Restricted controlled substances: operating a motor vehicle, ATV, snowmobile, or motorboat or operating or going armed with a firearm with detectable amounts in person's blood prohibited; definition provided -  AB458
Restricted controlled substances: operating a motor vehicle, ATV, snowmobile, or motorboat or operating or going armed with a firearm with detectable amounts in person's blood prohibited; definition provided -  SB224
Snowmobile law revisions re operation of, equipment on, registration certificates, and derbies and races; funding for trails, safety, and enforcement costs; boat and ATV provision  - AB630
Special order of business for March 9, 2004 established re AB-596 -  AR37
Special order of business for March 10, 2004 established re AB-596 or SB-277 -  AR38
Three-vehicle combination permit expanded to include golf cart trailers [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, horse trailer and personal recreational trailer added with brakes, model year, and length restrictions, permit requirement eliminated, weather conditions restriction; A.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: permit provisions restored; S.Amdt.1: A.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1 provisions deleted; A.Amdt.1 to S.Amdt.1: restores A.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1 provisions, brakes and model year restrictions removed, type of trailer redefined as ``personal recreational vehicle" trailer, horse trailer removed]  - AB274
Three-vehicle combinations operating on highways: requirements revised, permit eliminated, and combination expanded to include horse trailers and trailers for certain recreational vehicles -  SB159
Wild rivers: DNR prohibited from promulgating certain rule re snowmobiles and ATVs crossing certain bridges [A.Amdt.1: locations specified, trail conditions; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: locations narrowed] -  AB530
Wild rivers: DNR prohibited from promulgating certain rule re snowmobiles and ATVs crossing certain bridges  - SB258
Alternate method of complying with recycling requirements: pilot program sunset extended -  AB295
Clean Water Fund, Safe Drinking Water Loan, and Land Recycling Loan programs: subsidies set; clean water revenue bonding authority revised [Sec. 2466-2469; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 680t] -  SB44
Manufactured housing regulations revised re manufacturers, home installations, fees, and titling; rehabilitation and recycling grant program; Manufactured Housing Code Council created; manufactured home ``park" changed to ``community" - AB897
Oil filters and other oil-absorbent materials disposal: Comm. Dept to convene a committee to study and establish percentage goals for recycling -  AB285
Oil filters and other oil-absorbent materials disposal: Comm. Dept to convene a committee to study and establish percentage goals for recycling -  SB121
Postconsumer waste for newsprint used in newspapers: percentage revised -  AB187
Products in plastic containers: retail sale restrictions re percentage of postconsumer waste modified, exceptions provided  - AB969
Recycling efficiency incentive grants: considering population in determining eligibility prohibited  - AB253
Recycling efficiency incentive grants: considering population in determining eligibility prohibited  - SB123
Recycling fund transfers to the general fund [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government - Attached under s.15.03"]  - SB44
Recycling tipping fee: exemption for PCB contaminated sediments removed from navigable waters [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2475e] -  SB44
Tobacco Control Board, recycling fund, utility public benefits fund, and universal service fund: appropriation revisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - JR3 SB1
recycling market development boardRecycling market development board
Recycling fund transfers to the general fund [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government - Attached under s.15.03"]  - SB44
County board of supervisors: decrease in number permitted; redistricting requirements; intradecade redistricting plan enactment by petition and referendum permitted; exception for certain counties -  AB606
County board of supervisors: decrease in number permitted; redistricting requirements; intradecade redistricting plan enactment by petition and referendum permitted; exception for certain counties [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, common council may revise the boundaries of certain aldermanic districts] - SB351
County board of supervisors in populous county: decrease in number permitted; redistricting plan in period between decennial redistricting plans allowed - AB18
County board of supervisors in populous county: decrease in number permitted; redistricting plan in period between decennial redistricting plans allowed - SB42
Legislative and congressional redistricting plans: procedures and laws revised; Redistricting Advisory Commission created, report required; LRB provision - SB545
Legislative districts: numbers reduced -  AB134
Metropolitan sewerage district created by a 1st class city: governance of revised; election and redistricting provisions  - SB352
Redistricting by an independent citizens commission: JLC directed to study -  AJR47
Charter towns: certain towns authorized to become; referendum, TIF, zoning, annexation, and water system provisions  - AB136
City or village annexation of town territory: approval by town electors in a referendum required - SB89
County board of supervisors: decrease in number permitted; redistricting requirements; intradecade redistricting plan enactment by petition and referendum permitted; exception for certain counties -  AB606
County board of supervisors: decrease in number permitted; redistricting requirements; intradecade redistricting plan enactment by petition and referendum permitted; exception for certain counties [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, common council may revise the boundaries of certain aldermanic districts] - SB351
Death penalty for certain types of first-degree intentional homicide: call for an advisory referendum  - AJR27
Health insurance coverage for the Governor and members of the legislature eliminated until approval of referendum re affordable health care coverage for all residents of this state; moneys not used for coverage to be used to fund prescription assistance for the elderly -  SB482
