7.30 (2) (b) When a vacancy occurs in an office under this section, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment of the municipal clerk. The Unless the vacancy occurs in the position of an inspector appointed under sub. (1) (b), the vacancy shall be filled from the remaining names on the lists submitted under sub. (4) or from additional names submitted by the chairperson of the county party committee of the appropriate party under sub. (4) whenever names are submitted under sub. (4) (d). If the vacancy is due to candidacy, sickness or any other temporary cause, the appointment shall be a temporary appointment and effective only for the election at which the temporary vacancy occurs. The same qualifications that applied to original appointees shall be required of persons who fill vacancies except that a vacancy may be filled in cases of emergency or because of time limitations by a person who resides in another aldermanic district or ward within the municipality, and if a municipal clerk or deputy clerk fills the vacancy, the clerk or deputy, but not more than a total of 2 individuals in any municipality, may serve without regard to the clerk's or deputy's municipality of residence, if the clerk or deputy meets the other qualifications.
451,112 Section 112. 7.30 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.30 (2) (c) The governing body of any municipality may require all persons serving as election officials to prove their ability to read and write English and to have a general knowledge of the election laws. Examinations may be given to prove the qualifications can be met. The municipal clerk shall ensure that all training meets the training requirements prescribed in rules promulgated by the board under ss. 7.31 and 7.315.
451,113 Section 113. 7.30 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.30 (4) (a) Except in cities where there is a board of election commissioners, the mayor, president or board chairperson of each municipality shall nominate to the governing body no later than their last regular meeting in December of each even-numbered odd-numbered year the necessary election officials for each polling place and any election officials required under s. 7.52 (1) (b). If no regular meeting is scheduled, the mayor, president or chairperson shall call a special meeting for the purpose of considering nominations no later than December 31.
451,114 Section 114. 7.30 (4) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.30 (4) (b) (intro.) The 2 dominant parties, under sub. (2), are each responsible for submitting a list of names from which the all appointees to inspector positions, other than appointees to inspector positions authorized under sub. (1) (b), shall be chosen.
451,115 Section 115. 7.30 (4) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
7.30 (4) (b) 1. In cities where there is a board of election commissioners, the aldermanic district committeemen or committeewomen under s. 8.17 of each of the 2 dominant recognized political parties shall submit a certified list no later than November 30 of each even-numbered odd-numbered year containing the names of at least as many nominees as there are inspectors from that party for each of the voting wards in the aldermanic district. For inspectors serving under s. 7.52 (1) (b), the aldermanic district committeemen and committeewomen under s. 8.17 of the 2 dominant recognized political parties shall jointly submit a certified list of nominees containing at least twice as many nominees as there are inspectors from that party who are to be appointed under s. 7.52 (1) (b). The chairperson may designate any individual whose name is submitted as a first choice nominee. The board of election commissioners shall appoint, no later than December 31 of even-numbered odd-numbered years, at least 5 inspectors for each ward. The board of election commissioners shall appoint all first choice nominees for so long as positions are available, unless nonappointment is authorized under par. (e), and shall appoint other individuals in its discretion. The board of election commissioners may designate such alternates as it deems advisable.
