AB207-AA10,2,2422 5. An experiment or medical procedure on a developing child in an artificial
23womb, at any stage of development, that is not related to the beneficial treatment of
24the developing child.
16. A procedure, including a transplant procedure, that uses fetal tissue or
2organs other than fetal tissue or organs from a stillbirth, spontaneous abortion, or
AB207-AA10,3,64 7. Intentionally causing the death of an individual who is not in a terminal
5condition, as defined in s. 154.01 (8), by withholding or withdrawing nutrition or
AB207-AA10,3,87 8. An act that intentionally causes or assists in causing the death of an
8individual by assisted suicide, euthanasia, or mercy killing.
AB207-AA10, s. 19n 9Section 19n. 441.06 (7m) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB207-AA10,3,1110 441.06 (7m) (c) 1. In this paragraph, "damages" do not include noneconomic
11damages, as defined in s. 893.55 (4) (a).
AB207-AA10,3,2112 2. Except for claims that are subject to s. 111.321 or 111.322, a person who is
13adversely affected by conduct that is in violation of par. (b) may bring a civil action
14for equitable relief, including reinstatement, or damages, or both. An action under
15this subdivision may be commenced against the state and any office, department,
16independent agency, authority, institution, association, society, or other body in state
17government created or authorized to be created by the constitution or any law,
18including the legislature and the courts. In an action under this subdivision, the
19court shall award reasonable attorney fees, notwithstanding s. 814.04 (1), to a person
20who obtains equitable relief, damages, or both. An action under this subdivision
21shall be commenced within one year after the cause of action accrues or be barred.
AB207-AA10, s. 26m 22Section 26m. 448.03 (5m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB207-AA10,3,2423 448.03 (5m) Refusals to participate in certain practices; action for damages.
24(a) In this subsection:
11. "Human embryo" means a human organism that is derived by fertilization,
2parthenogenesis, cloning, or any other means from one or more human gametes or
3human diploid cells. "Human embryo" includes a zygote but does not include a
4human organism at or beyond the stage of development at which the major body
5structures are present.
AB207-AA10,4,76 2. "In vitro human embryo" means a human embryo, whether cryopreserved
7or not, living outside of a woman's body.
AB207-AA10,4,118 3. "Participate in" means to perform; practice; engage in; assist in; recommend;
9counsel in favor of; make referrals for; prescribe, dispense, or administer drugs or
10devices, other than contraceptive articles, as defined in s. 450.155 (1) (a), for; or
11otherwise promote or encourage.
AB207-AA10,4,1612 (b) A person licensed or certified under this subchapter who, in writing, refuses,
13or states an intention to refuse, on moral or religious grounds to participate in a
14practice within the scope of his or her license or certification that is related to any
15of the following activities may not be required to participate in the practice with
16respect to the activity:
AB207-AA10,4,1717 1. A sterilization procedure.
AB207-AA10,4,1818 2. An abortion, as defined in s. 253.10 (2) (a).
AB207-AA10,4,2019 3. An experiment or medical procedure that destroys an in vitro human embryo
20or uses cells or tissue derived from the destruction of an in vitro human embryo.
AB207-AA10,4,2221 4. An experiment or medical procedure on an in vitro human embryo that is not
22related to the beneficial treatment of the in vitro human embryo.
AB207-AA10,4,2523 5. An experiment or medical procedure on a developing child in an artificial
24womb, at any stage of development, that is not related to the beneficial treatment of
25the developing child.
16. A procedure, including a transplant procedure, that uses fetal tissue or
2organs other than fetal tissue or organs from a stillbirth, spontaneous abortion, or
AB207-AA10,5,64 7. Intentionally causing the death of an individual who is not in a terminal
5condition, as defined in s. 154.01 (8), by withholding or withdrawing nutrition or
AB207-AA10,5,87 8. An act that intentionally causes or assists in causing the death of an
8individual by assisted suicide, euthanasia, or mercy killing.
AB207-AA10,5,109 (c) 1. In this paragraph, "damages" do not include noneconomic damages, as
10defined in s. 893.55 (4) (a).
AB207-AA10,5,2011 2. Except for claims that are subject to s. 111.321 or 111.322, a person who is
12adversely affected by conduct that is in violation of par. (b) may bring a civil action
13for equitable relief, including reinstatement, or damages, or both. An action under
14this subdivision may be commenced against the state and any office, department,
15independent agency, authority, institution, association, society, or other body in state
16government created or authorized to be created by the constitution or any law,
17including the legislature and the courts. In an action under this subdivision, the
18court shall award reasonable attorney fees, notwithstanding s. 814.04 (1), to a person
19who obtains equitable relief, damages, or both. An action under this subdivision
20shall be commenced within one year after the cause of action accrues or be barred.".
AB207-AA10,5,21 217. Page 15, line 23: delete lines 23 to 25 and substitute:
AB207-AA10,6,2 22"(2m) A person licensed as a pharmacist under this chapter who, in writing,
23refuses, or states an intention to refuse, on moral or religious grounds to participate

1in a practice of pharmacy that is related to any of the following activities may not be
2required to participate in the practice with respect to the activity:".
AB207-AA10,6,4 38. Page 16, line 19: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
4with page 17, line 12, and substitute:
AB207-AA10,6,6 5"(3m) (a) In this subsection, "damages" do not include noneconomic damages,
6as defined in s. 893.55 (4) (a).
AB207-AA10,6,167 (b) Except for claims that are subject to s. 111.321 or 111.322, a person who is
8adversely affected by conduct that is in violation of sub. (2m) may bring a civil action
9for equitable relief, including reinstatement, or damages, or both. An action under
10this paragraph may be commenced against the state and any office, department,
11independent agency, authority, institution, association, society, or other body in state
12government created or authorized to be created by the constitution or any law,
13including the legislature and the courts. In an action under this paragraph, the court
14shall award reasonable attorney fees, notwithstanding s. 814.04 (1), to a person who
15obtains equitable relief, damages, or both. An action under this paragraph shall be
16commenced within one year after the cause of action accrues or be barred.".
AB207-AA10,6,18 179. Page 17, line 15: delete the material beginning with "(7)," and ending with
18"8." on line 18 and substitute "(7m) (a), (b), and (c), and 448.03 (5m)".