Venture capital funds and qualified new business ventures: income and franchise tax credits created under certain conditions; study required [for further revisions, see entry under ``Business"] -  SB261
request for proposalRequest for proposal, see Contracts
residential careResidential care, see Nursing homes; Youth
residential propertyResidential property, see Housing
Halal food sale and preparation: regulations created -  SB185
Restaurant kitchen machinery and equipment: property tax exemption created -  AB469
Restaurant kitchen machinery and equipment: property tax exemption created -  SB216
restitution to crime victimRestitution to crime victim, see Crime victim
retired senior volunteer program _rsvp_Retired senior volunteer program (RSVP), see Senior citizen
retirement _ private plansRetirement — Private plans
Deferred compensation plan: account may be divided re domestic relations order -  AB642
Pension payments: individual income tax exemption for certain amount created -  SB453
Retirement plan payments: individual income tax exemption created -  AB336
Retirement plan payments: individual income tax exemption created -  SB160
Tax revisions re DOR authority to reduce taxes, liability of spouses filing a joint income tax return, extension to file annual reconciliation report, qualified retirement fund, sales or use tax refunded to or erroneously collected by seller, interest on estate taxes, mailing tax-related document or payment, filing fee for redetermination of earned income tax credit  - AB927
Wisconsin Family Investment and Retirement Stability Trust Program created and administered by the Investment Board for individuals employed in the private sector by certain businesses - AB875
Wisconsin Family Investment and Retirement Stability Trust Program created and administered by the Investment Board for individuals employed in the private sector by certain businesses - SB528
Wisconsin Voluntary Investment Program created and administered by the Investment Board for individuals employed in the private sector by certain businesses  - AB874
Wisconsin Voluntary Investment Program created and administered by the Investment Board for individuals employed in the private sector by certain businesses  - SB529
retirement _ protective serviceRetirement — Protective service
Concealed weapon prohibitions: retired peace officer exempt; conditions specified; ID provision  - AB40
DMA employees re security functions at weapons facilities classified as protective occupation participants under WRS  - AB75
Teachers and librarians at certain secured facilities classified as protective occupation participants under WRS  - AB76
retirement _ publicRetirement — Public, see also Retirement system, Wisconsin
Code of ethics for state public officials and local public officials: members of Employee Trust Funds Board, Teachers Retirement Board, Wisconsin Retirement Board, and governing bodies of the Milwaukee city and county retirement systems subject to - SB412
Deferred compensation plan: account may be divided re domestic relations order -  AB642
Elective or major appointive state or local officials: release by DETF of certain records re retirement annuity permitted  - AB454
National guard technicians: pension benefits exempt from income tax in certain cases; interest and penalty waivers - AB906
Pension payments: individual income tax exemption for certain amount created -  SB453
Retirement plan payments: individual income tax exemption created -  AB336
Retirement plan payments: individual income tax exemption created -  SB160
Unfunded prior service liability contributions under WRS, other public employee retirement plan, or payment of postemployment benefits: issuance of municipal special fund obligations to finance payment authorized; counties may issue bonds or notes - AB942
Unfunded prior service liability contributions under WRS, other public employee retirement plan, or payment of postemployment benefits: issuance of municipal special fund obligations to finance payment authorized; counties may issue bonds or notes - SB547
Uniform Prudent Investor Act replaces the prudent person rule - AB857
Uniform Prudent Investor Act replaces the prudent person rule - SB492
retirement _ teacherRetirement — Teacher
Code of ethics for state public officials and local public officials: members of Employee Trust Funds Board, Teachers Retirement Board, Wisconsin Retirement Board, and governing bodies of the Milwaukee city and county retirement systems subject to - SB412
Fixed annuity increased under WRS; DETF emergency rule authority; Teachers Retirement Board and Wisconsin Retirement Board provisions -  AB692
Fixed annuity increased under WRS; DETF emergency rule authority; Teachers Retirement Board and Wisconsin Retirement Board provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, decreases added] -  SB344
retirement system, wisconsinRetirement system, Wisconsin
Accumulated unused sick leave credits: use by state employees under WRS revised [Sec. 1001, 1011-1014, 9316 (1); S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 1001m, 1026e, t, 2409g] - SB44
Code of ethics for state public officials and local public officials: members of Employee Trust Funds Board, Teachers Retirement Board, Wisconsin Retirement Board, and governing bodies of the Milwaukee city and county retirement systems subject to - SB412
Creditable military service for maritime service during World War II revised -  SB93
Creditable military service provision revised re federal retirement benefits -  AB77
Creditable service for forfeited service and other governmental service: additional ways to purchase [Sec. 995-999, 1004, 1006, 1007, 1019, 1020, 1022-1025, 1992]  - SB44