451,116 Section 116. 7.30 (4) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
7.30 (4) (b) 2. In municipalities other than cities and villages located in counties having a population of more than 500,000, the committees organized under s. 8.17 from each of the 2 dominant parties under sub. (2) shall submit a list containing at least as many names as there are needed appointees from that party. The list shall be submitted by the chairperson of each of the 2 committees to the mayor, president or chairperson of the municipality. If committees are organized in subdivisions of a city, the list shall be submitted through the chairperson of the city committee. If there is no municipal committee, the list shall be submitted by the chairperson of the county or legislative district committee. Except as provided in par. (c), only those persons submitted by the chairperson of each committee under s. 8.17 may act as election officials. The chairperson may designate any individual whose name is submitted as a first choice nominee. The list shall contain the signature of the chairperson and secretary of the submitting committee. In cities or villages located in counties having a population of more than 500,000, other than cities where there is a board of election commissioners, the aldermanic district or village committeeman or committeewoman for the ward or wards where each polling place is located, if there is one, or for inspectors serving under s. 7.52 (1) (b), the committeemen and committeewomen for the municipality acting jointly, shall submit a list containing at least as many names as there are needed appointees for inspector positions from the party represented by the committeeman or committeewoman or by the committeemen and committeewomen acting jointly. For appointments of inspectors in cities and villages where there is no aldermanic district or village committeeman or committeewoman, nominations shall proceed in the same manner as in municipalities located in counties having a population of 500,000 or less. The list shall be submitted to the mayor or president. Except as provided in par. (c), only those persons whose names are submitted as provided in this paragraph may act as election officials. The committeeman or committeewoman may designate any individual whose name is submitted as a first choice nominee. The list shall contain the signature of the aldermanic district or village committeeman or committeewoman or the chairperson of the appropriate committee. Upon submission of each nominee's name, the governing body shall appoint each first choice nominee for so long as positions are available, unless nonappointment is authorized under par. (e), and shall appoint other nominees in its discretion. If any nominee is not appointed, the mayor, president or chairperson of the municipality shall immediately nominate another person from the appropriate lists submitted and continue until the necessary number of election officials from each party is achieved at that meeting.
451,117 Section 117. 7.30 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.30 (4) (c) For Except with respect to inspectors who are appointed under sub. (1) (b), for so long as nominees are made available by the political parties under this section, appointments may be made only from the lists of submitted nominees. If the lists are not submitted by November 30 of the year in which appointments are to be made, the board of election commissioners shall appoint, or the mayor, president or chairperson of a municipality shall nominate qualified persons whose names have not been submitted. If an insufficient number of nominees appears on the lists as of November 30, the board of election commissioners shall similarly appoint, or the mayor, president or chairperson shall similarly nominate sufficient individuals to fill the remaining vacancies. In addition, the mayor, president, or board chairperson of the municipality shall similarly nominate qualified persons to serve in the inspector positions authorized under sub. (1) (b). Any appointment which is made due to the lack of availability of names submitted under par. (b) may be made without regard to party affiliation.
451,118 Section 118. 7.30 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.30 (6) (a) The Except as provided in par. (am), the appointed election officials shall hold office for 2 years and until their successors are appointed and qualified. They shall serve at every election held in their ward during their term of office.
451,119 Section 119. 7.30 (6) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
7.30 (6) (am) A pupil appointed as an inspector under sub. (2) (am) shall serve as an inspector only for the election for which he or she is appointed. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit the number of times a pupil may be appointed as an inspector.
451,120 Section 120. 7.30 (6) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.30 (6) (b) Prior to the first election following the appointment of the inspectors, the municipal clerk shall appoint one of the inspectors at each polling place, other than an inspector who is appointed under sub. (1) (b), to serve as chief inspector. No person may serve as chief inspector at any election who is not certified by the board under s. 7.31 at the time of the election. The chief inspector shall hold the position for the remainder of the term unless the inspector is removed by the clerk or the inspector ceases to be certified under s. 7.31, except that whenever wards are combined or separated under s. 5.15 (6) (b), the municipal clerk shall appoint another inspector who is certified under s. 7.31 to serve as chief inspector at each polling place designated under s. 5.15 (6) (b). If a vacancy occurs in the position of chief inspector at any polling place, the municipal clerk shall appoint one of the other inspectors who is certified under s. 7.31 to fill the vacancy.
451,121 Section 121. 7.30 (6) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.30 (6) (c) If any election official appointed under this section lacks the qualifications set forth in this section, fails to attend training sessions required under s. 7.15 (1) (e) unless excused therefrom, is guilty of neglecting his or her official duties or commits official misconduct, the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners shall summarily remove the official from office and the vacancy shall be filled under sub. (2) (b).
