2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE
February 20, 2006 - Offered by Representative Townsend.
AB588-ASA1,2,9 1An Act to repeal 189.02 (5) and (6), 190.16 (1), (3) and (4), 192.14, 192.18,
2192.255, 192.266, 192.267 and 192.268, 192.29 (1), 192.32 (1) (c), 192.42, 192.71
3and 192.72, 195.05 (5) and (6), 195.08 (5), 195.08 (10), 195.17, 195.19 (1), 195.19
4(3), 195.22 and 195.24 and 195.305 and 195.33; to renumber and amend
5192.29 (2), 192.31 (1) and 195.39; to amend 15.79, 15.795 (1), 20.155 (2), 25.40
6(1) (f) 1., 85.01 (5), 85.08 (4m) (e) 5., 85.09 (3) (a), 190.02 (5), 190.025 (2) (b),
7190.16 (2), 190.16 (5), 191.17, 191.19 (1), 191.19 (3), 192.29 (title), 192.29 (4),
8192.292, 192.295, 192.31 (4), 192.321, 192.33 (1), 192.52 (1), 192.53 (4) (b),
9192.53 (6), 192.55 (6), 192.55 (7), chapter 195 (title), 195.02 (3), 195.02 (5),
10195.03 (7), 195.03 (8), 195.03 (9), 195.03 (10), 195.03 (11), 195.03 (12), 195.03
11(13), 195.03 (19), 195.04 (1), 195.04 (2), 195.04 (3), 195.041, 195.042, 195.043,
12195.05 (title), 195.05 (1), 195.05 (3), 195.05 (4), 195.07 (1), 195.07 (2), 195.08
13(title), 195.08 (1r), 195.08 (2), 195.08 (3), 195.08 (4), 195.08 (7), 195.08 (9),

1195.08 (11), 195.10, 195.11, 195.12, 195.13, 195.14, 195.15, 195.16, 195.19
2(title), 195.19 (2), 195.21, 195.26, 195.27, 195.286 (6) (title), 195.286 (7), 195.34,
3195.35 (1), 195.36, 195.37 (title), 195.37 (1), 195.38, 195.50, 195.60 (title),
4195.60 (1), 195.60 (2), 195.60 (3), 195.60 (4) (a), 195.60 (5), 197.10 (4), 201.01 (1),
5201.01 (2), 201.13, 706.05 (2m) (b) 2. and 706.09 (3) (a); and to create 182.018
6(4), 190.005, 192.005 and 195.02 (4m) of the statutes; relating to: repealing
7provisions that may be inconsistent with federal law of, and modernizing,
8chapters 189 to 192 and 195 and other provisions related to railroad regulation
9and providing a penalty.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB588-ASA1, s. 1 10Section 1. 15.79 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588-ASA1,2,18 1115.79 Public service commission; creation. There is created a public
12service commission. No member of the commission may have a financial interest in
13a railroad, water carrier, or public utility. If any member voluntarily becomes so
14interested, the member's office shall become vacant. If the member involuntarily
15becomes so interested, the member's office shall become vacant unless the member
16divests himself or herself of the interest within a reasonable time. No commissioner
17may serve on or under any committee of a political party. Each commissioner shall
18hold office until a successor is appointed and qualified.
AB588-ASA1, s. 2 19Section 2. 15.795 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588-ASA1,3,420 15.795 (1) Office of the commissioner of railroads. There is created an office
21of the commissioner of railroads which is attached to the public service commission
22under s. 15.03, provided that s. 85.02 (1) does not apply to the office of the
23commissioner of railroads. The commissioner of railroads shall have expertise in

