MTBE in gasoline prohibited over certain amount; Comm.Dept duties specified [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, gasoline-alcohol fuel blends and reformulated gasoline added, racing fuel provision] -  SB117
Recreational attraction tickets: penalty for failure to pay; definition and civil action provisions - SB416
Snowmobile law revisions re operation of, equipment on, registration certificates, and derbies and races; funding for trails, safety, and enforcement costs; boat and ATV provision  - AB630