451,121g Section 121g. 7.31 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.31 (1) The board shall, by rule, prescribe requirements for certification of individuals to serve as chief inspectors. The requirements shall include a requirement to attend at least one training session held under sub. (5) before beginning service. The requirements shall not include taking an examination.
451,121r Section 121r. 7.31 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.31 (4) The board shall require each individual to whom a certificate is issued under this section to meet requirements to maintain that certification. The requirements shall include a requirement to attend at least one training session held under sub. (5) every 2 years. The board shall renew the certificate of any individual who requests renewal and who meets the requirements prescribed under this subsection.
451,122 Section 122. 7.315 of the statutes is created to read:
7.315 Training of other election officials. (1) (a) The board shall, by rule, prescribe the contents of the training that municipal clerks must provide to inspectors, other than chief inspectors, to special voting deputies appointed under s. 6.875, and to special registration deputies appointed under ss. 6.26 and 6.55 (6).
(b) 1. Each inspector other than a chief inspector and each special voting deputy appointed under s. 6.875 and special registration deputy appointed under s. 6.26 or 6.55 (6) shall view or attend at least one training program every 2 years. Except as provided in subd. 2., no individual may serve as an inspector, other than a chief inspector, as a special voting deputy under s. 6.875, or as a special registration deputy under s. 6.26 or 6.55 (6) at any election unless the individual has completed training for that election provided by the municipal clerk pursuant to rules promulgated under par. (a) within 2 years of the date of the election.
2. Only when an individual who has received training under subd. 1. is unavailable to perform his or her election duties due to sickness, injury, or other unforeseen occurrence may an individual who has not received training under subd. 1. be appointed to serve as an inspector, other than chief inspector, or a special voting deputy or special registration deputy. The appointment of an individual to serve under this subdivision shall be for a specific election and no individual may be appointed under this subdivision more than one time in a 2-year period.
(2) The board shall, by rule, prescribe requirements for, and the content of, training required of municipal clerks under s. 7.15 (1m). The board may provide such training directly or arrange for such training to be provided by other organizations. The rules shall provide a method for notifying the relevant municipal governing body if a municipal clerk fails to attend required training.
(3) The board may produce and periodically reissue as necessary a video program for the purpose of training election officials, including special voting deputies and special registration deputies. The board shall make any such program available for viewing electronically through an Internet-based system.
451,123 Section 123. 7.32 of the statutes is amended to read:
7.32 Change of election official numbers. Notwithstanding s. 7.30 (1) (a), the governing body or board of election commissioners of any municipality may by resolution reduce the number of election officials and modify or rescind any similar previous action. No such action may reduce the number of officials at a polling place to less than 3.
451,124 Section 124. 7.33 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.33 (3) Every employer shall grant to each employee who is appointed to serve as an election official under s. 7.30 a leave of absence for the entire 24-hour period of each election day in which the official serves in his or her official capacity. An employee who serves as an election official shall provide his or her employer with at least 7 days' notice of application for a leave. The municipal clerk shall verify appointments upon request of any employer.
451,125 Section 125. 7.33 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.33 (4) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, each local governmental unit, as defined in s. 16.97 (7), may, and each state agency shall, upon proper application under sub. (3), permit each of its employees to serve as an election official under s. 7.30 without loss of fringe benefits or seniority privileges earned for scheduled working hours during the period specified in sub. (3), without loss of pay for scheduled working hours during the period specified in sub. (3) except as provided in sub. (5), and without any other penalty. For employees who are included in a collective bargaining unit for which a representative is recognized or certified under subch. V of ch. 111, this subsection shall apply unless otherwise provided in a collective bargaining agreement.
451,126 Section 126. 7.33 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.33 (6) Each employer other than a state agency shall, upon proper application under sub. (3), permit each of its employees to serve as an election official under s. 7.30 without loss of fringe benefits or seniority privileges earned for scheduled working hours during the period specified in sub. (3), and shall not impose any other penalty upon an employee who serves as an election official, except the employer need not pay wages to an employee for time not worked while the employee is serving as an election official.
