Relating to: the enrollment of the charter school established by the University of Wisconsin-Parkside. relating to: the enrollment of the charter school established by the University of Wisconsin-Parkside.
Date / House | Action | Journal |
9/26/2005 Asm. | Introduced by Representatives Vos, Vukmir, Jensen, Kerkman, Gunderson, Albers, Jeskewitz, Kleefisch, Krawczyk, Kreibich, F. Lasee, McCormick, Nass, Owens, Pridemore, Strachota, Towns and Underheim; cosponsored by Senators Stepp, Darling, Grothman, Kanavas, A. Lasee and Reynolds. | |
9/26/2005 Asm. | Read first time and referred to committee on Education Reform | |
10/6/2005 Asm. | Fiscal estimate received. | |
10/26/2005 Asm. | Fiscal estimate received. | |
10/26/2005 Asm. | Public hearing held. | |
11/2/2005 Asm. | Executive action taken. | |
11/8/2005 Asm. | Report passage recommended by committee on Education Reform, Ayes 8, Noes 1 | |
11/8/2005 Asm. | Referred to committee on Rules | |
11/8/2005 Asm. | Placed on calendar 11-10-2005 by committee on Rules. | |
11/10/2005 Asm. | Read a second time | |
11/10/2005 Asm. | Ordered to a third reading | |
11/10/2005 Asm. | Rules suspended | |
11/10/2005 Asm. | Read a third time and passed, Ayes 62, Noes 29, Paired 6 | |
11/10/2005 Asm. | Ordered immediately messaged | |
11/11/2005 Sen. | Received from Assembly | |
11/11/2005 Sen. | Read first time and referred to committee on Higher Education and Tourism | |
1/18/2006 Sen. | Public hearing held. | |
1/19/2006 Sen. | Executive action taken. | |
1/20/2006 Sen. | Report concurrence recommended by committee on Higher Education and Tourism, Ayes 4, Noes 1 | |
1/20/2006 Sen. | Available for scheduling. | |
1/25/2006 Sen. | Placed on calendar 1-26-2006 by committee on Senate Organization. | |
1/26/2006 Sen. | Read a second time | |
1/26/2006 Sen. | Ordered to a third reading | |
1/26/2006 Sen. | Rules suspended | |
1/26/2006 Sen. | Read a third time and concurred in, Ayes 20, Noes 13 | |
1/26/2006 Sen. | Ordered immediately messaged | |
1/26/2006 Asm. | Received from Senate concurred in | |
2/3/2006 Asm. | Report correctly enrolled | |
2/10/2006 Asm. | Presented to the Governor on 2-9-2006 | |
2/14/2006 Asm. | Report approved by the Governor on 2-13-2006. 2005 Wisconsin Act 111 | |
2/17/2006 Asm. | Published 2-13-2006 |