Local regulatory power, 349.18, 349.23
Mopeds prohibited on bicycle ways, 346.79 (5)
Operating rules, 346.79
Parents and guardians, responsibility for bicycle violations by child, 346.77
Passing restrictions for motor vehicles, 346.075 (1)
Penalties for violations, 346.82
Prohibited on expressways and freeways, 349.105
Property tax exemption, 70.112 (5)
Adjacent to state buildings, establishment, 16.84 (13)
Planning for, 85.023
Registration and regulation by local governments, 349.18
Riding on:
Bicycle ways, rules, 346.803
Expressways, 346.16
Roadways, single file requirement, 346.80
Sidewalks, 346.804
Right-of-way, 346.47 (1), 346.80 (5)
Crosswalks and intersections, 346.23 to 346.25
Rules, dept. to publish, 85.07
Rules of the road, applicability to bicycles, 346.02 (4)
Siren or compression whistles prohibited, 347.489 (3)
Turning signals, 346.34 (1)
Uniform system of traffic regulation, 84.02 (4) (f)
bids and bidders BIDS AND BIDDERS
Blight elimination and slum clearance, 66.1333 (5) (a) 2.
City, public works, 62.15
Confiscated alcohol beverages for law violations, 125.14
Highway improvement contracts, 83.04
Public works, 59.52 (29)
Drainage district construction work, 88.62
Forest products seized and sold, 26.06
Harbor commission contracts, 30.32, 30.38 (3)
Housing authority contracts, 66.1201 (24)
Housing projects, disposal, 66.1201 (25)
Library systems, 43.17 (9)
Metropolitan sewerage districts, 200.47
Construction of facilities, 200.11 (5) (d)
Milwaukee public schools, construction and purchasing, 119.16
Mosquito control district commissioners, 59.70 (13) (c) 2.
Motor vehicles abandoned, disposal, 342.40 (3) (c)
Municipal bonds, sale, 67.08
Municipal contracts:
Public works, qualifications, 66.0901
Purchasing, 66.0131
Sidewalk construction, 66.0907
Printing, attorney general to enforce contracts, 35.59
Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts, letting contracts, 33.22
Public library systems, 43.17 (9)
School districts, employee health insurance, 120.12 (24)
State contracts:
Construction, 16.855
Employee health insurance, 40.98 (2)
Highway improvement contracts, 84.06
Natural resources dept., construction contracts, 23.41 (5)
Paper purchases, 35.65
Advertising for, 35.57
Base prices and specifications, 35.56
Contracts, how let, IV, 25
Purchasing, 16.75
Technical college construction contracts, 38.18
Town contracts, 60.47
Village contracts, 61.54, 61.55, 61.56
Vocational education district board contracts, 38.18
bigamy BIGAMY
Penalty, 944.05
bill of attainder BILL OF ATTAINDER
Prohibition, I, 12
billboards BILLBOARDS
bills BILLS
bills and notes BILLS AND NOTES
bills of lading BILLS OF LADING
bills of rights BILLS OF RIGHTS
Community-based residential facility residents, 50.09
Law enforcement officers, Ch. 164
Nursing home residents, 50.09, 50.095
Patients, mental illness, developmental disabilities, alcoholism or drug dependency, 51.13 (2), (3), 51.61
Public assistance recipients, 49.81
Wisconsin Bill of Human Rights, 66.0125
bingo control BINGO CONTROL
birds BIRDS