451,127 Section 127. 7.37 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.37 (2) Preserve order. The inspectors shall possess full authority to maintain order and to enforce obedience to their lawful commands during the election and the canvass of the votes. They shall permit only one person in a voting booth at a time and shall prevent any person from taking notice of how another person has voted, except when assistance is given under s. 6.82. They shall enforce s. 5.35 (5) and prevent electioneering and distribution of election-related material from taking place in violation of s. ss. 12.03 and 12.035. If any person refuses to obey the lawful commands of an inspector, or is disorderly in the presence or hearing of the inspectors, interrupts or disturbs the proceedings, they may order any law enforcement officer to remove the person from the voting area or to take the person into custody.
451,128 Section 128. 7.37 (13) of the statutes is created to read:
7.37 (13) Closing of polls. For each polling place, the municipal clerk shall designate an official of the municipality who shall position himself or herself at the end of the line of individuals waiting to vote, if any at the time that the polls officially close. The official may be an inspector or special registration deputy appointed under s. 6.55 (6) who serves at that polling place, an employee of the municipal clerk or a police officer, Only individuals in line ahead of the official shall be permitted to vote under s. 6.78 (4).
451,129 Section 129. 7.41 of the statutes is amended to read:
7.41 Public's right to access. (1) Any member of the public may be present at any polling place, in the office of any municipal clerk whose office is located in a public building on any day that absentee ballots may be cast in that office, or at an alternate site under s. 6.855 on any day that absentee ballots may be cast at that site for the purpose of observation of an election and the absentee ballot voting process, except a candidate whose name appears on the ballot at the polling place or on an absentee ballot to be cast at the clerk's office or alternate site at that election. The chief inspector or municipal clerk may reasonably limit the number of persons representing the same organization who are permitted to observe an election under this subsection at the same time.
(2) The chief inspector or municipal clerk may restrict the location of any individual exercising the right under sub. (1) to certain areas within a polling place, the clerk's office, or alternate site under s. 6.855. The chief inspector or municipal clerk shall clearly designate such an area as an observation area. Designated observation areas shall be so positioned to permit any authorized individual to readily observe all public aspects of the voting process.
(3) The chief inspector or municipal clerk may order the removal of any individual exercising the right under sub. (1) if that individual commits an overt act which:
(a) Disrupts the operation of the polling place, clerk's office, or alternate site under s. 6.855; or
(b) Violates s. 12.03 (2) or 12.035.
(4) No individual exercising the right under sub. (1) may view the confidential portion of a registration list maintained under s. 6.36 (4) or a poll list maintained under s. 6.79 (6). However, the inspectors or municipal clerk shall disclose to such an individual, upon request, the existence of such a list, the number of electors whose names appear on the list, and the number of those electors who have voted at any point in the proceedings. No such individual may view the certificate of an absent elector who obtains a confidential listing under s. 6.47 (2).
451,130 Section 130. 7.41 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
7.41 (5) The board may promulgate rules that are consistent with the requirements of sub. (2) regarding the proper conduct of individuals exercising the right under sub. (1), including the interaction of those individuals with inspectors and other election officials.
451,131 Section 131. 7.51 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.51 (1) Canvass procedure. Immediately after the polls close the inspectors except any inspector appointed under s. 7.30 (1) (b) shall proceed to canvass publicly all votes received at the polling place. In any municipality where an electronic voting system is used, the municipal governing body or board of election commissioners may provide or authorize the municipal clerk or executive director of the board of election commissioners to provide for the adjournment of the canvass to one or more central counting locations for specified polling places in the manner prescribed in subch. III of ch. 5. No central counting location may be used to count votes at a polling place where an electronic voting system is not employed. The canvass, whether conducted at the polling place or at a central counting location, shall continue without adjournment until the canvass is completed and the return statements are statement is made or, in municipalities where absentee ballots are canvassed under s. 7.52, until the canvass of all ballots cast is completed and the return statement for those ballots are made. The inspectors shall not permit access to the name of any elector who has obtained a confidential listing under s. 6.47 (2) during the canvass, except as authorized in s. 6.47 (8).