1railroad issues and may not have a financial interest in a railroad, as defined in s.
2195.02 (1), or a water carrier, as defined in s. 195.02 (5). The commissioner may not
3serve on or under any committee of a political party. The commissioner shall hold
4office until a successor is appointed and qualified.
AB588-ASA1, s. 3 5Section 3. 20.155 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588-ASA1,3,116 20.155 (2) Office of the commissioner of railroads. (g) Railroad and water
regulation and general program operations. The amounts in the schedule for
8railroad and water carrier regulation under chs. 189 to 192 and 195 and general
9program operations of the office of the commissioner of railroads. Ninety percent of
10all moneys received by the office under s. 195.60 or 201.10 (3) shall be credited to this
AB588-ASA1,3,1412 (m) Railroad and water carrier regulation; federal funds. All moneys received
13from the federal government for the regulation of railroads and water carriers, for
14such purposes.
AB588-ASA1, s. 4 15Section 4. 25.40 (1) (f) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588-ASA1,3,1816 25.40 (1) (f) 1. Moneys received from the federal government, for the regulation
17of railroads and water carriers, that are deposited in the general fund and credited
18to the appropriation under s. 20.155 (2) (m).
AB588-ASA1, s. 5 19Section 5. 85.01 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588-ASA1,3,2420 85.01 (5) "Railroad" means a railroad as defined in s. 192.15 (2) (e), a railroad
21as defined in s. 195.02 (1) and any company, association, corporation or person
22managing, maintaining, operating or in possession of a railroad in whole or in part
23within this state whether as owner, contractor, lessee, mortgagee, trustee, assignee
24or receiver.
AB588-ASA1, s. 6 25Section 6. 85.08 (4m) (e) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
185.08 (4m) (e) 5. An application for a loan under this paragraph may not be
2made if an abandonment or discontinuance application is pending on the line or
3portion of line, or the line or portion of line on which the rail property improvements
4are located has been designated by the railroad to the interstate commerce
federal surface transportation board on its system diagram map as
6anticipated to be the subject of an abandonment or discontinuance application
7within a 3-year period following the date of the application or the date on which the
8loan is scheduled, unless the secretary determines that this restriction may be
9waived for a particular application.
AB588-ASA1, s. 7 10Section 7. 85.09 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588-ASA1,4,1311 85.09 (3) (a) A certificate or approval of abandonment has been issued by the
12interstate commerce commission federal surface transportation board or federal
13court or any other federal or state agency having jurisdiction over the rail property.
AB588-ASA1, s. 8 14Section 8. 182.018 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
AB588-ASA1,4,1615 182.018 (4) This section applies only to the extent that it is not contrary to or
16inconsistent with federal law.
AB588-ASA1, s. 9 17Section 9. 189.02 (5) and (6) of the statutes are repealed.
AB588-ASA1, s. 10 18Section 10. 190.005 of the statutes is created to read:
AB588-ASA1,4,21 19190.005 Scope of chapter. Each provision of this chapter applies only to the
20extent that it is not contrary to or inconsistent with federal law or the constitution
21of the United States.
AB588-ASA1, s. 11 22Section 11. 190.02 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588-ASA1,5,923 190.02 (5) Cross highways, streets, streams; highway bridges. To construct its
24railroad across, over, under, along or upon any stream, watercourse, street, highway,
25road or canal; to carry any highway, street or road which it shall intersect over or

1under its tracks as may be most expedient for the public good; to change the course
2and direction of any highway, street or road when made necessary or desirable by the
3construction of the railroad and acquire land necessary therefor; provided, such
4highway or road be not so changed from its original course more than six rods, nor
5its distance thereby lengthened more than five rods; and provided, further, that
, subject to the limitation that any bridge erected over any highway or street
7shall leave a clear passageway at least twenty 20 feet wide or two 2 passageways,
8each not less than fourteen 14 feet in width, and subject to any other limitation on
9such construction provided by law
AB588-ASA1, s. 12 10Section 12. 190.025 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588-ASA1,5,2411 190.025 (2) (b) A railroad corporation that is subject to this subsection shall
12have all powers conferred by law upon railroad corporations. The railroad
13corporation may issue, sell, pledge or otherwise dispose of its evidences of debt, at
14such times, in such amounts, for such considerations and upon such terms and
15conditions as the board of directors of the corporation shall determine, and as shall
16be authorized by the office, or the interstate commerce commission federal surface
17transportation board
in the case of a railroad corporation organized for the purpose
18of acquiring a railroad engaged in interstate commerce, or any existing railroad
19corporation reorganized under the act and acquiring railroad property used in
20interstate commerce. The evidences of debt may be convertible, at the option of the
21holder, into stock, and shares of stock. The shares may have a nominal or par value
22or, if the shares are shares of common stock, be without nominal or par value. The
23shares may be of such classes, with such rights and voting powers as may be
24expressed in the corporation's articles or any amendment thereto.
AB588-ASA1, s. 13 25Section 13. 190.16 (1), (3) and (4) of the statutes are repealed.
AB588-ASA1, s. 14
1Section 14. 190.16 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588-ASA1,6,72 190.16 (2) Municipal consent. No such spur tracks shall be constructed across,
3or upon any street, road or alley, within any city, village or town, until application
4therefor shall have been made to and acted upon by such city, village or town. The
5city may prescribe any reasonable terms and conditions for the construction of any
6such spur track. Construction of spur tracks across or upon any street, road, or alley
7is subject to the provisions of ch. 195.
AB588-ASA1, s. 15 8Section 15. 190.16 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588-ASA1,6,179 190.16 (5) Removal, when. Except where a spur track was constructed prior
10to June 16, 1925, at the expense of the railroad company, no spur track shall be
11removed, dismantled or otherwise rendered unfit for service except upon order of