Death benefits for certain WRS participant beneficiaries retroactively increased -  AB820
DMA employees re security functions at weapons facilities classified as protective occupation participants under WRS  - AB75
Educational support personnel employee: WRS benefits modified -  SB386
Employer participating in WRS and covered by MERA: payment of employee required contributions revised  - AB599
Employer participating in WRS and covered by MERA: payment of employee required contributions revised  - SB285
Fixed annuity increased under WRS; DETF emergency rule authority; Teachers Retirement Board and Wisconsin Retirement Board provisions -  AB692
Fixed annuity increased under WRS; DETF emergency rule authority; Teachers Retirement Board and Wisconsin Retirement Board provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, decreases added] -  SB344
MPS unfunded prior service liability contributions under WRS paid for with promissory notes issued by Milwaukee Common Council: provisions revised -  AB238
MPS unfunded prior service liability contributions under WRS paid for with promissory notes issued by Milwaukee Common Council: provisions revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, focus changed to 1st class city and bonds; S.Amdt.1 to A.Sub. Amdt.1: State moral obligation pledge provision removed] - SB77
Racine County Children with Disabilities Education Board: provisions re assets, liabilities, and certain benefits for former employees if dissolved -  AB619
Separation period for purpose of receiving a retirement annuity under WRS [Sec. 1017, 1018, 1021, 9316 (3); original bill only] - SB44
Special order of business for March 10, 2004 established re AB-692 or SB-344 -  AR38
Teachers and librarians at certain secured facilities classified as protective occupation participants under WRS  - AB76
Unfunded prior service liability contributions under WRS, other public employee retirement plan, or payment of postemployment benefits: issuance of municipal special fund obligations to finance payment authorized; counties may issue bonds or notes - AB942
Unfunded prior service liability contributions under WRS, other public employee retirement plan, or payment of postemployment benefits: issuance of municipal special fund obligations to finance payment authorized; counties may issue bonds or notes - SB547
Unfunded prior service liability under WRS: appropriations obligations amount increased and technical changes  - AB611
Unfunded prior service liability under WRS: payment of; moral obligation pledge stated [Sec. 21, 182, 567, 571]  - SB44
Unfunded prior service liability under WRS: program to issue revenue obligations created; costs paid from excise taxes [Sec. 181, 577-580, 835, 860, 9101 (9); S.Sub.Amdt.1: ``prior service" liability changed to ``liabilities", sick leave conversion credit program added, 171m, 172m, 182d, 9101 (9q)]  - SB44
U.W. System teaching assistants and project assistants: participation in WRS -  SB166
Venture capital annuity option created for WRS participants -  AB537
Venture capital annuity option created for WRS participants -  SB260
WRS annuitants employed by the state: employer contributions toward payment of health insurance premiums permitted  - AB638
WRS annuitants employed by the state: employer contributions toward payment of health insurance premiums permitted  - AB674
WRS participation of supreme court justices, court of appeals judges, circuit judges, and state elected officials limited - SB91
reuther, edward wReuther, Edward W.
Life and public service - SJR5
revenue, department ofRevenue, Department of, see also Tax appeals commission; specific subject
Alcohol beverage license or permit revocation, suspension, or refusal to renew: grounds expanded re controlled substance offense -  AB296
Applications for specified licenses, permits, and other approvals: certain agencies required to promulgate rules establishing deadlines for approval or disapproval; failure to meet deadlines and fee refund provisions -  AB486
Applications for specified licenses, permits, and other approvals: certain agencies required to promulgate rules establishing deadlines for approval or disapproval; failure to meet deadlines and fee refund provisions -  SB246
Appropriation revisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -  JR3 SB1
Bad debt deductions against cigarette and tobacco product taxes [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2057v, 2058f, 9445 (1b)]  - SB44
Breast cancer research program and grant created and individual income tax checkoff procedure [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, grants specifically awarded to Medical College of Wisconsin and U.W. Comprehensive Cancer Center, reports required] -  AB351
Capital gains: procedure for income tax deferral if gain is reinvested -  AB776
Capital gains: procedure for income tax deferral if gain is reinvested -  SB422
County or municipality may certify any non-property tax-related debt over $20.00 to DOR to collect from debtor's tax refund [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, judgment and notice provisions] -  AB613
County or municipality may certify any non-property tax-related debt over $20.00 to DOR to collect from debtor's tax refund -  SB540
Delinquent job access loan repayment: setoff against income tax refund provided [Sec. 510, 1225, 1451, 1452, 1454, 1456, 1457, 1459, 1604] -  SB44
Delinquent taxpayer accounts: DOR required to prepare and maintain list and post certain names on the Internet; exceptions and Tax Appeals Commission provisions  - AB473
Development opportunity zone revision [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2628c, 9345 (2f)] -  SB44