451,132 Section 132. 7.51 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.51 (2) (c) Whenever the number of ballots exceeds the number of voting electors as indicated on the poll list, the inspectors shall place all ballots face up to check for blank ballots. In this paragraph, "blank ballot" means a ballot on which no votes are cast for any office or question. The inspectors shall mark, lay aside and preserve any blank ballots. If Except in municipalities where absentee ballots are canvassed under s. 7.52, if the number of ballots still exceeds the number of voting electors, the inspectors shall place all ballots face down and proceed to check for the initials. The inspectors shall mark, lay aside and preserve any ballot not bearing the initials of 2 inspectors or any absentee ballot not bearing the initials of the municipal clerk. During the count the inspectors shall count those ballots cast by challenged electors the same as the other ballots.
451,133 Section 133. 7.51 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.51 (2) (e) If, Except in municipalities where absentee ballots are canvassed under s. 7.52, if after any ballots have been laid aside, the number of ballots still exceeds the total number of electors recorded on the poll list, the inspectors shall separate the absentee ballots from the other ballots. If there is an excess number of absentee ballots, the inspectors shall place the absentee ballots in the ballot box and one of the inspectors shall publicly and without examination draw therefrom by chance the number of ballots equal to the excess number of absentee ballots. If there is an excess number of other nonabsentee ballots, the inspectors shall place those ballots in the ballot box and one of the inspectors shall publicly and without examination draw therefrom by chance the number of ballots equal to the excess number of those ballots. All ballots so removed may not be counted but shall be specially marked as having been removed by the inspectors on original canvass due to an excess number of ballots, set aside and preserved. When the number of ballots and total shown on the poll list agree, the inspectors shall return all ballots to be counted to the ballot box and shall turn the ballot box in such manner as to thoroughly mix the ballots. The inspectors shall then open, count and record the number of votes. When the ballots are counted, the inspectors shall separate them into piles for ballots similarly voted. Objections may be made to placement of ballots in the piles at the time the separation is made.
451,134 Section 134. 7.51 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.51 (3) (d) All Except in municipalities where absentee ballots are canvassed under s. 7.52, all absentee certificate envelopes which have been opened shall be returned by the inspectors to the municipal clerk in a securely sealed carrier envelope which is clearly marked "used absentee certificate envelopes". The envelopes shall be signed by the chief inspector and 2 other inspectors. Except when the ballots are used in a municipal or school district election only, the municipal clerk shall transmit the used envelopes to the county clerk.
451,135 Section 135. 7.51 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.51 (4) (a) The tally sheets shall state the total number of votes cast for each office and for each individual receiving votes for that office, whether or not the individual's name appears on the ballot, and shall state the vote for and against each proposition voted on. Upon completion of the tally sheets, the inspectors shall immediately complete the inspectors' statements in duplicate statement. The inspectors shall state the excess, if any, by which the number of ballots exceeds the number of electors voting as shown by the poll list and shall state the number of the last elector as shown by the poll lists. At least 3 inspectors, including the chief inspector and, unless election officials are appointed under s. 7.30 (4) (c) without regard to party affiliation, at least one inspector representing each political party, but not including any inspector appointed under s. 7.30 (1) (b), shall then certify to the correctness of the statements statement and tally sheets and sign their names. All other election officials assisting with the tally shall also certify to the correctness of the tally sheets. When the tally is complete, the inspectors shall publicly announce the results from the statements statement.
451,136 Section 136. 7.51 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.51 (5) (a) 1. The inspectors shall make full and accurate return of the votes cast for each candidate and proposition on tally sheet forms provided by the municipal clerk for that purpose. Each tally sheet shall record the returns for each office or referendum by ward, unless combined returns are authorized in accordance with s. 5.15 (6) (b) in which case the tally sheet shall record the returns for each group of combined wards.