12When a spur track has been abandoned, as defined in s. 85.09, the office made, after
13hearing held upon notice to all parties interested, and for good cause shown; provided
14may order the removal of the track except that, if no objection has been filed with the
15office within 20 days from the original publication of such notice, the office may
16without hearing authorize such spur track removed, dismantled or otherwise
17rendered unfit for service
the removal of the track.
AB588-ASA1, s. 16 18Section 16. 191.17 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588-ASA1,7,3 19191.17 Public safety; investigation; approval of plans. Upon receiving
20the specification required by s. 191.16, the office shall examine the same and shall
21hear the applicant in support thereof, shall suggest and require modifications of the
22specification if the public safety so demands, eliminating so far as may be
23practicable, consistent with reasonable cost, all grade crossings of public highways,
24shall inspect the route of the proposed railroad if deemed desirable, and shall
25otherwise investigate and determine that the proposed construction will be adequate

1for securing public safety in the operation of the railroad, and thereupon the office
2shall enter an order approving the specification and authorizing the construction of
3the railroad in accordance therewith and with the provisions of ch. 195.
AB588-ASA1, s. 17 4Section 17. 191.19 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588-ASA1,7,125 191.19 (1) Upon the completion of the construction of any railroad under the
6approved specification, the company shall, before operating the same for public
7service, report to the office; and the office shall inspect the work. If the office finds
8that the railroad has been constructed in accordance with the approved specification
9and with the provisions of ch. 195 and is otherwise suitable and properly constructed
10so as to secure public safety in the operation thereof, the office shall enter an order
11authorizing its operation, which order shall be presumptive evidence of the
12sufficiency of such construction.
AB588-ASA1, s. 18 13Section 18. 191.19 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588-ASA1,7,2014 191.19 (3) If upon inspection the office shall deem that public safety requires
15the installation, operation and maintenance of some protective appliance at any
16grade crossing of railroad tracks the office may, before granting the order, after notice
17and hearing under s. 195.28, require the installation, operation and maintenance of
18suitable protective appliances, and shall apportion the expense of constructing,
19maintaining and operating such protective appliances among the owners of the
AB588-ASA1, s. 19 21Section 19. 192.005 of the statutes is created to read:
AB588-ASA1,7,24 22192.005 Scope of chapter. Each provision of this chapter applies only to the
23extent that it is not contrary to or inconsistent with federal law or the constitution
24of the United States.
AB588-ASA1, s. 20 25Section 20. 192.14 of the statutes is repealed.
AB588-ASA1, s. 21
1Section 21. 192.18, 192.255, 192.266, 192.267 and 192.268 of the statutes are
AB588-ASA1, s. 22 3Section 22. 192.29 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588-ASA1,8,5 4192.29 (title) Train speed bells and crossing signs at street and highway
AB588-ASA1, s. 23 6Section 23. 192.29 (1) of the statutes is repealed.
AB588-ASA1, s. 24 7Section 24. 192.29 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 195.28 (1m) and amended
8to read:
AB588-ASA1,8,119 195.28 (1m) Arterial stop signs. In any proceeding under sub. (1) or under
10s. 195.28
, the office may by order require that the state or municipality install at any
11crossing involved in such proceeding an official stop sign.
AB588-ASA1, s. 25 12Section 25. 192.29 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588-ASA1,8,1913 192.29 (4) Highways, whistle, horn,; bell. No railroad train or locomotive shall
14run over any public traveled grade highway crossing outside of the limits of
15municipalities unless the whistle or horn engine bell shall be blown rung
16continuously from
1,320 feet from such before the crossing and the engine bell rung
17continuously from thence
until the crossing be is reached. But the office may order
18that the ringing of the bell or the blowing of the whistle, or horn, or both, as required
19by this subsection shall be omitted at any crossing.
AB588-ASA1, s. 26 20Section 26. 192.292 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588-ASA1,9,3 21192.292 Trains obstructing highways. It shall be unlawful to stop any
22railroad train, locomotive or car upon or across any highway or street crossing,
23outside of cities, or leave the same standing upon such crossing longer than 10
24minutes, except in cases of accident; and any conductor, engineer, brakeman or other
25person in charge thereof or responsible therefor who
railroad company that shall

1violate this section shall be liable to a fine of not more than $25 $500 or any officer
2of such company responsible for the violation shall be liable
to imprisonment of not
3more than 15 days.
AB588-ASA1, s. 27 4Section 27. 192.295 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588-ASA1,9,10 5192.295 Willful neglect of railroad employees. Any officer, agent,
6conductor, engineer or employee of any railroad company operating within this state
7who willfully neglects or omits to ring or cause to be rung the bell on the engine of
8any train of cars or on an engine alone or to blow the whistle, as required by s. 192.29
9(3) and (4), shall be imprisoned not more than 6 months or fined not exceeding forfeit
AB588-ASA1, s. 27 11Section 27. 192.31 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 192.31 (1) (a) and
12amended to read:
AB588-ASA1,9,1613 192.31 (1) (a) Every railroad corporation shall maintain suitable telltales
14wherever any overhead structure or any part thereof is less than 23 feet above the
15top of rail;
Telltales shall not be required except to the extent required under federal
16law and
except that if as provided in par. (b).