Local government cable television system costs modified; local government telecommunications utility regulations revised; requirements re local ordinance or resolution authorizing local government cable television, telecommunications, or Internet access facilities [S.Amdt.1: county references removed, referendum provision; S.Amdt.2: ``Internet access" changed to ``broadband" and ordinance provision; A.Amdt.4: broadband provisions expanded] -  SB272
Local levy limits created for cities, villages, towns, counties, and technical college districts, exceptions provided; per pupil adjustment for school district revenue limits set  - AB466
Local levy limits created; referendum provision; sunset provided [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 943m, 1532m]  - SB44
Referendum by local governmental unit re issuing debt: question must contain estimated cost and length of time of the debt - AB325
Referendum question: local governmental unit prohibited from using its funds to advocate for approval or disapproval of - SB228
Referendum to exceed operating levy rate limit: Marinette County may specify use of generated revenues  - AB45
Town consolidating with a contiguous municipality: additional method created [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, consolidation limited to city or village] - AB130
reformulated gasolineReformulated gasoline, see Gasoline
regional governmentRegional government
Dane County Council of Governments created; LAB audit required; comprehensive revision of a zoning ordinance method and sunset provisions -  AB949
Dane County Council of Governments created; LAB audit required; comprehensive revision of a zoning ordinance method and sunset provisions -  SB553
regional planningRegional planning
Comprehensive planning statutes for local governmental units revised re number of programs or actions with which it must be consistent; reiterates a regional planning commission's plan is only advisory -  AB608
County development plan affecting a town: town board approval required [A.Amdt.1: time limit; S.Amdt.1: shoreland and floodplain zoning ordinances exception]  - AB551
Dane County Council of Governments created; LAB audit required; comprehensive revision of a zoning ordinance method and sunset provisions -  AB949
Dane County Council of Governments created; LAB audit required; comprehensive revision of a zoning ordinance method and sunset provisions -  SB553
Special order of business for March 10, 2004 established re AB-551 -  AR38
register of deedsRegister of deeds, see also Notary public
Counties allowed to elect or appoint certain county officers; appointment to vacancies revised. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR15
Register of deeds and DFI: changes re recording and filing of documents [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions]  - AB591
Register of deeds: fees for recording or filing documents increased -  AB307
Register of deeds receipt and filing of documents: revision of cut-off time by county ordinance permitted; technical changes to recording of certain real estate and probate documents re fees and federal liens -  SB365
Term of office changed to 4-year: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR10
Veteran records: forfeiture created re unauthorized release of confidential information -  AB817
regulation and licensing, department ofRegulation and licensing, Department of, see also Medical examining board; Trades and occupations; specific occupation
Applications for specified licenses, permits, and other approvals: certain agencies required to promulgate rules establishing deadlines for approval or disapproval; failure to meet deadlines and fee refund provisions -  AB486
Appropriation revisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -  JR3 SB1
Appropriations from certain agencies lapsed to general fund [Sec. 9260 (1)] -  SB44
Athlete agent regulations created re Uniform Athlete Agents Act [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, fee provision modified] - AB403
Athlete agent regulations created re Uniform Athlete Agents Act  - SB209
Boxing contests (amateur and professional): DORL authority revised -  AB426
Cremation of human remains, conducting cremations, and disposing of cremated remains: authorization requirements created; DORL duties specified; criminal penalties and civil forfeiture provisions; Crematory Authority Council created - AB559
Cremation of human remains, conducting cremations, and disposing of cremated remains: authorization requirements created; DORL duties specified; criminal penalties and civil forfeiture provisions; Crematory Authority Council created - SB274
Criminal investigation of certain professional credential applicants: DORL may investigate credible evidence of criminal charges or convictions; photographs and fingerprints required for certain credentials; DOJ and FBI provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, rule-making authority added] -  SB103
DORL credentialing fees: JLAC requested to evaluate methodologies; may direct LAB to perform evaluation [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9133 (3f)] -  SB44
Foreign language interpreter certification: DORL to establish requirements; disciplinary action and forfeiture provisions - AB158
Health care professional discipline process duties of DORL, report required; MEB membership, authority re summary suspension of credentials, and forfeiture for unprofessional conduct revised; national practitioner data bank reporting requirements; therapeutic-related deaths reported to DORL  - SB227
Hospital administrator licensing provisions; Nursing Home Administrator Examining Board name changed; educational requirements for nursing home administrators revised  - AB314
Interpretation services for the deaf or hard of hearing: DORL to grant two types of licenses and establish a code of ethics - SB255
Massage therapist or bodyworker: EAB duties re certification transferred to DORL -  AB779
Real estate licenses: DORL may enter into reciprocal agreements with other states or territories [original bill only] - AB655
Real estate licenses: DORL may enter into reciprocal agreements with other states or territories  - AB733