2. After recording the votes, the inspectors shall seal in a carrier envelope outside the ballot bag or container one inspectors' statement under sub. (4) (a), one tally sheet, and one poll list for delivery to the county clerk, unless the election relates only to municipal or school district offices or referenda.
3. The inspectors shall also similarly seal one the inspectors' statement, inside a separate carrier envelope, and shall similarly seal in a separate carrier envelope one tally sheet, and one poll list for delivery to the municipal clerk. For school district elections, except in 1st class cities, the inspectors shall similarly seal one inspectors' statement, one tally sheet, and one poll list for delivery to the school district clerk.
4. The inspectors shall immediately deliver all ballots, statements, tally sheets, lists, and envelopes to the municipal clerk.
451,137 Section 137. 7.51 (5) (a) 5. of the statutes is created to read:
7.51 (5) (a) 5. Upon receipt of the materials under subd. 4., the municipal clerk shall make sufficient copies of the inspectors' statement under sub. (4) (a) and seal one copy of the statement inside a carrier envelope together with the envelope containing any materials required to be delivered to the county clerk or the school district clerk. The municipal clerk shall retain the original inspectors' statement.
451,138 Section 138. 7.51 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.51 (5) (b) The municipal clerk shall arrange for delivery of deliver all ballots, statements, tally sheets, lists, and envelopes relating to a school district election to the school district clerk by 4 p.m. on the day following each such election. The municipal clerk shall deliver the ballots, statements, tally sheets, lists, and envelopes for his or her municipality relating to any county, technical college district, state, or national election to the county clerk by 2 no later than 4 p.m. on the day following each such election or, in municipalities where absentee ballots are canvassed under s. 7.52, by 4. p.m. on the 2nd day following each such election, and no later than 4 p.m. on the day after receiving any corrected returns under s. 6.221 (6) (b). The person delivering the returns shall be paid out of the municipal treasury. Each clerk shall retain ballots, statements, tally sheets, or envelopes received by the clerk until destruction is authorized under s. 7.23 (1).
451,139 Section 139. 7.52 of the statutes is created to read:
7.52 Canvassing of absentee ballots. (1) (a) The governing body of any municipality may provide by ordinance that, in lieu of canvassing absentee ballots at polling places under s. 6.88, the municipal board of absentee ballot canvassers designated under s. 7.53 (2m) shall canvass all absentee ballots at all elections held in the municipality. Prior to enacting an ordinance under this subsection, the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners of the municipality shall notify the board in writing of the proposed enactment and shall consult with the board concerning administration of this section. At every election held in the municipality following enactment of an ordinance under this subsection, the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall, any time after the opening of the polls and before 10 p.m. on election day, publicly convene to count the absentee ballots for the municipality. The municipal clerk shall give at least 48 hours' notice of any meeting under this subsection. Any member of the public has the same right of access to a meeting of the municipal board of absentee ballot canvassers under this subsection that the individual would have under s. 7.41 to observe the proceedings at a polling place. The board of absentee ballot canvassers may order the removal of any individual exercising the right to observe the proceedings if the individual disrupts the meeting.
(b) A municipality that adopts the canvassing procedure under this section may appoint additional inspectors under s. 7.30 (2) (a) to assist the absentee ballot board of canvassers in canvassing absentee ballots under this section. In such case, an odd number of inspectors shall be appointed, and at no time may there be less than 3 inspectors who serve. Except as authorized in s. 7.30 (4) (c), all inspectors shall be affiliated with one of the 2 recognized political parties receiving the largest numbers of votes for president, or for governor in nonpresidential general election years, in the municipality. The party whose candidate received the largest number of votes in the municipality is entitled to one more inspector than the party whose candidate received the next largest number of votes in the municipality. Each inspector so appointed shall be a qualified elector of the municipality. The inspectors who are appointed under this paragraph shall serve under the direction and supervision of the board of absentee ballot canvassers.
(c) In each municipality where absentee ballots are canvassed under this section, no later than the closing hour of the polls, the municipal clerk shall post at his or her office and on the Internet at a site announced by the clerk before the polls open, and shall make available to any person upon request, a statement of the number of absentee ballots that the clerk has mailed or transmitted to electors and that have been returned by the closing hour on election day. The posting shall not include the names or addresses of any electors.
(2) In counting the absentee ballots, the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall use 2 duplicate copies of a single poll list for the entire municipality prepared in accordance with s. 6.36 (2). Upon accepting each absentee ballot, the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall enter a poll list number on the poll list next to the name of the elector who voted the ballot, beginning with the number one. If the elector's name does not appear on the poll list, the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall enter the number on a separate list maintained under this subsection.
(3) (a) The board of absentee ballot canvassers shall first open the carrier envelope only, and, in such a manner that a member of the public, if he or she desired, could hear, announce the name of the absent elector or the identification serial number of the absent elector if the elector has a confidential listing under s. 6.47 (2). When the board of absentee ballot canvassers finds that the certification has been properly executed and the applicant is a qualified elector of the ward or election district, the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall enter an indication on the poll list next to the applicant's name indicating an absentee ballot is cast by the elector. The board of absentee ballot canvassers shall then open the envelope containing the ballot in a manner so as not to deface or destroy the certification thereon. The board of absentee ballot canvassers shall take out the ballot without unfolding it or permitting it to be unfolded or examined. Unless the ballot is cast under s. 6.95, the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall verify that the ballot has been endorsed by the issuing clerk. If the poll list indicates that proof of residence is required and no proof of residence is enclosed or the name or address on the document that is provided is not the same as the name and address shown on the poll list, the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall proceed as provided under s. 6.97 (2). The board of absentee ballot canvassers shall mark the poll list number of each elector who casts an absentee ballot on the back of the elector's ballot. The board of absentee ballot canvassers shall then deposit the ballot into the proper ballot box and enter the absent elector's name or poll list number after his or her name on the poll list.
(b) When the board of absentee ballot canvassers finds that a certification is insufficient, that the applicant is not a qualified elector in the ward or election district, that the ballot envelope is open or has been opened and resealed, that the ballot envelope contains more than one ballot of any one kind, or that the certificate of an elector who received an absentee ballot by facsimile transmission or electronic mail is missing, or if proof is submitted to the board of absentee ballot canvassers that an elector voting an absentee ballot has since died, the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall not count the ballot. Each member of the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall endorse every ballot not counted on the back as "rejected (giving the reason)." The board of absentee ballot canvassers shall reinsert each rejected ballot into the certificate envelope in which it was delivered and enclose the certificate envelopes and ballots, and securely seal the ballots and envelopes in an envelope marked for rejected absentee ballots. The board of absentee ballot canvassers shall endorse the envelope as "rejected ballots," with a statement of the ward or election district and date of the election, and each member of the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall sign the statement. The board of absentee ballot canvassers shall then return the envelope containing the ballots to the municipal clerk.
(4) (a) The board of absentee ballot canvassers shall then open the ballot box and remove and count the number of ballots therein without examination except as is necessary to ascertain that each is a single ballot. If 2 or more ballots are folded together so as to appear as a single ballot, the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall lay them aside until the count is completed; and if, after a comparison of the count and the appearance of the ballots it appears to the board of absentee ballot canvassers that the ballots folded together were voted by the same person they shall not be counted but the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall mark them as to the reason for removal, set them aside, and carefully preserve them. The board of absentee ballot canvassers shall then proceed under par. (b).
(b) When during the counting of the ballots cast at an election the board of absentee ballot canvassers finds that a ballot is so defective that it cannot determine with reasonable certainty for whom it was cast, the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall so mark the ballot and preserve it. The board of absentee ballot canvassers shall not count the vote cast on the ballot for any office for which it determines the ballot to be defective.
(c) Whenever the number of ballots exceeds the number of voting electors as indicated on the poll list, the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall place all ballots face up to check for blank ballots. In this paragraph, "blank ballot" means a ballot on which no votes are cast for any office or question. The board of absentee ballot canvassers shall mark, lay aside, and preserve any blank ballots. If the number of ballots still exceeds the number of voting electors, the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall place all ballots face down and proceed to check for the initials. The board of absentee ballot canvassers shall mark, lay aside, and preserve any ballot not bearing the initials of the municipal clerk. During the count, the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall count those ballots cast by challenged electors the same as the other ballots.
(d) The board of absentee ballot canvassers shall keep a written statement, in duplicate, of the number of ballots set aside and the number of defective ballots and challenged ballots. The statement shall contain a record of the reasons for setting aside each ballot and the reasons why each defective or challenged ballot is defective or challenged. The board of absentee ballot canvassers shall certify that the statement is correct, sign it, and attach it to the tally sheets.
(e) If, after any ballots have been set aside, the number of ballots still exceeds the total number of electors recorded on the poll list, the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall place the absentee ballots in the ballot box and one of the members shall publicly and without examination draw therefrom by chance the number of ballots equal to the excess number of ballots. All ballots so removed shall not be counted but shall be specially marked as having been removed by the board of absentee ballot canvassers on original canvass due to an excess number of ballots, set aside, and preserved. When the number of ballots and total shown on the poll list agree, the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall return all ballots to be counted to the ballot box and shall turn the ballot box in such manner as to thoroughly mix the ballots. The board of absentee ballot canvassers shall then open, count, and record the number of votes. When the ballots are counted, the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall separate them into piles for ballots similarly voted. Objections may be made to placement of ballots in the piles at the time the separation is made.
(f) If corrected ballots under s. 5.06 (6) or 5.72 (3) are distributed under s. 7.10 (3), only the votes cast on the corrected ballots may be counted for any office or referendum in which the original ballots differ from the corrected ballots.
(g) The board of absentee ballot canvassers shall place together all ballots counted by it that relate to any national, state, or county office or any state, county, or technical college district referendum and secure them together so they cannot be untied or tampered with without breaking the seal. The secured ballots, together with any ballots marked "Defective," shall then be secured by the board of absentee ballot canvassers in the ballot container in such a manner that the container cannot be opened without breaking the seals or locks, or destroying the container. The board of absentee ballot canvassers shall place the ballots cast under s. 6.97 in a separate, securely sealed carrier envelope which is clearly marked "Section 6.97 ballots." Each member of the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall sign the carrier envelope. The carrier envelope shall not be placed in the ballot container. The board of absentee ballot canvassers shall then deliver the ballots to the municipal clerk in the ballot container and carrier envelope.
(h) For ballots that relate only to municipal or school district offices or referenda, the board of absentee ballot canvassers, in lieu of par. (a), after counting the ballots shall return them to the proper ballot boxes, lock the boxes, paste paper over the slots, sign their names to the paper, and deliver them and the keys therefor to the municipal or school district clerk. The clerk shall retain the ballots until destruction is authorized under s. 7.23.
(i) All absentee certificate envelopes that have been opened shall be returned by the board of absentee ballot canvassers to the municipal clerk in a securely sealed carrier envelope that is clearly marked "used absentee certificate envelopes." The envelopes shall be signed by each member of the board of absentee ballot canvassers. Except when the ballots are used in a municipal or school district election only, the municipal clerk shall transmit the used envelopes to the county clerk.
(5) The vote of any absent elector may be challenged for cause and the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall have all the power and authority given the inspectors to hear and determine the legality of the ballot the same as if the ballot had been voted in person.
(6) (a) The board of absentee ballot canvassers shall review each certificate envelope to determine whether any absentee ballot is cast by an elector whose name appears on the poll list as ineligible to vote at the election, including ineligibility to vote by reason of a felony conviction. If the board of absentee ballot canvassers receives an absentee ballot that has been cast by an elector whose name appears on the poll list as ineligible to vote, the inspectors shall challenge the ballot in the same manner as provided for inspectors making challenges under s. 6.92 and shall treat the ballot in the manner as provided for treatment of challenged ballots by inspectors under s. 6.95.